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Topics - ZennaBug

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Off Topic / Dog Shaming
« on: September 07, 2012, 01:38:16 PM »
So there's a blog online called Dog Shaming and it just cracks me up.  Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, dogs just find ways to get in trouble!  My dachshund is a master of finding ways to cause mischief, so I submitted him!

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Note: I don't just keep dirty laundry on the floor, he sneaks in when I do laundry and manages to pull it out of the laundry baskets after I sort.

Not to be outdone, Ava fessed up to her crimes too. She just can't match her brother for general naughtiness though.

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Does anyone else have critters who are ashamed of their crimes?  :haha:

Pony Corral / Repinking Tutorial?
« on: August 30, 2012, 03:23:33 PM »
A while back, someone posted a tutorial for repinking and I can't seem to find it.

I have all my Little Flitters sitting on out with conditioner in their hair (it was spa day for the ponies) and several of them could really stand to have their hair touched up (I've been to nervous to try).  I also have a Little Whiskers who wants in on the hair dying fun.

Does anyone remember who posted the great tutorial? 

Customs / Twinkle Eye Help
« on: August 07, 2012, 07:30:26 PM »
I'm working on a custom with a super gnarly Fizzy as the base.  Her eyes are already the color that I need, but they're scuffed up a bit and the protective coating is gone.  Is there a way to make the eyes pretty again without having to totally replace them?  It's my first TE customs and I'd really like to keep the eyes original if possible.  :)

Off Topic / Tattoo Placement!
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:01:01 PM »
So I really want to get a life-sized tattoo of my little dog's front right paw (it has cute little spots on the pad) with a couple of forget-me-nots.  She had a very rough first year with lots of health problems.  It took a lot of love and dedication to keep her healthy.  She almost died before she was even 3 months old and now is finally healthy for the first time in her life!  I want to celebrate her good health and make her a permanent part of me because we have an unusually strong bond (I love all my animals, but Ava is something special).  My only problem is that I can't decide where to put it!

Some tidbits:

This will be my first ink.

Her paw is about the size of a half dollar, so it will be a small tattoo.

I would like to put it somewhere that will be easy to show off, but also easy to hide if I have to.

I would prefer to put it somewhere that won't stretch out too much (ie: not on my tummy, since I eventually want to have kids).

Any suggestions?  I've been looking on Google Images, but haven't seen one that really speaks to me.

Here's Miss Ava!

Exactly one year ago, when we first brought her home from the shelter
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All grown up (she hit 5.5 pounds and stopped growing)!
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My cute little fluffball!
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And a pic taken on Saturday!  The nurses let her come visit me in the hospital after my hip surgery.  She hasn't left my side since I came home.
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Some of you might have heard that there's a wildfire in Northern Colorado, just a few miles outside the city where I went to college.  It has spread to over 20,000 acres in less than 48 hours and so far there's 0% containment.  It's racing towards W.O.L.F., a wolf and wolf-dog sanctuary where I volunteered for a while in college.  They evacuated 11 animals before the fire department shut down the road and wouldn't allow anymore volunteers up the canyon.  The owner and one employee stayed as long as they could, hosing down the enclosures, leaving lots of food and water, and managed to catch 2 more of the wolves before the fire hit the ridge and they had to head down.  There are 17 wolves who had to be left behind.  The area is totally closed off and nobody is being allowed up the roads for any reason now.  They remaining animals all have fire dens (built this last year after a earlier fire scare), so we can only hope that they will know to use the dens if the fire hits the sanctuary.
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I am so worried about them.  Please if you could say a little prayer or send some positive energy to the sanctuary and those whose homes are in the line of the fire.  They need all the help they can get.

Are all the Northern CO ponies safe as well?  I've heard from Panda, but that's it.  If any of you get evacuation notices, let me know and I will try to get my car up north so you can load it up.  I'm not cleared to carry heavy stuff yet from my surgery, but I can drive.


