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Topics - lizstaley

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Off Topic / My web-comic needs desperate help with votes! Help please!
« on: August 30, 2012, 04:13:01 PM »
My comic has made it to the finals in the TGT Media tournament. Voting ends tomorrow (August 31st) and I have a real shot at being able to steal second place- if not first! I'd really love to do better than third place, and voting is FREE and EASY. Just click the box next to Adrastus and hit vote. Then if you can, come back every hour to vote for me again!

Thanks so much guys! I'm excited about winning this tournament and hope we can make it happen!

Customs / Butterfly Swap Darling for Ren-Ren!
« on: August 16, 2012, 12:59:58 PM »
For the butterfly swap I got Ren-Ren as my partner. I tried to pay really special extra attention to her list of likes and dislikes so I could make her a pony she really loved. Since she's arrived at home now, I'll show her off!

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Ren-Ren said that she liked G4 ponies, and her favorite eye style was Pinkie Pie, so I decided to just get a Pinkie and leave her eyes. She also said she wanted sculpted hair if at all possible. This was my first time mixing acrylic paint in to Apoxie Sculpt, but I love the light purple color that came out. And I was shocked at how nice my sculpting turned out on the hair too. XD

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More pictures here if you want to see them:

I need to make about 40,000 more ponies with Acetate wings. I LOVE them!

Off Topic / My comic needs votes in the TGT Tournament! Please help?
« on: August 06, 2012, 04:17:24 AM »
Every year, holds a tournament with its past episodes, and the top three winners get some prizes. Well this year my web-comic, Adrastus, is in the tournament and I'd really like to at least last more than one round. XD So if anyone could help me out with some votes, I'd greatly appreciate it. You don't have to sign up for anything, just go to this link: scroll down to Group #11 and vote for Adrastus!

(If anyone wants to give me multiple votes, you can vote once per hour. Please don't use IP maskers or any other form of cheating, as it will get me and my opponent disqualified.)

Thank you guys for any help you give me!

Pony Corral / I had a pony dream last night!
« on: May 25, 2012, 06:41:21 PM »
I had a dream last night that some guy I knew (it was one of those dream logic things, where I knew them in the dream but I don't know who they are irl, you know? Not someone I've ever actually met before) was getting rid of a bunch of G1s and stuff. Instead of just giving them away he decided to throw them down a trash chute at a hotel and then if you wanted them you could go dig for them. So whoever was willing to dig in the trash would have a fair shot at them or something.

Well I went to throw something away in the trash can, and there was a Surprise! Cool, she's not one of my favorite ponies, but I'll take her anyway. She was in pretty decent shape. So I pulled her out, and then another pony fell down (a SHS I think) so I went to grab her. Then all the sudden this rain of ponies came down- Breyer horses, MLP, Fashion Star Fillies. I was trying to figure out how to get all of them out of there without having to call my husband to help. There were even these horses that looked like Breyer, but they were poseable! They were super cute!

Then I woke up and there were no free ponies. Which made me sad, but now I've got the urge to go to yardsales this weekend and see if I can find anything good.  :P

Customs / MD Pony Meet 2012 Custom Contest: Sno-Cap and Reese
« on: April 29, 2012, 04:06:52 PM »
Since this was my second year attending the MD Pony Meet, I decided to actually enter the custom contest. I didn't win anything, but I still had a lot of fun making these two customs based on my favorite candy.

