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Topics - tuneful87

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Willing to pay top dollar for a near mint SS Paradise. No spots or yellowing or eye problems.

Would also consider the NSS version.

Looking for both UK babies as well.

Off Topic / Moving Cross Country
« on: June 23, 2015, 06:15:19 PM »
I've had the itch to move out of state for a while now. I live in Connecticut, USA, and with each passing year, I dislike it more and more.

So...I was hoping to get some advice from Arena members, as y'all live all over.

I'd like to live somewhere with warmer year-round temperatures but without the humidity. Austin is high on my list (I've heard great things about it), and while the West Coast is nice, it can be awfully expensive. I am more of a homebody to be honest, and if I move, I'll be working from home full time. That being said, I'd like a city with lots of vegetarian options and one that is lively, artsy, and on the liberal side of things. Also, I am gay and a large gay population would be ideal. Around here all the attractive men tend to leave for NYC so it's a bit of desert, figuratively speaking.

My other concern is how to move affordably. I would rather hire a company to move me (two bedroom apt here) but that can be terribly expensive. I think the best option is to rent a truck and do the move myself with my brother, but that is equally terrifying and A LOT of work on top of the stress of everything else when it comes to moving!

So...any advice on a suitable city as well as the move itself would be highly appreciated! I am starting to save money now to make it happen, so I don't expect to actually be able to do it until next summer or most likely the summer after. It would be more ideal to save up enough so I can buy instead of rent, but I'm not sure that is a realistic goal for the short term.

Anyhow, looking forward to any advice you might have to offer!

Pony Corral / Experience with pindot and repinking?
« on: June 22, 2015, 06:33:32 PM »
I have a TAF Yum Yum who has some trouble with pindot on her legs,and her hair has become quite dull. I'd really love to have her fixed up as best as possible in both regards. Does anyone have experience with these two things? If so, I'd be happy to hire you to help restore Yum Yum to her former beauty!

MLP Nirvana / Show me your....Princess Variants!
« on: June 22, 2015, 04:15:24 PM »
Yeahh, I've got the pony itch again.

Show me your princess variants, please! I am up to 4 myself (Prince Ruby, Princess Crash, German Starburst, and Starburst UK Variant). Unfortunately I have no photos of them to share. I must take some soon!

But...I have really been itching to get a German Princess Primrose. All that blonde hair....

This spreadsheet tracks all US, mail order, and UK/Euro ponies. With it, you can learn the following:

- Total complete by set
- Total missing by set
- Percentage complete by set
- Total with duplicates by set
- Total complete by year
- Total missing by year
- Percentage complete by year
- Total with duplicates by year
- Grand totals

Spreadsheet can be downloaded at the link below:

G1 My Little Pony Checklist

How the spreadsheet works:

- There are two columns for each pony. For the first column, enter Y for yes if you own the pony. The second column tallies any duplicate ponies you own. Ex: if you own three Moondancers enter Y in the first column and 2 in the second column. This is crucial as Y contribute to percentage complete and duplicates do not.

- Years progress downward (years 1-10, followed by Mail Order and UK/Euro). Each year itself progresses left to right, with the totals for each year below it.

- Grand totals totals appear in top right corner.

Please no rubbed/scratched eyes or tail rust. Some imperfections are OK but overall looking for good to near mint.

For Twist, deflocked or deflocking candidate only

For Barnacle, preferably with hat and bandanna too but not mandatory

For Paradise (and possibly Twilight), I'm looking for as minty as possible and am willing to pay top dollar:

- No yellowing, only minor flocking rubs, no stains, soft, curly hair

Pony Corral / Giving Neglected Ponies the Attention They Deserve!
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:02:58 PM »
Ever since I got my dream of having a toy room (albeit a tiny one) I thought it would be so much easier to give my ponies the attention they deserve. Hardy har har. What ended up happening is that the ponies filled up every square inch of shelf space and I rarely if ever take them down.

So...after spending the last few weekends reorganizing the toy room, I've decided that every night I'm going to take a few ponies down from the shelf for "bonding" time and a light inspection...see who needs hair help or cleaning up, etc.

Last night the theme was white pegasi, and tonight it is atypical families (pony families that are divorced, same sex couples, etc). The goal is to go through the entire herd at least once or twice a year, making sure everyone gets their chance off the shelf. With over 500 ponies (including customs) this will take some time! I'd also like to do the same with my LPS, FSF, and MH. This may prove challenging, buttttt it is good because it helps me to stop wanting more and to appreciate what I already have!

Does anyone else do this?

Pony Corral / Can this be real? (Party Time)
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:12:21 PM »
A few months ago we had a discussion about ponies that are impossible to find in minty condition. Party Time was one of the worst offenders. No one seems to have a minty version of her since she is so prone to discoloration and regrind.

I've been searching for a nice one in vain for maybe six months now. It's been a horrible search. Every time I get close to finding a decent one, I see a few additional photos of her and manage to spot regrind.

