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Topics - Tabbyclaw

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Customs / Talk to me about rehairing tools
« on: July 14, 2016, 03:38:42 PM »
After years of happily doing all of my hair work using the wire method, I am staring down the barrel (or, rather, the tiny neck hole) of my first G4 rehair and thinkin' I maybe want to not do that this time. So! Talk to me about tools. Who's still making/selling them? What are your experiences with specific ones? What else should I know?

the princess with claws

Customs / The Fullmetal Alicorn project (part 2) (12/17: Izumi!)
« on: May 18, 2016, 04:09:33 AM »
Yep, I'm back, and I've actually completed a thing for once!

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Izumi Curtis. Housewife, martial artist, alchemist, and all in all the most formidable woman you're ever likely to meet.

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And wearer of the height of stylish footwear.

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With her flamel "hiding" on her 'personal' side, because everyone knows she's just an ordinary housewife.

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A picture I had to share to show just how much hair is hiding behind her wings. I mean a lot of hair. A lot of hair in a lot of tiny braids, plaited and melted over the course of about seven episodes of Leverage and two of Critical Role. The 4+ hour ones. This was a lot of work and a lot of nylon fumes, is what I'm saying.

Totally worth it.

the princess with claws

Previous updates:
Just a little 'I'm not dead and neither is this project' post. I have lain down the base coat for Ed's automail and am now trying to convince myself that painting all the plates and wires isn't going to be as terrifying as I think. I'm spending a lot of time looking at reference pictures from the show and drawings of pony skeletons and working out how to combine the two.

Which is not to say that I haven't made visible progress on something else! I took something complicated and impressive that I'd done and I destroyed it!  :biggrin:

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Pinkish paint (a combination of the color I used for her skin and the one I used for her tattoo, actually), applied deliberately thick and inelegant while still trying to stay true to where her scars are in the show. I think I did a pretty good job of it, decent enough that I'm not heartbroken to see my previous work covered up.

So apparently my previous thread was locked, which makes sense because good lord, it's been almost a year since I gave an update on this thing. And I... have honestly not accomplished as much as one might imagine I could in that span of time. Too many hobbies, not enough hours in the day. (And also too little self-motivation, but that's another story entirely, right?) But! I have still accomplished quite a lot, if I do say so myself (and I do). Wanna see?

First off, Al is entirely finished!

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How cute is that? Unfortunately his head doesn't turn thanks to a lot of trouble with his neck plug, but he's still precious. He will get a proper photoshoot when everyone else is done too, especially his brother. Who is the only pony I haven't gotten anything done on, because my first attempt at airbrushing his automail was a small disaster. Someday my time and drive to do it right will actually align with appropriate weather and it will get done, but that day may be a long way off.

Okay, I lied; I have gotten a little done on Ed. And everyone else; all four of the others have had their eyes completed.

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I took this photo a dozen times, and they still insisted on coming out blurry. Still, here are my boys, Roy looking stern and Ed looking brash.

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And the girls! Izumi's new eyes are probably the most drastically altered from the bait's original shape. Riza's face came out gentler than I had intended but her character is not entirely without softness so it still works.

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Roy was being a brat in general during this photoshoot, mostly thanks to the metallic paint on his pocketwatch that refuses to photograph without glare. Still, you can see the flames that have been added around it to complete the symbol, and indeed all of his painting. All he needs now is his hair.

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Izumi is also pretty close to being done. Keen observers and followers of the other thread will note that she doesn't seem to keep with the pattern of the other ponies in this series. The generic flamel should be her 'public side' symbol, with something more personal on the left, right? Perhaps, were it not for the fact that, as she will be the first to tell you...

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...she's just an ordinary housewife. Another case of metallic paint not wanting to photograph properly unless you put way more effort into the lighting than I plan to until I'm doing their big glamour shoots, but you can still make out her meat cleaver and wedding rings. The rings still need a little bit of shading, which is the last detail before all her painting will be done and she'll be ready for rehairing, a whooooole lotta styling, and reassembly. Heaven help me.

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And of course I wasn't going to leave her barefoot! The sandals go all the way around on all four hooves, but I only did the lettering on the front two. I'm not that nuts.

