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Topics - Mirnyj

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Off Topic / Funny TV commercials
« on: October 11, 2014, 06:08:21 AM »
I feel like watching funny commercials right now. Can you share your favorites?

I'll start with this throat tablet commercial that gets me every time.  :mrgreen:

(ETA, keep them clean-funny plese ;))

Off Topic / Which hand do you use?
« on: October 05, 2014, 02:38:34 PM »
I'm strongly left handed myself and that got me curious of how many other lefties the arena has attracted. ;)

Off Topic / It's nearly soup time of the year!
« on: August 30, 2014, 07:38:39 AM »
I looove eating soup when it's dark and chilly outside. I also like trying new recipes. So could you share your favorite soup recipe with me?

To get you in the soup mood I'll share my favorite soup. I found this recipe at Chow for roasted butternut squash soup I think a year back. It's really foolproof and soooo yummy! A real comfort food.  :yummy: And this makes such a huge pot full of soup that it lasts for days. :lol:

I've tweaked the ingredients a bit though to fit my taste:

Instead of butter I often use walnut oil.
Instead of Granny Smith apple I use one huge Jonagold apple.
Instead of yellow onion I use shallots, about 3 bigger ones to 5 smaller ones. :)
Instead of sage leaves I season my soup with a pinch of ground ginger, ground clove and ground nutmeg.
Instead of heavy cream I use creme fraiche (or sour creme). This gives the soup a nice pinch of acidity and also makes it creamy.

Your turn! Share your favorite soup with us and tell us a bit of why you like it so much. :lovey:

Off Topic / I'm going back to school
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:02:35 PM »
I'm so nervous!!!  :yikes: I'm starting my second university of applied sciences degree next Tuesday. I've been on pins and needles since I got the acceptance letter. I was accepted to study design as one of the 20 people taken in this year, so I'm feeling quite a lot of pressure. Will I be good enough? What is it actually that these people see in me? Do I really have that kind of potential? Also I am 25 years old, so I'm a bit afraid of if this degree too will be kind of a miss as the last one I did was and I'll push it trough just to achieve nothing - again. :(

At the same time I'm really excited to get started on this. I don't have any expectations considering the degree, but I do have this secret dream of my own business of designing, manufacturing and selling my own products.  ^.^ I hope I'll do well in the school and that the school can keep me motivated. I went to see the student's spring exhibit this year and the things they had made looked like so much fun, really looking forward to all the new things I'm going to learn.

Wish me luck!

Arts & Crafts Corral / I too drew some ponies
« on: August 23, 2014, 11:14:17 AM »
I haven't drawn anything in ages, so be kind.  ;)

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I tried to match their personalities to their UK back card stories, and maintain a chubby G1-ish style. Also I needed to scan in two parts, hence the stupid white patch on the upper corner. :rolleyes:

Pony Brag Arena / Never thought I'd catch these in a store!
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:55:29 AM »
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Eeeep! Our local TRU had the whole Pinkie's Boutique line and photo finish and Zecora doll! Never ever thought I'd find them in any store in this distant corner of the world but I did and now they're mine!! :frolic: I've been drooling after glam goth Pinkie since she was first spotted at Taobao so my heart pretty much skipped a beat when I spotted her. Mine, all mine! :lovey: My precious... *gollum, gollum*  :drunk:

Pony Corral / Your collection in numbers
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:39:41 AM »
I just had a head-count on my herd and it seems that I've got

218 G1's in various types and conditions (some of these are doubles)
26 G2's in various conditions (with one double)
42 G3's
16 G4's

which brings my collection to a grand total of

302 brushable ponies.

In addition to these, I've got

6 McPonies
4 Dollymix ponies
54 blindbag ponies and mini figures
19 Petite ponies (some of which are doubles)
1 G2 beanbag plush
1 My Pretty Pony

which counts up to

85 official non-brushables

And to top it all, I've got

7 fakies I see as a part of my collection.

So I've got a total of

394 ponies in my collection! :newpony:

So, how does your collection look in numbers? :)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Mirnyj's Animal Plushies
« on: June 15, 2014, 01:37:44 PM »
Three days spent in the company of my sewing machine resulted in a pile of platypi!

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Just looking at them makes me so happy.  ^.^

I also finally after years of 'if's and 'but's opened an Etsy shop, all the platypi I made are there waiting to be rehomed.  :lookround:

(Sorry for the non-pony contents and the shameless promoting)

Off Topic / Can anyone remember this 80's/early 90's animated movie?
« on: April 20, 2014, 12:05:03 PM »
I'm asking for your help fellow 80's children to solve this childhood memory mystery! I have these vague memories of this animated movie I saw as a toddler. There were some colorful cute alien creatures and children helping them. They were looking for something from old ruins I think. The movie was located in a jungle with dark colors (at night I think). I can remember them crossing a small creek at some point.

