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Topics - astroasis

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Off Topic / Thrifting/Garage Sales & Bed Bugs
« on: May 16, 2013, 06:24:14 PM »
Hey everybody :)

I'm an avid garage saler and thrift shopper... and it was just recently brought to my attention that both kinds of shopping can easily put buyers at risk for bringing home... ick, ick, ick... bed bugs.

Now that it's in my mind, I can't get it OUT of my mind :( Might be my OCD making that aspect worse, though.

Regardless, I've been looking at sites that have ideas for how to clean items to make sure any bugs on them are removed/killed. However, they all seem to have the same advice for things like mattresses (don't buy), clothes (wash immediately), plush things (wash immediately or don't buy), etc, etc. Predictably, not a single site deals with My Little Ponies and bed bugs XD Or plastic/vinyl toys in general.

Obviously, I don't want to submerge them in water, for fear of having rust/mold issues later. Heating them is out - don't want to melt them! And I don't have enough room in my freezer to put new acquisitions in there :/

So I'm wondering... What do other pony/toy collectors do? Am I worrying over nothing? Are there any tips or helpful advice anyone can give me? I don't want to have to stop hunting for ponies and toys, but... I can't stop worrying about this :(

Anyone...? Bueller...? Bueller...?

Introductions / Hello!
« on: December 07, 2012, 11:39:19 PM »
Hi everyone :) I'm usually a shy lurker and I've been lurking here for awhile... but I decided to register, so I can take part in some of the threads I've been lurking in :blush:

I'm 34 and grew up with the original G1 Ponies all around me. They were one of my favorite toys and they hold a very special place in my heart. I now do my best to collect the ones I never had, replace the ones I've lost and rescue any I see at yard sales or thrift shops. I also collect most other toys from the 80's, along with some favorites from the 90's.

I also collect G3 ponies and some G4 ponies, as well as being a big fan of the Friendship Is Magic series. My favorite pony is G1 Applejack (in my avatar) and I am pleased as punch that she was turned into one of the Mane Six ponies for the show!

I never grew out of my love of toys, so I still collect from modern toy lines, as well. I mostly collect Littlest Pet Shop, Monster High dolls and Mini Lalaloopsies, but I also have a weakness for anything cute, so I own a little bit of just about everything.

So that's me... Hello!

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