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Topics - kezrob23

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Pony Corral / cleaning a giant g3 plush
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:15:02 PM »
hey all!! long time no post!!  :lol:

anyways, i picked up a giant g3 frilly frocks from a local auction site for $6.50. she is in way rougher shape than i thought, and a lot grubbier. she has quite a few stitched up holes, and is a very dingy off white.

her leg poles are broken and in weird places :lol: so i was thinking of removing the poles, destuffing, repairing the holes properly from the inside, and washing the outer in the machine after a good long soak.

has anyone done this? will it ruin the tail and mane or cause it to fall out? am i likely to completely ruin her if i try?

thanks in advance for any tips and advice!!

Wanted! / Pony contact?
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:37:17 PM »
here in aus we call it contact, we cover our kids school books with it. just wondering if anyone has come across mlp contact/book covering stuff or whatever it may be called :)

here is a link so you can see what i mean:

if anyone could help me out i would be absolutely thrilled!!!!!!

Price Check Archives / pc ff butterscotch
« on: May 25, 2014, 07:10:00 PM »
hey all!! i'm just after a pc on this flat foot butterscotch. she is in fantastic condition, apart from what i think are some cancer marks as can be seen in the first pic on her back/symbol.

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Pony Corral / rehairing a happy tails...
« on: December 02, 2013, 11:21:06 AM »
Just wondering if anyone knows how to re do the tail on a happy tails? I've got all the mechanism out, but i just can't figure out how to pop open the little cap thingy that's holding the tail in place.

can anyone help me please?? :biggrin:

Off Topic / it's partay time!!
« on: November 02, 2013, 11:24:56 PM »
Cause this is post number 1000!!!! it's only taken me a year and a bit :lol: but what an awesome year it's been :)

woot woot!!! lets party!!

:yippee: :yippee: :dance2: :dance2: :joy: :cheer: :dance: :glitter: :wine: :pillow: :green: :hearts: :party: :woohoo: :straw: :rasp: :banana: :apple: :pineapple: :orange: :choc:

and just cause you can't have a party without it...

and as it's after midnight, i will let you all partay on whilst i get some much needed noneyes!!! have a good one! :D

Pony Corral / Pinkie Pie costume :)
« on: October 23, 2013, 03:39:52 PM »
my daughter's school failed to remind us that today was dress up day. i had from 4pm yesterday to think of something quick!! with not much on hand, and no decent stores to go to, i came up with this!!

tail and hair is wool, the hair is tied onto a headband, the tail to a piece of elastic. she already had the pink trackies and jumper, and after searching my house for ages looking for yellow fabric, i finally found some old (but clean!!) micro fleece cloth nappy liners :lol: :lol: they are just sewed on, along with some ribbon, and presto!! we have pinkie pie!!

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not bad for a few hours work, and she was totally stoked with it!!!

(please excuse my messy house and unmade bed :blush: :blush:)

[nudging this over to the pony corral for you  - kiwimlp :)]

Off Topic / has anyone seen...
« on: October 10, 2013, 11:14:28 PM »
The Cirque du Soleil Michael Jackson Immortal Tour?? i'm just home from seeing it tonight, and it was fantastic!!!!!!!

omg those dancers are amazing and breathtaking!! and so funny!! they had us all up on our feet during intermission teaching us how to dance like michael jackson :)

so has anyone else seen it? what was your favourite part? mine would have to be smooth criminal, thriller of course, and the finale :)

Price Check Archives / g1 and accessory pc please :)
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:29:48 PM »
just after some pc's on the following please :)

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moondancer isn't as white as the pics look, she's more creamy. minimal glitter loss, great hair.
parasol has minimal glitter loss, great hair, no marks. cotton candy is perfect!!
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firefly has minimal glitter loss, great hair and no marks. posey has the pinkest hair i have ever seen(the photo washes it out a bit), but pink "highlighter" on her face, minor rubs to symbols. surprise has dryish hair, and some hair colour has transferred onto her body.
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thanks in advance!!

