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Topics - Snapdragon

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The Dollhouse / MH Wantlist: CAMs/CAM parts
« on: February 11, 2013, 03:49:14 AM »
UPDATE! I'm hankerin' for those extra, colored torsos (yellow for Bee, blue for 3-Eyed-Monster, etc!) REAL BAD! So PM me if you have one for sale!

Hi guys! Well, the Monster High bug bit me, and bit hard! But weirdly enough, I find myself more interested in the CAM dolls - and I missed out on a lot of the sets! Oops!

So, can you guys help me out? Here's what I'm looking for! I'd love to buy cheaper, loose CAM dolls, so if your doll isn't MIB/has the wrong-colored torso, no worries!

CAM Vampire: Upper arms/thighs
CAM Warewolf: Upper arms/thighs
CAM Seamonster: Upper arms/torso
CAM Dragon: Upper arms/torso/thighs
CAM Gargoyle/Vampire: ... anything really, I just like having extra boy dolls. XD But especially a Gargoyle torso/upper arms/thighs would rock!

This is the less-pressing search list, so feel free to ignore this part, I'll bold it when I'm more 'actively' searching and not on a budget! I'm not looking to spend more than $15 for a loose, complete (with torso etc.) doll, since you can still buy many of them, sans-torso, new on the Mattel site!

CAM Bee found!
CAM Three-Eyed Ghoul
CAM Skeleton
CAM Ghost
CAM Puma

Corresponding colored torso-pack - basically, the ones that were sold on Mattel's site then quickly sold out. (These are a nice goal to have, but I'm also okay with different-colored torsos on a loose doll!)

Hi guys! I scoured the eBay 'seller's guide' but couldn't find an answer to my question, so I hoped you all might have more in-depth, anecdotal evidence from your own selling careers!

Here is my pickle: I sold something on eBay for the first time, and it told to a fellow in the Netherlands. I only charged $5 for shipping (it's a trading card), and the cheapest method to ship to the Netherlands was $3. Sounds good right? Well, the cheapest shipping, as we all know, doesn't include tracking, and it also doesn't include insurance. (Which I forgot, since I'm used to a certain amount of insurance being included with domestic packages!) So, since I didn't want to be out of pocket for the $30 that it would have cost to ship it with insurance, I just sent it for $3, and took a risk.

So, with all of this in mind, what's going to happen if my buyer claims he 'never received' my card? (Since, let's face it, fraud on eBay is way too easy now, with their heavily pro-buyer stance!) I have the receipt and the copy of the customs form I had to put on the package (his address, my address etc.), but if it doesn't include tracking/insurance, I'm not sure that they'll side with me. Has this ever happened to you? How did it work out? Am I totally going to be regretting my decision in a few weeks? :P Thanks for the help!!

Wanted! / G4 Baits! (Attn: Bronies!)
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:51:59 PM »
Hey, YOU!

(who, me?)

Yeah, YOU!!

(why is she yelling!)

I'm looking at YOU, [you]!!!

I'm looking for your well-loved, banged up and hair-chopped G4s!

  • Did you try to give Rainbow Dash a mohawk, and it became a NO-hawk?
  • Did Twilight Sparkle's "do" become a "don't" when you tried to give her show-accurate color stripes?
  • Are you just plain-old tired of how trashed your old projects look, but lack the moolah to buy new ponies?

Well, I can help you out with that! I'm looking to buy beaten-up G4 baits, and I'd love to help give your well-loved G4s (preferably loose!) a second chance at life!

Drop me a line if you have any questions, offers, or suggestions! :heart:

Thanks for reading, [you]! I appreciate your time! :cheer:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Happy Halloween, from Jubilee Jack!
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:40:51 AM »
This was my entry for kCherry's Halloween art contest, so I figured now that the contest is over, it's time to share my art! Have a spooktacular Halloween, everypony! ;)

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Pony Corral / Equestria LA Anyone?
« on: October 27, 2012, 02:52:06 PM »
Is anyone going to Equestria LA (EQLA) this coming weekend? (Nov. 3rd and 4th at the Anaheim Convention Center!) Since it's local and it's ponies, I'll be there, even if it can't compare to the MLPFair! (Oh, if only the Fair would come to the West Coast again ... hint hint!)

