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Topics - rustyRAINBOW

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For Sale - For Auction / Moondreamers and Keypers
« on: July 16, 2015, 01:40:20 AM »
hey ladies.
this is my final sale post of posting for a while.
this is the very very last of my 80s girl toys.
someone please give them a fabulous home.
no reasonable offers refused.
shipping from canada, payment via paypal.

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Pony Corral / Selling collection off questions and price check
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:42:03 PM »
Hey there pony friends.
So the time has come for me to sell my collection. It's been an amazing journey collecting for all these years and meeting some of my best friends. Collecting ponies helped me to realize my dream of becoming a nurse and now I'm in nursing school and unfortunately I'm gonna be needing to downsize in order to help with my school costs.
My ponies have been in storage for years now and I thought I should dig some out and take photos and see about proceeding with selling.
I'm selling everything so that includes ponies of all generations, rares, mail orders, comic con and fair exclusives, clothing accessories, you name it.
Curious to the pony folk on here - how should I go about it?  Ebay?  On here?  Lots?  Singles?
I never thought I would sell so I need some input.
Please let me know any thoughts you may have and here is a round of photos for price check:

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Please excuse the awful quality of the photos.
This was taken by a dying phone in my parents basement so not the best of anything at all. Any input is appreciated and if you see anything you want, now is the time.

Trader & Shipping Support / Anyone seen himmie?
« on: January 12, 2014, 12:20:55 PM »
Hey Trader Support

I had himmie do a custom order for me before Christmas and I have not heard from her since December 26th. I'm a bit concerned as I've sent her several messages with no reply though she has been online.
When I last spoke with her she said she was ill and dealing with some family issues. Just curious if anyone has seen her around or knows what's up?

Himmie if you are reading this - I've sent you several messages with no response so I don't really know what else to do. I'm sorry and I will close this topic ASAP once I know what's up.  Not trying to be a pain.

Wanted! / anyone with a hot topic near them to find me a wallet
« on: November 29, 2013, 03:36:53 AM »
so i held off on my order at hot topic for black friday and missed one of the items i wanted!

and now its sold out online.

does anyone have a hot topic near them and could swing by to see if they have it or phone?
i will happily pay you for the wallet and to ship to me, plus a little for your time.
it matches the mens bifold wallet i bought for my boyfriend and we are the addams family so pleaseeeeeee.

Wanted! / thanks
« on: September 02, 2013, 09:37:15 AM »

Wanted! / Someone in the US to order items for me (non pony)
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:56:12 AM »
Hey pony friends
I am in need of someone to act as a middle man for me and order me a couple items from They are not pony related
I can PayPal you the cost of them plus shipping to you and then to ship to me plus some extra for your time etc. I also would be willing to send you some ponies if I had some you needed?

Please helppp. :)

Pony Brag Arena / VERY STRANGE knock-off oakley?
« on: March 29, 2013, 06:34:44 PM »
okay so i haven't been posting too much lately but i always watch the boards for fun pony news!
i had to share my most recent find with you ponies..

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it's a really strange knock off oakley the moose.  i have no idea where it came from (some unholy dollar store no doubt)?
somehow it's worse than the actual oakley..  mostly because..  antlered moose are typically male right..  why would he be pink then?  and that purple shading around his nose looks like cartoon hobo five oclock shadow. 

i found him in a lot that was being sold on a local auction site and i was able to purchase just him.

has anyone seen anything similar?

Wanted! / someone in the US to get item off ebay for me
« on: March 18, 2013, 07:35:47 AM »
hey hey!
i need someone in the USA willing to purchase a couple items for me off of ebay, and act as my go between.
they are very small non pony related items and i can pay with paypal asap.  i can also send you some extra for your trouble or give you a pony from my trade bin.

send me a pm, if you can lend me a hand.  ;)

Wanted! / someone in the UK to get a non pony item from ebay?
« on: February 06, 2013, 10:19:47 PM »
hey guys.
i need a UK pony ebayer willing to purchase an item for me, and ship it to me in canada.
i will pay all paypal and shipping costs and will either send you some extra cash or i can send you any pony from my trade bin.

i have paypal and can paypal you asap.
send me a pm if you can help!
oh and the item is non pony related.  it's a t-shirt.

Wanted! / someone in the US to get me an item from ebay (non pony)
« on: December 17, 2012, 08:26:18 AM »
hey cool cats
so i need a new wallet and found the best one on ebay but they don't ship to the great frozen north.
anyone wanna help me out for a couple extra dollars and their time?

Wanted! / someone to do an order from hot topic for me?
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:25:11 AM »
anyone in the us feel like doing a hot topic order for me and then shipping it my way?
just small stuff, and i can pay you a bit extra for your troubles or trade you some ponies from my overflowing trade bin?

i took a day trip with some friends to another city to see a concert and obviously me being me, i had to hit up the large flea market that happened on weekends.  i'd read some reviews that said it was awful, but $1 admission worked for me and gave us something to do.  good thing i went!

i hadn't found anything until we hit up a booth selling mostly vintage toys and my friend spies some MLP stuff.

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MOC ponywear!!

then my boyfriend pulls this out from a box:

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MOC baby yo yo!

the owner of the booth comes over and starts asking me if i like ponies and i say that i sure do, and he shows me this:

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g1 collectors case (kind of roughed up, but i didnt have it)

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with this inside (i added the alien button from a bin later)

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pony clothes!!

