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Topics - amazonarabian

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Pony Brag Arena / Overdue brag! Amaaaazing swap with Prideth!
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:09:52 AM »
Okay, so I have to come clean-  I ate the chocolates without taking their picture first, which was a shame because they were so lovely, they looked like replicas.   :sheepish:  In fact, I have already consumed just about everything that I could in my box.  With a few special exceptions.

Had to start off with that.

Our swap started as a snack swap that quickly morphed into something amazing, unique, strange, and delightful.

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Super amazing.  Super delightful.

Now, I am a Northerner, so I am quite ignorant to many of these delicacies, so if anyone out there has cooking tips, that'd be awesome.  It looks like they're sprinkled over scrambled eggs?  Is that right?  I'm kind of excited to crack these open and poke at them, but I want to make sure I have a bomb recipe before I do.  I'm open to suggestions!

Now, along with the chocolates none of you will ever get to see, I also received some fantastically delicious specialty marshmallows, in fudgey yum, cinnamony bliss, and lavender dryer sheet flavors.  They were awesome.  I also need to point out that everything in my box had its own wonderful label, complete with instructions and/or explanations.  The lavender 'mallows were not for the eating- they were for the floating in delicious hot tea which would make me happy inside (it did) and make the marshmallows taste wonderful (also true).

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Notice anything else spectacular in that picture?

You guessed it.  Pork Cracklin's.  Another mystery product for me!  Cracked them suckas open almost immediately.  I have a hard time finding the exact words to describe them.  They're something else!

New things are awesome!

I also got a locally-made, delicious spicy strawberry jelly, which was gone within 3 days.  The wonderful note that accompanied it informed me to bring home cream cheese and salted pita chips immediately.  Husband was on it!  And holy mother of pita, it was amazing.  I ended up mixing all my jelly with cream cheese and used it for EVERYTHING until it sadly disappeared.  The pita chips were awesome in it, and I used it on my chicken at dinner and in a chicken quesadilla for lunch.  I wish they made it in a gogurt tube so I could just take it everywhere with me and just slurp it as i go.  I'd look like one of the people from Wall-E.

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I also got a lovely bracelet made by a local artisan!  So pretty and perfect!  I just love it!

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Here is my wonderful card and a bag of black tea I must make into sweet tea!  This will be difficult for me, not only because I have yet to master the Southern Sweet Tea-chnique, but because it is currently snowing and blowing again outside my house.  This task must wait for sun and grass and a clean mason jar.  But I know it will be delicious!

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I also got a jar of amazing Pig Feet!!!  My note says they might be good in a pot of beans.  I am also open for recipes that include these!  What other parts of pigs do we save and eat???  I can only imagine and giggle to myself.  If I ever go down south, I'm just going to go grocery shopping for my souvenirs.  Fantastic!

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MONKEYNAUT!  These are SO funny!  I always choose my adult beverage by their label, unless I'm being boring and then it's Coors Light, baby.  These are perfect.  Monkeynaut, featuring an agitaged monkey in a space suit, and Lily Flagg Milk Stout, featuring a cow jumping over the moon with the assistance of her jet-propelled udder.  And she has a blue ribbon!  She won a prize!  Probably for jumping, or for milk production.  My note even informs me that Lily Flagg is a REAL COW.  This makes all of it even more amazing!

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Isn't this just the greatest box?  It isn't even done yet!

Prideth made me bandannas for my dogs!  For ALL my dogs!  I know that sounds like, oh, she made a few bandannas, but it means she made ALL the bandannas!  She even made one for my mom's dog!  How amazing is that???  Each one is bedazzled AND has their names embroidered on BOTH sides!  HOLY CRAP!!!
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I could keep going!  They're adorable,  and I feel like the troop leader of a bunch of boy scouts.  I had one of my old, retired dogs wander off several weeks ago, only to be found 42 miles away a few days later, so she even made them all in blaze orange so that they'll be easy to spot!  Haha! 

This is easily the greatest thing anyone's thought to make me.  I can't believe she sent one for EVERYBODY! 


Okay, on to ponies!

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Aren't they gorgeous???  She chose the perfect ponies for me!  They're even all still in their boxes!  And look at their cute little scarves and earmuffs and snowgoggles!  I'm so happy!  I think Chilly Breezes is my favorite.  She looks totally prepared for outdoor adventures.  She's got her hat and her goggles, so she's obviously not messing around.  We're gonna be cold, we're gonna go fast, and we're gonna have some fun.