I'd love to meet fellow Arena-ites, maybe we could pick a day/time to meet up or something? :D

Pony Brag Arena / A literally HUGE brag!
« on: October 10, 2012, 12:51:46 AM »
Well, I've been putting off making any brag posts for a long time now - ever since the old Arena, actually! And apparently, it's been at least two years, so let's just say that I've bought a LOT of ponies since then! But for the sake of space (and my remaining bits of sanity!!), I'll just do the most recent ponies, and the biggest highlights!

So first of all, I'd like to thank two lovely pony gals for putting on contests, Moonflower and madhatterda! I had such a good time coming up with entries, and I got some AMAZING prizes in return! Seriously - I was expecting some stickers, maybe, and I was so spoiled! So thank you both, so super-duper-duper much! I am truly touched! ;u;

(I must say ahead of time that I opened them in a wild rampage of prize-opening-glee, and so I may have gotten a couple of the items mixed up between boxes. So thank you both, even if my memory sucks!! <3)

Here's what blows me away - this was an HONORABLE MENTION prize. I didn't even win first, second OR third, and I still got all THESE goodies! Plushie, ponies, glitter for customs and a baggie of Swedish Fish (my favorite!!) that I ate immediately upon opening. Sorry they didn't make it to the photo, madhatterda! :hug:
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Moonflower gave us some choices to choose from for our prizes, so I picked a bunch of items I really wanted, hoping I would get lucky and get one I wanted - and I got THREE!! :faint: SS Bouncy, Dollymix Lemondrop AND a hand-made Snuzzle plushie!! And a TON OF CANDY, BESIDES! OMG! :faint: Lemme tell you, it was only the Swedish Fish from madhatterda's box that kept me from snarfing those all down in one inhale! :P
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So with all of these free goodies, it would seem like my luck had run out, right? Nope! I went to my very first church rummage sale, and found these girlies for a dollar! Woot!!
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I've also been going crazy, trying to complete my pony card collection (I still got a bunch to go, LOL!), but I had a chance to trade, for the first time, at a local meetup! And this is what I got!

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All of these cards came from one fella! Except for that glittery Pinkie on the left end - I traded her with our own blu_clouds here on the Arena! Thanks again for trading with me!! :hug:

After I got the trading bug in my blood, I made a trade with my buddy Purple Tinker, and this is what she sent me! And even some awesome stickers too, thank you!! :hug: (I sent one to Blu_clouds too, I gotta pass the love around! :heart:)
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Now, let's travel a little further back in time - let's go back, way back! (Back to school?) GOD NO, NOT THAT FAR BACK!

A couple of years ago, for example, I bought this lovely boy! Isn't he a hunk? Only my second ever custom boy, but I just adore him. :heart: I lost the PM that has his creator's name, though, so I'll have to check under his hoof tomorrow and see who it was! (I wanna say Red_Velvet_Rose, but I'm not sure!)
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I've bought a ton of ponies in the two years since I won this one, but I think you'll understand why THIS particular pony stuck out in my mind. ;) So let's think back, to two years ago in 2010, when the MLP Fair hosted a 'Create a Pony' contest! They sent out a request to the community, to design a pony that they thought best symbolized the "back to basics" theme of their contest! Now, I wasn't sure which version they wanted - a basic themed pony, or a pony that was all about going back to the earliest ponies, i.e., the 'basic' ponies! So, since we were allowed two entries, I made one for each theme; a simple yellow pony, and a pony that incorporated the symbols and colors of the original Collector's Ponies! (Minty, Snuzzle, Cotton Candy, you know!)

Here was my simple pony, "Dandy" (as in, dandelion!)
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And my vintage-themed pony, "Rainbelle!" (like a rainbow, but mixed with Blue Belle's name!) I went with a purple body, because I decided 'if this pony gets made into a custom, gosh darn it, I want it in my favorite color so I KNOW I'll love it! :P'
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(I even included a little 'close up' of her cutie mark, because I thought, "WHAT IF THEY CAN'T TELL WHAT IT IS AND THINK IT'S STUPID?!" :blush: I reeeeally wanted to win!)
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So, I sent in my entries ... and waited ... and waited. I was hoping that they wouldn't email the winner before the Fair, because if they did, it meant I lost! But as luck would have it, over the weekend of the MLP Fair, I was out of town, and didn't have access to a computer. I only had my very slow, and often-not-working cell phone's internet connection. But the day of the Fair, I logged into the Arena anyway, and (somehow!) stayed logged in long enough to ask, "has anyone posted pics of the 'create a pony' contest winner yet?', and eagerly waited for someone to post pics.