And then there's Riza. I accepted from the very beginning that she was the part that scared me the most, and God have I ever been procrastinating on her tattoo. But I was feeling tranquil this weekend, so I put on some calming music, lit a scented candle, and told myself that I was just going to sketch out the transmutation circle. Just the circle, and an outline of the serpents around it, to make sure I had everything placed properly, and I could leave the details for Future Tabby to sort out.

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And then about 45 minutes later that happened. Yeah. Sometimes I get into a groove. It needs a little touching up, especially around the top, but for all intents and purposes it's done. And then the next step will be mixing up some thick, sickly-looking scar tissue paint and obliterating a good chunk of that work. I have accepted my fate on this matter.

Customs / WIP thread: The Fullmetal Alicorn Project (Updated 6/01)
« on: March 21, 2015, 02:34:01 AM »
I got bold this week and did some serious symbol painting. Some seriously tiny symbol painting.

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Technically, for show accuracy Al's flamel should be on his left side. But I opted to stick with my 'public vs. personal affiliation' orientation over that. (I also probably should have done the joints on his armor first, but I can work around that.)

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A little shading on Roy's pocketwatch to give the impression of the embossed chimera without going overboard. It still needs his fiery touch (like I was going to leave the Flame Alchemist's cutie mark without it!), but then his entire body will be done.

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In all her artistic aspects, Riza is the one who's going to kill me. But I'm feeling a lot more confident about tackling her tattoo after getting that chimera so clean. She'll probably get an extra coat or two of gold to really make the border of her banner stand out.

Next planned step: Break out the airbrush again and lay down the base coat for Ed's automail.

Previous updates:
Back for more? 'Cause I am!

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Riza is finally getting some of her symbol paint, and I think it's actually working this time. Her "affiliation" cutie mark is obviously going to be the Amestris flag as displayed in hanging banner form, eventually trimmed in gold. Which means I get to try painting the chimera crest. Yay. (Her other cutie mark, of course, will be her tattoo and scars, which is going to be an even wilder ride. Even when I first had this idea I knew it was a terrible one, and yet here we are.) I've got plans for some subtle modification to the flag to make it uniquely hers, but we'll see if it works before I say anything.

The final three ponies are all set with their base coats and eye sketches!

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Ed and his little brother, giving a perfect illustration of why I went with the Shining Armor body. Ed's beige base coat isn't meant to imitate the human character's skin tone (if it was I'd have gotten a lot closer); it's because his distinctive color scheme is hard to work with. Gold hair and eyes, silver/grey automail, red coat, black clothing. I've seen some very good fanart of Ed as a red pony, but actual red customs never seem to look right unless the detail paint on them is in really aggressive colors, and ultimately I opted for a neutral to tie everything together and keep him from standing out too much among the other ponies.

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His eye shape was also surprisingly difficult to find references for. Sure, it's plenty visible when he's in motion, but in all the screencaps and official art his bangs are obscuring the outer edges of his eyes. Eventually I put Roy on one side of him and Riza on the other and just tried to sketch out a happy medium between their eye shapes. It seems to be working out.

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Ed, on the other hand, has the easiest eye shape to sketch. Next to his picture, you can also see how much the visor band contributes to the likeness.

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I'm still preening over how cleanly I managed to sculpt the tail guard. The paint color isn't totally clear in these pictures; it's much bluer than it looks here. It's also a slightly lower quality of paint than I usually use because the color was just perfect, so he's more textured than the rest of the set. I think it works for him.

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And then there's that demure, dove grey princess body. I did promise to say more as we got there, and here we are. It's not really that big a mystery; I already said that she's the most intimidating alchemist in the series and that alicorns are those who have seen the Truth. Which leaves only one option.

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Oh yes. Princess Izumi Curtis. Not that she'd ever call herself a princess, of course; she's just an ordinary housewife. But we know better.

She's even got the footwear for it.

Hello again; here I am with an update! This one is all sculpting, all the time.