This was just The Best.  I had so much fun messaging Prideth, exchanging stories, talking about our old JTT crushes, planning our future '80's girl slumber party, and laughing with each other.  I am so glad we did this swap, and I hope this is just the first of many.  It's so nice to instantly click with someone, and I'm so happy I made such an awesome friend during it!

Wanted! / amazonarabian's wants for swaps and things
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:57:33 AM »
Hey, guys!

I'm mainly making my wantlist here so I can link to it for swaps and such.  I'm not actively seeking every lovely lady out there (with a few exceptions), despite the fact that I prowl the sales thread religiously.

I like nice symbols and eyes, although don't mind a few imperfections.  Hair is less important for me, although I prefer tinsel ponies to have nice tinsel, mainly because I'm clueless as to how to tame it.  Body marks are understandable, and im honestly not terribly picky, but I don't really want baity ponies.
I also do not have a huge collection, so you'll notice I'm missing some very standard girls.

Wind Whistler
Cotton Candy
Bonnie Bonnets
Blueberry Baskets
Cherry Treats
Boysenberry Pie
Mommy Apple Delight (crappy hair is great- her hubby and daughter already sport rehairs, so she should probably fit in)
June Rose birthflower pony

G1 Babies
Cotton Candy
Sniffles & Snookums
Milkweed & Tumbleweed (also wouldn't mind them with messed up hair/symbols, for custom useage)
Sparkly Baby Northstar
Blue Ribbon

Tropical Breeze

Denim Blue

(Pretty much all the cute winter series ponies, preferably with their cute little winter gear- I have a naked Mittens so far, but she seems awfully cold)
Candy Cane
Marshmallow Coco
Winter Wishes
Chilly Breezes
Velvet Bow
Jolly Lolly

I also always love Posey rehairs, alternate pose customs and the like!

Pony Brag Arena / The newest member of the seababy pod!
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:52:36 AM »
So I just can't get enough of TwinkleEye's seababies.  They're just amazing.  I'm sorry to everyone who will never have the chance to own one because I am snatching them up the moment I see them.  But only a little sorry.  ;)

So here is the newest gal!  She came in her own snowbank and was so thoughtful, she even brought me some delicious chocolates!  Okay, Baby Snowflake.  If you *insist* I should gain more weight!   :lol:  Omnomnomnom!

Here she is with her sisters!  As you can see, Capi is thrilled.  Eisblume is reserving judgement until she sees if Snowflake brought her a present, too. 

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Did I mention she is flocked?  Because she is totally, adorably fuzzy.   :deathhug:
So.  Delightfully.  Excited.  Just look at that face!  I am so in love with these girls!

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TwinkleEye, you outdid yourself!  You are SUCH a fantastic artist.  I look forward to giving you all of my dollars for forever and ever as I build up a gigantic army of seababies that will take over, if not the world, then a freaking wall in my pony room.

You are just the best.

Trader & Shipping Support / shill bidding question
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:17:53 PM »
I'm bidding on a pony on ebay, but was outbid.  Wanting to scope out my competition, I clicked their name, and it is telling me that 100% of their bids have been with this seller.  This buyer only has a few transactions.  I guess it's possible?  I haven't run into this before.
I would be very sad if this were the case.
Thoughts?   :huh:

Maybe I am overthinking this, or maybe i am misunderstanding what i am seeing?  I'm just feeling uncomfortable now.  It is a shame.  It was a lovely custom, but I think I'm just going to let it go.

Wanted! / Wantlist for Newbie Holiday Swap!
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:55:08 PM »
Hi, secret partner, and random curious Arena members!

Here is my wantlist for you.  I have a bunch of wintery ponies on here, because, well, Holiday Swap!  It seemed fitting.  I have a pretty limited collection so far, so if you need more options, I can certainly come up with more.  ;)

Thanks for buying me presents.  You're awesome.