Wanted! / wishlist :)
« on: September 15, 2013, 07:24:53 PM »
Wish List for the Baby Swap - these are not in preference order, i just went thru ponyland press and strawberry reef and noted down which babies i am missing. some may be on the pricier side, but i have no real clue as to value, i just went with what i wish for. i am also after a fair amount of g3 and g3.5, so hopefully they balance it out :lol: i am not an accessory collector, unless otherwise stated below :D

US year 5               
FIRST TOOTH BABIES               
lickety split               
north star               
NEW BORN TWIN               
milkweed and/or tumbleweed               
jangles and/or tangles               
rattles and/or tattles               
doodles and/or noodles               
sleep tight and/or sleepy head               
US Year 6               
NEW BORN TWINS               
puddles and/or peeks               
sticky and/or sniffles               
sandcastle and/or shovels               
jabber and/or jebber               
US Year 7               
NEWBORN PONIES               
BABY PONIES               
lucky leaf               
US Year 8               
DRINK N WET               
BABY SPARKLE PONIES               
north star               
princess sparkle (i wish!!)               
US Year 9            
BABY RAINBOW PONIES               

stockings (christmas pony)            
TEENY TINY PONIES               
little whiskers               
tiny tabby               
little honeypie               
US Year 10               
palm tree               
beach ball               
sniffles and/or snookums               
bootsie and/or tootsie               
rattles and/or tattles               
UK Baby Ponies               
lemon drop               
cherries jubilee               
NBBE BABY PONIES               
heart throb               
lickety split               
count a lot                
BEST FRIEND PONIES               
SEASIDE BABY PONIES               
cuddles - cat or elephant               
bouncy - giraffe or teddy bear               
snoozy - duck or rabbit               
ribbons n hearts               

butter drop
charm bracelet
flower flash
goody gumdrop
hula lula
jingle jangle
lavender locket
northern lights
ocean dreamer
penny candy
ribbons & bows
sandy island
sparkleberry swirl
surf star
wave catcher
winter ice

accerssories for NBC pinkie pie's play house
nbc pinkie pie 2 - sitting front legs on ground
nbc scootaloo
nbc rainbow dash
nbc sweetie belle
nbc toola roola

Condition Preferences:
good to mint.
dirt, underhoof/unseen marks are fine, as is haircuts, no hair, bad hair, small symbol/eye rubs

What is Unacceptable to You:
NO BBE please!! no unremoveable marks (sharpie/highlighter/ink), no major cancer - small dots that are hard to notice are fine, no holes/chews.

i don't like nuts, any other kind of candy is fine. i like all types of crafts, and anything sparkly!!


Other Collections:
none - i'm just starting to focus on babies!!

Question answers in spoiler :D

How do you feel about having a custom made of your Grail/HTF Expensive baby?
that's fine

What if I find your baby, but their hair is truly in a really bad way, would you mind if the baby was rehaired?
i don't mind a rehair if it looks legit, and don't mind rehairing them myself either :)

Customs question again: - What about a MOMMY pony for one of the babies on your list that did not have a mommy? (Of course this would be an EXTRA as it's an adult pony...)
no thanks :) I'm downsizing my adults so I can collect more babbies :)

Decorated box?
Decorated box is absolutely fine!!

Favourite colours
fave colours are purple and pink, but I like most colours :)

Partner, I may want to draw you some pony art. Would you prefer a drawing of your pony persona, or would you rather have a drawing of your favorite Hasbro pony?
I don't have a persona, but drawings of baby ponies would be great if my partner was wanting too.

I have a question. Partner do you think of baby accessories.  that are not specifically on your wish list.
i am not an accessory collector :)

If you had to choose, would you enjoy opening more presents or having fewer, but more expensive, swap gifts?
i don't mind either way. i am just excited to be getting a box that contains things for me instead of my kids!!!

What kind of candy (the more specific the better) do you like?
anything as long as it has no nuts :)

If I am not a pony customizer or artist(drawing/painting) what other handmade items do you like? (examples...shirts-pls list size, totes, jewelry, candy etc...)
love anything homemade :)

What smells do you like/hate?
i like raspberry, orange, peppermint, eucalypt, anything citrus-ey

Kind of odd ball you prefer the Sun/Day or Moon/Night?
i'd have to say night time

Do you like pony merchandise? If so, which generation(s) and what type(s)?
i don't collect merchandise

Do you have pets, and would you like treats or toys for them?
i have a cat, but she suffers from cystitis so no treats for her please. she's a lazy fat bum, so doesn't really play much either :D 

Do you have a spouse, partner or roommate that might like to receive some goodies? If so, what do they like?
my partner does not need nor deserve anything (can you tell we had a bit of a barny yesterday? :lol:)

Do you have tiny humans (children), would they like any goodies and if so, what kind?
boy nearly 3, girl 5.5 - but anything for them is not necessary - they get spoiled enough!!!

