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Topics - cyberunicorn

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Customs / Custom Rescue: Last one added
« on: January 26, 2013, 06:12:41 AM »
I don't know if any of you remember a while ago I posted up some pictures of some custom ponies that I had got from ebay for 75p the poor things had been butchered.  -_-,316822.0.html
Sadly there was not much I could do with her in the form of restoring so as I actually lost the head of the pink one I decided to combine them in to one.

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there are still a couple of touch ups to do as you can see in the picture but not a bad start


The one in the worst condition was an Autum pony by bluemoondreams. (I am sorry you had to see her in that condition)

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Well bluemoon dreams kindly offered to make replacement wings and horn for this poor girl. whilst at the same time I have tried my best to make her look the best I could. She is not as good as when her creator made her (they never are) but I think it is certainly a vast improvement from before.

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To be honest I did leave some of the added "paint work" as I think it makes her look like she has been playing in the mud.

Pony Brag Arena / First Ever Swap box....with Salli
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:23:27 PM »
 :hearts: I got my first ever swap box yesterday from a private swap I did with Salli   :hearts:

The timing was totally perfect as I had just got back from having a really bad and expensive day. First I had failed my HGV multiple choice theory test by ONE mark then I had to go and get my car from the garage as the poor thing had being "condemned" since last Friday. (drivable but do not go over 50mph) To be confronted with a £470 garage bill (For those of you in the us that is about $740)  :rant: :pullhair: :angry: :shakefist: :freak:

But then I get home and literally sitting on the door step hiding behind the snow shovel was a box hiding from the cold weather.  :mail: :frolic:.

So my and my megan (dog) run upstairs and start to open it. And were totally amazed by what we found inside.

I could see a blue head.......
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4-speed  :frolic: :frolic: I have been after him for so long but keep getting out bid or it is sold by the time I get there. I have completely fallen in love with his colour such a soft blue and the pink in his mane is gorgeous.

Then there was a small pink head. to be honest I thought she was pinkie pie, not entirely turns out she was Twinkleshine. (I actually had to look her up as I had never seen her before  :blush:)

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She covers two of my favourite things unicorns and space and has a special place on my "Space pony" shelf.

Then there was a nice gift bag inside stuffed to the limits with goodies all for meeee.

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Valentines themed box yey (that's when I noticed that the ribbons on the ponies made them blend in with the theme  :throw: (I need a brain)) the cutest card and lots of yummy chocolate I plan to devour the chocolate on Sunday on my day off. And pinkie pie is going to be my new book mark so she can always remind me to "Have a sparkly day"  :biggrin:

Finally there was another little chap hiding in there.......

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Bandit my first ever Breyer he is so hansom :inlove: and so similar to Walter a horse I ride in my lessons.

Now everyone is settled in to their new home and have being making quite the stir ........

Kit and Kat love bandit and have claimed him for their own (so much for their hover boards)

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As you can see 4-speed has carried on the valentine theme and brought two lovers together much to the disgust of lion o as he watches in the back ground

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And Twinkleshine has got a friend in Panthro as he protects her from the evil mumm ra

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One final group shot

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Salli it has being an amazing Swap box thank you so much  :hug: :hug: :hug: :newpony: :tackleglomp:


Off Topic / I think I work in the most amazing place
« on: January 22, 2013, 12:39:45 PM »
where I work is amazing it is pretty in the summer, spring, Autumn and now the winter.

we have had so much snow there in the last day or so I just could not pass up the chance to get some pictures of it.

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and that is just in the area around the hall I have not even been to the outer parts of the estate yet

Pony Brag Arena / Floating on a cloud
« on: January 22, 2013, 12:18:17 PM »
I got this lovely girl today she is my first magic message pony. I have had a few come in large lots with other ponies but this girl is so near mint it is scary. normally the ones I have seen have either part or no symbol. hers works and is intact with the exception of a small pin prick mark which you cannot ever see unless you are looking for it.

as with all new ponies that come to my collection I insist that they hit the spar for body wash and hair style. so streaky showed her the ropes as her curls had dropped and needed resetting.

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Off Topic / Thundercats they've arrived
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:45:54 PM »
I was really in to this as a kid it was my one other obsession apart from mlp. well as the ponies kinda died out then obviously came back (with avengance) this never actually did.

well the other day I was going through the tv guide on sky and found out they have actually remade it....  :biggrin: ........ but I am actually thinking of starting to collect some of the figures from both generations and combine them with the pony collection.

Anyone else like it or is it just sad little me

Pony Corral / Help Accessories Id required
« on: January 15, 2013, 09:15:12 AM »
Well I have being putting it off for over a year now and have finally decided that enough is enough. I have decided that it is time to sort out my accessories for the ponies.  :argh:

I need help id where they come from and which pony they belong to.

First up I know are for the princesses but could someone tell me who they actually belong to. I have being using the wand for tiffany but I don't think its hers......

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then brushes (the bain of my life) this is only part of them once I find the rest they will appear

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next are lots of random things I am not even sure most of them are mlp to be honest

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any help and information is much appreciated

Pony Corral / Pony Projects
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:06:58 AM »
I recently bought a pony off etay she was perfect but there was a stowaway in the padded envelope with her. one was a fakie that was easy to clean and fix up but the other was forget me not. her body was really dirty but in good condition but her hair well you be the judge....... I have already bathed her and started by just shampooing and conditioning her hair as it is so dry just in the hope of giving it some protection whilst i try to make something of it.

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I think this might take some time to fix in the mean time has anyone else got some pony restorations they are currently on with.

