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Topics - Zapper

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Pony Corral / Who has a tumblr character/ask blog?
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:00:30 AM »
Hey ponies!

I've recently revived my tumblr (that I only use to follow other blogs and reblog stuff I like) and felt the urge to follow some of those ask blogs.
For everyone who doesn't know: an "ask blog" or "character blog" is a tumblr you create to roleplay as a certain character. You allow people to send you questions and you answer them in-character (most people draw their answers, but there are also some that just use plain text and maybe some reaction images).

I just really enjoy that concept. It's fun to read and interact with such blogs!

I was asking myself how many Arena members may have pony (or pony-related) character blogs?
If you have one, please feel free to share! I'd probably love to follow you ;)

The Dollhouse / Show me your Cleos!
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:41:48 PM »
Got Egyptian princess?
I'd love to see pics of your Cleos (any version)

-together with her sister
-together with the CAM mummy (or just with her body?)
-in different outfits

Recently I'm just so enamoured with this doll :heart:
Please feed my obsession :lol:

The Dollhouse / Who collects the guys? And why/why not?
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:09:37 PM »
Just something that would interest me.
I have seen lots of MH collectors who say that they're not interested in getting the boy dolls. I'm such a person myself.

My reason is that the guys
a.) look boring compared to the girls. They do not get fashion packs and they always have the same face-up (Clawd is the only boy who at least seems to get different haircuts *g*)
b.) I have problems with most of their molds. They seem to look a bit more realistically proportioned than the girls, but something looks "off" about them. I can't put a finger on it.
Gil is the only boy I'd get in a heartbeat. He looks very unique and doesn't sport the squarish head mold most of the other boys have.
I'm not even that partial to Clawd, even though he is my favorite male character in this entire franchise. His head is just... big and square.
c.) I am probably biased since the guys don't get as much development than the girls and I tend to get attached to the personalities and stories of the characters first, which motivates me more to get their dolls.
For example, I used my Toralei as custom bait because I just couldn't warm upto her as a character *covers as fakies get thrown*

What could Mattel do to get me more interested in guy dolls?
FASHION PACKS (also more than just a basic shirt and shorts, I want hot outfits!), more diversity. And in case of Clawd and Deuce: separate their characters more from their girlfriends. I really liked Deuce's story about his pet dragon or his friendship with Rochelle (only mentioned in Rochelle's diary) :)

Hey ghoulies!

You know what's awesome? Making a good friend crazy for Monster High.
You know what's not so awesome? Said friend suddenly wants to buy way too many dolls (that are more expensive in Germany than in the US). I'm talking the Sig versions of:
and maybe

Can you friendly people give me a Price Check for these girls? I guess Spectra and Oppy are more expensive in the US by now, but my friend isn't looking for the first releases anyways. Second releases do the trick. She also doesn't want the boxes.
All of these dolls are between 20 and 40€ here and my friend really shouldn't spend that much money right now (she totally would live on water and bread for a month if that would guarantee her a bunch of MH dolls all at once x__x).
She's hooked and it's my fault :blush:

We'd love to find out if finding a nice person to go doll-hunting for her in the US is cheaper than go doll-hunting in our region of Germany. Help us out, plz ^^ Thank you!

PS: Recently we found two Scaris Deuces and hid them in the toy store like idiots XD
So in case our hiding technique worked out we could still get them and maybe trade for some of the Sig girls she wants?

Arena's Next Top Monster
Public Edition - Challenge 6

♡ My Sticky Sweet Valentine ♡

...and we have a winner: Cate_Dartfinger!!! Congratulations! Nefera in her tasty twizzler outfit is the sweetest Valentine! :biggrin:

Entry 1 - A Goblin Valentine by Foxy_Ninja
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Entry 2 - Pull N Peel by Cate_Dartfinger
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Entry 3 - Sweetheart Succubus by Princess_Squishy
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Entry 4 - Liquorice Wip by Firecracker
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Entry 5 - Wish You Were Here by mejohnson85
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Entry 6 - Lollipop by jupiternwndrlnd
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Entry 7 - Fairy Floss Babe by shockponie
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Entry 8 - Come Join Me by Colorscapesart
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Entry 9 - The Sweetest Sounds by HanaMaehata
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Entry 10 - Blood And Chocolate by NoDivision
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Entry 11 - A Sweet Surprise by Angellove
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The Dollhouse / ANTM - PE - Challenge 6: My Sticky Sweet Valentine
« on: February 01, 2013, 04:32:28 PM »
Arena's Next Top Monster
Public Edition - Challenge 6

♡ My Sticky Sweet Valentine ♡

Welcome to the Sweet Six, geists and ghouls!

