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Topics - LuvlyMelody

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Hi everyone! I haven't been here in a long while so I hope I'm doing this right.

I need a price check on my G4 collection all in MiB. Much is appreciated! (A pricei check of this as a lot is greatly appreciated too!!)

Yes I am trying to sell these but only as a lot. I'm leaving out the detail and unable to take offers until I get a complete price check and create the sales thread. (If that's how it's supposed to be done.)

I've included pictures as well as a list of what I have.

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Wave 1
Twilight Sparkle (Has Forelock/Bangs)
Applejack (Has Forelock/Bangs)
Rainbow Dash (Has Forelock/Bangs)
Pinkie Pie
Fluttershy (Has bright neon pink hair before they changed to lighter pink)

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Wave 2
Cheerilee (Has Forelock/Bangs)
Lily Blossom

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Wave 3
Lulu Luck
Dewdrop Dazzle

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Wave 4

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Wave 6
Cherry Pie
Diamond Rose

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Wave 8
Sunny Rays
Cherry Berry
Trixie Lulamoon
Lyra Heartstrings

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Wave 11
Sunset Shimmer

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Target Canterlot
Celestia and Luna

Story Pack
Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle (Sweetie Bell has Forelock/Bangs)

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Forever Friends
Pony School Pals & Cheerilee (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo)
Royal Castle Friends (Twilight Celestia and Spike)

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Ride Along
Twilight Sparkle with Scooter
Rainbow Dash with Skateboard/Scooter
Fluttershy with Tricycle

Vehicle Range
Rarity's Gem Carriage
Applejack's apple truck

Thank you for taking a look and thank you for your help!!

Literally!!! XD But before we get to those photos, new pictures with my new backdrop. :P

(Even started a Flickr page for myself. :P)
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New green backdrop by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Lunchtime with Capri by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

Terrible job editing this photo. >,>;
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Sitting with Capri by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Cousin bonding with Lexa and Capri by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Cousin bonding with Lexa and Capri 2 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Sitting with Capri 2 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

As for my un-named girl, I've decided to make her their other cousin.
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Lexa and her older cousins by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

Still don't have a name for her yet. >,>;
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Older Cousins by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Sitting with Capri 3 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Sitting with Capri 4 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

Tried to make it into a room with the backdrop on it's side.

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Lightbox shot by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

It worked out so prefectly, but Arrgh, it's too small to get a perfect shot of the whole "room" effect.
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Bedroom attempt by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

Only works if I want a corner. >,>;
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Bedroom attempt 2 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Bedroom attempt 3 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

Onto food pictures!!

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IWAKO ERASERS!! by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

So much awesome details on these!!
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Dim Sum Yum-yum! by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Perfect Balance! by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Whoops... by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

Aren't they the perfect size for these girls?! XD
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Dim Sum with Capri eating for three by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Dim Sum family supper by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Dim Sum family supper 2 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Aaand I'm full by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

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Dim Sum with Capri eating for three 2 by LuvlyMelody, on Flickr

These were taken a little while ago (a week or two, I think??), so they're not THAT old.

Since then I've gotten a few more of these erasers and I haven't opened them yet!!

The Dollhouse / Messing around with my Lightbox! (Pic Heavy)
« on: February 26, 2013, 02:34:27 AM »
So a while ago I asked about Lightboxes and after looking around google, I made my own.

With the list of stuff I used and bought from Walmart:
-16x16x15 Cardboard box: $0.98
-Plastic Party Tablecloth: $0.97
-Poster Boards: $0.30 (each)

As for lighting, all I needed were 2 Natural Daylight 6500k light bulbs ($6.89) and found 2 lamps around the house 1 I already had with that lightbulb temp so I was set and I spent at least less than $10

Final product:
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OMG My goodness was I so excited and surprised to see the dramatic difference it made in my pictures.

I'm not gonna get all big headed or be full of myself like "OMG I take the best pictures out there" or "I'm a professional now!" or anything, I'm just surprised how much of an improvement it is compared to my previous pictures posted before.

Enough talk, time for pictures!!

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Now I can finally capture the beauty of Capri's eyes without having them hiding in the shadows from bad lighting!!
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After getting bored with taking only Capri's pictures, I decided to bring back/revamp this old girl, Makayla, but at this point, I think I'll be renaming her and giving her a complete character redo.
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She'll always have one bang covering one side of her face.
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If only I had a different style of eye or a scar to have her hiding under bang, that would be cooler. :P
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That's about it for now, thanks for looking!

