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Topics - PurpleCheeseStick

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Pony Corral / G3 Back Card Help!
« on: April 04, 2021, 07:04:53 PM »
My mom came to visit me for my birthday today and was able to bring up some of my pony stuff! I used to be obsessed with collecting the back cards that came with each G3 pony to put them together and have scenery to set behind the windows of my playsets.  :P

Unfortunately there were definitely some that I missed and I think I'm missing two or more backdrops to connect this set that I have together. I know for sure I was missing Wisteria and Sweet Berry. (But their back cards might not be the ones I need?)
(Hope the link works, lmk if it doesn't!)

The 4 cards (pink and purple tree) are from: Minty, Kimono, Pinkie Pie, Sparkleworks

The 2 cards (peach and yellow tree) are from: Rainbow Dash and Star Swirl

Does anyone
A) Know which ponies' cards I'm missing, and
B) If you have the missing cards, would you be willing to scan them and email them to me to print them out? I would really hate to debox some MIB ponies just to get their back cards.  :cry:

For Sale - For Auction / MOVING SALE - G2, G3, G4 ALL $1
« on: September 05, 2018, 09:33:07 PM »
Hey  :blush: long time no see, y'all.

My life has taken a lot of crazy turns the last like four or five years, and pony collecting is no longer a can-do thing for me anymore. I'm moving, and in order to not overtake my boyfriend and I's apartment with tiny plastic horses, I need to let the ones that I'm not attached to go.


Here's the deal: Some of these G3s have hints of plastic degradation. They're slightly tacky, because unfortunately they've been in my Midwestern storage unit that is not temperature regulated for the past few years. I think a little tender love and care will fix them right up (and... Y'know. Temperature regulated rooms, aka a house) but I don't think they'd be good for customization because of this.

Some ponies are a bit dirty (mainly the white ones. Of course.) So they need baths and Mr Clean Magic Eraser. None have rust stains or anything of the sort otherwise.

So customizers, these ponies are probably not the ponies you are looking for. (Although the G4s and G3.5s are all totally fine.) Also there's a fakie and like a Mattel purr pal in there or something I forget what she's called. Also $1 each.

I can combine shipping! ONTO THE PICS:

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Nightmare Moon taken
DJ Pon3 taken
Trixie taken
Lyra taken
Rainbow Dash taken
Sunset Shimmer taken

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Coconut Cream taken
Baby Flower Flash taken
Moonlight Celebration taken
Ivy taken

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[Because these are small these are 3 for $1

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Kitty taken
Baby Charm Bracelet taken
Pinkie Pie taken
Glitter Pinkie Pie taken
Flower Wishes taken
Starbeam Twinkle taken
Toola Roola taken
Orange G2 taken

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Baby Romperooni taken
Island Delight taken
Glitter Wysteria taken

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Okay this playset is not $1. It's unopened and ebay searches show this thing going for like $60-160???? So I'm taking offers on it????

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I have feedback on the MH Arena as well as Lacemarket and Ebay.

These items come from a household with two cats, for those who have allergies. Shipping from Chicago, IL, USA. Shipping is not included in the prices lmao.

Thank you!  :drunk:

Hello! I've decided to part with these ponies (and pony girl  :blink: ) since I've never been particularly attached to them. Please feel free to message me over here if you have any questions! Each is currently listed on eBay for easier sale ^^

These items come from a non-smoking home with kitties. As far as I can tell they don't have any damages or major issues other than a need of hair restyling.

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Thanks for looking! c:

Pony Corral / My Very First Rehair/Restore!
« on: July 27, 2013, 02:34:41 PM »
Well this took me forever to do, mainly because I put off sitting down for hours with a needle and hanks of hair cause... I didn't want to sit down for hours with a needle and hanks of hair. BUT I finally got her done; Rosedust was one of my most wanted G1 ponies and my favorite flutter pony. I got her from a family friend whose children had long since grown up and moved on, leaving their old VERY WELL PLAYED WITH ponies behind. I got a whole small lot, but Rosedust was easily one of the worst of them all.

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She was completely covered in what I'm assuming to be red nailpolish which spanned over her whole body over her symbols and her eye paint. She was missing her wings (of course) with the tabs still stuck inside the holes where they'd been ripped off. She'd received major haircuts and dread locks, and to top it all off she was covered in a layer of grime and dingey dirt.

