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Topics - BlackCurtains

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Pony Corral / Arena Interview - shes-so-unusual
« on: July 28, 2023, 05:37:48 PM »
This week I interviewed shes-so-unusual. Thank you for participating!

Where did you get your user name?
I got my username from Cyndi Lauper’s 1983 album She’s So Unusual. I’ve always loved the album and I had recently got it on vinyl when deciding to join the Arena.

How old are you?
I’m 21!

Do you go to school or work?
I’m a full-time college student studying Russian and religious studies! I’m currently working at a museum and I work as a tutor during the year.

How long have you been collecting ponies?
I’ve been collecting ponies as long as I can remember! I first started collecting G1s when I was 10 years old. Discovering sites like the Ponyland Press and the My Little Pony Preservation Project got me hooked for life. I stopped collecting during my teen years, but I’m back in business!

Who is your favorite pony and why?
My favorite ponies growing up were Princess Luna and Rarity. My favorite pony now is definitely Blue Belle. At Bronycon 2013 or 2014, someone selling G1 ponies gave me a very baity Blue Belle for free - she’s stayed with me ever since and I still have her in my collection after all this time. :)

Who is your favorite fakie?
The Tara Pony Luv ponies are definitely my favorites! They’re so pretty. I had one growing up given to me by a reading buddy in elementary school and she stayed apart of my collection for ages.

Who was your first pony?
My first ever pony was a G3 pony, Flower Garland and I was immediately obsessed with her. My first G4 ponies I believe were the Pony School Pals set with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Cheerily but my memory is hazy at this point. I am certain of my first G1 pony - she was an Applejack off of eBay with a bad haircut and I just felt so bad for her that I asked my parents if I could get her.

What pony did you get recently?
The latest additions to my collection are Wave Runner and Posey. New ponies are constantly joining my herd though!

What is your favorite generation?
G1, definitely. They just look so cuddly!

Who is your grail pony and why?
My grails are any of the Glow n’ Show ponies. They’re so beautiful and I’m a sucker for glowing gimmicks.

If you could have any pony remade in a different generation, who would you choose and why?
I’d love to see any of the G1 ponies remade in G2. I honestly really love G2 ponies and I wish they got more appreciation!

What has been the worst part about collecting?
The effect its had on my wallet, LOL.

How big is your collection?
My old collection (before it was destroyed in a house fire) was probably about 200-300 ponies across G1, G3 and G4. Nowadays, my current collection sits at about 85 G1 ponies.

What are acceptable and unacceptable pony flaws, in your opinion?
There are no unacceptable pony flaws! I love restoring baits, it is what got me back into collecting in adulthood. Literally, I will take any pony off my wishlist in the baitiest conditions imaginable. Currently, my most baity pony is a Sea Breeze COVERED in pony cancer - I’m hoping to try to at least fade the spots off her, even if I can’t cure it. :(

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a pony?
While trying to get a sharpie mark off her eyebrow, I accidentally wiped Sweet Lily’s eyelashes clean off. I felt so bad, like I just ripped off her falsies or something. I’m hoping to paint them back on soon!

Fill in the blank!
I think the most underappreciated pony is Sugar Apple because she has such a beautiful color scheme! All the Candy Cane ponies are lovely. I wish I saw her getting noticed more often.

I think more ponies should have GLOW-IN-THE-DARK GIMMICKS!!

Arts & Crafts Corral / What are you working on?
« on: July 28, 2023, 12:23:52 AM »
After I finish up the pony custom I'm doing, I want to focus on miniatures. I'm dying to make a mini cat tree. I bought the supplies for it a long time ago. I also want to make some mini food because I haven't done that in a long time, and as they say - if you don't use it you lose it!

I'm also interested in getting better at digital art. I have a new tablet since my old Bamboo Splash had dead areas. I've been working in Photoshop and learning how to use it properly.

One thing that's still on my to-do list is sculpting a horse from scratch. I have so many fantastic refs and I really love the idea of being able to make realistic horses. They're such beautiful animals.