Valentines Day is approaching and we're all picking a very special gift for our creepy-cute crushes: a photo. But not any photo!
For this challenge I'd love you to deck out your monster in sweet stuff (candy, cake, chocolate - anything you'd give your Valentine on your date).
Your photo should be "delicious", and that can mean anything. Just keep in mind that this is a gift for your model's lover, so for this challenge it's up to you if you want to do a fashion shoot or an art photo (hint: that means clothes are optional, just make sure to cover the "naughty bits") ;)

You have until 3:00am EST / 8:00am GMT on Saturday, 9 February 2013 to submit your entry to me.
Please also provide me with a title or I'll just come up with one of my own ^^

Have fun! <3


How It Works

1. A photography challenge is posted.
The poster may or may not post an example photo.

2. Participants are given seven days to submit their best photo.
They must PM a single photo to the poster of the challenge before the deadline.

3. At the conclusion of the seven days, the poster will anonymously post all the entries in a public poll.
The public will be allowed four days to discuss the entries and vote.

4. At the conclusion of the four days, the participant with the most amount of votes will be determined the winner.
The winner will be allowed a max of three days to post the next challenge.
If the winner does not post the challenge within three days, the runner-up will be allowed to do so, and so on.

5. In the event that two participants tie for first place, they will determine the next challenge together.

6.Once the public poll has ended, the poster will reveal which photo belongs to which participant.

The Specifics

- You do not have to use the same doll for every challenge.

- You do not need to participate in each challenge consecutively

- You may edit your photo with any sort of software you like

- You may use custom dolls, and dolls of any gender

- You may use any backgrounds, props, or sets that you like

- We advise hosts to NOT participate in their own challenge round

The Dollhouse / MH Art Thread
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:09:17 AM »
New idea: let's collect our favorite MH fanarts in one thread :)
Make sure to provide a source (that means the artist, not the website you've found the picture on) for the images and, if possible, a link back to the original. You can also post your own art (sketches, WIPs, finished art, etc).
Please use the spoiler tag if you want to post more than one picture.

I'd love to start off with one of my recent favorites, a really cute and dynamic fanart by MySweetPhantom on DeviantArt.
I just love their facial expressions ^^

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The Dollhouse / MH inspired outfits/accs?
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:24:58 AM »
Hey there!

Okay, please tell me I'm not the only one who has ever thought about wearing MH inspired clothes or accsesories? I'm not talking about the MH costumes you can buy. What I'm talking about are outfits or single pieces of clothing/accessories you assembled or bought because it reminded you of your favorite MH character.

I thought it would be fun to have a thread where us wannabe "fashionistas" can collect the things we find in stores or the ideas we get? Wouldn't that be fun? :)
Now, i'm not a fashion victim. I don't follow trends or brands, I just like to wear what I love and what's comfortable to me.
That's why this isn't supposed to be a thread á la polyvore where you can assemble awesome outfits... that end up being from super expensive brands and none of us can afford them.

So when you post findings, make sure they aren't in the high price category. This is about sharing things others could most likely create or buy themselves.
Alright, let's see if this thing takes off or not XD

If you find stuff on ebay, please keep in mind that linking to live auctions is not allowed (MLPArena rules), but linking to the shops is okay.

I'd like to start with some of my own stuff^^

Plastic skeleton necklace with heart charm from Bellarocka (one of my fav online shops), 9€
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Definitely check out Bellarocka if you want to find more Ghoulia/Operetta themed fashion and accs!

Cassette tape tote bag bought from ThinkGeek, 10€
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Adorable crawfish and lobster charm necklaces I got from Accessorize on clearance sale. Both for just 2€
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Hey geists and ghouls!

I finally found the CAM Triclops for a good price (thanks to Saply!) and now I need her upper arms, upper legs and torso.
If you happen to own this set and want to sell it, please answer in this thread ^^

I'm also searching for three torsos and one set of upper limbs for my other CAMs. The colors don't matter, because I will repaint them anyways. The upper limbs can also be of the mix-and-match variant. The only thing that matters to me is that the limb set is complete (two arms, two legs) and smooth. No scales or fins.

Thanks in advance! :)

The Dollhouse / Doll nudity - a problem to you?
« on: November 18, 2012, 03:53:46 AM »
Just a little something I've been asking myself.

A lot of people seem to "censor" their nude dolls when doing photos of them for ebay, some can't picture themselves displaying Skelita "in the nude" and most reviewers on youtube don't show a doll without clothing, allthough the bodies of many dolls are really interesting (Skelita, Jinafire, Gorgon Girl, the see-through CAMs).
I've even seen some people warn for "doll nudity" in thread titles like it was somehow a trigger.

I wonder why that is? The dolls do not have any genitals, they don't even have nipples. They have undies engraved onto their little doll butts.
So why cover their "shame"?
Is it because of decency laws that you feel obligated to censor them or do they grow on you so much they become people to you and you feel you can't just expose them like that?

