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Topics - Rachel-Eyes

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Pony Corral / I'm blue. Show me your unicorns and sea ponies please.
« on: April 05, 2012, 11:36:38 AM »
I don't want to go into it, just that school is hard and my family are being poo-poo heads right now.

I wouldn't mind some unicorns and sea ponies, since they're my favorite. It really does seem like only ponies can make it better right now.  :cry:

Off Topic / Restoring a Mattel Little Pretty?
« on: March 14, 2012, 03:25:07 PM »
Some of you may remember a brag post a long time ago where I found a Little Pretty but mistook it for a My Little Kitty. (And then I find out later that it's supposed to be a dog.  :P )

Well, I finally have a chance to restore her today. Her hair is a tangled mess so I'm going to rehair her with this lovely blonde hair I have from an old Halloween wig, since I think it would look really nice with the rest of her. But the problem is, that she's a Glitter N Grow, which means that her hair shrinks when you pull her tail, and her tail shrinks when you pull her hair.

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience restoring these? I haven't opened the head yet and it looks very rusty, but I wanted to know if anyone knew how the mechanism worked. I'm kind of afraid to just jump right into it, because I don't know what to expect. Is anyone familiar enough with Little Pretties to have any ideas of what to do?

Off Topic / Friendship milestones
« on: March 12, 2012, 09:28:49 AM »
So last night, as I was tossing and turning and trying to sleep, I ended up doing a little bit of mental math.

Seventh grade was ten years ago. I met my best friend in seventh grade.

We've officially been friends for ten years now.

That realization brought me so much badly needed happiness to the end of an otherwise horrible day. That's when the tears came, the good tears, where I got out of bed at 1 in the morning and sent her a message telling her how much a love her and how happy I am that if it were to be anyone these past ten years, I'm so glad that it's her.

Maybe I'm just a corny sentimentalist, but this just makes me so happy. Does anyone else think about or recognize milestones like this? Significant others don't count because you're supposed to celebrate anniversaries.

Pony Corral / Guaging interest for a possible fakie project
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:34:01 PM »
So I was messing around My Little Wiki last night and was struck with a wonderful, awful idea.

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Just to see what would come up, I typed in "fakie" and got a sad, sad little page with just a little bit of info on Rinse N Spits, Mexican Big Brothers (with no text, just a picture), and "unknown" fakies (Boleys). As a fakie lover, I was saddened. I know there are a vast number of different types of fakes out there, and plenty of fans for them. Sure they're not MLP, but they're still loved by many.

So that's when the idea came about:


Would anybody here be interested in a fakie wiki? I'm thinking of maybe having a dates page which would list when production of fakies started, plus a page for the different types plus their variants. (A page for Remco, a page for Totsy, a page for Crumpet fakies, Cabbage Patch ponies, etc.) I can even see pages for specific attributes as well. Looking for flocked fakies? Typing in "flocking" would redirect you to a page that catalogues as many fakies as we know that have flocked variants- Remco is the one coming to mind, though I know there are more. I'd also love pages for different stores and the types of fakies that could be found there.

But it wouldn't stop at just MLP fakies, but probably encapsulate other horse toys as well, like Bryer, Barbie horses, Grand Champions, etc.

Not only would it be a good way to group them together in ways that fakie fans can easily access, but it would also give customizers a fresh breath of relief when they want to know whether or not a certain fakie would be "okay" to bait. It could also serve as a resource for the mildly curious.

Even though it's my idea, I wouldn't want to mod it since I have no experience modding (except for one other project on Tumblr) and I doubt I would really have a whole lot of time to devote to it... but I am intereted in writing for it if there are enough people who want to see this happen. So right now, I'm mostly just gauging interest.

Good idea? Bad idea? Indifferent? I'm curious to know your thoughts on it.

Pony Corral / Have you ever had trouble with making out symbols?
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:08:32 PM »
After I saw the name mistake thread, I was immediately reminded of something kind of off topic from it, so I thought I'd start a new thread to keep everything straight.

Have you ever mistaken a pony symbol for something else, or spent forever trying to figure out what a pony symbol was even supposed to be?

I did this with Star Glow. I had her when I was little and could not for the life of me figure out what her symbol was supposed to be. Actually, when I was little, I used to think it was a brand marker, because it just looked too abstract to me in order to be anything coherent.

Then when I was older, about six or seven, I looked at her again and thought it was supposed to be a CASTLE. The candle would have been like the top spires and the two legs of the piano like the entrance. It actually reminded me a lot of the twisty crooked castle on the third island of the first Crash Bandicoot game.

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People, I spent a sizable chunk of my life thinking that Cortex Castle ended up on a My Little Pony! :lmao: It wasn't until I started collecting again that Ponyland Press described the symbol as a piano, and I squinted at it and said "yeah."