What projects do have going on? :)

For Sale - For Auction / Ponies and hair!
« on: July 26, 2023, 03:47:39 AM »
Hello! I have listed my ponies on eBay and I also have some hair lots including G1 tails. I also have the mechanism for a Twisty Tail.

Customs / Bunny - A very late Easter pony
« on: July 25, 2023, 04:55:29 PM »
I finished this girl a while ago and she's been sitting on my shelf. I wanted to make her a friend, a yellow pony with pink hair and a chick symbol, but never got around to it.

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Her eyes are yellow too, for some reason they look green here. The bunny is only on one side. The ribbon is glued in place.

She is for sale for $35 :)

Pony Corral / Arena Interview - Queen Sophie!
« on: July 23, 2023, 04:42:03 AM »
This week I sat down in the fake living room set with Queen Sophie! Thanks for your time!

Personal Interview-

Where did you get your user name?
My actual name is Sophie and I love queens and royalty so I combined it together!

How old are you?

Do you go to school or work?
Sadly at the moment no due to troubles getting a job and I was gonna go to school but the pandemic happened

What are your hobbies?
More like a sport I like horse back riding and horses in general, computer stuff, wolves (like Wolf’s Rain for example) nostalgic games like Club Penguin, Poptropica, Webkinz, and so on

Do you have any pets?
Yep! A mare named Luka, a cat named Tickly, and a dog named Kuma that is gonna be my future service dog!

What do you like/dislike about yourself?
I like that I’m stubborn in a good way meaning that I refuse to give up or give in to what people want me to do and as for what I dislike, I’m not the leader I once used to be

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
In the neighborhood where I grew up in the woods!

Do you collect anything other than ponies?
Nope! Just ponies!


How long have you been collecting ponies?
I had some ponies from my childhood but I really started collecting them when I was 18

Why did you start collecting ponies?
I’m autistic so it’s hyper focused on that and I love it!

Who is your favorite pony and why?
Princess Luna, I really relate to her and I love her color scheme and the moon!

Who is your least favorite pony and why?
Not a pony and this is an unpopular opinion, Discord, I feel like he never learns and just gets so offended when he’s not involved with something

Who is your favorite pony from another country?
Ice Crystal

Who is your favorite fakie?
Princess Rinse n Spit

Who was your first pony?
Tough to say, it might have been Cinnamon Breeze, Cloud Climber, Pinkie Pie, or Sunny Daze

What pony did you get recently?
Misty Brightdawn Style of The Day

What is your favorite generation?
Despite being a 2000’s kid, g1 is my favorite!

What is your favorite part about collecting?
The happiness I get from it, every time I go to a vintage store or thrift store and they have ponies I just get so happy!

How big is your collection?
A lot of my family members say it’s big but I feel like a medium small collection compared to others

What do your friends and family think about your collection?
They know it’s my passion and every time they go to a thrift store they always look for some for me!

Do you still play with your ponies?
The closest I’ll get to that is imagining what their personalities would be and how their world works and how their society works

What rare or popular pony makes you ask why!?
None, I accept all ponies! Unless they are constantly repeated

If you had to have a pony symbol tattooed on your butt, which would you pick and why?
Princess Luna, I love the moon

If you could have any pony remade in a different generation, who would you choose and why?
The ponies from my childhood though it’d hard to pick one so I don’t know which one I would pick!

What has been the worst part about collecting?
Restorations can be fun but not when waiting happenings like uv lights, I just want the pony now!

What is your ultimate collecting goal?
To have so many of them and never stop collecting!

What is your biggest collecting accomplishment?
Getting a Takara pony!

What is your biggest collecting regret?
Came across a very mean lady on eBay so I accidentally bought something and she yelled at me that it was no accident and I’m a very sensitive person so I did not feel good that day

Who is your grail pony and why?
The Takara ponies cause they are so rare and unique!

Do you have it?
Yes I do!

