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Topics - Princess Celestia

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Making a Swedish Forum
« on: May 21, 2024, 12:05:20 AM »
Thinking about whether to rebuild the old lost MLP forum in my own language in Sweden. It was a variant focused on collecting and is as old as MLP Arena or so.

It's been gone about 4-5 years now.

Forums are certainly not as relevant today and all users have found new platforms for their MLP collecting.

But maybe for nostalgia? I miss it anyway.

It was called "the grape valley", translated from Swedish.

Here a snapshot from Waybackmachine

Should I do it?

It's a lot of work, costs some money, but why not?

Do you think it's worth it?

Pony Corral / Is G4 a thing?
« on: May 15, 2024, 03:04:39 AM »
Since I've been away from pony collecting for so long, I've almost lost the whole thing about the old "real" MLPs. What about the G4? Does anyone collect them, or is that not a thing? Is it a neigh say or YAAY say?

Off Topic / Any ponies here from MLPforums?
« on: May 15, 2024, 02:30:37 AM »
Is there anypony that is on MLP forum here too?

I know it's a completely different type of pony forum, but who knows?

Have spent a lot of time there talking pony, so would be nice if somepony found their way to this place too.

Introductions / Hello again! Returning user here.
« on: December 23, 2023, 10:22:23 AM »
YAAY, I was able to log in here after all these years…

Joined here in 2007, so maybe time to say hello again?

How old are you? : Nah, stallions or gentle colts prefer not to talk about it  ;)

Where do you live? State, Country? : Coldest of North Scandinavia.

Do you work or attend school? Profession or major? : Eeyup! A working horse. I can tell the profession later to the ones that are my friends.

Who are the important people in your life? : My family and now grown up kids, and my real ponies too...

How long have you been collecting? : I have loved ponies both real and MLPs since childhood. Started collecting G1-G3 with my daughter when she was in "pony age". Couldn't help being mesmerized by both cartoons, songs and the actual searching and collecting of them. We had so much fun together with the MLPs.

She grew up and the ponies were forgotten for a while. I later also remember seeing the then new G4 in the shops. Thought they looked like a ugly little mice... But then when you saw the new episodes and the show with them, they were completely different. Instantly I fell in love with them. I was drawn deep into the Brony wave, so much fun! We made art, music, met at big events and I just drowned in a completely crazy pony world. Now it has slowed down of course, nothing is like when it started. But I strongly distance myself from those who gave Bronys a bad reputation. For me, it has always been about true friendship and being a positive role model.

MLP is constantly present in my life, it's a part of my life, so is real ponies.

Which generations of ponies do you collect? G1, G2, G3 or G4? : All of them, (G5 excluded, not my type of pony at all)

What made you want to collect ponies? : How can you not love ponies? So why not collect them too?!

Tell us about your collection! : Have to go look what's left, lately it was a lot of G4 in my life. But some of the G1s are still on display in our house.

About my user name, this was the name of my own first dog, a cute golden retriever.

Maybe I can recapture the old spirit that was before the whole Brony era? And rediscover this nice place again.


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