There has been no word yet on how the remaining wolves are doing, but W.O.L.F. is requesting emergency donations to help with food and shelter for the evacuated wolves and to help rebuild the sanctuary once this ordeal is over. If you can spare even $5 please donate on their cause website.  All donations will be used immediately or go straight to the sanctuary after this trying time.  If you can't spare any cash (I understand, trust me), please continue to send good thoughts and prayers their way.

At this point, there isn't much hope that the sanctuary will escape the fire.  We can only hope that the fire dens protect the remaining wolves (since they are still being denied access) and that the money raised is enough to pay for the damage and possible vet bills.  If you live in Northern CO, they are also accepting donations of dog food and toys to keep the evacuated animals occupied.

*Udpate 2*

I finally have some good news!!!  The sanctuary employees were allowed up to check on the animals and facilities this morning and have updated their facebook page:

Here is an update. The fire dens (underground concrete bunkers) that have been being constructed since last year as part of WOLF's survive in place strategy are woking! Yesterday afternoon we were able to get into the facility to check in on the animals at the Sanctuary. Though there is spotty fire damage to the property, the fire had not affected the enclosures. We believe this is a result of the fire road and forest thinning we have been doing around the enclosures since early 2009. Though we did not evacuate any more animal, we were able to get a visual on all of them and bring in more food and water. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers; they are working! Keep up the good work!

Back when I was volunteering, we busted our butts to get that fire road started.  I spent hours and hours in and around enclosures picking up debris and helping to cut down dead trees and this out the living ones.  I actually hurt my arm pretty badly doing it too.  XD  But it was all for this reason.  The fire dens were the final project of the efforts to protect the sanctuary from events like this and they were about half done (the most recent finished only a few weeks ago).  Not a moment too soon, either.  They are now quietly optimistic that all of the hard work will save the sanctuary.

*Update 3*

Update: We are ecstatic to inform you that we were able to get back up to the Sanctuary this morning. Even better we were able to get the remaining animals out and send them on their way to their temporary homes!

A HUGE thank you to the firemen as well as Pat Craig and the team from the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg for assisting in this endeavor!

We are extremely relieved and grateful for all of your support. Please stick with us so we can get these animals home safely.

All the animals are safe and sound, thank goodness!!!!  :lovey:  Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers and donations.  :hug:  Photos of the evacuated wolves here:

The Dollhouse / Dolly Photoshoot!
« on: June 01, 2012, 03:23:02 PM »
It was a beautiful day, so I decided to take the dolls out to my patio for some long-overdue pictures!  I'm pretty pleased with how most of them turned out  :)  (Pics are all clicky and will take you to my Flickr)

:heart:  My beautiful little Lutra!

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:heart:  Ali!  You can finally see her new eyes well, they're so pretty but can be a little hard to photograph if the light isn't just perfect.

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:heart:  Becca!  This is my first real photoshoot with her and she's such a pretty doll.

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Everyone all together  :)

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Off Topic / Homemade Dog Treats!
« on: May 26, 2012, 09:27:36 PM »
One of my dogs has pretty severe food allergies, so I've had a really hard time finding treats that she can eat.  And the ones that have limited ingredients tend to be expensive, which is hard because we really don't have that much money to spare.  So when I saw a recipe for "Sweet Pawtato Chips," I decided to try them!  The only adjustment was that I found a good vegetable stock to use instead of chicken broth, because Ava can't eat chicken.  But they were easy enough and the dogs LOVE them!!!  I wanted to share with you guys, since it's an easy way to make yummy and healthy treats that your dog will love (and so will your wallet).  And for those of you who have pups with sensitive tummies like my poor Ava, these will be a lifesaver!

Step 1:  Slice the sweet potato into slices 1/8" thick.
 I cut some of mine too thin and it didn't turn out so well lol.

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Step 2:  Soak the sweet potatoes in vegetable broth for 30 minutes.
I used Kitchen Basics "Unsalted Vegetable Cooking Stock."  Ingredients: Vegetable stocks (onion, celery, carrot, mushroom, red pepper) and tomato paste.  This broth has low saturated fat and cholseterol, only 240mg of sodium (the least we could find), no MSG, and guarantees that it contains NO eggs, gluten, soy, or corn (all of which Ava is allergic to) and other common allergens.