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First up, the really simple bit that ended up being the hardest thing. I've already said before that I'm not good at sculpting geometric shapes, and there's no sculpting room between Al's ears anyway, so the ferrule that holds the plume on the top of his helmet involved a lot of trial and error. The ultimate solution? Pack a vaseline-coated drinking straw with Apoxie Sculpt and run a skewer down the middle, then cut it down to size and sand the end at an angle.

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A mockup of how he'll look when the plume is inserted at the very end.

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Al's armor is also getting a tail guard, and there will be a pseudo-tail made of the same plastic lacing as his helmet plume, though I'm still working on the best way to design that. I waffled for a while about a tail, asking myself if a pony suit of armor would really have one already installed and whether or not it was aesthetically necessary to add one, but ultimately I thought about how upset Al is in the series when his plume gets mangled and decided that he'd want one for appearance's sake if nothing else. The scultping on that guard, by the way, really is as seamless as it looks here. Not to the eye -- the apoxie is still more ivory than his body -- but there is no tangible transition between apoxie and plastic when you run your fingers over him.

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Ed is getting in on the sculpting game, too, with a pair of wings, which I promised to explain more about when we got here. My logic is that if alchemists are being represented by unicorns, then those who have accessed even higher alchemical knowledge by opening the Portal and seeing the Truth would be alicorns. (Why isn't Al one? Because his shape is determined by the armor, and since he couldn't do circle-less alchemy until he conscously remembered everything he'd seen, he wouldn't have been able to operate a pair of wings, either, because his soul wouldn't register them as part of his "body." Also no way was I sculpting armored wings.) As for why they're folded, there are a couple reasons for that. For one thing, it keeps him looking relatively small, which is an important design element. I'm sorry, Ed, but it's true. More than that, though, it's to do with the taboo surrounding human transmutation. Ed hides his automail because it's a red flag to other alchemists revealing what he's done. (Well. He hides it until there's an opportunity to rip his shirt dramatically during a fight.) Wings would be even harder to explain away, so whenever he can he keeps them folded and tucked under his coat (yes, I have spare red fabric from another project) to avoid attracting notice.

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One of his wings, stuck on with a piece of tape just to show what he's eventually going to look like. I'm keeping them detached for now so it's one less thing I have to maneuver around while painting him.

And as far as sculpting is concerned, this is it. (At least for the boys. I'm not going to leave Riza without her hair clip.) Everything else that makes the Elric brothers physically distinct is going to be accomplished with hair and paint. This is going to be interesting.

Next step: Airbrushing for everybody, so much sketching.

As long as I'm taking the in-progress photos anyway, might as well post 'em here, right?

My current project is a set of five ponies based on my favorite Fullmetal Alchemist characters. They're something of a departure for me, a "getting back to basics(ish)" set where I'm trading my usual complex sculpting for cutie marks and non-skintone paint jobs. Turning the characters into ponies, instead of turning ponies into the characters. Which is not to say that they're going to be simple; we're still talking about intricate symbol painting and trying to imitate anime hair and eye styles. And automail. And also they're my first G4s.

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Heaven help me.

Note: These ponies are all based on the original manga and the Brotherhood anime, and I like to ramble about why I made certain artistic decisions. And also I like to ramble about the series itself. Some of my talk, and possibly even the design choices I've made, is likely to contain spoilers. I figure if you clicked on this thread you've probably already read/seen it all, but might as well warn.

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The obvious place to start is with Al and Ed, though that's not actually where I started when I began this series. (I was originally just going to do Roy and Riza. You know how these things snowball.) Both unicorns, obviously; as the magic-users of the pony world they're the closest analogue to alchemists. And the title of this thread isn't just a pun; Ed is going to be an alicorn, and his wings will be sculpted. I'll explain both those choices when we get there. Al is getting made out of a Shining Armor base to keep him larger and bulkier than the rest of the ponies, and also a little bit because turning Shining Armor into a literal suit of armor amuses me. I am a smple woman. He's one of the ones where I could really go nuts on the sculpting were I so inclined, but I'm limiting myself to what you see here. A housing for his plume (still in progress), and his visor band, which I consider a vital component of his facial expressions. There may also be a tail guard; I'm still working out what I want to do about that.