You probably won't win
, I told myself, there are HUNDREDS of entries, and everyone else wants a custom of their design just as much as you do. So don't get your hopes up, and be glad that you don't have internet access to whine about it with. :P

So I'm sitting by the pool, forgoing swimming in lieu of trying to load the Arena, and someone had finally posted pics. And, slowly, as my camera loaded the pictures...


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I just about lost it, and everyone around me was very confused. But who cares! RAINBELLE!!

... and I didn't receive her for something like six months, because my email got lost in cyberspace, and I didn't want to seem annoying to SweetTune by sending her thirty emails about 'where's my giant pony!!!' :P Whoops! But I got her in the end, and now she reigns supreme over the other little ponies, as PURPLE GODDESS SUPREME!

I hope you've enjoyed my little story about 'how I got a gigantic purple pony,' ha ha! It was one of the biggest thrills of my life, I think, finding out that I'd won her!! She is never, ever, EVER going away, that's for certain! :heart: Thank you to the MLPFair, Sweet Tune, Nachtlicht and all of my trading buddies for making this post possible! :heart:

Customs / Needed: Espresso nylon hair!
« on: October 05, 2012, 02:34:34 AM »
Hello ladies and germs!

I'm trying to finish a project on a short time limit, and I'm almost out of Espresso Dollyhair! D: I'd really like to be able to finish off this pony I'm working on, and I don't need a lot! Half a hank, maybe even a quarter hank - anything you can spare, I'll try to make it work!

Thank you for reading!

PS, oh duh I forgot - I'm happy to pay! I'd buy it from Dollyhair, but they are sold out. :(

Hi everypony!

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First of all, ta da! I have this set in hand and ready for trade! (If you'd like additional photos, please LMK, I'm happy to oblige!) All of the ponies appear to be free from defects, but I cannot guarantee it 100% without taking them out of the box. The ponies you will receive are those who are in the box; Nightmare Moon, Trixie, Lemony Gem, DJ P0N3, Flower Wishes, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash! (The BB and two loose ponies are only there to prove that it's not a stock photo, they are not included in the trade, sorry!)

My local TRU got in a new shipment of these sets, and after grabbing one for myself, I thought I might be able to find someone who would want to trade me! So if you happened to pick up an extra SDCC :muffin: Pony/Ditzy Doo/Grey Pegasus from HTS or SDCC or whatnot, and you would like to trade me, please send me a PM!

I have plenty of good buying+trading feedback/references here and on eBay, so if you need more info, please feel free to let me know! I ask that my trading buddy also have some kind of feedback, and also hopefully a picture of their SDCC pony with another toy, or newspaper, just something to prove that they have the toy in hand. (I know we had a scammer who ripped people off with fake photos, so I'm just trying to protect myself!)

As of now, I'm not accepting any offers for this other than the SDCC Grey Pegasus/:muffin: Pony/Ditzy Doo; I hope you'll understand!

Thanks for reading! I hope we can help each other out! ^_^

Pony Corral / Train Set with Bonuses Found in US!
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:33:02 PM »
Hi everyone! Pictures first:
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LOOK!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOK!! It's the train set we thought would only be Australian-released!! AND IT'S IN THE US! 8D

IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL DFKSDJFKADLF. It comes with the three train pieces seen here, some bonus multi-colored pets, Apple Bloom, Pinkie (sorry, that's Twilight Sparkle with a bent leg!) and Dash, and more train tracks than the solo train set came with! (There's two more 'straightaway' pieces, and a couple more of the curvy bits.)

I just found it today while I was looking for the NMM-collectors-set, which I'm still 0/2 on. But they had THIS beauty, and several of the other TRU-only sets, like the Celestia-teatime set (not pictured), the blind-bag-group set (half visible) and the Daisy Dreams/Rarity scooter set! Only downside - no NMM, Zecora, or blind bags! Last week they had three boxes - this week, suddenly gone. Weird!

I haven't seen any updates about this set, and I was so sad, because I figured I'd have to import it from Australia - and this set is HEAVY, so shipping would be a bear! So yay for it showing up here!! :cheer: Keep an eye out, everyone!

