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Topics - Einhornbaby

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Pony Corral / MLP G4 ceramic mugs at Aldi Nord (Germany)
« on: February 03, 2014, 10:13:31 AM »
Hi there :)

Aldi Nord (Germany) sells MLP mugs this week! They are 1,99€, made of ceramic, pretty small but really cute!

I bought one for my daughter and one for me. You can only see Fluttershy when the mug is still in package, but it also has Applejack and Pinkie Pie on it!
Thought Id share, they also had Monster High mugs and some others.  :)

Pony Corral / Mummy Meadowsweets symbols
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:03:55 AM »
Hi there :)

I need you, all owners of a good-conditioned Mummy Meadowsweet (Euro Pony, here is her page : click) !!

I myself own two Mummy Meadowsweets but both are in very sad condition. I originally planned to take the tail of that one which has a tail and try to restore her symbols but since both are so severe damaged and their hair is so faded ...*sigh* well, I have to admit, I let them both sit under my desk for years now. Well, yesterday I took them out to see what can be done and I realized that they have differences in their symbol color.
One has butterflies with yellow edging, the other one has green edging.

Now I need you, please check your Mummy Meadowsweet for me and let me know what color the egding aroung the butterflies is!!

I feel the yellow on one of them might have come from fading or something, but when I googled pics of her, I did not find any good one to check.

thanks in advance!!

@Mods : please leave this thread here until the pony has arrived :) Thanks in advance!

Hi there :)

ive got a G1 Baby Buttons for trade! PM me if you are interested in a trade, my wishlist-link is included at the bottom of the topic.
Better photos are available upon request (I took these in the early morning, it seems there wasnt enough light).

G1 Baby Buttons is in good condition. Her hair is silky and shiny it has not been cut as far as I can see but her tail-end is a little uneven. She has a few very very faint pink marks on her back and rump, they are hardly visible. There are no chew marks, she does not rattle, there are no rubs or age spots and no other visible marks beside a little red dot on her non-displayside (see pic). She has been played with and is not mint.
As a good conditioned Baby Buttons is worth around $35 I am offering her for trade for $30 since she has that red dot. Please note, she is not for sale atm, I only want to trade her for ponies or other stuff I like worth $30.

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My wishlist :
please click this link to see my wishlist

Pony Brag Arena / The very best (early) Christmas present I ever got!
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:10:08 AM »
Hi there :)
I got to show her to you, im still so touched, it was such a wonderful surprise!

My friend NovemberRain visited me today (since we live not that near to each other we dont meet as often as we would like to...) and as we always do when we meet around christmas, we give each other the christmas presents to see the face of one another when opening the gifts!

And well, this one gift she gave me was special as can be!
In late summer of this year NR started teasing me already like 'Oh ive got such a wonderful christmas present for you and you have to wait, lalalala' LOL. Yeah, I teased her back of course with the exact same sentence since I already had German Raindrop waiting to be a present for her without her expecting it  :lol: Hehehehe... :P

Well, yeah so I opened my present this morning when NR arrived here and in there was a Fashion Style Candence! Oh great, yes, I jumped in joy because I really love this pony!  :lovey:
To be honest though I was a bit like "And shes that special?" Lol, yeah sounds awful but you need to believe me, I was still happy with my present even if I expected it to be different since NR teased me for month about this present... But one thing seemed strange, I bet she would not have done it for "just a G4 Pony", I just could not imagine that lol. And true! It wasnt the true "special gift"!
Well, so NR let me sit with Cadence, watching me unpacking her, combing her hair, hugging her and snuggling her and... so the whole stuff I (always) do when I get a new pony. I really enjoyed her a lot <3 Then, after I had spent about 15 minutes+ or more with combing and so on I finally put the pony on the table to admire her from there lol.
And then NR pulled a little present from her bag, saying it was a second gift, "not that special but nice enough". I unwrapped it and ... lol, I would have loved to see my face. Because ... it was "only" a G1 Blossom. And Ive got 3 or 4 Blossoms... NR knows about that fact. I really did not need another Blossom... or did I? I was looking for any sign of variant, maybe a factory error? A FlatFeet? A ... whatsoever? No, a normal Blossom and already "ruined with ball pen marks", seconds later I got it!!!