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paradise estate stuff, and a creepy close encounters of the third kind button.  i love aliens!!!

i paid $100 for the lot, and i don't know if that was a good price or not, but i'm pretty psyched about those MOCs.

i stopped by another booth run by a crazy old asian lady and it was full of mental stuff..  but i saw these girls:

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pretty good score for $6.

and then i came upon the most amazing booth run by a beautiful boy with a huge my little pony tattoo..  it was filled with 80s girl toys and all sorts of good stuff.  and it was there that i found these:

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those ponies look wonky right?  RIGHT!!!  the first is a mexican princess pony and the second is an argentina baby.
the topper is from england i guess?

also at the booth i picked up this:

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a windstone edition "flyion" who i have renamed aslan.  i got the windstone and ponies for $30.
thats a crazy deal especially for the windstone being in perfect condition.

anyways.  thats my brag.  <3

Pony Corral / pony shirts/tanks at wal mart in canada
« on: August 16, 2012, 03:13:18 PM »
not sure if this has been posted, but i was recently at wal mart and they have a whole whack of new licensed shirts including 2 my little pony designs.  one is a purple t-shirt and says "made in the 80s" with a unicorn princess pony on it and the other is a pink tank top and says "Daddy i want a pony" and has the same unicorn princess pony.  they're super cute and i think around $12?  i picked up both, and once my camera charges i will post pictures.
they only had a few sizes but i'm willing to go and check for more if anyone would like a shirt.

Wanted! / sdcc ponies - zacora and ditzy! PLEASE HELP ME FIND THEM!!
« on: July 20, 2012, 02:19:46 PM »
hey ponies!
i'm looking for ditzy and zacora.
i have paypal, and am in canada!

wow it's been an age quite literally since i've posted here!  i was recently remarking to my boyfriend that all of my pony luck seems to have dried up these last few months..  i would find a g3 here and there, or sometimes a super manky g1, but i hadn't found anything really great..
the local flea market has been pretty disappointing this year, and they've started letting street people busk there so now it's just sort of an odd collection of very intoxicated folks staggering around at 8am on sundays..  and also since storage wars became so popular, people have really jacked up their prices because they think they are sitting on gold mines of goods..  so we've been coming back empty handed most weekends.

so we started off garage sale season by hitting some local garage sales, and at the first one we hit ponies!

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i got the g3 and the g3.5 for $1, and the g2 was $0.50 (i think i have them all, but i couldn't resist since it's been such a ponyless last little while).  the g3 and g3.5 have an interesting story...  the lady who i picked them up from said she had more ponies, so she took my email and i kinda forgot about the whole thing..

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a few weekends later we hit the flea market, and one of the vendors is this really cool dude who helps out at the second hand bookstore where i work nights - he hits all the flea markets, garage sales, and antique shows, and then resells every sunday at the flea market - he also finds used books for the bookstore (he has a CRAZY memory for book titles), and a while ago i'd asked him to look for ponies for me (he's already been finding me antlers and bones for my crafts so i figured hey why not)..  well the first weekend he had the purple g1 for me..  she's pretty manky but for $0.50 why not..  the second weekend, he had the bright pink g1, again for $0.50 with a pretty gnarly hairdo.  the bottom three (including satin n lace!) i picked up at another stall and i casually asked the lady if she had any more ponies, and she said she had already sold them (even though it was 7am and the flea market only starts at 7am..) and proceeds to brag on and on about how she had every pony in the g1 line..  i said yeah uh huh whatever and paid her my $2 and kept walking.  people tend to do that around me, just start excessively bragging/lying about their apparent magickal collections that never seem to materialize, and it happens with more than just ponies..  i'm talking records, books, anything.  it's really annoying.

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we skipped the flea market for a while because it was getting pretty grotty and we hadn't found anything, so we hit up a local community yard sale and got oodles of amazing stuff for almost nothing..  and we stopped at one yard sale and i noticed a lot of 80s/90s toys and i asked if they had ponies, figuring they wouldn't, but the lady said "oh yeah, over there in that box" and i dove for a little shoebox and for $3 this is what i got ^^.  my boyfriend picked up some vintage he-mans/he-man vehicles as well, and we got a lamp shaped like a mushroom.  i also got some fairy winkles at another yard sale, but my camera died before i could take pictures.

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i got these for $1 at the same yard sale..  i don't know anything about them, so can anyone tell me anything?  these are the Lil Litters right?  price check?  i won't be keeping them, but i figured i'd check here if anyone wants them.

so i've been considering myself pretty lucky, and a while ago i got an email from the lady who i'd bought ponies from..  she said she had found more and was i interested..  she sent me a picture and i rushed over..  can you tell me why?
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do you see who i see?
she also had 4 unicorn decorative pictures, so for all the ponies, the pictures and a g3 plushie i paid $20.

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the g3 plushie (which is scary as hell), and a sailor neptune i got at the thrift shop for $1

oh and the same lady had asked what else i was interested in and i said taxidermy, and she goes into her garage and pulls out:

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a cougar skin rug!  he's in pretty rough shape, but we picked him for $10 and now he's happily hanging out on our wall.  we named him steve french.

last weekend we hit the flea market and got lucky..  my boyfriend got 20 horror vhs tapes for $2, and i got:

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a stag's head brooch for $5, and a smokey quartz for $6


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g1s!  including a gorgeous big brother steamer (with brush!), for $1 each!  i've never found second hand big brothers..  like in years..  since i was little little. so i was pretty excited.

and at the last stall i found some sailor moon goodies:

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  i don't collect but my penpal does, so she'll be getting some treats real soon!

and thats my story and i'm sticking to it.  just when you think your luck has run out..  it can change overnight!
also..  here's my deer, bocifus buckminister rocking his summer look:

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(and no i don't think taxidermy is gross, and no i didn't kill bocifus myself.)

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