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Topics - MyHatBarks

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Customs / G3 Tex for Salli (Newbie Swap) :)
« on: June 07, 2012, 02:28:52 AM »
I participated in the Newbie Swap and as you may have seen in Maniah's thread the idea was to take an older gen pony and make it a newer gen. My wonderful partner was Salli. She listed the g1 boys as one of her top ponies - Tex being her possible favorite - and I knew I had to tackle Tex. It was my first time doing a boy, so it took me forever to be satisfied with his feet. The rest was pretty straight forward though and I'm pretty happy with how he ended up.

Tex started as a G3 Pretty Pop. I used sculpey for his feet, regular acrylic paints and hair from dollyhair (Forget Me Not & Heart Throb). I also found a member who used to sell replacement & G3 bandanas and added it as the final touch! :D Now on to the pics! (Please forgive my shotty photos, I have only my cellphone to work with and it doesn't pickup a lot of color/textures.)

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Closeup of his eyes & symbol, I am super happy with how they came out. Being that he was a FBR, I was realllllllllllllllly nervous I'd mess up and have to repaint everything. I only slightly flubbed a few spots though! :D

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I decided against eyelashes for him, as I'm pretty garbage at them. lol

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Thanks for looking :D

Customs / Newbie Custom Alert! =P
« on: March 31, 2012, 02:04:48 AM »
Newbie to customizing, that is. lol I've dabbled in customizing before and I really do enjoy it, so I'm going to continue to work at it. This girl started out as a Strawberry Swirl with nasty hair and a smudged symbol. I was playing with Sculpey and ended up liking the design for her symbol. I had the hair left over from an idea I had wanted to do that didn't pan out and thought the colors complemented each other. (At least they did in my So here she is.

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She was rehaired with Butterscotch from Dollyhair. For her symbol, it was sculpey, partially painted with acrylic on one of the swirlies with a layer of Mod Podge matte on top (is this the proper sealant to use on clay, or do you need one at all?). I also added a few gems to her symbol and gave her a necklace and a bracelet. :)

Close-up of the symbol and necklace

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How's she look? Opinions & CC welcome!!

This is the first pony I've ever baked, that being said, it raised a few questions:

1. After I took her out of the oven, I noticed a random blue spot had appeared to the left of her symbol and a red spot up on her leg. I'd completely cleaned her down with acetone prior to baking, so I'm not sure where they came from. The red spot came off completely, but you can sort of see the blue one still. They were pretty pale so it looked like a chemical reaction maybe? Does this happen sometimes or am I just lucky like that? lol

2. There was also what appeared to be an air-pocket that came to the surface after baking on her leg and now she has little scar where it popped. :( It's not very obvious, but is there a way to prevent this? I didn't see anything prior to baking in that location.

3. Her tail is mighty lacking in fullness. I had a heck of a time trying to put a tail in her. Her body was so completely stiff after baking and cooling that it wasn't flexible enough to fit much of a tail into. I thought about possibly putting her into some hot water to make her more flexible but I was scared to ruin the clay. Any tips on making this easier?

For Trade / Fashion Style Rainbow Dash :) [TRADER FOUND :)]
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:00:16 PM »
Looking to trade my Fashion Style Rainbow Dash for your...- G2s, especially babies! I only have a few so chances are you probably have ones I don't have to offer. lol - G1 Merchandise: erasers, pvc figures, mummy charms, stationary, stickers, etc.  - Baits: g1/g3/g4 (prepped would be awesome, but not a requirement) and I am in the market for a baity G1 SHS or winger pony without the wings. For baits I prefer bodies without cancer or non-removable marks. :) - Customizing Supplies: hair, jewels, wings, fantasy film, etc.Honestly, make me an offer. I am open to a lot more than this, but I'm terrible at making wishlists and I can't find my silly g1 checklist right now.  >_<

Found a trade partner, so closing this. :)

Customs / Christmas custom & question on Sculpey :)
« on: January 20, 2012, 02:51:41 PM »
So this is a very late post as I was very late in getting her to her new owner, ABrownCrayon, but she now made it to her and I can post and ask some questions & get some opinions.

First, the pony
She was a Sundance bait with very wild hair and symbols a little scuffed. Her hair is a mix of Envy & Candy Apple from Dollyhair. The wreath is made of Sculpey and then painted with acrylic paint. Her eyes and hoof symbol are painted with acrylic paint as well, and anything painted was sealed with modgepodge.

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Eyes Close-up, I'm really proud of these because I really stink at eyes. lol! I know she has no lashes, but every time I tried on a practice pony, the lashes looked awful, so I left them off.

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It was my first time using Sculpey and I was terrified of baking my bait as I only had one Sundance bait who wasn't body-damaged already. So I baked her symbol first and then glued it to her body. I tried two different types of glue - some regular elmer's and Aleen's tacky glue. The elmer's didn't work well, the wreath fell off twice, but the tacky glue seemed to be sturdy enough. Is tacky the best glue for this situation or has anyone found a better option? Unfortunately when she arrived to her destination the wreath had fallen off (again) and the two little ribbon tails had broken off as well. Even though I seriously did some super packing with her - Air pillows, packed her in tight to not move around, put a protective barrier of plastic packaging over her symbol so it was kinda a turned up cup over it to prevent anything from smashing into her symbol (kinda looked like "CI" <- that with the "I" being the pony symbol and the "C" being the plastic). I'm thinking the movement of the overall box did it.  :huh:   So is there a better glue that may have been more secure?? Or is it best to just stick the whole pony in the oven next time?

Also, any constructive criticism or helpful hints are welcome here, I want to improve! :)

Oh and the other little thing I made for Robin. I was playing around and had the little puppy-face left over. She just got a new puppy a few months ago so I thought a "Puppy's First Christmas" type ornament would be cute:

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Thank you for looking & any help! :)

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