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OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!  :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:

Its a Blossom, signed by BONNIE ZACHERLE!!! OMG I was shocked!! I wished for one for years, knowing never ever to be able to attend at the US MLP Fair to meet Bonnie myself to ask her for signing a pony for me. It was like the impossible dream for me, a grail never to achieve since I didnt wanted to buy a pony originally signed for someone else but me. But there she was now! And NR started to tell me the story of how she got her for me!
It was Sebby6 from the Arena (Sebby, I cant thank you enough!!!)  who made it happen, who took this Blossom to the 2013 Fair and let Bonnie sign her for me!!

Yes, and there she is now, all the long way she went to Germany! To be my present! The most amazing surprise I got !! My eyes still water when thinking of it or looking at Blossom! She really means the world to me! Not only because of this magical story but because of the fact that I just love Blossom in general and knowing that she was originally named after Bonnie´s cat and I also love cats so much! So, really, this is a wonderful and non-comperable gift! And THANK YOU NovemberRain for getting her for me, thanks for being my friend for the last 7 years and more to come! :lovey:

Pony Brag Arena / MIB G1 Wild Flower found on a fleamarket!!! Pic added!!
« on: December 01, 2013, 12:42:15 AM »
Hey fellow pony-friends :D
Ive dreamed about this sooo many times in the last years... finding a G1 MOC or MIB on a fleamarket and now it finally happened! Im still so so so excited!
Yesterday was my lucky day I think. We were on our way to visit my aunt in Hannover (Germany) for lunch but we still had a lot of time left so we decided to visit a nearby fleamarket that was on our way. And there she was!! MIB G1 Wild Flower (german package of course, photo coming soon, sorry) was standing there, ready for being bought!! She was surrounded by a bunch a Magic Trolls and Vintage Littlest Pet Shop pets and some more other stuff I dont clearly remember. I still shiver by the thought of me picking her up and asking for her price (6€ only OMG!!) :D :D :D
Shes now sitting on my night desk lol, ready to me admired before I go to sleep. Shes sooo pretty in her package and Im still soooo happy :)
Btw, that particular fleamarket seems to be my personal best-find-fleamarket lol since I found Greek Bluebell there too years ago, lol.

Just had to tell lol :)

Off Topic / The Only-Child and toys
« on: October 29, 2013, 10:20:56 PM »
Hi there :)

a few days ago, I from a friend that she was never really attached to her toys as a child because "being an only-child having tooo many toys".
Now I came to think I Id like to hear everyones opinions on this :)
I was an only-child and an only-grandchild back than too and I really was spoiled rotten... Oh my I had soo many toys and stuff. My grandma would buy we almost everything I wanted, my aunt did so too soo... I really had tons of stuff.
But I loved every single piece! I was attached to each pony, doll, plushie, I even loved my doll clothes to pieces!

Today, me and my husband were cleaning out the cellar and were planning to drive the stuff that nobody would need directly to the local dump to get rid of it. Robert had already prepared tons of boxes ready to sort and so I started with some old (and very stinky) plushies and old clothes. I came across my old doll Claudia. She was dirty, smelled like Eww and her head was deformed from lying there in the cellar for years. I decided that she wasnt safable so I put her into the trashbag. She was followed by another doll and some plushies that were worn off and damaged. We drove to the dump but when I stood there, I wasnt able to throw my dolls away myself. Robert understood and took the bags away for me. The whole drive home I thought about them. They were old, dirty and nobody wanted them. It was ok to throw them away and I dont really regret it, but... I remembered how dearly they were loved and even since I was a spoiled rotten child, I really loved my toys, no matter how many I had.
How about you? Did you have many toys in childhood? Did you bond with certain toys a lot? Or not at all?
Tell me about you and your toys :) Did you keep any? Did you throw them away? Did you sell them?

For Trade / interested in my BB Lilac Links? - traded!
« on: September 21, 2013, 10:39:51 AM »
Hi there :)

Ive bought two blind bags of the new series (transparent ponies) today and even though I only have two of that series I now already got a double, lol.

So, I am looking for someone who is interested in trading my :

Lilac Links, coming with her card

for :
any Blind Bag pony I dont have, preferably one of the newer series! :) PM me if you want her!

