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Topics - CapnChan

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Pony Corral / Moving/Storage G1 Collection Help!
« on: July 17, 2019, 03:47:30 PM »
Greetings everypony,

It is that ever so fateful time when I must pack up my ENTIRE collection for a cross country move (US).Not only that, but the bulk of it must remain in storage for a long period of time as my housing is tiny and I am going overseas for awhile. The plan is to pack my favorites and irreplaceables with me, and store the rest at my parents. I would LOVE any and all suggestions for packing them up as safe as possible. So far I have only figured out I should have a colored bin to prevent sun damage, climate controlled area, and I've always kept them individually bagged. Also any ideas for packing fragile customs and the like is needed. Thank you all in advance so very much! <3

I am hoping this post can serve as a general guideline and resource for those with the same questions in the future.


Wanted! / WTB a booth for the fair!
« on: May 21, 2018, 10:51:49 AM »
Hey lovely folks! I am looking to acquire a booth for the upcoming fair, two would be better! Please let me know if you or anyone you know might be cancelling and want to sell their booths! Thank you!

HUGE SALES! All gens, and lots of merch! Because there are just too many photos, please see the provided link for a thorough album of everything, I apologize in advance for the potato quality of the pics, but I am moving soon and limited on space at the moment.

The order of the album goes as so: G4 plushies, G1s/G2s, BB figures/G4 figures, Media (books), Lunchbox/vinyl figures, Merchandise, Clothes, G3s, G3.5s, more merch, and then random non pony related items such as JEM, polly pocket, and carebears. Please gve it a good look over and feel free to post any questions here or PM me.

Most of my inventory is in excellent condition, if you are interested in a particular pony that has flaws I will list them in detail and provide as many extra pictures as you want. Shipping is calculated based on weight and location. I always ship same day as payment received and stuff each package with as much goodies as I can ^^ Thanks for looking!

The pics provided in the post are just samples of the album. Not pictured are some G1 and G3 baits and I have tons of the series trading cards, lots of rare and foils. 

Again, please view link for descriptions and prices. Thanks for looking <3

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Post Merge: July 29, 2016, 01:32:11 PM

Friendly bump!  :frolic: Updated list and am still adding more items :D

Pony Corral / MLP Holiday Photo Contest??
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:51:55 AM »
Hi there, I was wondering if the holiday MLP photo contest was going on this year? I had so much fun with last's years I've been super excited to do it again but I searched and searched and don't see a post... If I am missing it somehow (cuz I am blind lol) please share it and I will delete this thread ASAP.

If NOT, however, I would love to host it if anyone's interested. I have tons of MIC/MOC items I could supply as prizes if all else fails. I really had such a great time last year, it helped me through a bad time and I want so much to participate again.  ^.^

Arts & Crafts Corral / G1 Holiday Ornaments :D
« on: February 25, 2015, 04:33:38 PM »
 So I started making these for a private swap based on an ornament I found at World Market. They were really shotty though and did not have nearly enough for what I had in mind so I've begun casting them myself ^^Tuneful and Twilight are the store bought bases and Magic Star and Fizzy are my own. I hope to make all the G1 unicorns and earth ponies in order to have their very own tree at Christmas this year :D Afterward I will sell them off. Working on adding wings but having some balance issues. I want to avoid having to drill a hook into the middle versus the mane. Glitter paint, micro glitter, and glitter glue were all combined for this project. As well as multiple layers of professional sealant. Shake it all you want and there is no glitter loss! Anyway, thanks for looking :D

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Pony Corral / Best modern day representation of my 3 year old self
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:10:55 AM »
While searching for a video game trailer on youtube, I happened to come across this video of a 3 year old girl and her dad, shopping in what appears to be the pony section of a K-Mart toy aisle.

I have no idea if this video is well-known or not but it certainly brought a smile to my face. This little girl is so cute and funny. I remember being the exact same way with my parents when it came to ponies, unfortunately I never won the argument and got any :p

If you are in for a warm, snug, or revitalization in MLP for toddlers feeling the video is: 

My favorite part is at 2:00 : "I won't be able to love you anymore", hahahah.

What do you think, does MLP have a stronghold within the upcoming generation, and were any of you like this at this age? I know I was :x

Hey ponies, I've a bit of a conundrum that has been bothering me with curiosity lately and wanted to see if I could get some confirmation. Long post below, sorry!