Wanted! / :muffin: Pony Hooves/Ditzy Doo/SDCC Exclusive Pony!
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:02:09 PM »
Yeah, long story short - I'm looking for one! And hoping not to pay $60+ for one on eBay. ^_^; So if you have an extra you'd like to sell or trade, please let me know! I'm still camping one on HTS, but in the off chance I don't get one, I figured I should make a wanted post!

Thanks for reading! :hug:

Wanted! / Snapdragon's Want List: G1, G2, G3, Dollymix, G4
« on: June 09, 2012, 01:45:46 AM »
Hi everyone! Please feel free to check out the bolded headers if you need to skip down a section, I know it's long! Sorry!!

FLAWS: I'm pretty forgiving in my ponies, flaw-wise. I generally prefer to buy a "good" or "very good" condition pony, rather than spend a fortune on a "mint" one. Unless it says 'upgrade', chances are I might want to take a look at the pony anyway, despite whatever flaws she may have.  So don't feel shy! Just make sure to describe all her flaws before the sale, please! I love restoring ponies! :) One of my least favorite flaws is head/body mismatch, though!

ARMY INFO:I am ALWAYS on the lookout for Big Brothers, in any condition! ESPECIALLY baity ones!!! Some people have armies of a single pony; I sort of have a rescue home/army of male ponies!  Help me fill my Big Brother Rescue Fraternity, won't you?

BAIT INFO: I'm a customizer, so I'm also on the lookout for baity ponies!

HQG1C I also collect the HQG1C (High Quality G1 Custom) pony reproductions! I'm ALWAYS eager for more baits to customize, and I'm trying to collect the 'main line' of ponies too! I've fallen a bit behind, so right now I need most of the scented sisters, and the flutter-pose ponies!

Thanks! ^^

SNAPDRAGON'S OFFICIAL WANT LIST: (as of December 13, 2018!)

Generation 1 (1980's ponies)

My Pretty Pony (both)

Minty (Flat Foot)
Cotton Candy (Flat Foot) - need mint upgrade)

Year 2:


Year 3:

Applejack II/long hair



Sea Breeze
Sea Mist
Wave Jumper
High Tide
Sand Dollar

Baby Seaponies:

Baby Seashimmer
Baby Sea Star
Baby Surf Rider
Baby Tiny Bubbles (upgrade?)

Year 4:

So Softs:
Cherries Jubilee

Twinkle Eyed:

Sky Rocket (upgrade, I have 3 meh ones!)

Baby Heart Throb

Baby Pearly Seaponies:

Water Lily
Sea Shimmer
Surf Rider

Megan (So Soft vers)

Year 5:

So Soft:
Taffy (slight upgrade to fully-fuzzed one)

Princess Ponies:




First Tooth Babies:

Baby North Star (upgrade, mine is chewed)
Baby Lickety-Split (upgrade, bad hair)

Newborn Twins:

Dibbles & Nibbles (need upgrade for both)

Baby Seaponies:

Sea Breeze

Slumber Party Gift Pack:

Pink Dreams

Year 6:



Princess Ponies:

Pristina (upgrade)

Happy Tails Pony:


Magic Message Pony:

Magic Hat (Upgrade, with intact symbol)
Cloud Dreamer

Peek a Boo Babies:


Newborn Twins:

Puddles & Peeks

Color Change Baby Seaponies:

Wave Dancer

Sweetberry Ponies:

Cranberry Muffins
Cherry Treats
Strawberry Surprise

Brush N Grow Ponies:
Pretty Vision (upgrade, mine is turning brown)

Year 7:

Merry Go Round:

Diamond Dreams

Candy Cane:

Lemon Treats
Mint Dreams
Sugar Apple (Upgrade, mine is yellowed)

Sunshine Ponies:

Sand Digger (upgrade)

Perfume Puff Ponies:

Dainty Dahlia
Daisy Sweet (upgrade needed w/yellow hair)
Red Roses
Sweet Lily (Upgrade .. with hair. XD)

Dance N' Prance:

Tap Dancer

Princess Brush N Grow:

Star Gleamer
Glittering Gem

Loving Family:

Alternate UK baby for Sweet Celebrations

Fancy Pants Baby:

Baby Bows
Baby Starburst (upgrade)

