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Topics - rainbow_bubbles

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Customs / My first custom pony - in progress
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:13:53 PM »
I was finally able to work on my ponies. This is my first custom pony, she's still a work in progress. She doesn't have hair yet  :P

I'm still considering if I should paint another sakura branch on the other side, maybe on her front leg... any suggestions?

Here she is, the pic isn't the best, sorry about that. When I finsh her I'll post another one.

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Customs / Baby Cotton Candy and Baby Apple Delight - Restored
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:22:46 AM »
At last, they're restored!  :lol:

Baby Cotton Candy was in such a bad shape, the poor thing had a hair cut, the hair was all white, the tail was also white and rusty and she was completely black on the inside  :shocked:  oh  and she also had a cut on one of the legs. She was cleaned up and rehaired.

Baby Apple delight didn't have a tale at all and the hair was a little dry. However, I'm still not sure how to clean her, she has some dirty around the legs. Does anyone have any advice on how to clean her? Thank you so much!

Here's the photo of how they look now (sorry the photo isn't that good):

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Customs / Magic Star - Restored
« on: April 26, 2012, 06:41:21 AM »
Another restoration I've done is Magic Star, like my Gypsy, she also had a mane and tail severe cut. She also has a rub on one of her symbols, which I haven't restored yet (gathering courage to do that lol).

Here's how used to look like, the photo isn't that good because the the light, sorry about that:
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And here she is now:
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This time I think the tail has the right amount of hair. I also tried to use less hair on the plugs and it looks better than Gypsy's mane  :satisfied: . For some reason the tales tend to get a little longer than the original pony would have, I think.

Customs / Gipsy - Restored
« on: April 24, 2012, 06:35:46 AM »
I've finally restored my Gipsy  :lovey: . My first restored pony  :biggrin: . The poor thing had a severe hair and tail cut. Here's how she used to look like:

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And this is how she is now (sorry for tha grainy photo):

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Two things I've learnt from it: use less hair on plugs and a little more on the tail lol. I think the mane was a little thick and the tale could use a little more hair. Either way I'm very happy with the result  :lol: .

Customs / Help needed - Removing rust
« on: April 16, 2012, 07:17:31 AM »
Hello everyone!

I'm in serious need of help, I've decided to restore my Baby Cotton Candy and to my "surprise" she was in terrible shape inside. I did notice some rust around the tale and part of the mane (which had been cut off) but when I opened it... Oh My God! It was digusting! She was rusty inside, the tale ring was gone and the body itself was black. I don't have pics, they were going to be too awful to watch, believe me.  :X

I've be using a toothbrush and toothpaste and I've managed to remove some of it. I was wondering if using a little bleach or acetone would be ok, or if it will damage the pony's body. I really need to clean that pony!!! If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. Thank youuuuuuuuu!

Clara  :)

Post Merge: April 17, 2012, 04:37:16 AM

Hello everyone!

I'm in serious need of help, I've decided to restore my Baby Cotton Candy and to my "surprise" she was in terrible shape inside. I did notice some rust around the tale and part of the mane (which had been cut off) but when I opened it... Oh My God! It was digusting! She was rusty inside, the tale ring was gone and the body itself was black. I don't have pics, they were going to be too awful to watch, believe me.  :X

I've be using a toothbrush and toothpaste and I've managed to remove some of it. I was wondering if using a little bleach or acetone would be ok, or if it will damage the pony's body. I really need to clean that pony!!! If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. Thank youuuuuuuuu!

Clara  :)

Help needed!!! (above) Thank you!

Post Merge: April 17, 2012, 04:39:18 AM

Help needed! (above) Thank you!

Customs / I need some advice...
« on: March 05, 2012, 04:30:08 AM »
Hello pony friends!

I'm in need of some advice regarding what to do with 2 of my ponies. They are Gypsy and Magic Star. They were part of a lot of ponies I bought a few years ago and they're in very good shape, apart from one of Magic Stars symbols is a bit rubbed on one side. However, the problem with both of them is that their mane and tails were cut short. I'm thinking about re-hairing them because I think they're worth it, but I'd like to ask your opinion. I've never restored any pony but for what I've seen on the tutorials, doesn't seem that hard.
Thank you  :biggrin:

I'm adding a few pics bellow:

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Introductions / Hello everyone!
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:51:05 PM »

I'm Clara a 31 year old girl from Portugal. I've always loved My Little Ponies since they first appeared on TV. Then, 10 years ago I've started collecting them and I don't think I'll ever stop  :P . My favourite ponies are the ones from the first generation, I also like the 3rd but for some reason I don't like either G2 or G4.

For what I've seen here everyone seems really nice and friendly and the ponies really affordable. I should have found this website a long time ago  :biggrin: ...

Nice to meet you all  :lol: ,

Clara (aka rainbow_bubbles)

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