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Topics - Ginger B.

Pages: [1]
Introductions / *knock, knock*
« on: May 28, 2019, 03:12:20 PM »
Greetings Fellow Pony Pals! If you are on the MLPTP you'll know me as Gingerbread there. I finally decided to dip my toe in the waters over here as well. I don't know how active I'll be, life seems to get in the way of my pony-ing  :pout: but wanted to introduce myself for when ya see me around.

Let's see, I've been collecting ponies for pretty much my whole life, growing up in the 80's I had lots of ponies and they were my favorite toys. As I got a little older even though most of my toys were lost to yard sales or given away I always hung on to my ponies. Eventually they ended up boxed up and in the attic through most of my teen years. When I got into my late teens and people were starting to actually have computers in their homes and I discovered eBay in around 1999 my interest in ponies was reborn. I still remember sitting there looking for stuff on ebay when the idea popped in my head to search for MLP and my jaw dropped! I saw so many I had never seen before! Shortly after I learned about the collector's guide (Debra Birge's) and I ordered one of those too. I sat in my room going though it in awe of all the ponies I'd never seen before and I wanted them all! So then the ponies came down from the attic, I had about 50 from my childhood and I started buying them here and there off ebay and would look for them at thrift stores and such. Now 20 years later I have somewhere around 550 I think (haven't counted in a while) and I am proud to say I have a pony room :biggrin: I collect G1 exclusively and really have a soft spot for merchandise. My grail pony was the Argentina Feliz Navidad pony and I got her several Christmases ago (greatest Christmas EVER!) I've been a TP member since 2006, I remember thinking I was original and odd for loving MLP like I do and then the internet showed me I wasn't alone. Yay, for other crazy pony people!!!

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