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The other three heads, on a stand my dad made for me. The finished posts are fixed for holding the heads between eye coats or while styling the hair, and the unfinished ones pop out for use while airbrushing. The two in front are Roy and Riza. The one in the back is the only alchemist intimidating enough to merit a princess body. Again, more on that as we come to it.

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Remember what I was saying about imitating the eye styles?

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I think I did a decent job.

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I'm also pretty confident about Riza's eye accuracy, not that it's obvious from the photograph. My photography skills aren't great under the best circumstances, and trying to show off a partially-painted white eye outlined in faint grey on an ivory pony is not the best circumstance.

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Roy is the only one who's gotten any symbol work done on him so far. Another aspect of the "ish" part of the "back to basics(ish)" label is that each pony is going to have two cutie marks, with the right flank being their public affiliation and the left being more personal and individual to the character. Roy's affiliation mark is his State Alchemist's pocketwatch, and once I'm done it will be wreathed in fire for the Flame Alchemist.

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His left flank is his transmutation circle. It's the first part of any of the ponies to be complete, unless I get a wild hair and decide to try fine-tuning it a bit more. I took a couple liberties in making the flame and the outer circle solid rather than outlines, but other than that it's as accurate as I can get it.

Next steps: Sculpt Al's plume housing and Ed's wings, airbrush both.
the princess with claws

Customs / Anything I should know about dismantling Shining Armor?
« on: January 20, 2015, 01:48:59 PM »
I popped a 'troll hair' Shining Armor's head off, and his neck plug is different from the other brushables. There's a tall, curved piece on top of the center 'bump' with a strip of cloth looped over it and going down into the center of the plug. Does this indicate anything else nonstandard about his construction, and is there an alternate method I need to take for tail replacement?

the princess with claws

Customs / Customizing woes
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:54:02 AM »
Last night was not a good night for painting, and I need to share my pain with those who will understand.

As I mentioned briefly forever ago, I got it into my head to do a few Fullmetal Alchemist ponies, starting with my two favorites, Mustang and Hawkeye. I prepped the baits, picked the colors, gave them each half a basecoat (both their heads were being uncooperative so I decided to do them later), and laid down the base for one symbol each (they're both going to have two when I'm done). And then life happened and I didn't touch them for a couple months.

Flashforward to yesterday, and I'm in an I Am Going To Get Something Done mood. Put on the podcasts, get out the paintbrushes, it's time for the fun parts. Except the painting I did last time? Not so great. Roy's pocketwatch is a bit blobby and has a bit of tackiness to it, but it shouldn't be anything a hit of dullcote won't fix (please don't be anything a hit of dullcote won't fix). But Riza's banner is a mess, and I can't possibly proceed with it like this. Some careful scrubbing should get the symbol paint off without destroying the basecoat; I've done it before.  But not this time, apparently. This time some careful scrubbing leaves her banner mostly untouched and tears up the base paint around it so much that it's going to be easier to strip her completely and start over. For what's about the fourth time. To the garage and the acetone it is, and what a trial it is this time because the paint has been sealed and left for a couple months and doesn't want to go anywhere.

I finally get all the base paint off, and as long as I'm in the garage I might as well try to repaint her. I mix up the paint, fire up the airbrush, everything is going pretty smoothly, and then...

You're kidding me. You've got to be kidding me.

Etches and pockmarks all over her plastic. I don't know if it's just the acetone, or if there was another chemical on one of the rags or tools I was using, but her body is ruined. I'm going to have to start all over again with a new pony.

Extra irony: It's worst on her right foreleg, which I could always amputate to turn her base into Ed's. Except that Riza is a pegasus and Ed isn't, and also I'm adamant that this is not going to turn into a sculpting project and Ed's automail and Al's armor will be represented with paint alone.

At least, I try to tell myself, this time her head came out all right. While I'm waiting to get her replacement and get it prepped, I can at least start on her eyes, which are going to take forever anyway. Nope. In better light and after I've put everything away her head paint is spotty and pebbled, and at this point trying to strip and repaint it sounds like a terrible idea.