Has anyone had any similar mistakes when it comes to symbols?

Pony Corral / No neck plug? D:
« on: March 01, 2012, 06:45:29 PM »
Sorry I haven't quite been around, ponies. I'm taking some 400-level courses and things haven't exactly been easy lately. But I've still been lurking!

The good news was that I was able to buy one of my childhood ponies back! Luckily Lovin' Kisses isn't as popular as some of ponies can be, so it was a breeze finding one on eBay. But there's a problem.

She was showing signs of internal ick. Nothing to worry about... I open up all of my G1s anyway just in case. The glue on her neck was on there super tight, but I was able to open it up with an X-acto. It took a lot of pressure so it isn't exactly a smooth cut, but I was horrified to find that there was no neck plug!

I don't think I pierced through it... it doesn't look like there was ever one at all!

How can I fix this? There is no way I can just pop it back on like another pony. I have another SHS that's in the same pose (Sunglory) and she was just like a normal pony too.) How did this happen? What should I do? I'm incredibly saddened. I just wanted to clean the rust out and now I feel like I've killed it.  :cry: Should I make the hole bigger so I can work with it, and then superglue the head back on? I'm really sad now.

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Off Topic / Does anybody know this unicorn?
« on: February 15, 2012, 07:24:51 PM »
Well, I finally got to go through some of my old toys today and I guess my childhood ponies are gone.  :sad: I did find this girl though, and boy am I glad because I loved this thing and now she gets a special spot in the front of my collection as my only remaining childhood pony. God, I can't express how happy I am that I still have her. I could cry.

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Meet Frosting. I got her in the gift shop at a theme park we visited every summer, and the year was probably 1996-1997. I'm pretty sure it was the summer in between the year I switched schools, so it's probably '97. She came in a pack of two, and the other one was purple (maybe blue?) and was in a standing pose rather than a rearing one. I didn't like her as much so I don't remember if she was a unicorn or an earth pony- and I'm 90% sure it was purple.

Does anyone know what company she comes from? I want to say that I saw a blue-haired rearing fakie in a lot now that I'm collecting, so I don't think they were theme park-exclusive. She has no markings except for a "MADE IN CHINA" on her belly. I can't even get over this. I'm totally sleeping with it tonight because I feel like a kid again.

Pony Corral / What is this website?
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:26:39 AM »
So back in the day, before I officially started collecting but was still learning about it and considering it, I stumbled across someone's personal collection website and it was very cute. I remember it was a collector based in the UK, and I found her website through a page where she made little outfits and scenes for her ponies and re-enacted English history. It was so cute. She also had a fakie rock band, and a page where her boyfriend wrote a humorous account of going to car boot sales or thrift stores with her and she would freak out over ponies, because the ponies have taken over.

It was really cute, and done by a person with a sense of humor so it was very interesting to read. I've been trying to find it again, but I can't remember what it was called. Does it sound familiar to anyone here?

Customs / De-glassing a glass-eyed fakie?
« on: January 31, 2012, 02:57:17 PM »
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted... classes have been kind of intense and what free time I have had, has been spent on Crash Bandicoot rather than ponies. (No, this isn't about a Crash Bandicoot custom, though I am considering one in the future...) I am kind of wondering something, and thought that I asking the lovely talented customizers here wouldn't hurt in the slightest.

For spring break, I have a customs project planned when a friend of mine will be back in town. She and a co-worker (her best friend) have both seen some customs that I've made on Facebook and both fell in love with the idea of having a handmade pony for themselves. So I'm going to make them one, as long as they provide the pony/pay for ones that I find myself.

And at Big Lots right now, they have the fakie families with the cute little Fancy Pants babies, but the problem is that they have those glass eyes. I was thinking about buying the set for the baby and then baiting out the parents, but I've never made a custom with those eyes before. I don't imagine them to be a problem on their own, but is there a way to remove them? I've never used clay on a custom before, but I've noticed that they have little eye holders in the backs of their heads. I'm wondering if there's a way to push those up to the front of the face, and then paint over them? Has anyone de-glassed a fakie before? Or would it just be better to leave them the way they are, or just find some better baits all together?

Pony Brag Arena / BRAG BRAG BRAG!
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:20:21 PM »
Well, it's a BRAG BRAG BRAG to me.  :P But mostly because I've hit some personal jackpots, as well as my first ever uncommon pony-related-but-not-actually-a-pony, which I will save for the end to build suspense.

First off, the Beanie Babies.
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Kicks the soccer bear, Erin the Ireland bear, Jake the mallard, and MOC Teenie Beanie Royal Blue Peanut.

