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Topics - babylicketysplit

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Introductions / Re-introduction
« on: July 19, 2018, 03:37:52 AM »
It's been so long since I have been here I feel like I need to reintroduce myself.

I had a rough last couple years.  I had to take a couple years to myself because I suffered some extremely traumatic experiences.

On top of grad school and my own health.  I lost 3 beloved horses. One gruesomely. My Colt atlas just a baby only two I raised from 4 months to a very tragic ice storm incident that he died in my arms after both of us suffering in subzero temperatures and his face was so badly damaged I won't describe it.  We still dont know what happened but somehow a gate was left open or he possibly was led out intentionally after a gate was broken open.. and he fell through an ice sheet and hit in the face I'm still not over this... It was extremely traumatic for me. He suffered greatly though I was with him when I got the call..and died in my arms. I feel guilty still and am in therapy over it but it was very difficult for me to even look at ponies for a long time without crying..   and I still had horses. Then I had to put my beloved elderly mare renny down after I feel she just held on for me after we lost him.  Then I adopted a little blind mare raven.  That year after we lost Atlas and I put Ren Ren  down.  I was asked by a rescue locally to come look Because I was an open home...
I fell in love with a little blind tiny mare named raven . And unbeknownst to myself and even the rescue I adopted her from.. the literal acid the previous owners threw in her actual face because people can be cruel
Awful things it left a latent infection in her brain just behind her eyes.. the vets didn't detect. And so 4 months into me adopting her she laid down and died during the day of my last final exam

I could not look at toys I could not muster up any energy to sell trade or buy..I just couldn't.   That and I myself was just coming out of having grand maul seizures the year I lost Atlas and renny.  Both years.   I haven't had one since. But I after everything.  I could not handle collecting selling or trading.   

I am now in a better place and am going into the third year soon of my double master's degrees.  And I think I'm ready to start getting back into hobbies I enjoy.  Both buying selling and trading.  ☺️🙂.   
And I did take on another bebe an araloosa I named Hunter.    He's my current baby.      It's been tough but I am coping.  He would have ended up in slaughter pipeline otherwise and I was contacted by my group to go get him.     I dont regret it for a second. He's an amazing addition to my family. Horses are just hard. Then you look at ponies and it. Makes it so hard when you lose one and they all remind you of them.  😢
If anyone remembers me yes i still have the same preferences ha 🤣

I mostly collect G1 ponies.
And I am trying to complete my mountain boys. And boys in general.  Green ponies yellows and obcure weird 90s ponies    I do have rare ponies such as Mimic And ice crystal red roses etc. So I'm still narrowing down.

I collect g2s  too but I  only some. I have baby starsworl and Christmas baby.y childhood nightstar.   A few others.  I want more babies though. 

G3s I want more birthflowers and I'm still missing a few Xmas ones and Euro ones.  And slhs.  Like carribean delight.    Etc

I love any and all minty realllllly.  And Christmas ponies don't know why,🤣😂😆

I also collect Id any of you remember me. Kenner littlest pet shop, sailor moon ( especially Pegasus or chibi moon Merch) cute pokemon. Obscure 90s stuffed animals like Kitty kittens. And others. 

But for now that's what I'll write.  ☺️

Pony Corral / alicorn rainbow dash?
« on: July 19, 2014, 07:57:46 PM »
 :blink: :lookround: :|

did anyone else see this yet?$_35.JPG

sorry if this was already posted

Off Topic / Please consider if your in michigan and love wolves!
« on: May 21, 2014, 03:26:51 PM »
Hey guys i wanted to share this event with all of you. please consider donating prints of your work or physical pieces to this charity auction. i made the flyers for them pro bono (you will NOT be paid for this) because this cause is dear to me. and i will have a few pieces at the gallery and they will be selling prints of a few of my pieces that are related to wolves/wilderness. message me and i can relate to the head of Keepmichiganwolvesprotected if anyone is interested in participating or joining.

Im so excited my artwork is going to be in the gallery for this event :)
thats my work on the flyer as well.