I'm not judging, not pointing fingers.
I'm honestly just curious as to why some people do that kind of thing :)

Personally, I would never make the doll cover his/her body for any ebay photos or hesitate to display a skeleton or scaled creature "nude". If their body molds look creative and cool - why not?
In context of photos I could understand a censoring. For example, you want to take a picture of one doll walking in on another one in the shower and you blurr the "naughty bits" to indicate that the character is supposed to be naked.
But completely out of context? Why should it bother people?

What are your thoughts on the subject? :)

Hey ghouls and ponies!

I need your help.
Walmart doesn't do international shipping, but I'd love to have the DDG 3-Pack for Christmas (totally giving a gift to myself).
Therefore I'd like to know if any kind American would order this for me?
It's the DDG 3-Pack value bundle + accessory of choice. My choice would be the Coffin Bean set.

How does this work?
-I'll give you the money you need to order the bundle (via paypal)
-You order the bundle (shipping to the US seems to be free?)
-You unbox the goodies
-You keep the Clawdeen doll as a "thank you" :)
-You send the rest to yours truly

Does that sound good to you? Then please answer in this thread. Thx!!

The Dollhouse / Rerooting CAM hard caps? (solved! thx!)
« on: October 03, 2012, 04:22:56 AM »

Finally got my werewolf girl last week and she's a hard cap.
I already tried putting several materials over the hole in her skull as some sort of covering to serve as a good base for the reroot, but it always ended up looking bumpy or too flat. It seems like I'm not able to retain that roundness.

I already tried soft leather, foam and three kinds of cloth.
Sadly I don't have a wig for her, because I heard those could be used to cover the head hole and serve as base for reroots.

Do any of you guys and ghouls have some advise for me? It is much appreciated as I really would love her rerooted instead of wearing a wig :(

The Dollhouse / Looking for Moxie Teenz, Cutie Pops, Coraline
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:40:27 PM »
Hi there!

This is my doll want-list. It used to be just about MH, hence the location in the MH forum ;)
But since I created this thread I became interested in all kinds of fashion dolls and related toys.

I'm mostly looking for not too expensive shipping rates, since I'm located in Germany. So deboxed items are completely fine to me as long as they're complete.
I'm always looking for nice people who want to go doll hunting for me. Clearance articles are highly appreciated when it comes to everything that isn't MH.

 Please feel free to post in this thread first before sending me a PM (because PMs sadly do not always work for me here).
I'm also always up for trades. Just check out the sales link in my signature ^^

PS: I'm paying via paypal, but being German I'm not able to use the "send as gift" option. I hope you understand.

-GNO Venus
-DC Gil (or the entire 5-pack)

-Bijou (complete, Wave 2)
-Melrose (complete, Wave 2)
-Arizona (complete, Wave 2)

-Octogen (Secret Pets)

-Chiffon (1st release)
-Donut Pop Pack
-Day in the Park hair pack

-Neca Coraline (raincoat version)
-Ken shoes (PM me and show me what you have ;))

Found someone! Thanks!  :)

Hey there!

I have this little project; I want to customize two MH dolls to look like Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn from the Batman universe. They are my favorite characters ^^
I only have one problem - I really suck at sewing.
I am afraid of needles and therefore have never touched a sewing machine before (and quite frankly, I don't plan to! Brr!)

I'm therefore looking for a skilled seamstress to make basic MH clothing for my girls.
Specifically, a bathing suit in green, a catsuit (bathing suit with long sleeves + closed tights) in red and a harlequin hood in red.
I'm able to do the rest by myself. For example the coloring of Harley's outfit, so my seamstress of choice doesn't have to work with two different colors :)

Would anyone be up for it?
If yes, please post in this thread (I have some troubles with PMs as of late). It would be great if you could show me some of your work and/or tell me how much you'd want me to pay.
I'm also up for trades. Check out my sales thread to have a look at my items; the link is in my signature.

*looks at you with puppy eyes*


Customs / Show me macabre ponies! ^^ (warning for gore)
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:24:25 AM »
Hey guys!

I have a confession to make: I love macabre/dark pony customs.
I'm talking zombies, ghouls, frankensteins, vampires,  and whatever dark fantasy you can come up with!
I especially like them if they still have a cutesy/kitschy theme going on.

One of my favorite customizers in that regard is eponyart, but I also love the more gruesome-looking ponies BlackAngel-Diana makes!

Feel free to post scary ponies you customized, bought or have seen elsewhere (but make sure to include the original customizer's name and/or link) ;)

Oh, one final word on gore: please do not insert images of too disturbing/violent-looking customs in order not to gross out our fellow board members. You can link to them instead ^^

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