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This is "Reese", who I painted in a lovely chocolate brown color. She has light brown "peanut butter" eyes and a peanut butter cup symbol on her display side. Rehaired in Black Magick, Nectarine (I think) and a bright yellow Katsilk that REFUSED TO COOPERATE. I braided the mane and tail and put it in hot water so that it was crimped, like the outer wrapper of a peanut butter cup.
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Sno-cap, because Sno-Caps are my favorite candies. I painted her in a dark brown with blue eyes. Then I stole some beans from a stuffed animal to use for her sprinkles. She was sealed with glossy mod podge to give her a lovely dark chocolate candy shine. Then she was rehaired in Virgin Snow hair that was curled.
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[size=78%][/size]Both these girls are for sale. $20 for each, plus shipping![size=78%][/size]visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Customs / Gauging Interest: Custom Raffle for my Hubby
« on: March 28, 2012, 04:45:29 PM »
This idea has been kicking around in my head for awhile but I've honestly been afraid to start it, so I thought I'd see if there was any interest before I went putting together all the details for nothing.

My hubby always gets me the things that I need for my art and my business. Sometimes he goes without the things he really wants because I need envelopes for shipping or what-not. Late last year his desktop computer, already old, fried its motherboard and video card. He had a netbook, but the screen needs to be replaced. We just got me a (used) tablet PC so I could have a mobile art station, and months ago I found him a $50 old computer that someone was selling on Craigslist that we got him to "hold him over until he got something else." It blue-screens on him at least once a day and just can't run hardly anything. I really want to get him a computer for his birthday, which is at the end of April. He does so much for him and I would love to surprise him with something nice, even if it's just a machine from Wal-mart for a few hundred bucks. (I tried to convince him to use our tax return money toward something, but he promised me that we would actually go on vacation somewhere for our 5 year anniversary in May and I can't sway him from using the money we're getting from the government for anything but said vacation to Hershey Park)

So anyway, without going on for too much longer, I was thinking about having a custom raffle. Just like the other custom raffles around here, you'd put money toward tickets and I'd draw a random number at the end with a random number generator. So would there be any interest in getting a custom pony from me for a raffle prize? Here are some of my recent ponies:
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There's more here, and a bunch of sub-albums full of photos too: [size=78%][/size]

Thanks for the opinions, and I hope this sort of post is allowed here. I'm not confident in my pony customizing skills so I feel like I need a little reassurance, I guess.  >_<

Arts & Crafts Corral / My Little Pwnformers- Main 6
« on: February 28, 2012, 03:07:35 AM »
The idea for these came to me one night while I was laying in bed, and they're either the best thing I've ever done or the stupidest. Jury's still out on it. But since I finally got all 6 finished I thought I would share them here. You can see them on my DeviantArt account too:

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Customs / Private Buffy Swap for wiccanpony
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:05:28 AM »
wiccanpony finally got her package from me last week! I would have posted these pictures earlier but I was sick for three days so I'm playing catch-up on a lot of stuff. Anyway, if I may present... WILLOW AND OZ!

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Don't remember what ponies they started as, but doing Oz's expression was interesting considering it's the first time I've cut the jaw off of a pony. Willow was fairly straightforward. I knew I wanted to do Willow immediately because of wiccanpony's name, and she gave me a lot of freedom with her likes. Once I knew I was going to do Willow I HAD to do Oz too, because Oz is awesome.

I couldn't get Willow's mane to cooperate though, as far as laying a bit more flat. :/

Off Topic / I got interviewed about my comic!
« on: February 05, 2012, 05:35:38 AM »
Some friends of mine got interviewed by the Jazma Online site about their comic, so I asked the site if they would be interested in interviewing me too. They said yes and now my interview is posted!

Just wanted to share. I love doing interviews!

Customs / Mystery Machine - Private Cartoon Swap with heftysmurf76
« on: January 22, 2012, 03:53:33 PM »
I had the pleasure of meeting heftysmurf76  at last year's MD Pony Meet last year and we decided that we wanted to do a Cartoon Swap with each other. We didn't get started until late last year when we both had more time, and decided on mid-January for shipping. Well I just found out that he got the pony I made for him, so now I can show of pictures!

One of the things on hefty's list was the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo. This jumped out at me and so... Mystery Machine was born!

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(It was windy and extremely cold when I was taking pictures so her hair is all over the place...)

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Apoxie flowers for her symbols, of course.