Off Topic / Witnessed a Critically threatened species in the wild!
« on: May 07, 2014, 05:51:30 PM »
 :lol: :shocked:
OMG guys.. i am so overjoyed and excited.   for the first time in my own home state i have had an encounter, sighting and gotten photographs (albeit very crap ones, but hey i didnt want to get bit and my barn owner snapped them) of a species up for candidacy for being listed as an endangered species in my state.

So as a participating member of center for biological diversity (volunteer not paid) in the spring and summer months i tend to record data and finding of wetland, lake and creek life in my state where i roam.  taking photographs and documenting sightings and number counts (catch and release) for native species and also keeping an eye out for invasive ones.

well today i was hiking with my goat and my barn owner on her property where i board my horse. she took me to the far back areas where the drainage creeks have made some beautiful wetlands and streams.  we spent 3 hours trying to hand catch an enormous rainbow brook trout heading upstream (i wanted to measure its size and markings. as i had never seen one in this area before. and they are a game fish.)  but we couldnt get it haha.  :P he or she was too smart and fast for us. got slapped a few times too lol.   we eventually gave up and just let it head on its merry way and began recording the other fish and amphibians in the area.   

So my barn owner was struggling to get up out of the creek so i gave her a hand and right before she put her foot down on the bank i shoved her back into the water as i noticed a snake i had never seen before and could not identify was in her foot path.  michigan has no native venomous species to my knowledge at that time, but we do have a invasive water moccasin occassionally and escaped illegal exotic pets.  it was laying perfectly still lucky for us.   and she kept saying it was fine because it looked dead.  Now i was raised in texas summers.  i have been attacked by copperheads and rattlers before. and this snake looked similar to a rattlesnake to me.  it was so bizzarre!   
     so she goes to grab it and i backhand her (i know im so aggressive, it was instinctual)  :lookround: and try to convince her to keep her distance as i have no idea what it is capable of.  i had never really seen such a passive and sluggish snake here that looked like this. it was a juvenile for sure but the shape and markings and bead like kernels near the end of the tail looked suspicious.  so being trained in dealing with wildlife like snakes from my texan family i nabbed a hooked end stick and lifted toward the front under the head and sure enough the little guy wasnt dead.   very tolerant snake im so glad he was such a good sport with us. not to mention we were very lucky this species is apparently known for being docile.

    so i lift it and it springs toward the other bank and begins moving i kid you not like a sidewinder.  that is NOT a northern water snake or a fox snake which the species its been identified as by dnr can often be confused with.   and then it jumped into the water and made its getaway without harming either of us. 

I reported it to dnr after my suspicions and sure enough my barn owners land is home to a species know as the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake.  and is Indeed venomous. it has a very low concentration of venom and rarely does anyone ever die from a bite from this particular snake and it actually is michigan's only known venomous native snake species. (its so rare i wasnt even aware of it).  they have very characteristic burrows that look like crayfish burrows, are very sluggish and rarely will rattle or strike a human even when provoked, and prefer the banks of water drainages.,1607,7-153-10370_12145_12201-32995--,00.html

They are currently listed as endangered in most states and are a protected species in all as their decline has been devastating. In my state however they are currently only protected and listed as a critically threatened species of special concern.  and are conducting a census of all wild snakes to evaluate them for endangered status here.   

Now i will be honest, had i had an axe or machete on me like i keep on me down south i probably would have just killed it before amy could step on it.due to it looking so similar to a common rattlesnake in markings. afraid its an instantanious flinch of mine.  :( :huh:  I love snakes, but the venomous ones make me very nervous and protective as i lost a dog to one once when i was 11. and almost lost another in the same fight. i was saved by my great aunts two dogs coalie their chow and sydney their cattlehound. when i tripped on a woodpile near their catfish pond and landed in the path of a very large (and aggressive rattlesnake)  the dogs killed it but coalie took the fatal bite.   and if it comes down to it now between me or the snake, its gonna be the snake.    It saddens me that i could have un intentionally killed a threatened species. i am so glad neither of us were hurt nor the snake.