Trader & Shipping Support / ebay not received an item
« on: January 11, 2013, 03:44:47 AM »
I bought the g1 school house off ebay and paid for it on the 1st January 13.

not having received the item yet I have messaged the seller twice with no response. the item is coming from uk so I know that it is not stook over seas.

I have openned a case with ebay. But it it to soon I mean nearly two weeks for a package that was ment to be sent 1st class recorded.

I did not pay alot for it but they did way overcharge on postage which I don't mind so much but I would still want the item


the dam thing has still not arrived and ebay will not let me reopen the original/ new case against them. and paypal will not let me because I opened one through ebay.

once again the seller is MIA and no responses to any messages. I am going to write this off as I don't have the time to be chasing people around for the sake of a 99p item. so if anyone is interested the seller is  kittyfootcurios  on ebay I am going to leave her negative feed back as she obviously has no care for customer support.

Pony Corral / UK....Collectors in yorkshire
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:44:31 AM »
I was just kinda wondering if there was anyone in my local area that colleted ponies.

I live near a town called skipton in north yorkshire or Keighley is also nearish aswell I know that there is at least one but I was wondering if there was any more or if I was the only one?????

First please excuse the dirty table I keep meaning to do something about it.  -_-

I have some new additions arrive yesterday and a couple of surprises.

first up Baby Fleecy and lamby (I think that are their names.)

She has really nice pink hair it looks light in the picture

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and in the envelope were tow other additions that were not in the listing.....

forgetmenot she has a mint body but a very bad matted effect hair. (would not appear on camera until it was fixed) my job this weekend. And an orange fakie with a very bad mane that came off in my hand and a tail that kind of disintegrated when brushed but an ok body. (I think she is one of the cheapers cheap fakies.

I really don't keep many fakies I have two that managed to stay in my collection because they worked some fakie cuteness magic on me I think. Well he has some too I have let er stay but he did need something doing with that hair.......

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so after 20 minutes or so she had a new mane, tall and body wash. not the best job but it will do for now. I wanted to keep his mane thin for in keeping with the fakie thing but I might at some point thicken it up then curl it for him

Pony Corral / First Bubbles and now shining armor who's next?
« on: January 01, 2013, 01:05:56 PM »
Over the summer I had one of the ponies I work with doing a bubbles impression in the middle of the field now I have just been looking through the pictures from today and I find another of them doing what I think looks like a shining Armor impression.

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Please excuse the state of him he has just come back from galloping round the yorkshire hills for four hours. but I cannot work out if the expression is that he wants to go back out and do it again or for his feed bucket.

do any animals in your lives do pony impressions or is it just mine???

Off Topic / photobucket (sorted it let me on now)
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:24:15 AM »
is anybody else having problems logging in to photobucket it does not recognise my details

Pony Corral / Random swap
« on: December 30, 2012, 10:46:04 AM »
Would anyone consider hosting a random swap. I really want to participate in a pony swap but do not qualify  :yikes:

Firstly I apologize if I am breaking any rules in asking this I have read the rules but did not see anything. (but I might have missed it so please just let me know  :blush: )

But I thought it would be fun to have a random swap where you get well random ponies (maybe specify some that you really don't want) and pony items...maybe sweets and chocolate as well. basically just to make it a big surprise for your partner.

I know that there could be a problem with either getting bad condition ponies or spending less than your partner but limits and conditions can always be put in place i think.....

feed back please maybe also someone to host.

or do the criteria count to private swaps???? if not would anybody be willing to be my partner I can promise they would be spoil t


Off Topic / horse/pony help
« on: December 27, 2012, 02:29:40 PM »
Well more like ideas please,

I work on a hunt yard looking after 1 horse and 2 ponies. Currently the poor things are stuck in their stables because of the weather. They get ridden at least four times a week and walked everyday if not. (as soon as the ground improves they are going to be chucked back out and worked from grass) But my actual question I really do not want them to get bored and develop bad habits each of them is very different which makes things a bit tougher to work out.

The horse and one of the ponies already have a likit holder each (with the correct difficulty level for them) the other pony will not even entertain the idea he likes the likit but cannot be bothered to work for it.

we have also got apple on a string and haynets suspended from the ceiling.  (not at the same time.) but everything involves food I could do with something that does not     but is also horse proof.

I have put some pics below if you are interested in what they look like:

Tommy:(the middle horse) is about 14 and some variation of welsh d and maybe comamara and stands about 15hh. up for anything but can find thing very scary at first.
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Barney: 19. another welsh and is only 12hh, 
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Biscuit: 18, 13hh unknown origins. poor bics has been hit round the head in the past making him very untrusting of people he does not know and even alot of who he does know. though some of us have the problem he is to confident around them. but out of the lot he is the bravest just does not really like things that hurt his head when they are flying around.

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 (he is scratching his bottom in the picture. it has been asked in the past what is wrong with him)

Any ideas are welcome no matter how silly they seem they normally turn out the best ones.

Customs / Commission pony Question
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:45:30 PM »
I designed this pony for hokus's raffle. her name is infinity star

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But I have now started to think that I want to see her as an actual pony. I have never commisioned a pony before and was wondering roughly how much it would cost and roughly how long it would take.

I would want her as a g1 pony as they are the main part of my collection,  not be that fussed about how the person did the body color and what type of hair they used as long as she represented similar to the picture. I realize that custom ponies are expressions of the maker/ designer so I would not be hard if they wanted to experiment a little with her.

Also would it make a difference if I provided the pony for them to customise.

I am just looking in to it at the moment as anything I did would be well after christmas but I don't think it can hurt to ask in advance.

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