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Topics - chaosprincess

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / What do you do when you've had a bad day?
« on: May 24, 2016, 05:56:26 PM »
Hello everybody thought I would post this to see how you cheer yourself up when you've had 1 or more bad days I have been going through a lot myself lately so kind of in a dark place right now so thought I would see how everybody cheers themselves up.

Pony Corral / I purchased A Gen 1 Cotton Candy With A defect
« on: May 23, 2016, 08:49:28 PM »
Hello everybody I recently purchased Cotton Candy, but she has an interesting defect on her which was a Hasbro ooops I don't have her yet she is in the postal office, but I thought I would make a little game can you guys guess the defect? I will be making a video of her defect when she arrives it is kinda funny have fun guessing. =)

Answer:Cotton Candy is 2 ponies in one and the reason is she came in a batch of error ponies her error is that her body and hair belongs to peachy, but her cutie mark and eye color is Cotton Candy so they took Peachy and just replaced the cutie mark and eye color with Cotton Candy's now I am not 100% sure if they used Peachy to make this Cotton Candy, but Hasbro did something to make this oops purchasing her made me want to buy more defected ponies.

[nudging this over to the Pony Corral for discussion - kiwimlp :) ]

Hello everybody I came across some my little ponies at a yard sale found them in a box I was with my cousin at the time and I made a video of the ponies we found if you have some spare time please do check it out.

Off Topic / What is your favorite Disney movie/character(s)?
« on: May 20, 2016, 12:41:41 PM »
Hello everybody so what is your favorite Disney movie/ character(s)? if you have more then one go ahead and list them.

Pony Corral / Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
« on: May 20, 2016, 10:45:34 AM »
I know a lot of people love generation 1, but it seems like a lot of people down generation 1 saying the shows and movies were really bad and that the designs were bad as well the hatred for it only came around when generation 4 came out why the hate on generation 1? I can see generation 3 and 3.5 due to nothing really happens and well they are scary beyond belief in 3.5, but generation 1 is where all began I know there was my pretty pony, but generation wise 1 is where it all began I know a lot of fans of generation 4 have a dislike for it and I can't figure out why sure not all the episodes were amazing, but they only had so much to work with back then and to me it was amazing and without generation 1 there would never be a generation 4 and a lot of characters in generation 4 are actually ponies from generation 1 and 3 now I am not saying everybody hates generation 1, but I noticed with a lot of videos that I watched and things that I read generation 1 seems to be downed some people may disagree, but that's life nobody is going to agree on everything, but I also know there is a lot of fans of generation 1 as well, but generation 1 will always be a favorite of mine the twinkle eye ponies being my favorite let's love all generations for their uniqueness. =)

Wanted! / My Wishlist
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:07:04 AM »
Hello thought I would post the ponies I am seeking out to add to my collection

My Little Pony Tales
Bon Bon
Rockin Beat Ponies (already have halfnote)

Mountain boy ponies (all of them)

Twinkle Eyed Ponies
Bright eyes
Tic Tac Toe
Sweet Stuff
Sweet Pop
Sky Rocket
Party Time

Flat Footed Ponies (all of them)

Crumpet and Baby Crumpet

Pony Corral / My Little Pony Collection Video Should I make it?
« on: May 11, 2016, 06:05:43 PM »
Hello everybody I am not sure if this is where it should go, but I was thinking of posting a video of my, my little pony collection to my youtube channel I have generation 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4 and my little pony friends I thought I would ask what you guys think on that should I make the video and what generation would you like to see from my collection?

Just thought I would add how many ponies I have in my collection I don't know exactly with generation 1, 3 and 4 but my smallest collection is generations 2 and 3.5 so if you would like to see my full collection or a certain generation let me know.

Generation 1: *looks at them all  :glitter:* my collection is not anything huge, but would have to count them

My Little Pony Friends: I have 3 hoping to complete the collection  :hope:, but have lot's more to collect still.

Generation 2: I have only 1 pony  ^^;

Generation 3:   :think: not quite sure will have to count

Generation 3.5: only have 3

Generation 4: *looking through the box scratching my head*  :think: have to count those as well

[nudging this over to the pony corral for you - kwiwmlp :) ]

Off Topic / Pokken Tournament
« on: May 08, 2016, 11:32:58 AM »
Hello everybody who owns Pokken Tournament,what pokemon do you like to use and why?

I myself own the game, I like to use Lucario because hes quick and powerful his design is pretty cool as well in Pokken.

Off Topic / The Justice League vs Teen Titans
« on: May 06, 2016, 10:36:59 PM »
Hello everybody I watched the movie Justice League vs Teen Titans and it was an amazing movie I highly recommend this movie now I thought I would start this topic to see if anybody else has seen it and there thoughts on it and who is your favorite character now I can't choose just 1 character so my 2 favorites are Raven of course and Beast Boy he is really funny in the movie if you have not seen the movie already you said get it I am a fan of the Justice League and the Teen titans which aired on cartoon network its no longer airing and I would not recommend Teen Titans Go I find that show to be a disgrace I don't like it at all that is my opinion, but that pretty much wraps this us looking forward to reading everyone's responses.

