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Topics - Supernova

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Aloha again ^^
« on: October 31, 2018, 05:57:10 AM »
Long, too long was my break with collecting ponys. And now i am back ^^.
The love to ponys come back, stronger as before i think ^^ and hope. And i need some, yes, more quiet and more coloful hobby to my other hobbies. Like Larp. Ok, that is colorful sometimes too, but... i need something for the dark days when i am not outside at an Larp ^^.
At home i am with my two cats, like to sew my own costumes, and making other different kinds of handcrafts and art ^^.
So, if anybody has questions, don´t be shy and ask. It only could need  a little bit time.
And, don´t judge my english to hard :D.

Thanks to all of you ^^.

P.S. if someone from the realy old peoples here perhaps find a bigger picture of that custom i made long, long time before, and which is still my avatar here, please tell me. I am missing a bigger version of that picture.

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