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Topics - Lore-Lei

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Off Topic / I finally got a job.
« on: April 03, 2017, 08:16:30 AM »
Well, after three or even four years, but I finally managed to find a way to make a living for myself and please my family about my situation. It's administration at our town's old sweets shop. Or more like sweets factory, to be honest, the shop part has been closed down because no customers.

The two practice days went smoothly enough, and I just came back from my first real day at work, and I'm worried because I was mostly left alone to do all the things. And when I'm nervous I mess things up, and I have a lot of things to be responsible for. Taking different companies' orders for tomorrow to deliver, putting them into the PC (using an old, OLD DOS program), and then printing out the papers. Lots of room for little errors and I still need to get comfortable in using all the things and getting into the 'groove'.

I just hope my boss is tolerant of my messups, I already did tiny miscalculations that we could fix together afterwards but today something almost slipped past our attention and I'm worried something major may slip past it that could end in a disaster. Otherwise, its five minutes from where I live with cycle, and the job times are flexible so once I'm done with the daily routine (circa three hours) and there is nothing else to do I can go home. Friday I only had to work a whopping four hours, which was great.

I won't put down my dream of making money online, though. If anything, this could actually serve as an incentive for a backup plan. Now that I have some stable income, I don't feel the pressure of time anymore, which is great.

Off Topic / I'm going to university!
« on: July 26, 2016, 12:14:45 PM »
After trying and failing two times, after hours of nerve-wrecking silence and days of no sleep, after mixing up my accounts on the registration site (apparently it makes difference between upper and lowercase), I finally got the news.

I got enough points to go to the university! Way more than enough, in fact. And the free type too that is much harder to get into.

I'm so happy I'm crying right now. And mom is jumping around in the other room giggling like a maniac. I don't know, I just needed to get this out right now, for the last couple days I've been having this dull 'weight' on my heart and it feels so weird that it's not there anymore... in a good way.

Off Topic / Melowy: An italian series about fairy-corns in skirts
« on: July 15, 2016, 01:36:03 PM »
Disclaimer: All credit goes to GreyFeather for the pictures and for introducing me to this.


This is a relatively new series that appeared in Italy by the name Melowy. It's a slice-of-life series about five friends attending a high-school high up in the skies named Destiny, set in the planet of Aura. It quite heavily draws from that other series that came from Italy but still kinda retains its originality in terms of style.

The five characters are
- Clio, who was adopted and raised by the school cook Teodora. She is a bit of mysterious but pretty energetic and outgoing kind of girl.
- Maia, the slightly shy and unsure personality, relying on her other friends often, but is a kindhearted fellow.
- Elettra, the all-out outrovert who is very impulsive, but warm and friendly towards even those who normally wouldn't deserve it.
- Kora, the calm and collected, strategist leader type with very high intellect and a fit of perfectionism.
- and Selena the introverted, 'dark' kind of gal who prefers solitude and privacy but doesn't refuse the company of her friends either.

I unfortunately don't know Italian so I don't have the chance to read these, but a friend of mine have uploaded a bunch of pictures (which apparently the series half-relies on) which have completely won my heart.

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From left to right: Elettra, Kora, Clio, Maia and Selene

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The antagonists, Leda, Eris and Clizia  ----------  Clio looks like Bloom, down to the skirt

GreyFeather said there is a possibility of this going international next year, and I'm so absolutely hoping for that, I love the concept and the style and the characters and EVERYTHING so far even though I've only been looking at pictures and listening to explanations. And what's more they have their own blind bags:
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Arts & Crafts Corral / Dashie is ready for summer.
« on: June 24, 2016, 10:11:18 AM »
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Remember those sketches from a week or so ago? I did a full-color version of the one that looked the most legit for me. Also trying out the new 'Powerstrokes' feature of Inkscape, so far it works like a charm. Was high time I did something full-fledged, and I'm satisfied with the result. I love this girl.

Off Topic / Amway?
« on: June 10, 2016, 11:18:24 AM »
So, I was on a... 'job interview' with a girl who works in the optics shop that I didn't get the position to. She called me yesterday that she smugly put away some resumés she liked instead of discarding them, and that she's actually looking for people in a little 'marketing business'. She didn't tell me any details and I didn't really want to push her since she sounded like someone who stealthily wanted to throw in a call while the boss was away.

Today, I turned up to a small restaurant where I met her and some dude along with two other girls she invited and after a very long conversation they begun 'filling us in'. I put it in quotes because they were beating around the bush so bad it felt like if we were being hired in for some drug dealing or smuggling or black market shanenigans. Only around halfway or so into the presentation did they mention that they work at a company called Amway, which apparently everybody knew of but me.

The base premise of it was something among the lines of selling products and recruiting other people into the business. You get extra profit for the people you recruit, extra profit on top of extra profit for people recruited by the people you recruited, so on and so on. Kind of like a pyramid. I found it weird how much emphasis they put on those parts but hardly cared about the actual products, which was mostly health-care stuff, toothpaste, water-purifying system. I've never heard of this brand before, to be honest.

