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Topics - Tinker

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Customs / My Swap Pony Spam
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:35:43 PM »
Life has been pretty hectic for me lately. Now that I'm more settled down, I can show my most recent ponies.

I got the incredible sweet Stephbryant1 for the Easter/Spring Swap. As soon as I read that she loves G1 babies and dying Easter Eggs with her kids, I knew what I wanted to do. I remembered dying eggs with my lil sister and we were hecka messy. I figured these siblings would be no different.

I present my egg dying Twins:

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I'm glad that you and your kids like them Steph. :heart:

Sometimes I get a swap pony that fights and bickers with me, like they develop a personality all their own. This is one such pony, such a vain and prissy lil thing. He fought me tooth and nail and it took an unfortunate accident with his hat to get him to settle down and let me finish. I sent him on his merry lil way to EvilMuffins. I hope she can deal with his Diva Dandy ways better than me.  :lol:

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Thank you to all my swap partners and hosts.
:heart: :heart: :heart:

Off Topic / A huge THANK YOU!!
« on: May 21, 2012, 11:48:40 PM »
Hey Everypony!!

I've been going through a really rough time these past couple months. In the end I moved up to Anchorage to kind of "start fresh."  :cry: Now that I'm more or less settled down in my new place, with reliable net service in place, I wanted to give a thank you to all the pony peeps who gave me support.

To Sarahlacewing- You have no idea how much your understanding and support has lifted me up. I consider you a good friend and hope to keep regular contact with.  :hug: :heart: All the love (and goodies) kept me from feeling alone and abandoned.

To puuush- Thanks for your incredible patience on my commission from you. If you ever want a commission from me, just ask, pro bono.  :-*

To LadyStarCatcher, NichiTsukinoko and the rest of my Oregon ponies- I really enjoyed hanging out with you all at the meets and such. I wish I could've seen you all again before I left. I miss you.  :grouphug:

To my trade partners and Hosts- I thank you for taking a chance and sticking with me when times got tough. Thanks for allowing me the extra time to finish my work and send out finished ponies. I despise not be able to make my timelines, but sometimes the unexpected happens and I can't. Thanks for loving the ponies that I sent and thanks for sending me such awesome ponies in return. I wish I could give you double or triple the positive on your feedbacks. This counts for you too SparklersOasis, your card kept me smiling on my plane trip.

BTW, thanks for being patient on the feedback as well. :blush:

To the mods- Thank you for your kind words and willing shoulders. Even if I didn't respond to your PMs, I read them all, and they gave me comfort. Because of people like you, we have this wonderful forum. I wish I pay more than just hugs and happy emotes. You all deserve it.  :inlove: :inlove: :hug:

Thanks to all who read and/or responded to my posts. Heck even if you just sent a happy thought my way. Thank you for being a part of this awesome community.

And... uh... thanks for reading my incredible looooong Thank You post.

 :inlove: :hug: :dance: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Off Topic / Alaska Bound, any pony peeps up there?
« on: April 28, 2012, 10:41:53 AM »
So after much drama and life decisions...

Thanks to awesomeness and generosity of my BFFs Pam and Matt I'll be moving up to Anchorage Alaska. I'm both super excited and horribly depressed at the same time. It means a HUGE change for me. I haven't been to Alaska since I was 8. It's going to be so strange to be out of my area of Oregon. My hope is I can find a reasonable job quickly and get my own place before the end of the year. I have to leave my Patty and teh kittehs behind though. *cry* when i save enough, I'll be bringing them up to me. I'm flying up on the 11th.

So I was wondering if there is any nearby pony peeps I can meet up with?

Customs / The Nerds Twins Cherry and Orange for Sarahlacewing
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:54:05 PM »
Way way way back Sarah and I started a private swap. We decided on Candy!! One candy that Sarah listed was NERDS and who doesn't love nerds. (the candy is yummy too  :P ) Sarah has been infinitely patient while I worked on these girls. They were a hassle, let me tell ya.  :pullhair: In the end I'm very happy with how they turned out. My SO didn't want me to send them away so now I need to make him one too.  :faint:

I present Cherry and Orange NERDS:

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Each girl has five distinct NERDS, but unfortunately I couldn't get a decent shot of behind the ear ones. I tried to mimic the slightly shiny bumpy texture of the candy on their bodies. I used dollyhair's Cherry Pie and Satsuma for their hair. Primed and painted with acrylics. The texture was created with sponges and brush. Finally they're sealed with Satin Mod Podge.


Customs / Coffee Dyeing?
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:45:14 PM »
Hiya pony peeps!!

I'm trying something new and I was wondering if any one else has used this method. I'm trying to create an aged/creamy color on some baits using coffee. Has anyone else tried this? How un/successful? How long did you let them steep? Pics of results? What about nylon hair?


Customs / Animal Companion Swap for Mohawk
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:50:35 AM »
Hi All!!

Yesterday Mohawk received his lil guy.  :cheer:

He started life as a lone pup with not even a saddle to call his own.  I knew he would be just the dog for Sun Runner. I tried to match the pony colors as close as possible and incorporated them into the puppy. Sun Runner has a horseshoe in his symbol, but in my initial sketches the horseshoe just looked... wrong.  :stunned: :wacko: Then Mohawk posted a pic of his sweet lil Corgi Rufus and after some google-fu on Corgis I came up with this guy. (Corgi paw prints are too cute  :inlove: )

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I also made him some tiny lil pig ears to match the ones I sent for Rufus and super simple backdrop for displays.

I'm glad you like him Mohawk.  :blush: I adore the drawing of him in your sig.  :lovey:

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