Pony Brag Arena / MIB Good Weather <3
« on: August 04, 2013, 12:07:31 AM »
Oh my, im sooo happy with her <3
Yesterday I recieved MIB Good Weather, or Sonnenstrahl as she is called in german, from a trade!! Shes soo wonderful, so pretty... and she was such a dream to have MIB for me for years! I wanted her with her accessories since childhood!
Her package had several bends and creases and the blister got loose, but I fixed her all up and now she looks almost like fresh from the store <3

Isnt she cute?
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For Trade / G1 leaflet for trade! - gone
« on: August 03, 2013, 11:59:47 PM »
Hi there :)
I recently got another G1 leaflet, but as I already have that certain one, Id like to trade my double away.
The leaflet is about 30cm long. It is featuring a lot of Euro G1 and shows some prototypes in alternate poses and with alternate hair colors. It is in mint condition! No creases, no dents, no markings.

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Id like to trade it for a similar conditioned G1 leaflet which I do not already have. If you want to trade, please show me what you have :) I might also trade for other MLP stuff.

Pony Brag Arena / German Raindrop for 11€ o.o
« on: July 27, 2013, 12:02:33 PM »
Ooooh, the pony goddess was good to me <3 She gave me the chance to snatch a wonderful pony for a wonderful price!
I was browsing (Germany) knowing that I really wasnt able to afford a pony for my collection. And then I saw her!! I had to rub my eyes!! OMG, its German Raindrop :D I instantly hit the buy-now button and... there she is now!! I was pretty afraid she might be covered with marks or other spots since the photo was bad and the description didnt really tell about her condition. But, she is near mint, only having some minor regrind spots which is common for her <3

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Im sooo happy that I was finally able to replace my rehaired Raindrop. <3 Love her soooo much :D

Pony Corral / Whats inside a Buddy L fakie?
« on: July 27, 2013, 11:44:00 AM »
I thought there might be some folks here who are interested in fakies too, like I am :)
So, one of my favourite types are the vintage Buddy L Fakies <3 I love them, especially when they are still able to make their sounds!
Well, one I recently got wasnt making any sound anymore and since the have a screw under their belly I thought I might as well find out if Im able to change the batteries or something.
Well, it turned out that youre not able to change batteries. The inner construct is glued pretty much to the inside of the pony and when you finally have it out (and it took me 20 minutes!) you wont be able to get it back inside. But, since I finally did it, here is whats inside a Buddy L pony :

So, this is my girl... shes in very nice condition for an old fakie... well forgot to brush her lol.

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and thats what is inside, the "sound machine". It has three clock-batteries that were wrapped with clear tape :
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hehe, though it might be interesting, forgive me if its not :P And for everybody else trying to get those batteries fixed : dont try at home lol. I almost lost my finger (almost pinched it with the sharp screwdriver lol)

Pony Corral / show your vintage fakies !!
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:50:04 AM »
Hi there :)
today I recieved a wonderful fakie for my vintage fakie collection. Its currently soaked in an oxygen bath to remove the dirt, so I cant show it yet. But id love to see your vintage fakies!
Come on, show them to me :D Im especially after this type of pony
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 (Images by Vettefromm)

MLP Nirvana / PC rehaired german Raindrop
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:52:39 AM »
Hi there :)

Id like your opinions on a pony I have.
Its german Raindrop!
She is in really good condition, but her mane has been rehaired. She lost a few (2-3) plugs from it though and on her neck the hair feels a tiny little bit hard (its combable though!). Otherwise the hair looks good. Her tail is original and the mane has been done with matching color ( She has a little regrind spot on her NDS, otherwise shes wonderful!
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thanks in advance :)

Pony Corral / G4 Enterplay Trading Cards?
« on: February 03, 2013, 01:21:28 PM »
Hi there :)

ive mostly been (and honestly still am...) on a collecting / buying hiatus. We dont have much money atm, so I have been good and did not buy anything expensive. But since my birthday is coming up and I am really looking to get "something pony" I thought I might get some trading cards which cant be too expensive. But there it is, the problem... I dont know anything about them!!
I dont own any yet and Im sure they dont sell them here in good old germany... so, can you tell me, what is important to know about these cards? How much do they cost at stores? How do I start? I thought it might be a good idea to get some sealed packages or something like that. I dont need those specials yet :)
Any thoughts? Any Tips? Ide be grateful :) thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / show your G1 MOC, MIB and MIP!
« on: October 14, 2012, 01:24:39 AM »
Hey there :)

its been some time since we last saw some wonderful, original packed G1 ponies! So, come one, show your beauties!! :D

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