Partner: What animals do you enjoy/ have collections of and would love to have more of?
i don't have any other collections :)

I know your wishlist said you didn't care much for BBEs but would you want one thrown in as an extra? I have one in really nice condition that needs a loving home.
no thanks!! I can't look at them without getting creeped out *shudders*

Do you have any hobbies, such as painting, building model rockets, etc.?
not so much hobbies, but I do enjoy anything crafty, faves being cross stitch, rehairing ponies, making jewelry and suncatchers.

How do you feel about head-body mismatch?
as long as it's not too drastic I don't mind

Would it be ok if your partner finds a white pony that is not so white, but great in every other aspect?
that doesn't bother me too much, as long as it's a sunfade-able pony. And also as long as it's not an over sunfaded/burnt colour :)

Hockey is HUGE in Canada...are you into any sports?
i like aussie rules and cricket, but i don't play any sports. that means having to get off the couch :lol:

Would you like/enjoy lotions, makeup, body sprays or body washes as part of your extras?
no thanks :)

What is your favorite Holiday and would you like holiday items added to your box for fun?
we only really celebrate christmas, but in saying that it's not a fave day of mine (except for the kids) so again, no thanks :biggrin:

Now here is a question for you all:
I have been trying to sunfade a pony. It appears on my partner's want list. I have had it in the window for probably 4-5 months... and seen no progress... The pony originally came with a bib, if you put her bib on you cannot see the flaws- it has also been cleaned from RUST (to the best of my ability- which I will admit isn't the greatest)-  It is RARE/HTF .....would you like this pony?

yep, totally!! if a bib covers it then that would be fine with me :D

Marks on NDS?
As long as they are not huge

Partner: are you ok with a pony that smells musty due to mildew ect on the inside of the body that is 100% removeable but still leaves a smell behind even though the body on the outside is flawless?
yep, i can fix that :D

Pony Corral / hair whitening tip :)
« on: September 03, 2013, 04:38:09 AM »
i had a minty with very yellowed hair. i also had a special product that had removed rust from a tail, so i tried it on poor minty. here are the before and afters :) pics taken in same spot, same time of day with no flash :lol:

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after (with a still brilliant donor tail from a bride pony with tinsel removed)
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and the magic product is....

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i basically thoroughly and thickly coated the hair with it and brushed it with a soft kids toothbrush and some water. i left it on for about 8 hours, washed it out and presto!! not sure if it's available in all countries, but if it is i highly recommend it for whitening hair and tail rust :biggrin:

Off Topic / oh my, this made me laugh :)
« on: August 28, 2013, 04:36:15 AM »
this is why i love animals....


Pony Corral / plastic breakdown advice :)
« on: August 16, 2013, 12:21:43 AM »
I have a quarterback with major cancer, so I was gonna make him into a big mac for my daughter. However, I have just noticed he is going sticky inside. What I'm wondering is if this will affect a fbr, as I know the hardening plastic will be sure to follow suit. Also will the inside stickiness affect the new hair? And can the whole deterioration process be speeded up?

please bump over to customs if more suited to there :)

Pony Corral / FF cotton candy hair help :)
« on: July 01, 2013, 09:25:57 PM »
i recently got a FF cotton candy, whose hair is unfortunately beyond saving. just wondering when it comes to rehair, should i use new hair or donor hair?

Pony Corral / my little wiki
« on: June 06, 2013, 06:24:06 AM »
is anyone able to get into my little wiki? i was in it this morning, but now the site won't load for me :(

(not sure if this is the right place to post, so please mods bump it if needs be :))

Pony Brag Arena / look who arrived today!!!!!
« on: June 03, 2013, 12:52:55 AM »
my beautiful girl arrived today :)

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so this means........

my rockin' beats are complete!! my first complete G1 set!!! i am so so happy!!!!

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 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

[stickied 4/6/13 - kiwimlp :) ]
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