Also, I don't know if I've mentioned my off-and-on collecting of Precious Moments Tender Tails. I had some as a kid, and when I see them during my travels I usually pick them up.
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I'm starting to become strangely fond of ducks.

Now onto the ponies!

Fakies, because it's me.  :biggrin:
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I've been looking for that yellow one ever since I learned it existed- I have two others in pink and purple but yellow is my favorite color! The bigger pink one I also have, but with pink hair instead of blue, so I'm loving this variant. The baby I've never seen before, so it's completely new to me. It reminds me of those braying donkey fakes. Also, I'm not super huge on those CP fakes, unless they have something unique to them (like the raised hearts on the hooves) but I LOVE this purple one. I've never seen a TYE DYE fakie before!

But enough about fakies.
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Desert Rose! Such an elegant pony... her hair is a mess right now though, so you can see my fingers make a small cameo while they hold it down. Sorry about the blurry photo too... I didn't realize it was that bad until I got it on my laptop.

Aaaaaaaaand, drum roll please...
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MY FIRST EVER MY LITTLE KITTY! ...Or My Little Puppy, I can't really tell. But yay! I've seen these around online before, but have never actually owned one. This and a Sea Pony mark my first ever G1 thrift store finds! *parties* She's showing signs of internal ick and her hair is deplorable, but I'm so excited to have one of these things that I could just squeal over and over.

(I hope it's a puppy actually, because I am absolutely a dog person! I have a dog keeping my feet warm right now actually.  :lol: )

Pony Corral / A friend for Half Note
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:03:26 PM »
I've been wanting to post this for a while, but with the Arena down, I wanted to wait until the forums were back up so I could still write out the little story playing in my head.  :lol: Enjoy.

So I have a Half Note. I got her about a month into my collecting, which makes her my first grail obtained.

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I purchased her from a friend of mine who moved to Korea, along with the rest of her childhood collection. As you can see, she has a missing tail and as you may not be able to see, she has some weird dark pink spots over her symbol on the NDS.

Since putting her with the rest of my herd, I noticed she's been kinda lonely. After all, she lost her tail and watched her child grow up and move away to another country all together. I only have one other tailless pony, and he is ironically, also one of the few males in my collection. Betelgeus, a handsome, realistic horse, nicknamed by the rest of my herd as "Rocky" since he plays Rocky in the local Rocky Horror Pony Show. Yes, my ponies are cool enough to have their own community theater.

I tried setting them up together, but they didn't really have much in common so it didn't really work out. Now she's sadder than ever. So the wheels in my head started turning... what's a companion that loves you no matter what you look like, and unconditionally?
Why, a dog of course! Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourself for an incredibly lame pun...
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I painted him in acrylics during a marathon of My Little Pony Tales and about a thousand repetitions of this song. I was too afraid to seal him because of a mechanism on his belly that makes him bark. Isn't he cute?

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Just look at them! Are the friends for life or what? :lovey:

(Mods, if you think this belongs in customs, you're free to move it, but I stuck it here because it's not actually a custom pony.)

Pony Corral / Getting all the nasties out of the legs?
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:26:11 AM »
These little ponies are angering me so much I think I might throw one. :throw:

So about a week ago, I achieved a minor grail- it's one of those glass-eyed Gigo fakies and her symbol is a cluster of little parasols. As for coloring, she even kind of looks like the throw fakie icon. :throw: I love her and I even named her- my fakies don't get names unless I'm really fond of them. But there's a problem.

I opened her up and found mold.

All of the mold I've cleaned out of ponies have been in sea ponies, with very straight bodies and few crevices. I've cleaned some rust out of G1s, but never mold out of an actual pony. And I know this is disgusting, but I have so much trouble cleaning out the legs. Some of my G1s have a tiny film of rust at the bottom of a hoof or two just because it was impossible for me to get to it. I'm more reluctant to be so forgiving on mold. But what can I do? I've tried pretty much everything. I've been using Dawn dish soap on my sea ponies because I remember a post from a professional mold extractor that it works the best, but it's having a hard time on breaking up those small spots near the hooves. In the past, I have soaked on the inside of the pony: Dawn, acetone, rubbing alcohol, toothpaste, baking soda, Mr. Clean, and vinegar. But they only seem to work so well. Last night, I stuck some Mr. Clean in the body and let her soak overnight in a Dawn bath. I've never let a pony soak overnight before, and when I get home, it will be 24 hours of her soaking. If it doesn't work, I swear, I'm going to scream.

What do you guys do to clean out the legs? I'm reluctant to use bleach, but I'm open to any other magic potions or tools. I'm so frustrated with this thing that I'm starting to wonder if finding it was even worth it at all, even though I had my eyes peeled for it at the thrift shops.


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