**Edit:  Some of the other swappers' lists have reminded me that I should post condition wishes!  So, here it is!

  I don't mind a rehair pony at all.  I like rehairing!  I like a pretty body, though, especially symbols and eyes.  Stray marks here or there are okay, though.  G1s are kinda old, so I'm pretty understanding of some flaws.**

*Baby Stockings
Baby Northstar
Baby Schoolbag
Baby Nightcap
Baby Glory

Wind Whistler
Main Sail
Sand Digger
June Birthflower Rose Pony

** Posey!  In custom rehairs or new poses!  Yay!

Winter Series!. Um, with cute winter gear, please  :blush:
*Marshmallow Coco
Winter Wish
Velvet Bow
Candy Cane
Chilly Breezes

Sunrise Song
Silver Glow

Nurse Redheart

Funko Mystery Minis (series 2, I believe- the black ones)
I only have a couple of these, but figure, hey, may as well complete the set!  I love the mane and tail colors against the black bodies.
Mane 6
Daring Do
DJ Pon-3
Sweetie Drops
"Muffin pony"
Dr Hooves
Big Mac

Ornaments would be cool, too!

 I mainly collect G1 and G4 ponies, but I want to collect a select group of cute G3s.  Umm, not so much a fan of G2s or G3.5s, though.

Pony Corral / The Movers Are Taking My Ponies Now
« on: November 21, 2013, 08:06:04 AM »
Well, the Army has decreed that we move again.  The movers are packing up all my ponies and I'm trying not to hover too much.  Most of them are heading to Georgia with my husband, where they will all stay during his 6-month career course.  I am staying in Alaska in a little dry cabin until June, when the sled dogs and I can all come down to (hopefully) Colorado or somewhere else with seasons.  We'll have the rest of the mushing season to play in AK, maybe do some sprint races, and I'll have access to great tutor dogs to help mentor my budding leaders while my husband can focus on his course without too many distractions.

However, this means that my ponies may be subjected to extreme temperatures, and may potentially be harmed by roaming dogs or sneaky tourists.  So, I'm keeping only a couple rehairs and customs I want to work on this winter, and a couple just for company (a lovely Gusty and my first g1 rehair, Chief).  It's a little sad to think of the whole herd in storage for so long, but I just can't risk them in the dog yard.  Gusty comes because I always loved how caustic she was.  MY Gusty also has a silly flaccid horn that makes me smile, and I love her colors.  Chief was my first rehair, and the first big brother of my adulthood.  My childhood Tex is still at my mother's, so Chief has been my replacement boyfriend pony.  He also has his bandanna and hat, which totally delight me, and mid-winter, having delightful things at hand can be very beneficial to my sanity.

Anyone else out there have to move your herd?  Did it go okay?  Or have you had to pick just one or two companions for an extended period of time?  Who did you pick and why did they get chosen over your others?

Customs / The worst has happened! *Rarity faint*
« on: August 08, 2013, 07:13:17 PM »
So, I won a lot of flutter ponies from ebay.  A couple were for me, and the rest were for a Friend.  I was going to bathe them and remove the Not My ponies' hair, as Friend likes to rehair.  I tossed them all in a big bowl and grabbed my conditioner (for the 2 I am keeping) and popped the tea kettle on. 

In the meantime, I was busy doing a few things around the house, so it whistled before I took it off.  I poured the hot water in the bowl and let them sit for a few.

Well, when I came back for them, something awful had happened.  The bright, neon hair of Yum Yum and the 2 Morning Glorys had imprinted onto the Morning Glorys' & Lily's bodies, and totally stained Rosedust and Forget-Me-Not's hair.   :cry:

Somehow, Yum Yum's body seems untouched.

But, what do I do now?  Rosedust and Forget-Me-Not were the 2 I was keeping, no rehairing intended, and the others, who now almost all have bright yellow streaks throughout them, were intended for Friend, who happens to really like nice bodies for her rehairs.

Did I let the water get too hot?  Should I not soak ponies?  What did I do wrong?  Any brilliant strategies anyone can share with me to fix my mistake?  I'm at a loss.  Advice appreciated!

So, on 5/16/13 I purchased several ponies from an ebay seller from the Netherlands named mlpvalley.

Now, before the collective uncomfortable intakes of breath, I knew she had had a shady history several, several years ago on the Arena and is a banned member.  I read up on her shenanigans and saw that she was 13 years old when she was originally banned, hasn't had issues lately, and seemed to be pretty ashamed of her previous self, and claimed to have attempted to right all her wrongs.  I, too, was a d**k of a kid, and turned out a pretty decent adult, so I walked the Disney Path and was all, Second Chances!