Hello everybody I did a oc backstory and a short cutie mark story for my cousin for her oc character Aria I only ask that PLEASE DON'T POST EITHER OF THESE STORIES ANYWHERE ELSE OR STEAL EITHER OF THEM I did work hard on them even though they are short let me know what you think of them and if you want me to write a backstory for any oc you have let me know through comment or private message well here they both are.

Aria's Cutie Mark Story
While she was being put to work she heard a scream. She ran as fast as she could towards the sound. As she neared it she noticed it was the stallion she now called her father. He was being attacked even though he was cruel she ran to his side, and fearlessly fought against the unknown beast winning. Now things for her did not change, but she now had a new cutie mark to admire.

Aria's Backstory
Born into royalty her mother a beautiful alicorn and her father a unicorn. She was born a beautiful unicorn, but she learned how cruel the world can be at such a young age. Greed getting the better of one pony desperate for money she was snatched while her parents were patrolling their kingdom. Hearing the news her parents ordered all ponies to search, but it was to late she was gone. Sold to any pony who would pay, she was sold rather fast forced to do work once she hit fillyhood. As she hit her teenage years she ran from her home not wanting to marry somepony she did not love and not wanting the physical abuse that was placed upon her. But even with years of pain and sadness she still had a big heart and was always willing to give. With no place to go she decided to roam helping those in need of it and making friends, But as her luck was looking up an unfortunate event occured costing her, her life. A dear friend of hers who she met on her travels would become victim to a unknown creature who only had death on its mind. Aria rushed to her aid vanquishing the creature, but also losing her life. Her story would have ended there, but a hidden magic inside of her blossomed that day a light surrounding her bringing back the lifeless unicorn, but she was no longer a unicorn, but a beautiful alicorn. Once she was released from the light she stood proud with her new wings proudly out a unicorn princess had passed, but a alicorn was born.

SIDE NOTE: Please Comment and let me know what you think of them.

Off Topic / My Pokemon Friend Code
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:19:00 PM »
Hello everybody I like to battle in pokemon games so if anybody is interested in a pokemon battle my friend code is 4682-8978-9212 just let me know first if you want a battle just so I can be on I battle for fun so please don't disconnect from the battle or rub it in that you won its all for fun losing or winning does not matter to me and please no legendary pokemon I feel it cheapens the battles and has an unfair advantage I have beaten legendaries before, but I would prefer a battle against regular pokemon it shows that you don't always need legends to win a battle looking forward to making new friends in pokemon.

Side Note: If you just want to swap friend codes and not battle that is perfectly fine as well just list your friend code and I can only put 4 post a day so if you'd like to talk during the battle or trading etc just private message me and one more thing my pokemon are bred for competitive battling, but I still like to have fun battling and like I said you don't have to battle me we can trade as well or just have each others friend codes, but if you want to trade pokemon just let me know what you want first I am not big on trading, but I won't turn it down, but I don't trade legends nor will I ask for legends.

Off Topic / Check Out My Youtube Channel Please
« on: April 18, 2016, 01:11:07 PM »
Hello everybody I am not 100% sure if this is the place to post this topic, but I have a youtube channel if you have some free time please check it out I only have 1 video up right now, but working on getting up more, but please check it out like and subscribe if you like my video. Here is the link to my youtube channel

Pony Brag Arena / Mimic
« on: April 16, 2016, 04:49:17 PM »
Hello everybody I know I recently talked about my cutesaurus which she is still adorable, but I would like to talk about my lucky find which is Mimic I bought her before cutesaurus, but I was really happy with the price I paid $75 for her due to she had some flaws on her which does not bother me I was happy to get her for the price since I am collecting the twinkle eye ponies which is one my favorite set of ponies.   :happy:

Pony Brag Arena / New Pony Friend
« on: April 14, 2016, 02:16:39 PM »
Hello everybody I am happy about my newest edition Cutesaurus I currently don't have pictures of her, but I managed to find her at a good price on etsy I was so excited when she arrived she is a beauty she may not be the rarest pony/friend out there, but still happy to add her to my growing collection.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Draw My, My Little Pony OC
« on: April 14, 2016, 10:30:22 AM »
Hello everybody I made a small oopsie and made two different topics that were the same on having my oc drawn if you have some spare time and your willing to draw her all the information about her design is further down its on reply #6 the topics were merged together due to my small mistake so the information on her is down below all I ask is PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER DESIGN it took me a long while to think of her I don't see anybody as an art thief or idea thief on this site, but sadly it has happened not on this site on others sorry to add that small bit in, but thank you everybody for understanding and thank you for anybody who draws her for me.

                                    INFO ON MY OC DESIGN IS FURTHER DOWN ON REPLY #6

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