On a fluke last week I found the PERFECT Party Time. Not a single spot of regrind. Eyes in perfect condition. She has some extremely minor flaws and overall looks near mint. I am in awe. I didn't think this was possible with Party Time!

Pics tomorrow hopefully!

MLP Nirvana / Piggy Restoration - lashes, sunfading, missing plugs
« on: December 29, 2014, 08:12:56 PM »
I have an Algodoncete, and to be honest, I'm just not in love with him. I think part of the reason is the hair. It's so brittle and dry and it just looks blah. I've already removed the head and cleaned the rust off the tail. There are also some rust stains beneath his hooves, and he is missing 21 or so plugs at the bottom of his mane. Personally, I would like to just give him a new lease on life with pretty hair so that he looks halfway decent alongside the other piggies (all of whom have gorgeous hair).

I know doing do will devalue him, but I just want him to look his best! And I don't plan on selling.

Have you rehaired any hard to find Nirvanas? And if so, what was the point where you decided to go for it? I'm so unsure what to do with him!

P.S. What's the best kind of glue to seal a Nirvana's head after cleaning tail rust? I don't want to cause any damage.

Pony Corral / How HTF are collector pose Bowtie and AJ?
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:41:23 PM »
I've never been terribly fond of the collector pose but recently I've become very interested in getting Bowtie and AJ. Just how hard to find are they? I don't see them for sale very often...

Pony Corral / The Original Collectors
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:53:04 PM »
Do we have any idea if there were adults (20+ yrs old) collecting MLP back in the 80s? These collectors would now be 50+. If so, I'd love to know their stories. I often think about this.

I'm sure there must be some original collectors who never made it to the online community, but there must be a few that did. Or maybe you know of an adult friend or relative who collected back in the 80s. Love to hear any stories you might have!

I have this vision of a few adult men and women in the 80s binging on all those lovely MOC and MIB ponies and feeling like they were the only adult on earth who was collecting such a thing. Hehe.

Pony Corral / What Ponies Should Have Been Made as Adults/Babies?
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:49:40 PM »
Most ponies never got corresponding babies, and there are tons of babies (particularly newborns) who never got parents. Who do you think should have been produced?

I would have loved to see a Baby Paradise without flocking. In fact, I think most of the so soft ponies would have looked adorable, either with flocking or without. Twilight, Twist, Skippy, Hippity and Magic Star would have been just darling.

Customs / Anyone taking deflocking commissions?
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:06:51 AM »
There's a pony I'd like to buy and have deflocked, but first I want to see if there are any experienced deflockers who might be available to take on the project. Thx for looking!

Week 1 - Casseroles
This one is going to be pretty broad. Any sort of casserole you like, as long as it's something you've never made before! The next challenge will be posted a week from now, so try to get your dish complete by that time if possible. Let the brainstorming begin!

Week 2 - Garlic
This week we'll all be using the same ingredient - garlic! Just how many ways can you incorporate garlic into a dish? We shall see...

Week 3 - One Pot Wonder
Get your spoons out; this week it's all about soup! (Just make sure it's a recipe/soup you've never made before!

Week 4 - Something Stuffed
This week you'll be stuffing something more than just your stocking! Any food type is permissible, just make sure that *something* is getting stuffed.

Week 5 - Seasonal Squash
Use summer or winter squash (depending on what season it is in your part of the world) to make a main course or side dish.

Week 6 - Ingredient You Disliked as a Child
That's right, pick an ingredient you disliked as a child (you might even still dislike it) and find a way to prepare it so that you actually enjoy it!

I've been so unmotivated with cooking lately (not to mention relying far too much on Trader Joe's) so I was thinking of starting a little challenge to get myself and others inspired to dabble in cooking and perhaps get out of our comfort zones!

Each week I'd come up with a different theme and participants would have the ability to make any recipe that fell within the requirements. For example, we might have one week devoted to a dessert containing a certain common major ingredient, the next week totally vegetarian or vegan main courses, the next week a dish inspired by a particular continent/country, etc. There would of course be exceptions for dietary restrictions.

My vision is a 12 week challenge to start with. We can continue if it's a success. Participants would not be required to do every challenge, but it would be good to have at least a few regulars. Any newcomers could join at any time. Once you complete your dish, you could post a photo or link to the recipe and we can discuss...what we learned, what he liked/didn't like, what we would do differently, etc.

Any interest?

Off Topic / Winter's coming! Gloves for poor circulation?
« on: November 18, 2014, 08:53:18 PM »
I have Raynaud's and it's been getting worse and worse. My hands and feet feel like icicles, both in air conditioning during the summer and especially in wintertime.

I know there are lots of gloves out there that claim to improve blood circulation. Any recommendations? A little stylish wouldn't hurt either! Most of the ones I've seen look like sports gloves. I'm a guy but I'm not keen on the golf look. Ha.

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