Anyway, I purchased 2 adults and 4 babies.  She shipped them in bubble envelopes that fit 2 adults or 4 babies.  I was okay with this, as we had agreed upon it beforehand.  I paid $15 total for the shipping of both envelopes ($7.50 each envelope).

I received the 2 adults on June 04.  I immediately dropped her a message to let her know they arrived safely and I thought the other envelope was probably a day or so behind.

No answer.  Which is fine.  People get busy.  I'm not terribly needy.  It didn't really require a response.

However, on Jun 12th, I get a message on ebay from her that says this:

Dear buyer,

Unfortunately I've stumbled on a huge problem.
Apparently the shipping rules of my postal service has changed (without them telling me), and therefor may packages have returned.
And the only way for me to reship them, is the new way our postal system wants them...and that's by package post. Pretty much anything thicker then 3cm is going to have to go through the package system.
This means for my US/Canada/Australia buyers 25$ shipping (so an additional $17.50 for who paid $7.50 shipping or an additional 10$ for all buyers that paid 15$)
And for my European buyers 13$ (so for the one who paid $7.50 an additional $5.50)
Normally I would take it as a loss on my end and just pay the shipping, but with 20 packages, I just can't afford it.
So as you've received this mail, it means your package was one of the unlucky ones. And my question becomes; do you wish to pay the additional shipping, or do you wish a full refund?
Again my apologies, I wish I could do more :(

I messaged her back and explained that I was a little confused and would like more clarification.  The packages were sent out at the same time, after all.  How did one get the green light and the other get sent back?

She replied back,

to be honest i don't know either. I'm using the information I got. I already reshipped twice at me expense bit they've returned again.
I'm sorry, I just don't know.

- mlpvalley

I've never had to deal with anything like this.  I also don't know anything about postage in the Netherlands.  Anyone have any insight into this?  I have a hard time imagining that this is some big, elaborate hoax she's arranged to steal everybody's money AND ponies, since she offers a full refund (and used a frowny-face emoticon, of course).  It seems like a lot of effort to go through.  And if she's lying, wouldn't it show up on the envelope/box exactly how much shipping costs vs how much she charged?  But why this sudden drastic price increase in postage?  Is that real or am I being bent over a barrel?  Anyone here live in the Netherlands??

I don't really want to give up my ponies, and am feeling a little scrunchy-faced about that, but I also don't want to shell out an extra $17.50 just to ship them, especially since I'm not sure I got *that* much of a deal on the group of them.

Here's what envelope contained:

NM UK Baby Mischief    $11.99
UK Baby Susie             $13.99
UK Baby Moondream   $13.99
UK Baby Schoolbag     $11.99

See?  If you can't help me solve the Dutch postal issues, you can still tell me to stop being silly and pay the nice lady or good God those prices are astronomical, and for THOSE ponies- why would you even consider that offer??

You could also offer me appropriate Feedback suggestions.  I've never left Negative feedback before, and the thought kind of makes me a little sad.  And then kind of excited and trepidatious at the thought of everyone's horror stories with vengeful ebayers and their Feedback woes, which in turn makes me wonder what MY horror story could possibly be by the bitter, bitter end, which then, for some reason, makes me crave movie theater popcorn and an obscenely large soda.  I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Suggestions encouraged!  Especially Dutch ones!

Customs / Beatrix Poners
« on: May 12, 2013, 12:30:32 PM »
So, now that I think I've figured out how to correctly post pictures, I wanted to show off the customs I made for my mom (awwww, I know) for Mother's Day.

Beatrix Poners

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Mrs. Tiggy Whinny
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Jemima Puddlehooves
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And the Peter Rabbit one (I can't think of a clever name for her, but I'm totally open to ideas)
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Aaaand another Peter Rabbit I did for a friend.  Both Peters have the same NDS marking.

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They were done with acrylics and rehaired with Dollyhair.  They're not perfect, but I learned a lot doing them.  I hope my next ones are even better.
Thanks for taking the time to look at them!