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Step 3:  Arrange slices on cookie sheets.
You're supposed to line the sheets with parchment paper first, but I forgot to grab some and decided that it didn't make a difference.  I was wrong, definitely use the parchment paper.

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Step 4:  Bake at 400°F for 25-30 minutes.
Since I cut my slices too thin, I ended up cooking them for only about 20 minutes.

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And the end result!  The plate on the left were the slices that I cut too thin and burned to smithereens.  The ones that were cut thicker ended up a lot better (though not terribly pretty).  Next time I'll be more careful with the thickness and will use parchment paper, so they shouldn't get as crispy.

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:bigups:  Milo and Ava approved!  :bigups:

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My husband and I love to eat at Red Robin, but we're totally broke (he has a lot of debt and we've been buried for a while now, I can't even afford ponies).  *sadface*  We entered a facebook contest to win $50 of free food (not a lot maybe, but a couple meals at least).  The more "likes" you get, the better your chances to win?  I'd really appreciate it if you guys could hop over and give us a quick :like:

 :cookie: :cookie:  *passes out cookies*  :cookie: :cookie:

Arts & Crafts Corral / MOVED: testing
« on: March 10, 2012, 09:49:32 PM »
Moved to Sig Support  :)  ZennaBug

Pony Corral / Hey, you there! Guess what?
« on: January 22, 2012, 11:35:59 AM »
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  I HEREBY DECLARE A FAKIE WAR UPON YOU ALL!!!!!  visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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Off Topic / Dancing Granny
« on: January 21, 2012, 11:48:03 PM »
Has anyone seen these videos?  It's a 90 year-old woman who dances to all sorts of popular songs.  Her grandson lives with and takes care of her and films her dancing.  Apparently she gets a hoot out of reading all the comments.  I love her!!!

Pony Corral / I did it! 20,000 posts! XD
« on: January 21, 2012, 10:23:41 PM »
I just looked at my post count and realized that I just barely missed my 20,000th post!!!  Woops, I was going to take a screenshot and everything.  I didn't realize I was that close yet!!!  XD

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 Who wants to start the party?!?!? visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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 :silly: :work: :awake: :accomplished: :frolic: :lovey: :whoa:

MLP Nirvana / Nirvana Wingers?
« on: January 19, 2012, 03:06:26 PM »
*peeks around*  :lookround:

Hi guys.  I mostly stay out of this forum because I have no money and don't want to be tempted too terribly.  But I've seen that there are some winger variants and I was wondering if there are nirvana Little Flitters?  :)  (also, I am now in trouble, because I love Greek babies! :faint: )

Off Topic / Yikes!
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:26:00 PM »
If you click on "Profile"  --> "Stats," it will tell you how much time you've spent online... I just checked to see how much time I've spent here since the launch and, well...



16 hours and 40 minutes!  :faint:  *hides*

This could get dangerous lol, I'm not sure I want to know how much time I spend at the computer!  :lmao:

How about you guys?!?  How much time have you spent here already?  Please tell me I'm not the worst Arena addict!  :silly:

Wanted! / ZennaBug's Wishlist
« on: January 15, 2012, 11:39:17 AM »
I'm not really buying much these days, but I will keep this list updated for potential swaps and for my own records.

Swap Info
Some of the ponies on my wishlist are clearly too expensive for swaps, so just ignore those; they're mostly there for my own records.  In addition to the ponies I have listed, I will happily accept any Little Flitters, regardless of condition.  I also love custom ponies, art, and plushies!

Outside of my wishlist, I enjoy getting yummy treats, but I have celiac disease and can't eat anything with gluten.  Other than that, I have no other allergies that would affect swaps (unless you were planning on sending me penicillin, lol).  I love most sweets, except licorice and truffles with weird mystery goop inside.  My favorite chocolates are the kinds with nuts (especially almonds or hazelnuts) or toffee inside.  I also like herbal teas and hot chocolate!

