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Topics - UnicornTamer

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Pony Corral / Daddy Bright Bouquet Price Check
« on: February 04, 2022, 09:39:48 AM »
So, I acquired a Daddy Bright Bouquet from someone years ago, and all they got in return was a MacDonald's Sweetie Belle. They had no idea that Bright Bouquet was worth a lot more, but at the time, I just felt great about the sweet deal I'd gotten.

Now, years later, I feel bad for what was essentially a scam, and I want to pay back the full amount of the pony's worth to the person I got him from.

One little problem, I don't actually have the pony with me right now, and all I have are some bad pictures of him from years ago, this being the best one, unfortunately. I remember he had some dirt I wasn't able to get off (though I didn't have access to a Magic Eraser at the time, so that might do the trick), as well as some small scratches here and there. If I remember correctly, his mane is a bit dry at the ends, and the end of his tail is frizzy. This eBay Price Guide says Daddy Bright Bouquet's current price is $11.34, but I thought it would be good to get other input, as I want to be accurate.

Does anyone would know his approximate worth?

Thank you and God bless!

Off Topic / Anyone know what language this is? (And what it says?)
« on: January 23, 2022, 02:50:52 PM »
So, a friend of my mine gave me this ring that someone gave to her in Russia. It looks like there is some sort of writing engraved in it - to me, it looks like three characters followed by four exclamation points. Anyone know what it might say?

EDIT: So, I was told by someone on a different forum that it's probably not Chinese or Japanese. If anyone could even just identify which language it is (if any!), I would really appreciate that.


The Dollhouse / Little Companion/William Tung Doll help
« on: July 02, 2021, 08:50:55 AM »
Hi, it's been a while, but I recently got this bisque doll at Goodwill. I've seen lots of girl dolls at Goodwills, but I've never seen a boy doll before, so I snatched this little guy up. The stamp on his neck says Little Companion, with a handwritten lot number of 1246/2000. I've tried to find him online, but the only place I found him was on Worthpoint, where you have to log in in order to see an item's value.

I was wondering if anybody could identify this boy and possibly how much he might be worth? I'm also wondering how much Little Companion dolls are usually worth (I've also seen them listed as William Tung dolls).

Thank you!

Arts & Crafts Corral / UnicornTamer's Pony Art
« on: February 08, 2020, 10:05:37 AM »
I'm not sure if this is the right way to go about sharing this, but I drew this Gusty. Yeah. :)

Update: I also added my favorite Tales characters, Lancer and Bright Eyes, as humans.


Lancer & Bright Eyes:

Introductions / Aaaaand I'm back! <3
« on: January 25, 2020, 07:53:44 AM »
Hello again everypony!

It has been a long time. I came back a couple years ago for some tips on storing my collection long-term, but ponies have kind of taken the back burner for a while now. Then I began catching up on FiM and then I found one of the rebooted G1s, Peachy, at a thrift store, and wow, I miss being on the pony scene. Does anypony remember me? :p I don't know how long I'll be around *coughcollegecough* but it's fun to be back for even just a little while!

 :work: :art: :silly: :frolic: :awake: :enthralled: :accomplished: :happy: :lovey: :cold: :good: :hope: :relaxed: :newpony:

Pony Corral / Does Moondancer Have Cancer?
« on: June 10, 2017, 01:17:08 PM »
Is this spot cancer or am I paranoid?  :sad:

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If it is cancer, what should I do? I'm putting my entire collection into storage for a few years and I don't want it to spread to the other ponies or get worse while I'm gone.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / LPS Horse Help ~ Problem Solved!
« on: December 25, 2016, 10:32:23 AM »
I recently discovered one of my Littlest Pet Shop horses has something rattling around inside her head. She's one of the newer models, with the big, extra-cartoony eyes, the simple rotating head, and the tiny body and feet. I popped her head off, but the hole is too small for whatever it is inside it to come out. Should I fill her head up with water and hope the thing will come out with the water? Or some other trick I haven't thought of? Thank you!

Pony Corral / Show me your ponies!
« on: December 12, 2016, 03:31:44 PM »
Hello everypony! I have been away from the pony community for . . . let's see . . . well, some years now, due, I suspect (at least in part), to the lower quality the FiM show was starting to exhibit at the beginning of season 4 (I think), which made me bored and hence turned me to other things. It was probably just the repetition of seeing the same ponies doing pretty much the same things. In any case, I've stopped collecting ponies, reduced my collection, and have a special place for them in my heart.

ANYWAY, I'm back, at least for this one moment, and I am so stinkin' sick of all the G4s (I hope no one takes offense by this; I love all little ponies, really!), and I would like to see some good, old fashioned G1s, G2s, and G3s. Please show me your pictures. I need pony therapy. *sits back in expectation*.

Here's Queen Periwinkle and King Bright Bouquet to start us off.
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Off Topic / First Published Book!!!
« on: August 29, 2013, 06:31:29 PM »
A short book a wrote and submitted to this magazine called Teen Ink just accepted it! Please read it and rate it and tell me what you think of it. Here's a link:

Off Topic / Visit my art blog!
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:27:06 PM »
I recently finished my blog with a bunch of my artwork on it (including ponies). Please visit it and share!

Customs / ~UnicornTamer's Customs~ MORE PHOTOS
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:09:43 PM »
These are my best customs (in my opinion). Please enjoy! More coming soon.