Off Topic / Photographers: May I see your Light Boxes, please?
« on: February 19, 2013, 03:47:27 PM »
Like the title asks, I wanna see your light boxes!!

I know a lot of people here take AMAZING Photos of their ponies and dolls! I remember some people mentioning having a "light box" At the time I was like: "What's a light box??" Apparently they're what makes good pictures look better with controlled lighting!

I might even wanna make one for myself, so I can take my picture taking activities to the next level!!

Can I see your Light Box or even your photo taking studio/station? If you've made a DIY Light Box, can I get some input and ideas for making one? Along with pictures of your light box, can you show us pictures you've taken with your light box too, as an example?? Thanks!!

The Dollhouse / How much have you spent on your collection?
« on: February 08, 2013, 08:18:59 PM »
Don't wanna be a downer or anything but oh my gawd. =_=; Earlier today I was all happy and everything, reorganizing my dolls but while going through my MH stuff. For some stupid reason I thought it would be a good idea to see how much I've spent. So I counted, multiplied, calculated and estimated how much I spent over the years I've been collecting MH...(Not a good thing to do when you're broke... :() Now I feel all guilty/sad/scared/depressed/disappointed in myself to the point I feel like I just gave myself a reality check and now I'm just sitting here thinking to myself: "What am I doing with my life...? -_-"

Kinda ironic how what always cheered me up or made me feel all good and happy about myself when I'm feeling down, just shattered my entire world and made me feel terrible about myself. Maybe it's just a shock moment and I'll be fine because it's the first time I've done it since I first started.

When I pressed that equal sign and saw that total, My left arm went numb! :shocked:  I didn't even want to calculate the tax. The room is spinning!! :freak:

So in the span of 2 years I think(?? maybe less, which would make me feel even more worst than I do now) I've spent approximately $800+ on MH dolls, and that was just my MIB dolls total! I didn't add the opened ones or other Misc. MH merch I've bought. >,<;

If it's alright with you guys, may I ask how much you've spent on your whole collection over the year(s) so far?? Help me feel better and reassure that I'm not the only one who's spent sooo much on collecting these ghouls!

ETA: A few days have gone by and thinking about it now, I don't feel so bad anymore as I did when I calculated the total. I guess it was just the shock of the moment after seeing the total. :P

Pic of all my Moxie Girlz:
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I found this cute wooden treasure chest looking craft box at Michael's going for about $2 (they have a few smaller and bigger) that looked like a perfect size for my dolls, so I grabbed one. Might get a few more in the future. :P I even bought a small pouch of chocolate coins to put into it. XD
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"What happened to all the chocolate coins?!"

I even found these cute little pencil topper erasers for a dollar at Target that looked the perfect size!
They came in a pack of 16, 8 green and 8 red!
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There's also gonna be a small project I'm gonna attempt for my dolls!

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Lexa: I'm bored...We need something to do.
Kellan: What is there to do?
Monet: There's no place for us to hang out or anything.
Capri: There's only this background or the white and polka dots one.

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Lexa: Oh I know!! *Grabs backdrop*
Monet: What are you doing?!

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Lexa: Look! I made us a cave!!

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Capri: Lexa, don't do that. *Fixes backdrop*
Me: Do you girls not like the backdrops I have??

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Lexa: *Shakes head no*
Monet: *Shakes head no*
Kellan: *Shakes head no*
Capri: *Shakes head no*
Me: =_=; Alright, try this then.

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Me: Enjoy!!
Capri: Is this what I think it is?!
Me: Could be...Use your imagination!

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Capri: Don't shout, Lexa. >,<;
Kellan: No paint in here.
Monet: Are we actually getting a new setting??
Me: That's for you guys to figure out together!

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Lexa: Eeee!! Does this mean me and Capri will finally have our room??
Capri: That would be wonderful! Does this mean we can start having more story threads done??
Me: Possibly...

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Kellan: *Grabs Camera* Does this mean I can have my place made again after it was ruined previously??

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Monet: *Shoves aside* Nevermind your room, are we getting a shopping center?! How about a Salon?!?