BUT... After much work she's finally been restored to her former glory, and so without further ado, here she is :D
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The nail polish was removed with acetone, dirt washed away with a magic eraser and inner rust cleaned out with Oxy Clean. She's been rehaired in Dollyhair's "Pussycat".
I'm just so stupidly happy that she's done, and I know my activity on here is spotty at best but I wanted to share her anyways  :cry:

Pony Corral / SO WHO'S READY TO DROP $1,000?
« on: January 16, 2013, 02:51:22 PM »
I just saw a new ebay listing go up that had several obviously-very-played with condition ponies (Seashell, Firefly, Gusty, some McD ponies), none of them variants, and the person who has them is asking that bidding start at $1,000. Or, for the super desperate, you can buy them now for $1,100!


So what other kinds of ridiculously crazy prices have you guys seen for ponies on eBay?  :P

Customs / Show Me Some G2s!
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:44:55 PM »
G2s are my favorite generation and I've hardly seen any customs of them! Is there anyone here on the Arena who has done some G2 customs that I could look at and drool over?  :lol:

Wanted! / WANTED: TE Bright Eyes EDIT: Found, thank you!
« on: January 01, 2013, 07:08:00 PM »
So far I've only managed to find two for sale, one covered in pink highlighter and another SUPPOSEDLY for sale from a person who has neglected to show me any pictures of said pony though I'm interested in buying it. So, I'm on the hunt!~ If anyone has one for sale or knows of one for sale, pm me! Please and thank you!  :lovey:

Thanks stilettomlp for selling me yours! She has gone to a very loving home I can assure you!  :frolic:

Pony Brag Arena / I GOT A BAG OF STUFF
« on: December 28, 2012, 06:02:09 PM »

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And the ponies inside?
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And some fakies...
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Pony Corral / Removing Pen Ink?
« on: December 19, 2012, 09:14:59 PM »
While pen ink on something like G3 ponies (since they're newer so the pen ink usually is too) can be removed by the suggested ways on mlppreservationproject, what about a G1? That pen ink's probably hella old  :what: so more time for it to sink into the vinyl and the harder it is to remove right?

Magic erasers and acetone are suggested on the mlppreservationproject, but for something that's seeped into the plastic, would sunfading take care of it eventually?

The Dollhouse / Only Hearts Club For Sale
« on: December 09, 2012, 10:39:45 PM »
Hey guys! I've decided that to make way for some of the new toys I've been getting I should get rid of some, and that some I've decided to let go are my OHC dolls, and I was curious if anyone here would be interested in buying them from me before I put them on eBay or something  ^.^ I'll try to have some pictures of them up tomorrow, all are in mint condition unless stated otherwise. I have three dolls and several fashion packs (all out of their packages) and a few pets.

Princess Lily Rose Mermaid Doll With Baby Dolphin Aquarius
Karina Grace and Dotcom
Olivia Hope and Sniff

Hooded Warm-Up
Lavender sleepwear set
Lavender ballet dress
(I have more than this but none of the others are listed on their website it seems)

As far as I can tell (their OHC website confuses me) my versions of the dolls and my outfit sets are not manufactured by the company anymore, which makes sense because I had to have gotten them at least six years ago.

I'll be updating this post with pictures, and I'm open to any kinds of offers! Thanks for reading!  ^.^

« on: December 03, 2012, 02:45:08 PM »
Or at least says my fanatical classmate who is in love with Big Macintosh.

Some of you may remember I mentioned her in my "Crazy Collectors?" topic, but for those who don't, she's an insane brony who seems to have a fetish for Big Mac and constantly obsesses over him claiming him to be "her" Big Mac.  Anyone who even looks at a picture of him in her presence gets hissed and yelled at.

So long as I don't get her on the subject of said Big Mac, she can be fun to talk to about pony collecting in general. However a week or so ago she invited me to join the Montana Bronies forum which I declined because, well, I'm not a brony. Today she was sitting next to me in our new seats in class and I made a light joke that our new seats weren't so bad because we could talk about ponies- at which point she started to yell at me and say "NO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT PONIES WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THEM."

I challenged her on the topic and basically it boiled down to the fact that I had supposedly backstabbed the brony community by never being one. She says that all pony collectors, whether or not they watch FiM, anybody who likes My Little Pony who isn't a little five year old girl, is a brony. And I heartily disagree with her.

