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Topics - Pony.Backpack

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Off Topic / Pet snake passing away :(
« on: January 25, 2019, 09:29:48 AM »
Please no comments about how you don't like snakes, I loved her just as dearly as I love my dog and cats. I'll "spoiler" so no one has to read if they are afraid of/don't like snakes

I woke up this morning to find that my beautiful girl Eden died last night. We recently moved cross country via car and her and my other snake, Dexter, never fully bounced back. On top of that, I have reason to believe that their thermostat malfunctioned last night. While I was expecting this to happen sooner rather than later due to the move issues, I'm still very upset. I got Eden from a very neglectful home three years ago and pulled her from death's door over the course of two months and got her happy, healthy, and thriving. I feel at peace knowing that she had a much better second half of life than her first but she had so much life ahead of her... I'm worried that my other snake will pass in the next few days as well due to the same complications and that thought is very upsetting. I've raised Dex from a hatchling and up until the move he was in perfect health. I keep kicking myself because I considered rehoming them in my home state for fear of this exact issue but couldn't find it within myself to entrust them to a stranger so I was selfish and took them with me. In perfect conditions, they could live for up to 21 years and Dex is only 4 and Eden was only 6. I've had snake friends tell me that I did everything right and that moving them that far is always a gamble but I feel horrible because this gamble ended up with one death already and will most likely claim another. I'm sorry to dump all of my emotions here but none of my friends are really there for me right now with this and I guess I just needed to get it out. I have an event that I have to go to tonight but I'm kind of a wreck and don't know how that's going to go

Pony Brag Arena / ♥ 2019 Pony Room Re-Organization ♥
« on: January 08, 2019, 07:17:33 PM »
Sorry for double posting today but I just finished re-organizing my pony room and couldn't wait to share! ♥  :happy: ♥ It doubles as my spare room so I get to share it with anyone who stays at my home for a visit! (Usually, my farmer father who is v supportive and actually helps me a lot in collecting/displays because he is wholesome as heck) He is actually making me new risers so I don't have to use dollar store spice racks and stacked VHS tapes anymore lol

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Pony Brag Arena / ♥♥ Nearly Complete G1 Party Pack ♥♥
« on: January 08, 2019, 12:31:39 PM »
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Finally arrived in the mail!! Snagged it for 15.50$ on eBay  :frolic: Now I've got two more hats, and the "party panties" (LOVE that name lol) coming! I've wanted this set for so long and I'm so so happy to have it! I just need two more party hats, the curly "pin the tail on the pony" tail, both blindfolds, the party panty box, "It's Party Time" sign, and postcard! I'm not looking for the ponies from the pack, just the accessories ♥

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EDIT: In putting together a pic of the bits that I still need, I realized I already have one of my ISO party hats!! What a nice surprise! 

Customs / ♥ G1 Arabian-ish Pony ♥
« on: January 03, 2019, 08:23:54 PM »
Hello all! I've been jobless for almost a whole week now and have been cranking out customs like crazy  :happy: I'm really really happy with how this girl turned out! I used pulled yarn, and airbrush, and acrylic base airbrush paint ♥ She lost her plug when I pulled her head so unfortunately it's super glued back in place but I love her just the same  :awake:

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Customs / A year of customs and what I have learned
« on: January 02, 2019, 12:46:12 PM »
Hello all! I am relatively new to the wonderful world of customs as I completed my first ever custom in February of last year (11 months ago.) Despite being so green, I have seen a lot of improvement in my work over the past year and thought I would share my journey and what I learned in 2018 ♥

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Everyone, meet Lemon Drop. Not only is this the pony that sparked my passion for customizing, but the pony that started my whole obsession. I had ponies growing up but left them behind and never really thought about them until I found this girl at a local thrift store and honestly, it all just snowballed from there.
I've included a close up of her eye - you know what I used to paint it? A Starbucks "personalize your cup" pen and nail polish. I also used polish for her mark but honestly it's so small it's basically not even there. The materials may have been wonky but hey, we adapt when we don't have the "proper" tools. There is no right or wrong way to customize, just your way and other people's ways.

What Lemon Drop taught me about customizing: Have fun and be bold. I adored Lemon Drop the day that I made her (and still to this day) but you'll notice that never again did I paint such a small, shy mark/symbol or such "in the line" eyes. Give your work personality, don't be afraid to be a bit wild.

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Next up we have Strawberry Skies and Tangerine Twist - these girls were my very first rehair victims and let me say right now that some people feel very strongly one way or the other about the needle and thread method and the tool method. These two girls were completed with the needle and thread method but pretty soon after I switched to the tool method. I see benefits to both but the tool method just works the best for me. Don't let anyone tell you that you HAVE to do it one way or another, explore both and stick to what feels right for you ♥ Okay, moving on. I learned a lot from these girls - I was finally using acrylic paints and expanding into more involved custom work. As you can see, my marks got bigger and more defined but still need some work on the creativity front. If you decide to use yarn in a rehair, density, and material matter. Strawberry Skies very clearly looks a bit... limp... in the hair department while Tangerine Twist is a little bit better. The reason behind this is that SS has light, thin yarn for hair and TT has a simple, normal weight yarn for hair. Both are blended yarn too so it's a bit unpredictable to work with.