Any ideas? :biggrin:

Pony Brag Arena / Christmas in April!
« on: April 19, 2014, 01:14:41 AM »
As some of you may know, I got flaked on the arena newbie Christmas swap last Christmas. :( So our wonderful host Hathorcat came to the rescue! I was so surprised when the doorbell rang two days ago, since I wasn't expecting any big mail to come.  And look what the mailman brought me!! :freak:

Everything was wrapped in my favorite colors. :lovey:

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Look at all these stickers!! There  are so many! :newpony:

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I got plenty of chocolates and hot chocolate mixes, and my kitties cot new toys to play with.  ^.^ The Yankee Candle made the whole box cherry scented, my favorite!

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There were some pony related extras too! :squee: A dollymix Bluebell! Now I have four dollymix ponies! And the bunny suit I have been wanting forever! Cat had included a G1 pamphlet too, I've never had any. And look, my favorite childhood pony Flutterbye has joined the pony parade too.  :frolic:

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These I totally adore, the shawl is beautiful even though my camera didn't seem to like it much, and the Princess Sprkle tote is just to die for.  :faint:

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And the ponies, the ponies.

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Movie Firefly, whom I've been trying to catch for ages! :newpony: Surprise, and not one but two baby boys! :squee: Baby Drummer has been one of my major wants since I started collecting and I just love the pink one's pose.

Thank you Cat, this really made my Easter.  :silly:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Card making
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:48:24 PM »
I've never considered myself as a good paper crafter, but I decided to try and made this card for a swap box. Just wanted to show it off a bit more, because I'm really proud of what I managed to create!  ^.^

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Off Topic / Candy Swap ~ All Received!
« on: February 12, 2014, 05:47:10 PM »
Brags are up!!!

This swap is closed for new sign ups, sorry!
:glitter::glitter::choc:Welcome to the candy swap!:choc::glitter::glitter:

This is a swap for all of us candy lovers who like trying new things. :) If you'd like to join in, it is extremely important that you check your customs and post office rules of what you can and cannot ship and receive prior to signing up. Some countries have restrictions on shipping certain food items and it would be a real bummer if the lovely boxes of candy got caught for reason or another. :( Please check the best before dates of the candies you're going to send and make sure they'll be good still after the estimated delivery time!

This is a secret swap which means you won't know who you'll be receiving your box from. Please keep your identity a secret from the partner you send to!

I would love to see people from different countries to join in so that we can do as much international pairings as possible. When putting your box together, try to find products that are unique to your country, local to your area and so on to make it interesting and exciting! Please avoid global brands (like Nestlé and Mars).

For this swap you'll be having a budget of 15 to 20 USD to use on tasty candies for your partner. 15 dollars is the minimum value of the swap box and must be used on candy in it's whole. I know we all love to spoil our partners, but to keep it fair for all participants try not to exceed the $20 top value. Non candy extras can be added but they will not count towards the swap budget. Please don't send more than $7 worth of extras, the candies should be the stars of this swap! :) Shipping is not included in the swap budged. Keep in mind that candy is relatively heavy and the shipping cost builds up pretty quickly! Shipping via air mail please, surface mail just takes too long to travel.

As per arena rules, you'll need to be at least 16 years of age to join.
I will require the participants to have:
  • Positive feedback of +5 or more on sales and trades here on the Arena
  • Minimum 300 posts with 6 months of arena membership OR Minimum 500 posts with 3 months of arena membership

Sign ups: Feb 12th to Feb 25th
Assigning of partners: Feb 26th to Feb 27th
Shopping: Feb 28th to Mar 23rd
Check-in: Mar 15th
Shipping: Mar 24th to Mar 30th

The candy doesn't need to be gift wrapped for this swap so you don't need to post a teaser photo on the forums if you don't wrap it, but to compensate I will need a check-up with photo via pm by March 15th. By this time you have had plenty of time to find some lovely goodies for your partner and I'm going to want to see how you're doing. ;)

To join, please PM me the following swap form filled:


1. You needed to check something prior to joining. What was it?

2. Full shipping address with your full name and country

3. Allergies and other food sensitivities

4. Is it okay to send melting things like chocolate to you (is it hot in your country at the moment)?

5. Are you okay with shipping internationally?


After you've sent the PM take a little time and post on this thread a bit of your candy likes and dislikes to give hints for your partner!

Happy Swapping! :)


2. True ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
3. BerryMouse ~ Teased ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
4. NoDivision ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED
5. tikibirds ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
6. Saja ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
7. Corona ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
8. Jennifer2004 ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
9. svarta-perlan ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
10. Scraleos ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
11. CottonTALE ~ Teased ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
12. wiccanpony1 ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
13. ChipsteRJ ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED
14. Mori_LeStrange ~ Checked in ~ SHIPPED ~ RECEIVED

[Approved Feb 12/14 :bunny: ~Kiwi]

Pony Brag Arena / The Newest Stallion to My Herd
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:45:44 AM »
:squee: :squee: :squee: My First Mountain Boy!!! :squee: :squee: :squee:

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Isn't he handsome?  :silly: I'm super happy to have him, I've been in awe all day!

Off Topic / Candy swap anyone? ~ Gauging interest
« on: February 10, 2014, 12:50:22 AM »
Hi everyone! I am considering of hosting a candy swap here, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in one? :) I was thinking of a budget of 15 to 20 dollars in candy only. Shipping may be monsterous since the candy quickly piles up in weight but I think the fun would be worth it. :P So what do you think? :)

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