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The Headless Horse
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The Frontless Filly
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Big Macintosh
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Dark Star
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:muffin: Pony Hooves
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Starr the Centaur
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I'm pony-fying things now - drawing pictures of characters from movies, books, stuff in nature and other things as ponies!!!

I have more than 546 individual ponies at the moment. I want to get to a thousand! Whew! It'll take time, but it's so fun to do!

Right now, I'm in the middle of drawing the books of the Bible as ponies (66 ponies right there!), but after that my idea tank will have run pretty much dry.

I decided to enlist the help from the wonder people on the Arena! All you have to do is post a subject you'd like to see pony-fied. Here are some things to consider before posting:

1. I won't draw all the ideas posted here due to the fact that I may not be familiar with the subject or just not interested.

2. First look below at the huge list of subjects I've already drawn; I may have already drawn the subject you want! Instead, then, you can just request to see it - I will gladly take a picture of it and post it here!

3. These are not colored!!! I guess I could, but I've already drawn 546 ponies and I don't feel inclined to color them all and I'm certainly not starting now.

4. These are not art requests! I'm simply needing some help with ideas and so the art that will be posted here is all mine. Please respect this and don't take my artwork. Feel free to enjoy them, though!

5. I only use two styles when drawing these ponies! The FiM style and my own style which looks something like G1. I will NOT do any other generations. Sorry.

Of course, when I'm done with a set of ponies, I'll take a picture of it and post it here!

Here's a list of the subjects I've done so far (including books, movies, nature and extra stuff). Remember, if you want to see any of these, just ask, and I'll post it here!

NOTE: if you want to see the countries, please ask to see individual ones - I don't want to post the whole set; it's huge!

gems and precious stones
Disney fairies
the four elements
the sun and the moon
countries from all over the world
my family
the U.S. military
cloud formations
Princess Mononoke
Bible characters
human characters from Narnia
The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarilion
Little Women
the planets
The Two Princesses of Bamarre
Ella Enchanted
Nory Ryan's Song
Angel on the Square
In Search of Honor
My Neighbor Totoro
Peanuts (Charlie Brown & friends)
Stink Alley
The Slopes of War
They Loved to Laugh
Invader Zim
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Westing Game
the 50 states of the U.S. and their capitals
The Last Unicorn
Castle in the Sky
Spirited Away
How to Train your Dragon
The Legend of Korra


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Spirit and Rain

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Clouds: left to right: Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Cirrus, Lenticular, Nimbostratus, Altostratus, Altocumulus, Stratocumulus

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Disney Princesses: left to right: Belle, Jasmine, Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Ariel

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Super Mario Bros: left to right: Princess Peach, Luigi, Bowser, Mario, Toad

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Juliet and Romeo

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Emotions: left to right: Surprise, Embarrassment, Excitement, Happiness, Sadness, Fright

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Gems: left to right: Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Jasper, Opal, Turquoise, Pearl

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Disney Fairies: left to right: Silvermist, Idressa, Tinkerbell, Rosetta, Fawn

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Brave: left to right: Young McGuffin, Young Macintosh, Wee Dingwall, Merida, King Fergus, Queen Elinor, Harris, Hubert, Hamish

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The Four Elements: left to right: Water, Earth, Fire, Air

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Moon and Sun

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New Zealand

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Trees: left to right: Oak, Cypress, Spruce, Alder, Birch, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Ash, Beech, Hickory, Apple, Juniper, Quaking Aspen, Willow, Maple, Redwood


Pony Corral / G1 T-shirt Sighting!!!
« on: December 08, 2012, 02:37:21 PM »
I live in the deep south of Mexico and so ponies are super expensive and waves come SUPER late. Actually, when G4 ponies first came out, Core 7s and G3s still ruled the shelves.  :yikes:

Anyway, I NEVER see anything from any gen older than G3. I was feeling depressed when I saw on the Arena and Trading Post that people were finding G1 t-shirts. I thought I would never see one.   :sad:

AND THEN it happened.

Every Friday, my parents go shopping at this big, stinky, outdoor market, where the toys are all crummy and cheap and nasty and huge sides of cow hang out in the open and well . . .   :blink:

Anyway, I went along with my parents this Friday and we were passing by a clothing stand, which is never exciting. And then I looked straight in front of me and a G1 unicorn stared at me from a t-shirt.    :whoa:

I practically squealed. I pointed it out to my mom and dad. It was so cool. There were actually two of them. I don't know who the unicorns were, and they looked slightly cheap, but I didn't care.

But alas, I had no money on me, and my parents aren't parents who just buy things for no reason. I suppose for Christmas . . . but we were in a hurry and there is no way they could of hid it from me. Oh well. I'm very happy though.   :happy:

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Are these LPS? Srry, no pics
« on: November 23, 2012, 09:07:07 AM »
I have a small green brush with a deep indent on the other side (the non-brush side) and it has a long sort of oval shaped hole in the handle. I also have a small orange bottle with a place for a label and a molded on screw top. Are these LPS? Sorry, I can't get pictures, there are complications with that.

Pony Corral / New Updates on MLP Dreams
« on: November 18, 2012, 10:43:46 AM »
I just updated my website My Little Pony Dreams, which you can access through my siggy. Please check it out!

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