Do you prefer loose or MIP ponies?
Loose for sure, I’d rather hold the pony than keep it in a box

Quick! Close your eyes and grab a pony! Who did you get?
Core 7 Scootaloo

Are you a customizer?
I customized at least two fakies for fun and practice

Would you ever be?
If I had the patience to learn which hopefully I will get

What do you think of custom ponies?
They are great! I wish can be as talented and driven to make them!

What are acceptable and unacceptable pony flaws, in your opinion?
Depending on which gen I’d say an acceptable flaw is when they are front facing, it looks good from the side but hard to make it look good in the front, as for unacceptable, cutie marks on one side, and just in general nowadays not much thought like poses or gimmicks is put into them

Would you rather have a bait pony or a fakie?
Bait pony, I can fix it

Do you watch pony shows/movies?

Which ones?
All the media that exist!

Do you read pony comics?
Yes I do

Which ones?
I listen to the g1 uk comic on YouTube

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a pony?
I’ve done this twice, accidentally put acetone on the eye and got it smudged and another one I thought the acetone didn’t affect the factory paint but no it did, it removed it, rookie mistake

Fill in the blank!

"I wish Hasbro would put more effort into making them nowadays"

"When I was new to ponies I didn't know g2 ponies existed sorta, seen the pc game but not the toys"

"I think the most underappreciated pony is Sliver Swirl because she’s pretty and a unicorn"

"I think more ponies should have passion put into them, at least the ones from g4 to today

"I don't like same ponies over and over because I want different ponies and not the 80th Twilight variant!

"I love tall and elegant ponies like pony bride, g2, and alicorns because they are just so pretty!"

I'm waiting on a 10 dollar payment for a pony on eBay. The pony sold on the 16th. Today is the day I can leave feedback. I sent them an invoice reminder and I'm hoping that will do the trick. How long should I wait?

Off Topic / Kitten fever!
« on: July 19, 2023, 03:21:13 PM »
I have a mighty need for a kitten. I'm in several cat groups on Facebook and follow cats on IG and watch YouTube videos about cats and my heart bursts every time I see a kitten. It's been a long time since I had one. It was Mousie, 20 years ago. I'm allowed to have two cats since Aster is my ESA and I have a letter for her. My local shelter, where I got Aster, has 30 kittens right now (it's kitten season). However they also have 11 seniors. I always said I would get seniors.

Part of me wanting a kitten is because I think Aster might get along better with a baby than another adult cat. And with a kitten you can teach them (to a degree, being cats and all). But the main reason I want a kitten is just because I want one. I'm trying to tell myself it isn't selfish. I'd still adopt, give a cat a home. But there's this voice in my head. "What about all the old cats?" "Kittens always get adopted. Not everyone will take in a senior." "A kitten is too much for you and Aster." :(

I don't know what to do. I'll look at the seniors while I'm there. I did see one featured on their FB page that spoke to me. But... again, I don't know if Aster would take to another adult. I'd have to do the quick introduction method since this is one bedroom and I don't want to keep the new cat locked in the bathroom for days. Besides, there's a litter box in there so it has Aster's smell all over it.

Have you had experience introducing cats? Did you ever have a senior and a kitten at the same time?

Note, this will not be happening for a while still. I need to save money for the vet. The first visit is free, but she'll have to be spayed. I'd choose a female, kitten or senior.

Customs / Custom Spotlight - July
« on: July 18, 2023, 08:45:01 AM »
For the 20th anniversary of the Arena, we are bringing back the Custom Spotlight on a monthly basis! We want to showcase the talent and creativity of our custom community. Each month a new customizer will be chosen.

For our July Spotlight we have starbritesprinkles!

How did you get started customizing ponies?
I've always been creative, and I was inspired by the early customizers' works (Woosie, whippetluv, Aikarin, poniesyeah, sevenbelles) to try my hand at it.

How long have you been customizing ponies?
Since late 2007, so... 15 years.

Where do you get the ideas for your custom ponies? What inspires you?
I find ideas everywhere. A flower, a wrapped gift, a landscape, a pretty fabric pattern. I keep a folder on my PC of things that I like online and a bulletin board of print media inspiration.