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Lexa: Hi-ya!! *Kicks aside*

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Capri: Does this mean you can finally work on making me my dream Maternity Clothing Boutique I always wanted??
Me: Wait, what?? I never agreed to-

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Lexa: *Grabs camera* How about making our family restaurant! I'm sure you could take a lot of great pictures of us there! (And bring in a lot of customers too!)
Capri: *From the background* Ohh, that's a great idea too!

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Avery: Oh oh oh!! How about making my family's house by the beach!! That would be awesome!

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Sophina: That's a good idea.
Avery: I know right?? :P What's going on anyway?
Sophina: I don't know, but it sounds fun. Let me try one!

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Sophina: How about my Abuelita and Mama's Taqueria??

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Lexa: Where'd you two come from??
Avery: We were over at the polka dot background and heard a loud thump and decided to see what it was all about.
Sophina: Are we getting actual room backdrops soon??
Me: Maybe...Who knows...Give it time!

I pretty much got a trifold and chopped it in half to be the right height to become a room for my dolls! So now to paint and decorate them and then they can finally have a place to be in instead of using that same thin blanket or spare bed sheet for a backdrop. :P (hopefully it'll all go according to plans. >,>; *Crosses fingers*)

The Dollhouse / Was in a Dolly Playing Mood! (Severely Picture Heavy)
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:29:00 PM »
I haven't been playing with my dolls in a long time and all (Felt like they were being neglected. >,<), so I spent all Friday playing with them and took (or at least tried to) a lot of pictures so here's what I got so far. :P

Part I: Building Our New Bed!

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New Vs. Old Which would you rather want??
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Part II: Capri's new clothes!

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Monet: Capri! Can I see the new clothes you got this Christmas??
Capri: Sure, I'm about to try them on!
Monet: I'll get to be the first one to see them befo-

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Lexa: I'm already here.
Monet: Err...

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Capri: I'll try this one on first! Hopefully it won't be too constricting on my belly. >,<;
Monet: It looks Marvelous!
Lexa: Try it on and we'll tell you what we think!!

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Capri: Well...? What do you think? *Blushes* :blush:
Me:How does it feel, is it tight?
Capri: Not too tight at all, it actually fits perfectly!
Me: Really??
Capri: Ok it's a little tight, but I can manage. >,<;
Monet: Hmm....Somethings missing...
Me and Lexa: *nods*

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Monet: Oh! Put on your coat from earlier and take off your glasses!
Me and Lexa: *nods*
Me: Pose so I can get a few shots!

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*Darn, the picture between these two were somehow deleted* >,<;

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Capri: How do you guys feel about this one??
Monet: You're not wearing the matching shoes!
Capri: They don't fit my feet right now. >,<
Me: Picture time!

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Lexa: Ohhh, this one looks amazing on you! Like you're about to go on the red carpet at the Oscars or something!
Capri: D'aww you're sweet Lexa. *hugs* :hug:

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Capri: I actually really like this dress. It's actually pretty silky and smoother than the last one, not so tight either, fits perfectly!!

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Capri: I'm gonna go try this dress now, back in a bit!

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*Somehow the one between these two were deleted too* >,>;

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Lexa: This dress kinda makes you look like a cupcake. :P
Capri: =_=;
Lexa: My Little Cupcake, My Little Cupcake, hmmm..*hums*

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I had fun taking these pictures, although I wish I had better lighting, not much light was shining on Capri's face much to show her pretty, beutiful, shimmery eyes. >,<;

The Dollhouse / Monster High 2013 New Years Resolution!!
« on: December 31, 2012, 07:04:28 PM »
It isn't 2013 yet, only a several more hours here in the US, but does anyone have any Monster High Specific New Years Resolutions set for 2013??

For me I wanna get:

-CAM Starter Sets Blob/Ice Girls
-CAM Starter Sets Mummy/Gorgon Girls
-Mattel Shop: Torso Pack
-Catrine DeMew
-Scaris: Midnight Moon Cafe
-High School Playset
-Swimline Venus (to possibly Bait and/or have)
-Signature Venus (to possibly Bait)
-Have Custom doll(s) made for the first time (Finally)
-Newest Fashion Packs

Anyone else have a MH New Years Resolution for 2013??

Off Topic / Having to let go of a collection you stopped.
« on: December 22, 2012, 06:31:34 PM »
How do you deal with it??