    So as i am never for anyone going out and intentionally harming snakes or killing them needlessly i feel the need to really share this as i myself am usually very instictual with snakes as i fear being bit, that we should all become very familiar with our little known endangered and threatened area species so we are aware of not only the dangers but the laws and concervation regarding them.  i cannot justify harming these beautiful native rattlesnakes just because they are venomous.  especially after this encounter and that snake giving me such a patient response even when i clearly threatened it by removing it from amy's path.  it has def made me re-evaluate my personal experiences.   

The snakes are so lucky to have taken up residence with my barn owners property as they are very welcoming to wildlife and predators (they even have fox dens they leave alone out in their buffalo fields).  because after her and i talked she has decided to apply with DNR for a safe harbor agreement for these amazing little guys.  we are just keeping her children way away from that area. (we did not see any other nests outside of that small area at the way back of the property, its secluded anyway).    Now i also know to where tall boots and keep my wits about me if i go surveying again down there.   

Who would have known a species so rare would have been here in my town this whole time  :enthralled:

Off Topic / Grand Champions Experts! i'm curious
« on: May 04, 2014, 05:14:53 AM »
 :lol: :blush: :lookround: 

Okay so i casually collect Grand champions horses, i have my entire childhood collection still minus 3 or 4 that got lost in a move as a kid.   i am sentimental about them, and also rescued a big trunk of them a few years back from being burned by my aunts neighbor in a trash barrel!  :blink:

So i got nipped by the bug again (darn you childhood nostalgia!)
     and so i just started browsing ebay to see if maybe any job or bait lots for cleanup were around.  they used to be pretty easy to come by.   and my jaw about hit the floor seeing some of the high prices a lot of the auctions were bringing.   :what: :dropjaw:

Grand Champions expert collectors please may i get some education on why and which horses are considered so valuable.  :read:  I want to know so just in case i dont customize or try to rehair any that might be considered sacrilege  :P .   and also if i see any at the thrift store or flea market which to keep a general eye out for to not leave behind. 

i can post pics of my collection later  :lol:   i would love to see others too! 

recent auctions that blew my mind:

there is also a live auction i wont post links to thats on ebay right now that is at the 400 mark for TWO.   :|  im just baffled.  GC horses used to be a cheap guilty pleasure for me lol, and to see them surpassing the prices of breyers is crazy.

 :P  Hey guys i am looking to buy or trade for G1 MLP Big brother chief's fireman hat

or if i could get a nice combo of a Nice looking chief WITH his hat. thanks!

I do have sluggers helmet i would be willing to trade for the fireman's helmet. as well as other trade items should you be interested   thanks!

 ^.^ This is to be a gift for a fireman, so the fire hat and the pony if your selling the pony must be in at least nice display condition. no cut hair or major discoloring (spots ok), no bibbles or chunks missing out of plastic.

Off Topic / And so it begins.... The baby goat monsoon at the barn!
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:10:53 PM »
 ^.^  im the official midwife this season as with last season to the goat does on the farm i board my horse at.  and this year we have 57 pregnant does...   :blink: :shocked: :lookround:

this weekend kicked off my 48 hour no sleepathon with 5 does dropping babies.  we are so far up to 17 babies!!!   :lol:

and my gods... 52 more to go ladies..  i will keep the album updated as more babies come for those who want to see ^_^  :devious: :drunk: :newpony:

 :huh: i have been looking everywhere trying to find some info for hasbro's plan for LPS this year from the toy fair but i get nothing.   anyone manage to snag info?

i also saw the new wave in store the other day. they are quite cute, the mom and baby sets.   they look more like the g2 style.  so im confused is hasbro junking the new design in favor of the old model??  :blink:   i like either or so it doesnt reall bother me either way.  im mostly curious  :blush:

Pony Corral / So i dressed up my EG fluttershy <3
« on: February 15, 2014, 02:42:32 PM »
I dont collect dolls except own a handful.  but if this belongs in the doll section please move mods.  ;) wasnt sure as its sort of pony.