Has your style or process changed from when you started?
Yes, it's evolved with each custom that I finish.

What's the hardest part of customizing?
Right now? Finding time to do it. When I'm doing it, I probably struggle the most with making the eyes symmetrical. I also curse at my airbrush a lot.

What do you like most about customizing?
Like baking a lovely batch of cupcakes also is to me, painting a pony is a creative escape. I don't have to concentrate on anything other than what I'm doing in the moment.

Do you have a favorite custom you've made? (please include a pic or link if you can)
These girls were very difficult to make, but I love the finished products. (So excited to see Basic Fun! bring them to life, btw, and using two of my names.)
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What was your first custom? Do you still have it? (include a pic or link here too if you can)
It's My First Custom, Charlie Brown
She was a gift for my best friend, so I don't have her. But she still does.
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What supply can't you live without?
FabriTac, Testors Dullcote, and a good, red sable detail brush.

Do you do other types of art?
I sing, play the clarinet, and bake. I used to write, but not so much anymore. I have skill when given a prompt, but I feel like my writing is too corny when left to my own devices. LOL.

What tips can you offer customizers just starting out?
Be open to constructive criticism. You aren't going to start off being the best, and that's OK. We all learn a little from each other. Take inspiration from others, but also develop your own style.

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Customs / Ponies In Spaaace! Asteri and Stella
« on: July 18, 2023, 08:40:52 AM »
I have been watching tons of videos about painting with an airbrush. In all the years I've had one, I only ever used it for FBRs and gradients. I'm learning how to do more.

These ponies were done using airbrush techniques, except the eyes.

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They are flawed. Some of the stars are streaks and I went a little overboard on Asteri. Also I'm still learning how to use and hold the airbrush properly (been doing it wrong for 10 years!), so the fill ins are a little sloppy.

These are both for sale. $40 each. If you buy both it's $70 for the pair, shipped.

I will be making more of these in different colors until I'm confident in the techs used. I'd like to get to a point where I can freehand the nebulas and maybe do some real life ones.

Thanks for looking :D

Pony Corral / Arena Interview - stjarne!
« on: July 15, 2023, 10:10:22 AM »
This week I interviewed stjarne! They gave a fantastic interview! Many thanks, stjarne! :)

Personal Interview-

Where did you get your user name?
a lot of people ask me this. my username originated around 2014/15 when i had to think up a screen name for an MMO i was about to play. i was kinda fascinated with different languages, especially swedish, as well as astronomy back then and so i used the swedish word for "stars": stjarnor. over time i replaced -or with -e to make it nicer on the eyes and it just stuck ever since

How old are you?
22 (but believe me i don't feel that old)

Do you go to school or work?
neither atm. i was a produce and grocery stocker for awhile, now i'm trying to find work elsewhere.

What are your hobbies?
drawing, listening to music, thrifting, taking walks around town/in nature, having existential crises at 3am, and of course collecting :bateyes:

Do you have any pets?
yes, just one, my boy Oliver :heart:
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What do you like/dislike about yourself?
i like that i pride myself in my music tastes, aesthetic choices, and how creative i can be with my art.
i dislike how im always eager to hide my true self (even if its not hurting anyone!), i constantly look too deep into things/try to "read between the lines" & i let problems snowball into something bigger than they should be. :huh:
kinda hard to think of what i like about myself, ngl

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
if i could live in a different country entirely, probably canada, iceland, japan, etc. as for here in the U.S even the pacific northwest would be fine, though im a little homesick for minnesota.

Do you collect anything other than ponies?
yes, quite a few things. besides ponies, i love to collect LPS, neopets plush and beanie babies- but just the bears now. i downsized that collection. i used to grab just any beanie baby i didn't have yet even if i didn't like it and it kinda became a problem lol. poor things would just get tossed into the same large cardboard box that was a pain to drag around.
i'd like to branch out a bit into webkinz plush, fashion dolls, figures and electronic pets (i.e furbies, iDogs) eventually :)


How long have you been collecting ponies?
since august/september of 2021, so we're coming up on 2 years!

