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Topics - m1nt3a

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Hey there I have a fashion style Applejack, and a Blossomforth toy, and Twilight Sparkle's Twinkling Balloon, all in the box. I have searched this forum for price checks but I don't know if the numbers apply to my toys because they have a few minor flaws.

The first is a very small (like the tip of a needle) black dot on her head. I don't know for sure but I suspect it might be removable because I've managed to get small marks off other ponies that I have unboxed. Pics is linked below but it's more opaque in real life.

The second flaw is what appears to be glue between the outer plastic shell and the lower label attached to it. I tried cleaning the outside with rubbing alcohol but that didn't remove it so I think it's on the inside. It's way more visible at some angles than others but I tried to show it in the pics.

Here are some more pics.

The Blossomforth toy's only flaw is the faint marks on the inside of the plastic shell. I tried taking pics but my camera isn't very good so they don't show up well. They're the regular markings on the plastic that almost all MLP toys have. I'm wondering whether I can call her MIB or whether that would be deceitful.

I got a Twilight Sparkle's Twinkling Balloon for my birthday and there was a sticker on it that I used rubbing alcohol to remove. This caused the area around the sticker to lighten a little. Top view. Mark is to the right of the My Little Pony logo. Front view just because.

So I'd like to know how much I should sell them for, and if it's advisable to sell the FS AJ as a set with the other FS ponies (I have all of them).
Oh! And I'd like to know whether these toys can still be considered mint-in-box because I don't know if people consider things like little marks on the plastic to be flaws.
I have done research on my own into the prices of these items but I don't know if the prices I see are correct because there are high price listings for every MLP toy and some are rip offs and some are not.

Introductions / New member, joined for price checks ^_^
« on: July 06, 2013, 01:52:02 PM »
Hi there. So I started liking MLP after my friends convinced me to watch Friendship Is Magic and shortly after I got into the show I ended up with a collection of about 50 pony toys (I kept them in their packages because they're pretty ^_^).

I'm moving out in a few months and won't have room where I live for tons of ponies, (I'll still keep a few, like my plastic Applejack from the collector's set that I hand-painted freckles on) so I plan on selling almost all my toys. Some are rare (this isn't a sales pitch-I'll post one later- but I have a FS Applejack and a few Blossomforths that I never got around to unboxing and styling), so I plan on posting in the Price Check Archives to get advice on pricing because while I do want a good price for them, I don't want to be "that guy" who tries to sell a toy for a million dollars just because it's somewhat rare.

I have lurked the forum but I haven't found answers to my questions about my toys value specifically so that's why I signed up.

My favourite ponies are Rarity and Applejack, but I think everypony is best pony in their own pony way.

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