Playtime baby brothers:

Baby Leaper

Windy Wing Pony:

Cool Breeze
Sun Glider (upgrade)
Flurry (would love a mint one, but this is a very minor upgrade, as mine's only flaw is trimmed hair)
Starry Wings

Baby Pony and Pretty Pal:

Baby Stripes and Baby Nectar
Baby Fleecy
Baby Lucky Leaf and Baby Leafy
Baby Pockets and Baby Hoppy

Sparkle Ponies
Star Hopper (mine is buzzed)

Year 8:

Tropical Ponies:

Pina Colada (upgrade, mint hair)

Sweetsteps Ballerina:

Twinkle Dancer

Prom SHS:

Pretty Belle

Rainbow Curl Ponies
Stripes (upgrade; have two baity girls with awful hair!)

Year 9:

Rockin Beat:
Half Note

Glow N Show:


Precious Pocket:

Lil Pocket
Sweet Pocket (upgrade w/ butterfly on string)
Bunny Hop
Bubblefish (upgrade w/ fishy on string)

Pretty Pony (SHS):

Rosy Love
Flower Dream

Secret Surprise ponies:

Seceet Beauty (upgrade w/saddle)
Stardazzle (upgrade w/saddle)
Pretty Puff
Secret Star (upgrade w/ saddle)

Year 10:

Flower Fantasy:

Love Petal
Sweet Blossom

Sippin Soda:

Chocolate Delight

Paradise Baby:

Baby Pineapple
Baby Palm Tree

Fancy Mermaid Pony:

Baby Sea Shimmer
Baby Pearly

Teeny Pony Twins:

Sniffles and Snookums


-Baby Lemon Drop
-Baby Cuddles, BBE
-Baby Sleepie Pie, BBE
-Baby Half Note, NBBE
-Baby Crumpet
-Satin 'n Lace
    -So Soft
-ALL MO sparkle ponies
-Lil' Cupcake
-Lil' Sweetcake (upgrade)
-Pearlized Baby Blossom
- " Baby Cotton Candy
- " Baby Firefly
- " Baby Surprise
-Baby Sugarcake
-Baby Gametime

TAF Babies:
Baby Dancing Butterflies
Baby Milky Way
Baby Sugarberry
Baby Sweet Tooth
Baby Up, Up, And Away

-Sweet Scoops
-Valentine's Baby Pony: Purple


-Carnation (January)
-Morning Glory (September)
-Chrysanthemum (November)


Mommy Charms:

All, except for Laugh-A-Lot

+Duck Soup (upgrade)
+Twinkles (upgrade)
+Snowball? (white dog)


All EXCEPT for Cotton Candy, Parasol (closed mouth).

My Little Puppy/Kitty/Bunny:

I need them all EXCEPT for the "Dreamy Siamese" set.

Dream Beauties:

I need them all except Dream Gleamer and Morning Glory!

Petite Playsets:

All except castle

Petites: (a whole bunch of these)
Sparkle Ponies: ALL except pink
Twinkle Ponies: All
Bright Sight: All
Glowing Magic: All


UK ponies:

NEEDED: Tornado!!

All needed EXCEPT (meaning, I have these ones):
NSS Shady
NSS Magic Star
NSS Wind Whistler
Baby Hopscotch
Baby Applejack
Baby Bowtie
Baby (white) Pony
Baby Alphabet
Baby Schoolbag
Baby Susie
UK Seapony Surfdancer
UK Seapony Sea Spray
Ice Crystal
UK MLP Tales Ponies:
+ Starlight
+ Sweetheart
+ Melody
+ Bright Eyes
+ Patch
+ Clover
+ Bon Bon

Mostly, I need the Euro exclusive ponies. D: I have most of the US releases, so it's a bit pointless to list the huuuuuge list of Euro G2s I need. Rather, I will list the ponies that I already have!


ALL Euros except Princess Silver Swirl and Twinkle Star
All babies except the princess twins:
Giggles and Wiggles
Sweetheart and Trueheart
Fire and Flame

US-Release Wants:

Sugar Belle
Secret Tale
Sweet Berry

Basket Surprise with Sweet Berry & Ivy
Special Birthday Magic with Light Heart & Sundance

I generally want these MIB, unless it’s a very rare or HTF pony!