Why did you start collecting ponies?
i was bored, and with my first job i had money to spare so i kinda fell into the bandwagon of people getting into collecting during the pandemic and i have no regrets

Who is your favorite pony and why?
sweetberry, sweet breeze, silver glow & lily lightly are a few of my top faves :inlove: i always kinda freak out when i see them on merch, lol

Who is your least favorite pony and why?
i love most G3's, but according to a tier list i did a while back none of these guys are my cup of tea :/ something about them just doesn't call to me. i might change my mind in the future but for now these are a pretty hard "no" when it comes to bringing them into my collection. the colors clash too much for me to enthusiastically enjoy them
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Who is your favorite pony from another country?
to keep things simple... i'll pick from the g3 international exclusives. that title has to go to the lovely slh royal beauty :blush:
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all the euro slh's are S tier in my mind. no doubt about it.

Who is your favorite fakie?
i adore concerned fakies, babyzilla fakies, and the g3 winter pony fakies. i'd love to own some someday!
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Who was your first pony?
not sure who my first pony ever was, but as for my current collection my only remaining childhood pony is baby sparkleberry swirl (i still have the disc for the best friends ball game she came with), so i like to consider her the first!

here's a small before & after, from when i found her in a plastic bin after well over a decade to more recently where she's all cleaned up :heart:
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she's a little yellowed, but i can't bear to replace her just bc of that.

What pony did you get recently?
i recently bought both a g3.5 glittery scootaloo and a g3 secret wish at my antique mall-  they cleaned up wonderfully. amazingly secret wish has no glitter loss nor has any part of her turned orange. hair is great too. i was pleasantly surprised :)

What is your favorite generation?
g3 of course, but if i had to make a tier list:
1. G3
2. G1
3. G4
4. G2
5. G5

What is your favorite part about collecting?
the way it gives me something to look forward to because i'm always on the hunt for something new whenever i'm out at thrift stores. it's also just a real fun way of expressing myself and reuniting with my inner child :P

How big is your collection?
i currently have a little over 100+ G3's and 1 G1. ;) and LOTS of merch.

What do your friends and family think about your collection?
my dad thinks it's a little odd, my mom thinks they're cute, but they're both generally supportive!

Do you still play with your ponies?
not really in the traditional sense. i will brush their hair/wash them, boop their noses, set up little "scenes" with them and take photos but thats the extent of it for now. i think as we get older we lose a lot of our ability for imaginative play. which sucks but what can you do :huh:

What rare or popular pony makes you ask why!?
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sorry not sorry. i do like a blonde & pink pony, but her prices are ridiculous.

If you had to have a pony symbol tattooed on your butt, which would you pick and why?
like someone else said before, i would definitely not have a symbol tattooed on my butt :lmao:

What has been the worst part about collecting?
the prices some people ask for their ponies/merch :( and finding the energy/space to sort everything. i really need risers, cuz my shelf is just a (organized) mess right now.

What is your ultimate collecting goal?
i wouldn't say ultimate, but probably to obtain the rest of the rare G3's i need... and also to obtain the jumbo plush of sweetberry... :cry:
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i almost had the chance to get her once, then the person said they couldn't ship.
another goal is to create & work on my own online collection gallery. i've been procrastinating on that HARD.
as for ULTIMATE ULTIMATE goal.. to get everything on my wishlists. probably impossible, i know, but i can dream. i take it one step at a time.

What is your biggest collecting accomplishment?
not sure what i'd consider an accomplishment... probably reaching 100 ponies since that's a big milestone. lily lightly was my 100th & i reached it on my birthday earlier this year!
i would consider owning licensing show rarity as another accomplishment. that is until i get a hold of licensing show pinkie pie :snicker:

What is your biggest collecting regret?
... that i never started collecting sooner or that i let my mom get rid of nearly my entire childhood collection. now what was that i said about having no regrets?