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At first I wasn't sure about her orange eyes, but then when I got them all done and her hair in, they were PERFECT.

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Rehaired in Tangerine, Daquiri Ice, and a Katsilk color called Nitro Lime, I believe. Again, I wasn't sure about the blue hair when I started doing her mane because it just looked really odd against the green without the rest of the blue from the pony. But then I got the head on and realized the color was good.

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So glad that she arrived safely to Hefty and that he loves her. I had a really hard time letting her go, I think she's so beautiful! But I know she's at a good home so that makes it a little easier. :)

Customs / "Grand Old Lady" Battlestar Galactica Custom
« on: January 22, 2012, 07:23:18 AM »
Some of you may remember that last year I made my husband a Serenity Custom for Christmas. Well he decided that I HAD to do more of his favorite ships for him, and this was the one he wanted next. It was supposed to be a birthday present for him in April, but it ended up taking me all year to complete and I gave it to him after Christmas this year.

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I don't even remember what pony she started out as, but oh boy was she baity. I had to patch some chew marks in her face! She got some wire and aluminum foil bases for the sculpting and then was sculpted, sanded, and carved as best as I could do with my mediocre sculpting skills.

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Her flight pods on both sides do actually say "Galactica" on them. Really hard to see...

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NDS. She will stand on her own, sorta, but she has a tendency to fall over if you bump anywhere near her, so I made her a base. To attach her to the base I cut an X in the bottom of her hooves that are on the ground, marked where they fell on the base, put screws in the top of the base and then slipped the heads of the screws through the cuts on the bottoms of her hooves. This way she's actually removable from the base with a little wiggling!

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Painting her was a pain. I can't even remember all the different colors I used on her, but it was probably at least half a dozen or more.

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She certainly is a Grand Old Lady!

The next ship pony he wants in Enterprise D! Oh dear...

Customs / G4 Mimic For Sale, Plus Killer Plot Bunny! Pic Hvy!
« on: January 15, 2012, 04:28:07 AM »
I've been working on this girl for a year, and managed to finish her not only on the day that my G1 Mimic arrived, but also on the day that the Arena suffered fatal meltdown, so I've been DYING to post pictures of her. Originally a Rarity that I got for free from that Hasbro giveaway they had last year, she was repainted and turned in to G4 Mimic!

I know it's been done a million times, but I was going to have her as a "stand in" for my real Mimic until I got one, but, as said, I did get her so I'm open to offers on this one if anyone wants to purchase her. I would set a price for her but I've never sold a pony before so I'm not sure what anyone would pay for one of mine.

On to the pics!

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I think this is my only G4 custom that actually went well enough for the head to still turn when completed...

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Rehaired in, of course, Electric Banana, Pussycat, Envy, and Sugarberry. Electric Banana and Sugarberry are the coolest colors! I love them now!

No G4 would be complete without their animal friend though, right?
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I decided to paint Rarity's bird to look like Mimic's symbol, and if anyone buys this the bird will come with her too!

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Shot of G4 Mimic with my G1 Mimic after she arrived. I obviously didn't get the body color right, and to be honest there's some problems with the FBR (one of my brushes apparently decided to shed, so there's a tiny fiber embedded in her forehead that you can't see from far away, but I couldn't get it out. I could probably just dab a little paint on it and reseal the spot, actually...)

Next up is an LPS custom I finished about 2 months ago and didn't get around to taking pics of until I was doing a massive photo session. As a writer and artist, I often find myself plagued by Plot Bunnies, offering me plot cookies and Emo Muffins in order to get me to torture my characters. This has been such an ongoing thing that, for NaNoWriMo this past year, I decided to make myself a Plunnie for on my desk. I had an LPS bunny that I thought would work well.

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Beware. It may be cute, but it would happily suck the blood out of your mother to get what it wants.

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And of course, it needed some cookies and muffins to tempt me with, so I used some scrap Apoxie from another project...
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