After we were done with that, my mother called. I told her all that happened and in short, her answer was worth "NNNOPE". At home, it turned out both my parents were (technically are) involved with Amway as well, much like their cousins, and they were far from successful. They told me it's a scam and they just want to milk me off my money by constantly going on conferences and interviews I was on.

I wouldn't go that far to call it that though, given the whole thing felt like how my grandmother did her business with all the Tupperware stuff that our kitchen is chock-full of still. And while she did not make millions per month she could stand on her feet in the end somehow. So I'm bit on the edge about this right now, my brain giving off red-flags left and right.

I need more sacond-hand experience (I'm indecisive, I know). If you have heard of or was part of Amway, can you share your experience with how it worked out?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Collab with Sapphire Rain
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:55:13 PM »
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Novella and Sapphire almost being done painting each other. This is as meta as it can get.

I asked out Sapphire on a little collab after lostpony suggested it on the other thread. I had a ton of fun with this and I assume she did as well. I really like half of the end results... her half... mine is rather 'meh' to be honest.

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Sun cream, an umbrella or clothes?


So, it's almost that time of the year again: when it gets a little bit too hot out there and you need to watch when and where you're going out. So, what is your method?

Me, I don't like sun creams and other chemicalies. I feel like they cause more trouble then good. True, they have some of the best UPF rates, but they get all sticky on you after extended periods, plus it doesn't make you feel any less like burning alive. I have a very fair skin so I burn up easily. Last year I tried an umbrella and it worked miracles as a portable shade, albeit I was given a lot of weird faces on the streets, so in the end I settled for long-sleeved shirts and/or doing my best to stay in shades.

This year though, I plan on making myself a slick yet simple cape with long sleeves that could protect my arms. This way it can both protect from the sun and be airy enough, plus easy to take off or put on. Also, sun cream on my face.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Girly girls doing girly things
« on: May 24, 2016, 02:16:16 AM »
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"Uh, girls don't you think it's going to be a bit much?"
"Nope, not one bit."


Forgot to upload before. Some more G3.5 practice. I had a pink streak when making this, a strange urge to be all pish-posh. It went away now.

I have this strange fascination with G3.5 Rainbow Dash. I can't explain it, but there is something in her that I love. I always considered her and Cheerilee as bff-s who like doing all sorts of girly things together. Cheerilee would often fix Dashie’s mane in case she’d have a bad mane day, and in turn, Rainbow would help her with shopping for the best clothes and accessories.

Something that is just not right with their faces I feel, but I can't put a finger on it.


Massive incoming opinion. Been working on it since a while and needed to let it out. Feel free to ignore.

Off Topic / Canada on fire
« on: May 07, 2016, 08:42:48 AM »
Heard about the news yesterday on TV. My heart goes out to everyone involved. I hope every canadaian collector or fan is alright.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Tales of Another Ponyville
« on: April 23, 2016, 05:18:47 AM »
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A little thing I did for Tornado here. Just thought of sharing.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Signature art
« on: April 09, 2016, 09:44:22 AM »
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Rainbow Flash, Novella and Parasol in the fields in an avarage Ponyville afternoon. I'm happy I finally put together a full picture with background and everything, and make a piece related to Friendship Fables that I could use as a signature. It's starting to blend together into some kind of personal style. Wish I wouldn't have forgotten the shading though, oh well, I think I'll fix it tomorrow.

Off Topic / Fairy Oak
« on: March 03, 2016, 10:12:32 AM »
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Anybody else read or knows about this series? I picked it up at a couple days ago on my ex-workplace library and I'm absolutely hooked to its little world ever since. If you have a chance, get your hands on it and give it a read, it's a lovely (if sometimes dark) story.

Arts & Crafts Corral / How are you making your backgrounds?
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:39:36 AM »
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I plan this to be my new sig when it is complete... but no matter how hard I tried I just can't make a normal looking background to it, like, say, the Arena's banner up there. Agh, it frustrates me so much because I'm so close.

Could someone share me some tips and tricks for good-looking ground-grass for this type of pictures?

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Behind-the-scenes stuff like these are hidden treasures for me, and that especially applies to previous generations.

What really catches my eye in these pictures is how Kathy drew the ponies. They all have slightly smaller muzzles, and their heads are much more oval and less shapely than what we saw in early G3. The ears are much less 'fleshy' and more like those tiny ones after the style change. However, all their manes are the same, which is another thing that was common in the earlier design. The eyes are my favorites though, they're a perfect mixture of both, not too much curves for the early, but not overly spharical for late style as well.

Could it be that this was a proto-G3.5 design that was part of the big style change project of Hasbro?

Have some more pictures under the spoilers:
Storyboard for 'Dreams Do Come True' from Twinkle Wish Adventure
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Toola Roola:
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Rainbow Dash:
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