Pinkie Pie
Toola Roola
Sweetie Belle
Mainsail (mismatch variation)
Minty (mismatch variation)

So-Soft Baby ponies:

Bon Appetit 
Bright Night
Tripsy Daisy
Angel Dove
Sneezy Sniffles
Soapy Smiles


Pink Petals
Purple Petunia
Zippy Zinna
Orange Flower
Willow Whisp
Dancing Daffodil
Zipzee II
Darling Dayflower


Amberlocks II (dollar store release)
Beach Belle
Blossomforth III
Baby Boogie Woogie
Bunches o’ Fun (dollar gift-pack variant)
Candy Cane (upgrade to MIB)
Caribbean Delight
-“Inspiration” 7pack
-Cheerilee w cowboy hat
Comic Con Pony (aqua hair variant)
Crowning Glory
Cute Curtsey (Carriage pony)
Darling Dahlia (Sweet Reflections Dress Shop)
Day Lily
Doseydotes (Easter)
Garden Wishes (unicorn)
Goodie Goodie (Sweet Reflections Dress Shop)
Baby Hokey Pokey
Jade Garden (SLH)
Magic Marigold (variant?)
Minty III (Wing Wishes)
Minty VI (intl DVD set)
Misty Blue
Pinkie Pie:
-II (Whimsical Winter With)
-III (Pie Party With)
-Press Kit   
-Inspirational words
-2-pack w/ Sweetie Belle
-Crown/painted-on body designs
-Easter Egg (international?)
-Taco Bueno
Pearly Pie
Petite Petunia
Pony Project TAF
Pretty Palace
Rainbow Dash:
-Name on leg
-printed-on necklace
Rainbow Swirl I? (lost? where did the hoe go)
-Licensing Show
-short-hair variation (Euro)
Rhapsody Ribbons
Ribbons and Hearts (Cancer promo pony)
Rosey Posey
Royal Beauty #1 (White, slh)
-Inspirational Words
Serendipity II (intl easter egg)
Serendipity (Sharing Tea With)
Shenanigans II
Silver Rain
Snowdrop Swirl (intl SLH)
Snowflake (upgrade to MIB)
Sno Glow (carriage)
Sparkleworks II???
Starbeam II
Star Dasher
Sunny Salsa (mib)
Sweetberry II, Birthday Celebration With
Sweet Breeze II (Balloon set)
Sweetie Belle
-Easter Egg two-pack???
-Inspirational Words
-Lollipop/extra paint
Sweetsong III
Toodleoo (Easter)
Toola Roola:
-II (Wing Wishes With)
-Inspirational words
-Pallette/extra paint
Twinkle Hope
Twilight Pink
Winter Snow
Wondermint (I thought I had her!?)
Wysteria IV

And, all chibi ponies EXCEPT for:

Pinkie Pie's Balloon House
Minty's Christmas Tree set
Minty Christmas Tube
Valentine's Day Tubes
Easter Egg Chibis

Sweet Reflections Dress Shop
UK-only Crystal Rainbow Castle Bathtub

This is tricky, because I'm sporadically keeping up with the releases in-stores as they come out, but I 'gave up' about a year ago with buying everything. Please PM me links to what you have to be sure! I also prefer to buy these MIB, just so I can be sure the hair quality is halfway-terrible vs totally terrible, and all of the accessories are there!

Definitely need:
Walmart MLP Movie figures/pirate versions of Main 6. (I only have Captain Celeano and the big guy with a hook hand)
Almost all of the water-globe versions
Zilla Ponies: All!

Blind Bags:
Wave 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Merponies: Rarity, Twilight Sparkle (brushable hair)

I also collect:
Barbie (primarily going after MTMs right now and cheap lots of clothes, esp neon/90s!)
Monster High (I have quite a few of these already!)
Fairy Tails
Sweetie Kitty/Pups
Lady Lovely Locks
and Hairdorables!

I collect a lot of 'cute' things, so if there's something you have to trade you don't see listed, PM me! Chances are good I'll enjoy it! (The only plush I'll be looking at would be very specific Beanie Babies and Kitty/Puppy Surprise, due to allergy issues with plush. :'()

Thank you for reading!!

Trader & Shipping Support / Problems with twinkle_pony
« on: May 12, 2012, 09:54:28 AM »
Hi everyone, I thought I'd make a small 'public service announcement,' because according to my seller, apparently we still have a problem with PMs getting lost. I know it was an issue on the old forum; is it still a problem here?