I have two small kids, though I typically do swaps for myself because most of my time and energy already goes to them lol. My oldest likes Sesame Street, things that are both cute and spooky, and bright colors. My youngest likes trucks, trucks, more trucks, and the color red. XD

I have three dogs and three cats! If you want to include something for them, they'd be thrilled, but my oldest pup has some severe food allergies.  Any dog treats will have to be free of wheat, soy, egg, and any meat proteins except fish.  She actually loses big patches of fur when she eats things she's allergic to.  We don't let any of the dogs have rawhides (bad for their intestines), but fluffy toys are fine.  They love bully sticks and antlers! The cats aren’t picky but also need to have wheat-free treats for my safety. They love toys on strings and anything crinkly or catnippy.

I love anything and everything handmade.  I love stuffed animals more than any grown woman should, but I am totally unashamed lol.  I like candles (there are some in every room of my home), have a sea turtle collection, and I like everything to do with unicorns.  I also adore Lord of the Rings!  And I love Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Sherlock, and Pokémon too.  I love reading, drawing, sewing, coloring, and other crafty things.


G1 ponies with the yellow body/pink hair color scheme (preferably un-faded, but that isn’t a dealbreaker):
*  Princess Moondust
*  UK Sea Spray
*  High Tide
*  UK Snowdrop
*  Sparkle Baby Gusty
*  Baby Sea Pony Surfy
Other yellow ponies with good bodies and bad hair so I can re-hair them in pink (without guilt lol):
*  Red Roses
*  Ringlet
*  SS Bouncy
*  SS Crumpet and Baby Crumpet
G1 Newborns:
*  Li'l Cupcake
*  Stargaze
*  Baby Pony (the all white one)
*  Baby Bridesmaid
*  Sandcastle and Shovels
Other G1s
*  Ice Crystal
*  TAF Baby Dancing Buterflies
*  TAF Baby Up Up and Away
*  TAF Baby Milkyway
*  TAF Baby Love Medley
*  Tux n' Tails
*  Baby Sun Ribbon
*  Baby Rain Ribbon
*  SS Gusty
*  Starflower (the unicorn, not the sparkle baby)
*  Starry Wings
*  Flurry
*  Sun Glider
*  Cool Breeze
*  Whirly
*  Moon Jumper
*  Tuneful
*  Baby Stripes
*  Blueberry Baskets

*  Baby Schlummerlein
*  Greek Baby Elsi
*  Argie Baby Bluebelle
*  Italian Starflower
*  Italian Posey
*  Brazilian Heart Throb
*  Venezuelan Applejack (yellow w/ pink hair)
G1 Merch.
*  Rubber stamps!
*  Wall clock
*  Porcelain figurines
G4 Ponies
*  BB Sunny Rays
*  BB Flippety Flop

Non-Pony Wishlist:
Ball-Jointed Dolls:
I will always be thrilled to receive clothes and accessories for my dolls, as they are really my most active hobby!  :)  Here's a list of my current BJD family (and my Flickr has photos of everyone as well):

*  Lutra [Doll Factory Pet-Ari Dalsoo]
*  Amber [CherishDoll Limited Unicorn Molly]
*  Nerine [SOOM Beyla]
*  Brooke [Boy and Girl Aurora]
*  Robin [Fairyland PKF Vanilla]
*  Maia [Fairyland MNF Chloe]
*  Coralie [Fairyland MNF Juri 2013]
*  Talitha [Fairyland Pukipuki Pong Pong]
*  Rowan [Daisy Dayes Centaur]
*  Willow [LoongSoul Limited Centaur Addie]
*  Melody [Pipos Gift Edition Dorothy]
*  Kai [Soom Keny]
*  Iris [Fairyland PKF Juri '14]
*  Leif [Ringdoll Warren]
*  Briar [Fairyland RealFee Pano with Bunny Fantasy Parts]
*  Calliope [Luts TDF Centaur Gretel]
*  Juniper [DollZone Angela]

Tokidoki Unicorno Figurines:
*  Dolce
*  Stellelina
*  Sakura
*  Sunny Day
*  Rodeo
*  Zamba
*  Timber
*  Margherita
*  Bowie
*  Pixie
*  Coccinella
*  Sirena

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