First off, are there two releases of Paradise Estate? I figure there must have been but I can't seem to find anything conclusive. Pictured below is a set I recently purchased, however, the nursery piece does not fit. I have the original instruction booklet and the set up is accurate but there are three male ports and only one female. Nursery piece won't fit any which way you try and clearly didn't originally belong to this PE. Also I really love most of this set, as it's so vibrantly pink, and the seller was super wonderful, but I am wondering if I should ask for a refund or would I be better off just sending the nursery back and looking for a replacement?   
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Second order of business! I have always wondered what the exact cause of those mysterious "highlighter" marks you see on so many ponies and what's their source? I have come to the conclusion that is due to exposure of extreme heat. It is possible the plasticizers has a chemical breakdown if exposed to prolonged heat. I read a thread once where different plastics were comprised into the vinyl to make up many popular ponies, the regrind on Party Time for example. We know that much of these plastics were recycled into vast quantities of a more purified plastic. This may explain why those marks are "streaky" in appearance and only appear on small parts of the body instead of turning the whole pony pink.

Case study 1: Pony Bride
This once-a-upon-a-time beauty originally came to me very minty in condition. I found her a few months back wedged in between the lining in the back of my trunk. Her sale tag was still attached and she must have fallen out of her bin on the way home from last years fair. We get extremely hot weather here during summer and a general high temp climate depending if there are no clouds, year long. She was wedged in a manner there was no way at any angle the sun could have directly penetrated her. yet, here she is with those darn pink streaks.
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Case Study 2: CC Cotton Candy
This poor girl was accidentally left in my attic one blazing summer. I have no insulation or ventilation in my attic and it can be like a furnace up there. When I first picked her up, she was completely soft but has hardened again. She also now has those pink markings on her body. 
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I tried to sell both of these online prior to the fair and have pictures of them of how they looked before, absolutely NO pink marks.  The only similar things that happened to them during this time was heat. So uhm, yea, that's it. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading :>

Pony Brag Arena / Glorious Bday Haul!
« on: May 23, 2013, 09:16:27 PM »
Hello! Backstory! Last year I didn't celebrate my birthday, so this year I saved up for a few months and decided I'd go all out, but I had to head to Europe smack dab in the middle of my birthday. So I just stockpiled everything while I was overseas. I tell you, when I got home and saw all the packages it was better than any Christmas.  Many of the items were bought right from the arena, so I want to thank all the wonderful members who sold to me and truly made it a special birthday! <3

The G3's and G2's all came from Minty, and all were so perfect! Those four exclusives finally concluded my set!
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Basically all my favorite G2's MIP!
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hohohoh yes, G1 epicness! I found the ponies randomly along my travels in Europe and am ecstatic to report that all but one are NR or MINT. The babies especially, as if they were pulled right off the card. Truly drool worthy, I am torn between even displaying them. I adore the backpack and movie folders as well, going to make my bf wear it for the fair aaaand he is not as pleased as he should be :3
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I have a bit of a conumdrum. Not sure this question is allowed to be posted in this thread, if not I will delete or mod delete is ok, but I just didn't want to make another thread for one question. Were two different sets of Paradise Estate made? I also bought this for my bday, unfortunately it seems the nursery piece does not fit at all with this set. It's obviously from another set but it should still at least connect with the kitchen however it has a male port... so its three male ports and only one female. I have the original instruction booklet and the set up is correct but it doesn't fit any which way you try. Needless to say I was super disappointed :(

Totally excellent, best birthday ever though! I have never received so many ponies at once or dreamed of being able to afford this much without dipping into credit haha. I wore some MLP jammies and watched MLP Tales and just had a awesome bday. Thanks for looking!! :)
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Wanted! / Capn's bday wantlist!
« on: April 22, 2013, 12:03:25 PM »
Hiya ponies, I am looking for this beauty, she has been on my grail list for absolute ages but since my bday just passed, and well I still didn't get myself anything, I would truly love to have her. Funny thing is, I have forgotten her name because I only had this printed picture of her from when I was like, 12, but someone kindly shared this pic for me. So an ID would be greatly appreciated too.

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I am also looking for the first "My Pretty Pony" (brown) ANY condition. And the main 6 from MLP Tales (UK). If you have any G1 merchandise, I'd love to know as well! Please PM. Thanks for looking!

