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Topics - kabent

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Pony Corral / Question: Factory Curls
« on: January 11, 2022, 10:51:39 AM »
hi everyone! i haven't been collecting long, but i've been curious about this since i started and i thought some people here might have some insights.

essentially, i'm wondering what ponies with fresh "factory curls" look like, straight out of the box/card.

all of the ponies i've seen advertised as having factory curls have had loose, untamed, and incredibly frizzy manes & tails. i think the curls themselves are really beautiful, but i find it hard to imagine what they were actually intended to look like way back in the day!

i have a few ponies whose curls i would love to restore, but i've noticed that most curl tutorials are for achieving neat, tight ringlets. is this close to what curly ponies originally had, or is it just the preferred style? it's hard for me to tell what style they have going on in the MOC/MIB pictures i've seen, but to me the manes kind of look like one big poofy curl that loosens and separates over time?!

does anyone have photos or recollections of what brand new curly pony manes/tails look like? and is there a method of replicating the style?

i apologize if this has been answered somewhere, or if i've worded things unclearly. this has been bugging me for a while, and google hasn't been helpful, so thanks in advance! :^)

Introductions / Introduction! :^)
« on: December 27, 2021, 09:58:11 PM »
howdy, everyone!  :rainbow:

it's been a long, long time since i've used a forum like this, so please bear with me! :P

my name's Bent, i'm 24 and i love anything cowboy/horse related! (Tex is my favorite pony :cool: )
so far, i only have G1 ponies but i'd love to eventually get my hands on a few G2s!

even though i grew up playing with MLP toys, i'm a very new collector. i only just started buying ponies as recently as last month, but i've been observing the G1 pony collecting scene from a distance for a while before finally dipping my toes in. needless to say, i'm hooked!! :^)

although i haven't done anything too advanced yet, i have a real love of restoration and am excited to learn more about it from you folks! :heart:

thank you so much for letting me join! :D

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