I've only watched a few episodes of FiM, I'm not a die hard fan, nor am I of the original 80's tv series though I did love the movie as a kid. I just collect the toys and occasionally draw art of my ponies. I don't think that classifies me as a brony at all. The whole term "brony" was coined specifically to go along with FiM and therefor covers merely generation 4 in my opinion, the same way many of us refer to the G1 and G2's symbols as "symbols" and not "cutie marks" as they are with G3 and G4. A brony to me is specifically a fan of the FiM show who watches it and participates actively in the brony community and refers to themselves as such. Also, is it so bad of me to not want to be associated with that fanbase? I know there are some perfectly wonderful bronies out there as there are in every fandom, but then again there are those who are... Not so nice. And those are the ones who are receiving the most attention from the public right now, and those are the ones who are contributing a large portion to the image of the fanbase in general. That image is not too pretty.

So I'm curious what YOU guys think of my classmate's oversensitive response to my apparent "brony status." Do you guys feel that all people who like ponies, whether they like G4s or not, are bronies?  :huh:

Pony Corral / Show me your stylin' pony hair!
« on: November 21, 2012, 09:49:10 PM »
I just had a really awful day, like one of the worst days in the past few months kinda bad. Basically, my aunt is... There's a lot of non-appropriate words I could call her right now, I just really hate her. And I had to spend the whole day with her constantly looking down on me and putting me down and her stupid son (my younger cousin) didn't help.

But I came home an hour ago and I got to see how my ponies' hair styles turned out from when I was working on them this morning, and they made me really happy again! I feel so proud of myself for styling pony hair and... Not failing. For anyone who wants to see my styles, I'll put a link right here! Lonk

Now show me your fancy ponies! Or, alternatively, show me your ponies who have had really bad hair days! Cause we all have those days don't we? :P

Pony Corral / If They Were Fakies, Would You Still Collect Them?
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:21:25 AM »
Lots of us have favorite generations, especially if they were a huge part of our childhood, but I thought of something: what if they weren't another MLP generation, and just another line of fakies? Would you still collect them?

For example, my favorte generation is G2. When I first saw them I seriously thought they were fakies, but.... I liked them anyways. I still have my first two, Berry Bright and Petal Blossom. So since they're so cute, even if they were fakies, I'm sure I would still pounce on one if I discovered it in a thrift store.

The Dollhouse / Liv and Blythe doll problems -EDIT-
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:49:07 PM »
Hey guys! So I was at Ross today and found a LPS Blythe doll set I hadn't ever seen before and a Hayden Liv doll for like $8 and $9. Well I have some problems with them, as you probably guessed from the subject header XD"

My Liv is a Twist and Dance... Which is pretty much useless to use for photography since her legs don't bend at all. But I'm really digging her face and her wig, and I suppose her outfit is okay... So I'm not sure what I should do. I really like her but at the same time I don't. I suppose I could swap her head onto a different body, but then what would I do with this body? Or should I just return her? I figured I'd post here and see if anybody happened to have an extra articulated body lying around I could swap for or something, but I'll be checking eBay too.

As for the Blythe.. I love the doll, no ifs ands or buts. She's adorable, she's this one right here (not my image):

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But I don't want the pets that come with her. I have too many LPS' as it is and so I was wondering if anyone would want them?? They would come with the little accessories, and I could probably throw in a few other LPSs I don't want along with them. So would anyone be interested in that?

I decided I just couldn't keep them. I liked them, but that was the problem. I didn't LOVE them. So they were returned today. Hey, at least now the money can go towards a doll I REALLY want, right? Thank you guys for your comments, I appreciate them (:

Pony Brag Arena / Whoo! Got the Favorites Collection!!
« on: November 16, 2012, 07:55:52 PM »
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After weeks' worth of hard travel in their plastic and cardboard box aircraft carriers, Lieutenant General Nightmare Moon's army reached the bed shores of Fort Kitties, and they wasted no time in beginning their attack. The forts were built against the two cliffs, and Nightmare Moon had the foresight to send in her troops from the remaining three sides in an effort to trap them against the cliffs. Supply routes were cut off and the battle of attrition lasted five long and gruesome minutes before Fort Woody surrendered, with Fort Chibi soon to follow. It was a well-earned victory for all of Ponyville that was celebrated with much drinking, furry earthquakes and falling off of the forts that will go down in pony history.

My cats were very good sports for these pictures. Actually I take that back. Chibi (the chubby gray one) was a huge brat but Woody (the yellow tiger kitty) was actually pretty calm about it once he stopped sniffing Pinkie Pie. Apologies for the bizarre story but I thought it was ironically funny, and we've been covering the civil war in my history class lately, so... XD

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