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Topics - LunaMoonCustoms1212

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Pony Corral / Best Way to Store Ponies
« on: May 01, 2023, 12:53:23 PM »
Hello everyone  ^.^ I haven't been on the MLP Arena in such a long time. I have been in college and collecting ponies has simply not been a priority . That being said, I adore my collection and have hundreds of ponies sitting on shelves at my parents' house. I've gotten to a point where I think it would be better (and safer for the ponies) if they were stored away in our basement until I get my own permanent place.

What would be the best way to store ponies long term? I have a variety of lovely G1 ponies with factory curls, some G3s, and ton of G4s from both my childhood and teenage years. I also collected some LOL OMG dolls and Rainbow High. I feel like everything is such a mix of size, age, and value that it is hard for me to create a plan for what to do. I want to make sure that nothing gets ruined in storage either by touching plastic or moisture. I get nervous thinking about my ponies sitting in boxes, and I want to feel secure about damaging them at all -- especially squishing the hair and pony cancer. Do any of you have any tips? Specifics are welcome and I'm open to anything! Thanks so much ya'll  :lovey:

Pony Corral / MLP Community Poll for Research paper
« on: April 04, 2022, 03:27:21 PM »
Hello guys, I haven't been on the MLP Arena in a very long time, and it feels so good to be logged in again  ^.^

I have been given an assignment in one of my college classes to do a research paper on an online community, so of course I chose the MLP toy collecting community! I have been posting polls on my pony instagram account, but I thought that I should also post here. To condense the data from both sites, I have made a google form!

Here is the link:

I am trying to get some raw data and thoughts on the community, but please only answer what makes you comfortable! Thanks so much  :blush:

EDIT: I have closed the form to any new responses. 84 people answered the question and I think that is plenty. Thanks everyone  :inlove:

Customs / Custom G1 to G4 Surprise for sale!
« on: August 08, 2020, 10:21:16 AM »
Hi everyone! I'm currently selling a g4 to g1 custom of Surprise! She's fully hand-painted and rerooted, and is up for sale on my eBay. She has her signature bright hair and curls, as well as bright and beautiful purple eyes.

Here's the link:

I post more of my customs on my Instagram: @lunamooncustoms

Customs / Do poeple still buy G4 custom ponies?
« on: March 25, 2020, 07:12:13 PM »
Some years ago, I made custom G4 ponies that were made to be more accurate to certain FiM characters. Back then the show was still running and very popular, and I sold some of my creations. I LOVE making customs, and I only have experience and supplies for G4, but now that the show is over, are people still interested in G4 ponies and FiM characters?

I never want to stop making customs, but after not being involved with the pony community for so long, I don't know where the new interests are in customs and FiM custom characters. Could anyone help direct me :blush: Where is the best place to sell? Do they sell? Bids or Buy it now?

Pony Corral / How to store ponies?
« on: July 04, 2019, 03:15:45 PM »
So, I'm sure that people ask this a lot, but I haven't been on this site in a long time, and I need some more space on my bookshelf for, well, books. I have G1s in varying conditions, some G3s that aren't too special to me (or rare), and my childhood G4s. How should I store my ponies when I don't want them displayed? I would hate to ruin some of the factory curl on my G1s, and I don't want any staining. I'll be going to college soon, and I want them to remain as pristine as they are now, because my collection is very special to me.

Off Topic / Random Disney questions!!
« on: March 31, 2017, 01:11:51 PM »
Random Disney questions!!

Round one:

1) What's your favorite Disney movie of all time? THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME
2) Who is your favorite official princess? BELLE
3) Who is your favorite heroine? ESMERALDA
4) Who is favorite canon romantic couple? FLYNN RIDER and RAPUNZEL
5) What the most underrated movie? THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME
6) Favorite princess dress? BELLE'S YELLOW DRESS
7) Who is your favorite male protagonist? ALADDIN or QUASIMODO
8) Who is your least favorite princess? SNOW WHITE
9) What is a movie that you cant stand? THE LITTLE MERMAID
10) Favorite movie as a kid? TOY STORY 2
11) Who is your favorite villain? JUDGE CLAUDE FROLLO  :lookround:
12) Favorite villain song? HELLFIRE
13) Favorite princess movie? BEAUTY AND THE BEAST
14) Favorite Disney Pixar movie? THE INCREDIBLES
15) Favorite Disney Pixar character? EDNA MODE
16) Favorite sidekick? DJALI
17) Least favorite sidekick? MEEKO or THE GARGOYLES in HOND
18) Favorite prince? BEAST
19) Least favorite villain? GOVERNOR RADCLIFFE
20) Most relatable princess? BELLE

I cant wait to see what you guys answer!! if enough people answer, I will make a round 2  ;)

Pony Corral / What classifies something as an "Army"?
« on: March 02, 2017, 01:34:53 PM »

With all of these "Pony of the Day" topics here on the Arena, I was wondering: what classifies something as an "army"? Is it just having more then one of a specific character? Is it having multiple variations of said character, or does it have to be past a certain number?