Back in my high school days I've collected a whole lot of Manga and Anime dvds, plushes and other misc Anime brick-a-brak, but after I graduated from high school, I kept adding to it, but at a slow and steady pace, a few more years later to now, I noticed how it came to a complete stop. I just haven't read/bought any new manga or finished any of the ones I started. I'm not an enthusiast as much as I used to be, I feel like I've lost interest.

I'm always used to having a WHOLE lot of manga vols all over my shelves, it made it look so "organized" or something that made me feel good in an inexplainable way. Now I'm packing up several to bring to Half Price Books that I know I can part with, while keeping some of the ones I still enjoy(ed). Iono, I'm always used to seeing my room always full of them, always enjoyed their presence around me but now that I've taken down several of them, it feels so empty now in my "library"...

Rarely I'd take a few I stopped and lost interest in and took them to Half Price Books and sold some of them.

Just skimming through some of them and thinking about how I enjoyed them back then makes me wanna change my mind and put them back up, but I kinda want the spending money and I'm debating if I should sell them or not. If I don't add more or finish any series up, they'll just sit in my room the whole time, gathering dust and somewhat "Neglected" to the point I'll think that keeping them is a "lost cause" if I don't plan to add/read on with some of them, and when I get to the point I might wanna sell them, the whole cycle starts all over again of wanting to sell but then having a change of heart. >,>;

I know there are several Anime/Manga lovers/collectors in the arena. Have any of you felt this way about your Anime/Manga collection/library?? How did you deal with it when you feel like you've lost interest, if anyone is still going strong, what did you do if you ever had that kinda feeling that you may have lost interest?

Other than going to Half Price Books, what's a good way to sell some of this stuff where I'm not being low-balled so badly??

The Dollhouse / Where did you get who??
« on: December 20, 2012, 02:37:17 PM »
Just a small "Game" I thought some people wouldn't mind trying, a fun way to track our dolls or a fun way to refresh our memories of our dolls.

Of all the MH dolls you own, list off where you bought them or how you acquired them! Then at the end, tally up all the places you have and make a chart. :P

Here's all mine:

Signature Frankie - Fred Meyer
Signature Draculaura - Toys R Us
Signature Clawdeen - Bought from an Arena Member - Airiel
Signature Lagoona - Toys R Us
Signature Ghoulia - Target
Signature Cleo & Deuce - Target
Signature Abbey - Target
Signature Spectra - Target
Signature Toralei - Target
Signature Operetta - Target
Signature Nefera - Fred Meyer
Signature Rochelle - Fred Meyer
Signature Venus - Khol's
Signature Robecca - Khol's then returned and bought at Walmart for cheaper price
Werecat Twins - Toys R Us
Howleen & Clawdeen - Target

B&W SS Frankie - Fred Meyer then returned and bought at Walmart for cheaper price
DT Frankie - Bought from an Arena Member - HoneyBunches
2.0 Lagoona - Toys R Us
Picture Day Spectra - Walmart
Classroom Frankie - Fred Meyer
Classroom Lagoona - Fred Meyer
Classroom Ghoulia - Fred Meyer
Sweet 1600 Cupid - Traded with an Arena Member - Yurusumaji

CAM Starter set Sea Monster/Vampire - Fred Meyer
CAM Starter set Dragon/Werewolf - Walmart
CAM Starter set Witch/Werecat - Target
CAM Designer Lab - Walmart

CAM Add-On Skeleton - Toys R Us
CAM Add-On Insect - Walmart
CAM Add-On 3-Eyed Ghoul - Toys R Us
CAM Add-On Ghost - Walmart
CAM Add-On Nocturnal - Walmart
CAM Add-On Mystical - Walmart

Khol's: 1
Arena: 3
Toys R Us: 6
Target: 7
Fred Meyer: 8
Walmart: 9

I noticed how most of my Signature ghouls came from Target, while most of the CAMs came from Walmart. XD

The Dollhouse / What CAM Starter sets you'd like to see?
« on: December 02, 2012, 10:36:53 PM »
What CAM Starter sets would you like to see?

If Mattel started making more CAM Starter sets, what other two monster types that already exist, but aren't CAM* would you like to see made in the future starter sets??

* Examples Monsters (Don't have to be limited to these)
-Mash-up Monster (Frankie)
-Gargoyle (for female starter set)

What other kinds of monsters would make a great addition to the CAM line?? Share your ideas!