I PM'd twinkle_pony on May 8th to ask about several of her ponies for sale. I was thrilled when she told me that all of the ponies I wanted were still available, and when I saw her reply the next day (she sent it May 8th, I saw it May 9th), I immediately gave her my shipping address and asked for a total to send via Paypal.

Imagine my surprise, then, when the next PM I received the very next day (May 10th) told me that she had sold most of the ponies I wanted to other bidders, and asked if I was still interested in the remaining few. When I asked her why she hadn't responded to my PM asking for an invoice, she said that she missed my PM.

I am so unbelievably disappointed right now, I can't even tell you. These were going to be my graduation present to myself, since I'm not buying very many G1s nowadays. :( I was so excited to buy them, I checked PMs almost every day, even though I'm in the midst of very busy graduation preparations and finals. Hence, to lose out on ponies like this, when I am extra attentive to the seller - is even more painful.

So, in case no one knows about this yet, I thought I'd just let everyone know:

1) We may be having problems with PMs going through, so be extra-attentive, sellers and buyers!

2) If it isn't already, your standard practice should be to confirm that the first buyer has changed their minds about the purchase before offering the ponies to the second buyer - especially if it's only been a day since you last heard from them.

I'm very, very disappointed right now. :( But I hope I can spare some other bidders some heartache.

Customs / Peppermint Pirate: My Fakie Revamp
« on: March 17, 2012, 12:55:20 PM »
Hi everyone! If you have been keeping up with the Customs forum, you may have seen the Save the Ponies contest that's going on! (Linkie:,284026.0.html) For my entry, I used a fakie from Colorscapesart (thanks again!!), who used to look like this:

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Then I rehaired her in an alpaca/acrylic yarn blend, and brushed it out to make this!
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After a few delays (the first fakie fell out of her box in the mail! and then I caught an awful flu!), I managed to finish her up on the LAST DAY of the contest! Woo hoo! Here is Peppermint Pirate!

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Symbol closeup: visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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 (Don't mind the brown thing, that's her sword belt.)

DS eye closeup: visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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NDS 'blind' eye closeup: visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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A non-glare-y full shot: visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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I'm ready for my closeup!
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Details: Rehaired with an alpaca mix yarn and brushed out for the 'perfume puff' look, she's got light pink and white stripes to match her peppermint-y symbol! Her eyes were accidentally damaged with acetone during the paint-removal stage, so like any good pirate, she wears her hair over her 'bad' eye as an eye patch! (No one says you can't wear makeup under an eye patch, of course!) She's painted with craft acrylics, both on her peppermint-y symbol and her new eyeshadow and eyelashes.

Her accessories are a hand-braided four-strand leather sword belt (with a suitably piratey sword to match!), a bandana to help hold down her hair over her eye with some shiny trinkets dangling off of it, a gold hoop earring, a feather for her tail and a shiny gold bracelet from her latest treasure hunt!

Her favorite activities include brushing her beautiful poofy hair, applying her hot-pink eyeshadow, and hunting for buried treasure, of course!

Thanks for reading! ^_^

Introductions / Every old MLPArena user: GET IN HERE!
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:59:32 PM »
HEY GUYS! So, I've noticed that everyone is re-introducing themselves, and I thought - it's nice to see everyone back again! But with all of us re-introducing ourselves, it's bound to get a little crowded in here!! There's, what, thousands of users? And that means potentially thousands of new threads!

So I thought we could have a mass "HI EVERYONE I'M BACK!" type of thread, so that anyone who wanted to find their friends could just hop in here and have a look around! And if it turns into a crazy drunken party with Diamond passing out drinks... SO BE IT! :lmao:

Anyway - hi! As you can see, I'm Snapdragon, and I figured out how to get onto this new-fangled board, at last! I'll probably be quiet for a day or two, though, while I figure out how everything works again! :yikes: This Photobucket window under my post is kind of scaring me ... eek!!

And for the sake of silliness, here's some random NEW questions for you to fill out, if you so desire. ;)

Favorite color:
Favorite Pony toy:
(If you watch FiM) Who is your favorite FiM pony?
Which feature about this new board is confusing you the most? :P
How excited are you right now that the Arena is back?!


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