 :P :P :lookround:  so i really dont like the clothes the equestria girls dolls come with, and i honestly just have the deluxe fluttershy cause she has been the only i have liked aesthetically so far.  just thought i would share with you guys. for valentines day i decided to dress her up in this cute little pink gown.  it was kinda hard and its a little big because the EG dolls have such ridiculously tiny bodies. i used a rubber band for now til i can cut and sew the dress to specs. around the waist.

i found this really really low priced but pretty little gown on ebay (i think like 3 dollars total for everything, came with gloves and also the hair accessory.  (if anyone likes it, let me know and ill message you the sellers doll gown auctions.) 

well this was the result  :lol:

 :blush: sorry if this has already been asked.  but i have a bunch of the cards that came with the blind bag ponies. and i am just curious if there is any interest for them?  i dont really care to keep them, but dont just want to toss them either and just wanted to know if people actually collect them.   thanks!  ^.^

Pony Corral / Fashion style applejack? are we ever getting a rerelease?
« on: January 08, 2014, 06:24:02 AM »
 :lookround: :huh:  okay so its been nearly 4 years since they released any form of applejack in fashion style size.  i really would like one for my collection eventually and i dont mind if its a new updated version so the older ones retain collectors value. but dag nabbit i just want one applejack to go with my g1 applejacks LOL  :P

i mean im hoping with this silly rainbow power thing that we will at least see a release of maybe a new applejack mould or crazy colored hair like fluttershy and rarity have been spotted. applejack gets much fewer regular releases than the other ponies of the main 6.  why is this?  leave it to hasbro to release the same 6 ponies over and over but conveniently leave out the one modeled after a g1  :blink: :blush:

has anyone heard anything on this?

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / G2 dog prices!?
« on: December 26, 2013, 07:10:44 PM »
 :blink: :shocked: :lookround:

So i was thinking of picking up some G2 puppy dogs for my barn owners daughter off ebay (not thinking they would be that expensive), and well i am quite shocked at some of the prices... are all these sellers crazy? or are these animals really that sought after now?  >_<   like i noticed certain breeds like the weenie dogs and collies were outrageously priced at like 50 or 70 EACH!    :|   and thats like all the listings. is this the norm?  and if so..   i am extremely curious as to why :blush: :P

Trader & Shipping Support / Help! ebays ridiculous global shipping program
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:25:05 AM »
 :cry: a buyer purchased a very expensive g4 pony from me, and i didnt even agree to global shipping!  i opted out, and it reinstated without my knowledge. how can ebay do this?  i will ship international but only if contacted ahead of time to get the right price estimate.   

now my problem.  someone from russia bought the item.  i have 4 addresses!  none are the same and half arent in english. i cant even type it in due to russias unique lettering system.   

i messaged the buyer to see if there was a verified address i can ship to but im so confused as to what i do.  one says kentucky airport!>  :blink:   what in the flip.     

im about done with ebay selling wise all together. its too complicated now. i want control over the items i sell.

Pony Corral / lets talk ceramics! G1 or other gens :)
« on: November 17, 2013, 06:35:31 AM »
 ^.^ so im curious. what are your favorite ceramic pieces and which ones do you guys think are the most difficult to come by?

i recently sold my sleeping applejack single and medley single for 75$ each to a foreign customer from my etsy shop. hated to see them go, but as i need the cash for much needed bills i cannot complain  :lookround:

i recently stumbled across a ceramic skyflier for a decent price and am curious as to how hard to find she is.  i personally have yet to see her before now other than here and there in internet photos over the years.  i also havent seen a baby moondancer single in person either.

my 2 favorite ceramics in my personal collection that are not for sale is the weddning prance duo and the dreams in the clouds duo with the weird cherries jubilee pegasus.

MLP Nirvana / PC dutchies. Star and singalong
« on: November 16, 2013, 06:58:49 AM »
 :blush:  hi guys, can anyone give me any idea as to what these 2 girls might be worth.  star is near mint. and singalong's hair is pretty faded only slightly pink. with a little highlighter under her hoof.   

just curious if i got a good deal on them. i was shocked to see them for sale where i did.

[moving to Nirvana ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

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