I'd love to see a Plant/Gargoyle set. All I want is another plant girl other than Venus around, and nothing beats a statue covered with moss/vines/foliage. (I also want my Plant Girl OC finally made :P)

I'd also love to see a Robot/Mash-up Monster girl.

Off Topic / I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present...
« on: November 22, 2012, 05:15:47 PM » the title of the videos I wanna show everyone here!

So Jimmy Kimmel made a Youtube Challange for parents for Christmas time. Tell your kids they can open one of their Christmas Presents a few days early, but you give them a terrible one (which is a joke gift of course) and record their reactions and post it!

I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present

I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present Part 2

Would any of you ever do this to your own children?? Do you plan to pull this onto your kids this Christmas? XD

I'd share some of my favorite moments, but I don't wanna ruin it for everyone who hasn't seen it yet. lol

The Dollhouse / What a Chocoholic.
« on: November 09, 2012, 12:48:27 AM »
(My teeth hurt from eating the candy to take these pictures. >,<)

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Kellan: If there's one thing I love it's....

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Kellan: Reese's Peanutbutter candy!!

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Kellan: I LOVE Peanutbutter Cups!!!

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Kellan: I also love mini ones!!

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Kellan: Don't forget the Reese's Pieces!!

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Kellan: Here!

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Kellan: Wanna bite??

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Kellan: You know you want to!!

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Kellan: So much candy, it's like a dream!!

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Kellan: nnn...*Nom nom nom*
Lexa: Nnn huh?!

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Lexa: OMG Kellan are you eating my hair?!
Kellan: Nnnn wha?? *spits out hair in mouth* I thought I was eating chocolate...

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Kellan: Sorry, had the chocolate dream again.
Lexa: I'm going back to sleep.
Kellan: I'm sorry.
Lexa: I swear you're such a Chocoholic.
Kellan: I know...

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The Dollhouse / New girl in the group. Also a RAODK!! (Very pic heavy,
« on: October 29, 2012, 09:48:48 PM »
also non-canon. :P )

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Me: Lexa, Monet...
Monet: Then what happened???
Lexa: Then she nearly bumped Capri out of her way, and I was all like "Excuse you!" and she got all up in my face and was like "Make me!", and then I was all like "Oh no you di'int" and then I-
Me: LEXA!!
Lexa: I'll tell you the rest later.
Monet: Aww...It was getting good.

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Me: I have a surprise for everyone! You two are good at gathering the rest, get them here!
Lexa: I'm the Chatterbox, Monet's the gossip and Blabbermouth so-
Monet: Why you?!

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Monet: I am NOT A blabbermouth...
Lexa: Owwie...

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*Big commotion*
Lexa: I brought Capri too!

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Me:Ta-dah!! *plops package* Go on, open it!

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*Everyone tries to open package all at once*
Me: Nevermind, I'll open it...

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Strange object: *Plop* Mmmph.
Ida: OH MY $&%*@ GAWD!!! IT'S A MUMMY!!!
*Everyone panics*
Monet: What kind of surprise is this?!
Avery: Whatever it is, it isn't funny!!
Strange object: Mmmph Nnnngh!!
Capri: Everyone calm down!!

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Capri: I think there's someone in here...*fidgets with wrapped object*
Lexa: Yeah, an old, dead mummy!!
Me: It's not a mummy...

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Capri: Hello!
Merin: *Gasp* Air...Where am I??
Capri: Let's get you out of this wrapping....Oh my...
Me:What is it?

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Merin: Where are my clothes...?
Capri: Someone get this girl some clothes!!
Lexa: I'll get her something to wear!
Avery: I'll get her something to eat!
Kellan: I'll get her something to drink!
Me: I'll get the sink ready!

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*Moments later*

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Me: After you're done eating, we'll do something about your hair!
Merin: Thank you so much!
Me: Don't worry about it, I'll take good care of you!!

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So MacabreDarling had put up Moxie Girlz Merin for sale. I wanted to buy her, but she was nice enough to send her to me instead, no charge! I love every ounce of her, and will cherish her!

Here's her hair and temporary outfit before:
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Her hair and her new outfit after:
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I Love her!!
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Pony Corral / Toys R Us 20%-10% off in-store coupon!
« on: October 13, 2012, 05:25:58 PM »
Starting this week on the Toys R Us website, there's a coupon for 20% to 10% off on any in-store purchase!

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Go get yours now!!

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