I am eager too see everyone's interpretations  ;)

Pony Brag Arena / Best pony hunting day EVER!!
« on: February 10, 2017, 11:04:21 AM »
So, yesterday I stopped into Goodwill to look for some ponies, and behind the counter they had this big G1 Collector's Case. I asked the employee how much it was and he said 30 dollars, I didn't know how much it was worth (I couldn't find anything online), but I asked if I could open it. Lo and behold there was 10 G1 ponies!! I (of course) bought the whole box. After I got home I opened up a little container in the bottom called "Pony Wear" and there were TONS of accessories, stickers and ever some original papers inside! Everything looks as if they have never been played with, and most ponies still have factory curl in their hair.

I would appreciate a PC on any of these items, especially the Collectors Case and the original papers! This is the best pony luck that I have EVER had!!

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sorry that the pics are so small, Ill try to make them bigger.

Off Topic / What is your favorite Disney song?
« on: January 05, 2017, 02:58:33 PM »
What is your  favorite Disney song? (I don't know if this thread has ever been made before, but if it has, I'm sorry I made another cause I haven't seen it) I am really curious, there are so many classics, but at the same time, Disney has made some pretty good musicals lately. Here's some categories:

Villain Song: Hellfire

Protagonist Song: For the first time in forever

Silly Song: I have a dream ( the one in the pub in Tangled, I guess? I might think of another one later)

Sad Song: God help the outcasts (I love the Hunchback of Notre Dame)

What are your favorites? Feel free to think of some new categories!

Pony question of the day:

What is your opinion of people customizing G1's?

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I have no problem with people making customs out of g1s, but SO MANY do it with ponies that aren't baits. There is no point baiting a pony that is perfectly fine on its own. And a lot of ponies that may look like baits, can be completely fixed very easily.

What is your opinion on this topic? and if you have a before and after with a g1 custom, please share!

hey guys, I've been doing these "Pony questions of the day", but sometimes I cant think of a new question! If you have a question that you think I could use on future topics, please PM me! it would really help me out! keep 'em coming ;)

Pony question of the day:

What's the best and worst MLP songs that have ever aired? (including all gens)

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I have only seen "Rescue at Midnight Castle" in g1, and this song (I don't know what its called, but its the one with Firefly singing to Megan) was in my head for weeks. Its such a cute and happy song!

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Out of G4, I ADORE "this day aria". The title is very ironic (if you know about music), and its extremely powerful and heart wrenching. it could literally be a Disney song it was so good!.

What are your favorite songs from any generation of My Little Pony? The reason I didn't put any G3 songs is because I have never seen a full episode of g3, so tell me which ones are the best!

Also, whats the worst songs that MLP has ever had? I couldn't think of a g4 one on the top of my head, so I wanna see what you all have to say.

hey guys, I've been doing these "Pony questions of the day", but sometimes I cant think of a new question! If you have a question that you think I could use on future topics, please PM me! it would really help me out! I have had a suggestion already. and I used it today! keep 'em coming  ;)

Pony Corral / PQOTD #11 12/29/16 What was your favorite pony as a kid?
« on: December 29, 2016, 04:20:22 PM »
Pony question of the day:

What was your favorite pony toy (or character) as a kid?

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My favorite character was (and is) Twilight, I was pretty young when the g4 toys came out, and Twilight was the first one that I got because I loved her character. I played with her so much, she used to be so much cuter with her saddle basket and pet! Even though the head was a different shade purple then her body.

What was your favorite pony as a kid and why? Pictures are encouraged!

Pony Question of the Day:

What is the BEST episode that My Little Pony has ever seen?

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I don't know enough episodes of G1 to compare, but I have seen Rescue at Midnight castle, and I thought that it was really cute!

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My favorite Friendship is Magic episode is "A Royal Wedding" (I guess part 2), I thought it was very clever, and interesting to watch. I loved the new characters, and the new creatures that we saw. Plus the songs were great, This Day Aria is the best song in the series (in my opinion).

I dont think that there is a cartoon for g2, and I haven't seen g3, so that's why I am not giving my opinion on those  ;)

What is your favorite episode of any of the generations and why?

hey guys, I've been doing these "Pony questions of the day", but sometimes I cant think of a new question! If you have a question that you think I could use on future topics, please PM me! it would really help me out  ;)

Pony question of the day:

What would you like to see as a Christmas pony?

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I would personally love to see a Flutter pony in a Christmas theme, or even a G4. I wish that they would have made at least one, but alas, the closest thing we got was g4 Minty.

What kind of pony (from any gen) would you like to see as a Christmas themed pony?

Pony question of the day:

What's the best MLP toy concepts of all time?

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My personal opinion would be that the classic Pony itself is rather genius. Its simple enough that kids of any age can  play with it, but it doesn't have any kind of technology so you can use your imagination and play with it however you like.

I also liked the G4 concept, but they kinda threw that one down the drain when they started to only release the mane 6 ponies, they were also kind of small.

What is the best MLP toy concept in your opinion and why?

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