So much swearing. Soooo much swearing.

But it wasn't a total loss. I sighed, pulled myself back together, and got out the traditional paintbrushes so I could at least get something accomplished.

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It's not great, and it definitely needs some touching-up, but it's recognizable. And I'm going to call that a win.

the princess with claws

Customs / Seeking input on color choices
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:47:19 PM »
I've got a pair of ponies in the works right now, and one of them is giving me fits because I know everything about her except her body color. Thus I am turning to you, O great pony collective, for your thoughts.

The pony in question is a pegasus, and since she's based on an existing character a lot of her colors are non-negotiable. She's going to have yellow hair -- probably Dollyhair "lemonade" -- and brown eyes. Symbols are a medium-green banner outlined in gold with a white crest on one side, and an intricate alchemical circle in red-brown on the other with a chunk of pink scar tissue over it. (Yeah, if you think you know who it is you're probably right.) I have been waffling mostly between light tangerine and lavender, neither of which feels entirely right, mostly because of the hair color. I am open to your thoughts on these colors, as well as suggestions for any others.

A couple points I have to keep in mind:
- It has to be a light color, for the sake of the second symbol's visibility. Otherwise I'd have put them both in royal blue to match the characters' uniforms.
- Her companion has already been airbrushed in medium blue-grey. (And may I just say, good Lord, the thing about thinning your paints with Windex! I finally tried it out, and I am a total convert. I have never had paint go on that smoothly or that quickly, or had such an easy time cleaning the airbrush afterwards. The only reason he's not entirely done after only a half-hour of work is because I found some flaws in his muzzle resculpt and have to redo it before I can paint his head.) I'm not worried about them matching, exactly, but they do need to not clash when displayed together.
- While it would probably meet all the other color needs, for this particular character I'd like to avoid pink.

Thus is the problem that faces me now, pony people. A small one, in the grand scheme of things, but one I hope you'll be able to help me solve.

the princess with claws

Customs / My Little Ravenstag (Hannibal)
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:49:57 AM »
Just in time for the second season, I present to you the Hannibal pony that I've been working on since before last season ended. This was a gift for Cleolinda, recapper, pop culture blogger, and the person who coined the name "Dire Ravenstag."

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For those of you not familiar with the show, the ravenstag is a recurring nightmare/hallucination that haunts FBI profiler Will Graham, inspired by a combination of images from a crime scene in the first episode. As the name implies, it's a black stag with feathers instead of fur, and it's a symbol of the danger Will's subconscious knows he's in.

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I said feathers, right? Because there are feathers. Lots of them. I don't know how many; I lost count.

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Feathers everywhere.

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And antlers. Really awesome antlers.

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And he has friends! Well, sort of friends. He has Will's dog Winston, who is a repainted Schleich figure, and a brain raccoon, which is a joke that originated in Cleo's recaps.

I have been working on this guy for nine months and finished him just in time to have him arrive at his destination the day before the season premiere. I'm thrilled with him, Cleo is thrilled with him, and the people she's been showimg him off to on various social media platforms are thrilled with him. Not a bad job, I'd say!

the princess with claws

Pony Corral / Do you have Flower Burst and a gram scale?
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:07:36 AM »
What does she weigh?

the princess with claws

Customs / Step aerobics with Rainbow Dash!
« on: July 25, 2013, 07:36:11 PM »
My mother is a member of an online group for "Cathletes" (users of Cathe Friedrich's fitness program DVDs), and she's currently on their annual "road trip" to meet up with other members and work out in Cathe's studio. One of Mom's friends from the group mentioned that she's a brony and even dressed as Rainbow Dash for Halloween, so Mom asked me if I could make a little something for her. I thought it was a cute idea and it's hard to say know when it's your mom asking, so Cathlete Rainbow Dash was born.