What Strawberry Skies and Tangerine Twist taught me about customizing: If you plan on using yarn, buy chunky, 100% acrylic yard and brushing it out with a dog brush to get a nice effect. Doing this will make your customs look more put together and purposeful rather than a little sloppy like these two girls. PLEASE NOTE, HOWEVER - using a dog brush, you will lose about 50% of your yarn so cut long stands and root after rushing so that you don't end up with a super short hairdo or having to rip out all of your hard work and start over.
Also, when using acrylic paints make sure that the surface is totally clean and smooth - remove any existing paint or glitter in the area that you would like to paint. You can see that SS symbol is a bit lumpy - this is because I was lazy when removing her previous mark. Another tip is to thin your paints with water a little bit so that they go on smoothly. I dodn't thin SS's paint which probably didn't help the lumpy problem.

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Bunny Hop, Vanellope, and Teddy ♥ These girls are really near and dear to my heart ♥ These girls showed me how fun it can be to accessories your customs. The world of customs is infinite, you are not limited by hair and paint. Do you want a totally 80's chick pony? Add scrunchies to tie in the whole look (and that HAIR!) Do you want everyone to know that your pony is a pint-sized racecar driver with an attitude to boot? Make some clay candy bits and glue them into her hair! Do you want an innocent l'il teddy princess? Give those socks some 3D flare and glue your fingers together making bows! Your imagination is the limit to what you can add onto these little guys!

What Bunny Hop, Vanellope, and Teddy taught me about customizing: Try new things, get inspired, and don't be afraid to make something that looks ridiculous. Most of the time, the custom community eats up ridiculous ;)

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Oh, my nameless beauty ♥ She is actually an OC that I adopted from HoneyCrows on Instagram so I take no credit for her design! To this day, she is my favorite "unnatural" custom that I have made. Say it with me here - "There is no right or wrong way to customize!" Don't want harsh colors? Don't use any. Found a cheap wig online that just scrams pony? Cut it up and rehair with it. Feel weird about making a "basic" pony? Don't. Make what makes you happy!

What this girl taught me about customizing: Honestly, always have backup needles if you use the tool method. I lost FOUR needles during this rehair and TBH I never actually finished it. If you flip her mane there's a good two-inch mong bald spot. Also, those little clear kids styling rubber bands are your best friend. I now use them on most of the ponies I have on display to keep their hair looking nice and neat.

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Finally, my most recent custom - Beyonce pony lol  :biggrin: This girl is my first airbrush pony and my first "natural" custom! I had attempted a different airbrush custom but I got a cheap eBay kit so it was AWFUL. Please, if you plan on getting an airbrush, invest in a good one. Otherwise, you'll end up getting a better one right away anyway or just giving up and being discouraged. I can't exagerate the difference that a good machine makes.

What Beyonce pony taught me about customizing: As I said before, get a good airbrush if you get one - a cheap eBay one isn't worth the time it takes to click on it. Also, USE A SEALANT. I left her on my counter overnight and spent the whole next day picking off dog hairs that stuck to her sticky surface. I'm not an expert at sealants by any standard but just trust me and get one  ;)

Well, thanks for joining me, folks, I hope you had a good time any maybe learned a thing or two! Sorry if I just waisted your time I guess lol Feel free to ask me any questions about customizing and I'll see what I can help with! Thanks again ♥

Customs / ♥ G1 Appaloosa Unicorn ♥
« on: January 01, 2019, 06:29:45 PM »
Hey all! I've never posted anything on this site before besides my intro forever ago so please forgive me if I do/say something wrong  :blush:

I found this bait Powder in the wild almost a year ago and have had this concept in my mind ever since! I never acted on the concept because I didn't have the proper tools at my disposal to make her as well as I pictured in my find so she's been sitting, waiting in the bait box for MONTHS. Well, my father got me an airbrush for the Holiday and I couldn't resist making her my first airbrush project! My Instagram friends have dubbed her "Beyonce Pony" and I can't not see that now so I guess that's her name  :lol: :biggrin:

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Let me know what you think! ♥♥ :blush: ♥♥

Introductions / Happy to be here!
« on: June 18, 2018, 09:30:35 PM »
Hello, everyone, my name is Taylor ♥ I am from Santa Cruz, California but recently I've relocated to Salem, Oregon. I am a 21-year-old banker who loves to hike, read, draw, and collect/trade ponies!
I mainly collect G1 and G3 but also have an interest in G2 and G4 - the only generation that I don't really like is G3.5  :blush: My collection started with an interest in repainting but then I stumbled upon a Kingsley Lion who I didn't have the heart to change and I've been collecting ever since! I still repaint G4 and the occasional G3 though  :biggrin: I also like to restore ponies who are... well loved... and to make custom ponies! You can find my collection and customs on Instagram @Pony.Backpack  ;) I can't wait to get to know you all! ♥

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