Pony Brag Arena / Long overdue brags
« on: May 12, 2013, 11:51:22 AM »
Hey, guys.  So, I'm still trying to figure out how, exactly, to post pictures in forums in preparation for the Newbie Swap.  I decided to try my hand at showing off a pair of very awesome customs made for me by AlexK, of
I initially asked her to make me a Cheer Bear, but when she gave me my options of the white unicorn base or pink earth pony base, I knew I had to have a Good Luck Bear, too.
I told her my only requests were that their cutie marks were on opposite sides so I could display them cheek-to-cheek, and that perhaps she could fit a star and heart buddy somewhere in them.

Here's what she made for me.  Aren't they gorgeous?

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Oh, wow!  It totally worked!  Score!  I'm so excited!

So, yes!  AlexK's custom ponies.  She does a fabulous job, doesn't she?

Wanted! / Newbie Swap? Newbie Swap!
« on: May 08, 2013, 07:04:36 PM »
Alright!  In preparations for my first Swap, I have compiled a list of ponies, playsets, and accessories that I would one day like to own.  Once the Swap is over, my list will be the beginning of a very extensive shopping list for me.

Wish List

Big Brother Ponies
(Would prefer displayable condition, but I also enjoy rehairing, so haircuts aren’t a problem, and a baity boy may just end up becoming someone else, so I guess I’m not terribly picky)

*Would also like any accessories such as hats and bandanas, for all the boys*
**Am also interested in Spanish or Nirvana boys**

-Tux ‘N Tails

Mountain Boys
(I have just decided to start a collection of these boys, and currently have no one.  I will happily take any of them)
-Ice Crystal

Flutter Ponies
(Would really like these is displayable condition, although I know their wings will probably be missing.  I can replace the wings as long as the little button on their back is still intact)
-Morning Glory
-Peach Blossom
-Tropical Breeze
-Wind Drifter
-Cloud Puff
-Pink Dreams
-Yum Yum

Baby Ponies (NBBE)
(Please, no BBE ponies!  They’re just... eerie...)
-Baby Cottoncandy
-Baby Firefly
-Baby Surprise
-Baby Blossom
-Baby Moondancer
-Baby Glory
-Baby Half Note (NBBE)
-Baby Lucky
-Baby Blue Ribbon
-Baby Sundance
-Baby Fleecy
-Baby Lucky Leaf
-Baby Pockets
-Baby Stripes
-Li’l Clipper
-Baby Princess Sparkle
-Baby Ember plus color varieties of symbol-less Embers

European Babies
-Baby Gusty
-Baby Ribbon
-Baby Lickety Split***
-Baby Heart Throb
-Baby Lemon Drop

First Tooth Babies
-Baby Lickety Split
-Baby Quackers
-Baby TicTacToe
-Baby North Star
-Baby Bouncy
-Baby Fifi
-Baby Nightcap

Baby Sister Ponies
-Li’l Cupcake
-Li’l Sweetcake

Newborn Twins
-Sleepy Head and Sleep Tight
-Milkweed and Tumbleweed
-Dibbles and Nibbles
-Sniffles and Snookums
-Jangles and Tangles
-Doodles and Noodles
-Sandcastles and Shovels

Newborn Ponies

Peekaboo Babies
-Baby Sweet Stuff
-Baby Noddins
-Baby Snippy
-Baby Graffiti
-Baby Ribbs
-Baby Whirly Twirly

Loving Families
-Apple Delight Family (Mummy, Daddy, and Baby)
   -*UK Baby Brother Apple Delight
-Sweet Celebrations Family (Mummy, Daddy, and Baby)
   -*UK Baby Sister Sweet Celebrations
-Bright Bouquet Family (Mummy, Daddy, and Baby)
   -*UK Baby Brother Bright Bouquet

Sweet Heart Sisters
-Fancy Flower
-Frilly Flower
-Wild Flower
-Spring Song

-Bridal Beauty***
-Bride Pony***
-Lickety Split
-Magic Star


-Lullaby Nursery (and accessories!)
-G1 Carry Case Stable
-Baby Pony's Collector Case
-Dream Castle Collector Case
-Baby Buggy

So, I know my list is long and incomplete, but I've got to start somewhere!  Thanks for looking!

Introductions / New member Amazonarabian says "Hi!"
« on: February 19, 2013, 08:53:18 PM »
I'm not much for posting in forums, but I'll try to add input every so often if what I have to say would be beneficial or add to the post.  I'll mainly be around perusing the MLP customs and market to see what treasures await.
Thanks for the warm welcome.

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