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Topics - MercuryStar

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Customs / Just another Halloween custom
« on: October 30, 2012, 07:59:56 PM »
My third custom, though only the second finished one, she is finally done and ready for her debut!   She doesn't currently have a name, as nothing I have come up with wants to fit.

Formerly a Seaside Celebration Sew-and-So, she has been rehaired with Dollyhair's Bougainvillea and Key Lime.   Her eyes have a slight sparkle to them, as well as carved-in striations on the iris, neither of which my camera is willing to pick up.  Sorry about all the glare.  :(

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Some art
« on: September 03, 2012, 10:36:20 PM »
Yeah, creative title... not!  :P

Just thought I would post these two finished pieces, since the people I drew them for seem to like them, I figured I would share.

For Pyrodarknessanny
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For LazuliRose
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Thank you for looking. :)

I got these all some time late last year, can't remember exactly when.   One group was a lot of ponies and accessories I found on Craigslist (with some surprises in it), and the other was a bunch of ponies I found one day at VV (I found so many I ended up leaving a few bags).

I hadn't cleaned any of the ponies up when I took photos, so please excuse the way they look. 

On to the pictures!

First, the Craigslist goodies!  (I won't be posting much about each photo, since there are so many pictures)

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All three of those blue Big Brothers are Tux 'n Tails.
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I nearly squealed when I saw Princess Sparkle, I was not expecting her at all!   Nor was I expecting the other, tiny surprise in the picture.  (interesting side note on the Dream Castle basket:  I put one of those curling ribbons on mine when I was a kid.)
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The tiny surprise I found in the bottom of the bin of pony goodies! (sorry for the crummy picture)
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The two Talking Storybooks still have the records!
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And now, the Value Village stuff.   

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The Brush 'n Grows still have working hair mechanisms!
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Some fakies that were mixed in with the ponies, which is fine by me, I like fakies.
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Hmmmm... almost tempted to add a reeeaaaally late brag of the ponies I got at a pony meet back in 2010! XD

Arts & Crafts Corral / Meet Mercury Star
« on: January 16, 2012, 12:37:50 AM »
I haven't done a whole lot of pony drawing in the last few years, and when I did, it wasn't for me.   Every time I would sit down in an attempt to draw anything for myself, I would get frustrated and toss it.   Well, I have been wanting to draw a picture of my "new" (several-years-old-now sort of new) ponysona, Mercury.

Whelp, today in a fit of... uh... I don't know, something?   I managed to draw a decent enough looking pony, and got him all colored up.   YAY!

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He doesn't look too thrilled to be put on display.   :yikes:

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