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Topics - Cswift

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Any other Furby fans here?
« on: July 05, 2017, 02:36:41 PM »
I really, really, really badly want to talk Furby stuff but I sort of despise tumblr's UI and I don't have any friends in meatspace I can discuss this stuff with. :cry: Anyone? I'm talking all iterations of Furby -- '93, 2005, 2012, Boom, Connect. I want to hear from you!

The Dollhouse / For Sale -- Bleeding Edge Goths Atara Inferno
« on: June 21, 2017, 10:51:09 AM »
Hello everyone, I have an extra MIB Atara Inferno that I've had just sitting around for a while. I've kept her inside a plastic shipper so even the box itself is in very good condition:

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Please note that the specks pictured are random dust and not defects on the doll itself.

Since she is a collectible that is no longer produced, I'm asking for $60 including shipping. I would very much prefer to ship within the U.S., but if you're elsewhere, PM me anyways and we might be able to work something out. I might also consider trades for G1 ponies or rare Furbies!

Thank you. :)

Pony Brag Arena / Beautiful custom dino from Darcisan
« on: June 12, 2017, 08:27:31 PM »
So this is a bit of a belated brag because this was actually an anniversary present from my girlfriend, but I couldn't not show off this amazing craftsmanship, so here goes.

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I apologize for the bad photos, but I honestly could not do justice to her beautiful coloring and the way she glitters differently in the light until I removed anything fancy from the background. She's honestly the jewel of my collection. As you might have guessed, she's based on the pony Merriweather, and was created by the very talented Darcisan here on the Arena.


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Group picture of the weirdos in my herd, featuring BBE Lickety Split and Sunny Smiles, my Totsy. :P

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Merriweather protecting Lickety Split from...whatever it is that Sunny intends. (Also an excuse to show off the beautiful iridescent flakes up on top of her)

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Honestly, my photos do not do justice to her beauty. :blush: I'm so happy she's mine.

I realize that this type of doll is probably not totally this board's style, but is anyone familiar with the Bleeding Edge Goth dolls? I've had a MIB Atara Inferno just sitting around taking up space for a while, and I'd rather sell her here than the scalpers' paradise that is eBay if at all possible. I don't have any good pictures of the specific one right now, but here are some pictures of the one from my personal collection to give you an idea of what you'd be getting.

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I'm not exactly sure how to price her, but since these dolls haven't been in production for a very long time and are pretty high-quality for what they are, I'm thinking ~$50 is fair.

I'm also looking to possibly sell my Agatha Primrose. This one's a big if; I still think she's adorable but she's kind of just been sitting on my shelf. She's basically in mint condition and I have her box. Here are some pictures:

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(Ignore the bag of chips lol)

I'd probably just take offers on her, since, again, I'm not 100% sure I want to let her go.


The Dollhouse / Dolls We Love (But Shouldn't)
« on: April 22, 2017, 06:38:35 PM »
Or, more specifically, dolls we love despite their myriad flaws that would drive us absolutely nuts on any other doll but that we easily overlook on this specific one for some reason. 

For me, it's my BeGoths Greta Vendetta.

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She honestly should frustrate me to no end. Her waist joint is floppy, her body shape is silly, her hair is a hard mess of gel, her articulation is minimal and involves those terrifying knee click joints that ruin the doll if they break, her color scheme is uninspired and she has unsightly black stains all over her hands and arms.

And yet.

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I can't help but find her incredibly arresting. I think it's those bright green eyes. They give her an incredible magnetism that's very hard to ignore. I suppose it's fitting since this specific character is supposed to be a movie star.

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Here she is next to a much more expensive doll. Despite the leagues of difference in cost and quality, I actually can't help but find that Greta threatens to steal my attention away from Evangeline in this picture.

What about you? Do you have one of these in your collection? A doll that you're enamored with despite logically having every reason to hate it? Tell  me your thoughts and show me your photos!

Introductions / "Hello" said the awkward robot
« on: April 19, 2017, 06:49:32 PM »
Hi, everyone. I'm Cswift and I'm a 20-something-year-old currently living in Southern CA but wanting to move elsewhere -- hopefully with my girlfriend -- soon! I've avoided online communities like the plague for a while now because I've had some fairly bad past experiences, but I figure that this fandom might not be a bad place to start getting involved again.

I've considered myself a "doll collector" basically since high school. My interest was initially in Pullips, but these days I mainly collect Blythe, goth toys, and various other odds and ends...which includes MLP now, apparently.

When it comes to My Little Pony specifically, I'm the very definition of a noob collector. I somehow completely avoided G1 and G2 as a child, was "too old" for G3, and didn't really care for the G4 toys (though the cartoon kept my interest for about one season.) I came across the toys again while researching a completely different vintage toy, Furby. I noticed a lot of Furby collectors also kept G1 ponies for some reason, realized that the toys were actually rather cute and charismatic, and very first pony, Cherry Treats, arrived yesterday. Ha.

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Apologies for the terrible picture.

As you might guess, I'm mostly into G1. I love their chubbiness, sweet equine faces and doe eyes, lol. G2 is growing on me a little and I do like G3 customs, though!

I don't think I need a massive herd, but I definitely have some favorites that I want to add to my collection.

Thanks to anyone who sat through that massive, rambling wall of text. I hope to have a nice time here!

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