Pony Corral / New FiM "official" fakie hah
« on: April 10, 2013, 12:59:59 PM »
I found this gem while searching around on eBay. Apparently it was released in Bulgaria at a local supermarket. I am shocked to see the molding to be near exact or possibly exact to the styling ponies. Of course poor Fluttershy is missing her wings and pink hair :P However, I think these would be ideal for customizing since they are knock-offs, what do you guys think? I laughed when I read the backcard, and I suppose it's neat to see the main six as if they were princesses.

If this is old news, I ask kindly that a mod delete this thread :)

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Pony Brag Arena / Epic pony shelf, loot and trading card win! pic heavy
« on: October 12, 2012, 02:47:12 PM »
Ahoy ponies! I am so happy to finally make a post about this :D I was lucky enough to get the promotional FiM shelf that was at Wal-Mart, it was exactly what I needed and the perfect fit, not to mention so awesome! My entire collection has been in storage for over 3 years now, I just wasn't willing to take anything out of their protective little baggies unless I found the perfect shelf for them so I am pretty exuberant just being able to see them daily again. Though I still have about 3 and half boxes full of G3's and G1's I at least put out allll my favorites. I also got the box that was on the side that had all the posters in it, it only had the season 2 and chaos posters though, someone had written by Rainbow Dash's mouth "I just made this box 20% cooler!" which made me smile, I wonder if I'll ever get to run into a random pony fan :P

when I brought it home, took out all the cardboard boxes but quickly realized I needed them for support so I decorated them in G3 stickers
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All done! Actually took alot longer than I thought
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top of shelf, finally a place for my mermaid castle with their customs, first row is the majority of my entire childhood collection (except for Mimic) thus my favorites and put on top
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Also on top of the shelf :3 adding more ponies as I finish styling them
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WHEW! Ok so there is actually more...

Went to Target for the first time in forever to see what they had and just went a little nutso and nabbed what I could. I feel silly using the microphone but...I do use it hah. The nap kit is unfortunately waaaay too small for me but the pillow is absolutely perfect for my travels. Noticed some new activity books I hadn't seen before, the Twilight Sparkle one is pretty unique and great for altering/customizing, I plan on making them all into decals. I finally found some of the My Little Pony trading cards!!! I must say I am absolutely hooked, I love them aaand eagerly await the trading card book they are sure to make :>
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As luck would have it I won an autographed trading card by one of the FiM voice actors! My very first try! I read the terms and apparently there are only 500 winning cards, I flipped out! I can't wait to receive it, will probably frame and mount on the wall.
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That's it! Thanks for looking! I am leaving for a long trip to Mexico on Sunday so I might get a little post crazy as I might not have internet access often :x Best wishes everypony!

I've seen many new releases discovered from arena members posted here and I have always been frustrated at my lack of ability to order them directly through the site, well apparently now there is a way! Sorry if this has been  posted before or old, I am kind of slow of these things so please feel free to move/delete. 

The new Princess Candence 
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Judging from the pic I assume she will somehow be tied to the Express Train set. I think this is the best version of her to come out so far though.

You can order her and other new releases from taobao now finally, using their agent site, it's proven to be legit by the way. I've seen plenty of people post their purchases arriving as described and promptly even.

I am posting this with the intentions of us all saving some major cash, I've seen some of the ponies bought from taobao resell on ebay for an upwards of a 100 dollars.

This particular Candence turned out to be 6 dollars, with the fee and shipping included; a total of 15 dollars...I've placed my order for a few and can't wait to get them!

make an account
once you login, goto your shopping cart
 paste the link to the specific item you want (in this case, use this link
select the quantity and tada :)

It will automatically pull the item you want and then you just submit your order.
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I hope this helps in any way. Cheers!

Pony Corral / Steampunk Rainbow Dash and Twlight bags from WLF, woo
« on: March 02, 2012, 03:36:18 PM »
Not sure if this is newsworthy or even new, if not please feel free to move/delete.

I've been saving up to buy some shirts from and it seems now is the time to do so! They are giving out these really neat Steampunk bags of MLP characters, only Twilight and Rainbow Dash that I know of, with purchases (I believe its if you buy 50 dollars worth). Along with two blingbag's of course. 

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They have some other bag options available, like hello kitty but pretty sure if you buy something MLP they will give you the right bag, still I plan on leaving a request note ;P

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