Do you prefer loose or MIP ponies?
it depends. for most ponies if they come within a set or with accessories i want, i'll take the entire set MIB and just save the backcard from there. otherwise i'll take them loose. for some like the fair/con exclusives, i like to keep them inside their boxes. they're decorative for a reason ^.^

Quick! Close your eyes and grab a pony! Who did you get?
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minty, minty, minty!

Are you a customizer?
Would you ever be?

i am not and i'm not sure i ever will be. the idea seems fun, i'd just never know where to start :blink: if i did make customs i'd base them off G3 ponies that never had a figure made for them. like the film-exclusive ponies (storybelle, mish mash mee, etc). i wouldn't really have a reason to continue after that

What do you think of custom ponies?
they're awesome! i own 3 made by other customizers. might not always keep them but i love what people can come up with.

What are acceptable and unacceptable pony flaws, in your opinion?
- unruly tinsel/hair
- dirt & gunk that can be removed with acetone
- hard/sticky ponies

- rusty or musty ponies
- bodily fading
- broken/missing magnets
- "cancer"/"smooze"
- big haircuts

... and a plethora of other problems not listed here.

Would you rather have a bait pony or a fakie?
a fakie, if it were one of the ones i was after. if i had more experience fixing up baits i'd say otherwise

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a pony?
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Fill in the blank!

"I wish Hasbro would have gone a different direction with G5."

"When I was new to ponies I didn't know that there were ponies that were considered rare!"

"I think more ponies should have unique poses again like in G1/G3, bring that back hasbro." :(

"I don't like how bronies interacted with G4 because it's an entire portion of the MLP collecting community that feels alienating to me."

"I love collecting G3 merchandise because it's a side of collecting that not everybody looks at... more for me!"

Off Topic / What would you collect if money and space was no issue?
« on: July 15, 2023, 05:50:39 AM »
Besides ponies, of course! :lol:

I got lost on Amazon looking at all the awesome Playmobil sets they have. I had the 1980s zoo set and loved it so much. Now they have a huge collection of both zoo stuff and farm stuff. I'd definitely collect both of those. I'd need to dedicate a whole room to them.

I'd also expand on my bones/fossils/gemstones collection.

Cats. I'd collect cats.

Friesian horse stuff! I have a small collection now. Also tigers.

Video games.

Fish! I've always wanted to have a huge fish tank with oscars. I'd also have saltwater tanks.

Craft and art supplies. I do this now and I have far too much :lol:

Classic cars!

More animals like mini goats and chickens and attack geese.

Customs / Gauging interest - Halloween Swap
« on: July 12, 2023, 04:35:45 PM »
I know it's a little early, but I like planning ahead.

Last year there were only four people (myself included) that signed up. I'm not sure if it's worth it to run with so few people as opposed to asking for a private swap. So, I'd like to know what you think.

Sign ups would start in early August and the working time would be through Aug-Oct with shipping being late Oct, around the 22nd or so.

Extras are required, $10 worth of candy or little gifts (socks, stickers, etc.).

Trader & Shipping Support / How do I offer free shipping on eBay?
« on: July 03, 2023, 07:39:19 AM »
I feel like either I'm blind or they are hiding it on purpose...

Pony Corral / Accessory price checks
« on: June 26, 2023, 05:43:03 AM »
Hello! I finally got around to taking pics of my accessories. I'd like a PC on them.

First, is this a pony item?

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Here's the G1. I think the shoes are G1? Maybe not.

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G3. At least I think most of it is G3.

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I'd like to sell these as lots, so I don't need individual prices. Just a general PC for both. Please and thank you :)

Pony Corral / Would you like to be interviewed?
« on: June 22, 2023, 06:55:58 AM »

You might have noticed that the weekly Arena Interviews haven't been very prompt lately :lookround:

I'm having a serious brain block despite the Arena having so many members. So I've decided to reach out to you!

If you'd like to be added to the list of interviewees just post your name! I will reach out to you.

Also! I have an idea for an Interview Redux for people who have already been interviewed, with some new questions based on their original interview! This will be pony based, like, have you gotten your grail or what was your latest pony addition, etc.

Does that sound like a good idea? :)

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