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She has a painted headband and legwarmers, and she's mounted on a step modeled after the ones used in some of the workouts. Since I am incapable of sculpting basic geometric shapes, the step is a pink eraser covered in Apoxie Sculpt and painted.

the princess with claws

So I'm playing the "every pony I make is a little more ambitious than my last one" game again. This one involves antlers, facial reshaping, sculpted feathers, and possibly real feathers if I can make them look right. And because my common sense doesn't always come along for the ride when my ambition takes the wheel, right now my ravenstag pony has some sculpting on his feet, a 12-point rack of antlers, an enlarged brow and muzzle, most of a thick ruff around his neck and chest, and... nothing on his back end. Yeah, he falls over if I breathe on him wrong and I've broken one point already.  :doh: He'll be better balanced once I start feathering up his tail and hocks, but I needed an interim solution. So I went digging through my scrap supplies from old customs and came up with some black tulle and ribbon, and a handful of glass stones from a board game. All the most fashionable ponies are wearing fanny packs these days, right?

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It works, but I have to keep my Rarity mini-army from seeing him lest they faint en masse.

the princess with claws

Customs / Show me antlers!
« on: June 14, 2013, 06:55:50 PM »
I've got an exciting deer-based gift custom in the works, and I'd love to see antlers that you guys have made to give me a little inspiration. I'm also interested to know what you make them out of, and how you anchor them, since most of the sculpting I've done to this point has been the kind that's close enough to the body not to need it.

the princess with claws

Customs / Ideas for paired alicorn customs?
« on: July 09, 2012, 10:25:23 PM »
I snagged the Fashion Style Luna and Celestia playset at Target on a whim yesterday because it was on clearance. (And now I see that it's on clearance at the website for half of what I paid for it, so I'm mildly irked, but enh.) I'm in no hurry to get to them and I need another project like I need a hole in my head (seriously, six more Doctor Who ponies in the works, two unrelated ones, one of which will involve major sculpting, maybe two G4s to sort-of tie in with the Who set, and a blind bag who needs to be done within the week), but I'm still already opening my ears to suggestions. I want to customize them as some kind of set, and since they're alicorns I'm looking for ideas that are suitably grandiose. Currently thinking that I might turn them into Luna and Celestia's fan-created parents, but I'm not even a little married to that idea. Suggestions from the crowd?

the princess with claws

"It'll never leave you. Big and little at the same time. Brand-new and ancient, and the bluest blue ever."

The second to be completed in my set of eight Series Five customs is one of the most complex characters in the show's entire run, and yet her deceptively simple exterior made her the most understated, uncomplicated design of the lot. The Doctor's most constant companion, the love of his lives and the keeper of his hearts, the TARDIS.

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Specifically, this pony is Eleven's TARDIS, as evidenced by the intensity of her color, the white window frames represented in her hair, the design of the key around her neck, and the (much-simplified) St. John's Ambulance cross on her hoof.

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Her choker is a bit of black ribbon with handpainted lettering wrapping around her neck and a little sculpted door key hanging below it. This angle also gives a better view of the "light" spilling out of her horn.

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Her door sign is minimalist but accurate; the blocks that represent the text that was too small to write are still sized and placed to mimic the words they replace. It's sealed with a gloss varnish to stand out against the matte finish of the rest of her body.

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Her hair is nylon in After Midnight and Virgin Snow, and the stripes in her mane mimic the two windows on each of the TARDIS' faces.

the princess with claws

Customs / "I'm the bloody Queen, mate!" (Liz Ten, Doctor Who)
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:05:50 AM »
"Basically, I rule."
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The first of my Doctor Who Series Five ponies is finally finished. Liz Ten, the queen of Starship UK and star attraction of "The Beast Below." Have a reference pic if you're not familiar with the character:
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...And then have a look at my take on her.
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Base layers of clothing done in Apoxie Sculpt, hair done in about a hank and a half of Black Magick from Dollyhair, and...
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Cape hand-sewn from a pattern of my own design.
the princess with claws

Customs / Ponywear cloak: Pattern?
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:09:48 PM »
As the title says (I say that a lot, don't I?), I've got a custom that needs a cloak and as I'm not very adept at visualizing fabric structure I was hoping someone cold point me to a pattern. The pony is a G3, and I've already got the fabric: a rich red velvet. And as a novice seamstress who's never worked on this small a scale, I'd also appreciate any general tips or suggestions.
the princess with claws

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