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Topics - NovelNerd

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Off Topic / Every horse loves bath time
« on: June 10, 2016, 09:04:02 AM »
Or maybe not
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Lol, or as I've been told her "bell bottoms" :P

I decided to make a Nevada plush, so I've been getting materials together. I've bought some of this from Walmart just because of the cheapness and softness there.

I know the reviews on there aren't great, but I figure the worst that can happen is I'll have to return it. It's soft and plush but not super soft and plush like fuzzy over the top if that makes sense? Anyway, I'm thinking of doing a regular Nevada plush and then a plush of her as unicorn Nevada with the pink highlights and such, so I've got pink and black. I need to do somethign for her big harry legs. I know faux fur is always an option, but doesn't it shed a ton? I want to do white fluffy legs for regular Nevada and then hot pink or soft pink ones for her unicorn version. I'm also toying with the idea of just making the furry legs like leg warmers I can slip up and making the horn on a halter to take on and off and just make one plush. I guess it depends on if the fabric holds up. Anyway, ideas on good "fluffy" material to use for her legs that doesn't shed everywhere? I'm trying to avoid the tons of shedding that comes with certain materials.

Lol you can tell it's crafting time with all the questions I have lately. :P

Off Topic / Long distance relationships experience
« on: May 23, 2016, 12:11:23 PM »
I've been with my girlfriend about eight months now. We aren't as far as some (she is in Missouri and I'm in Arkansas and it's a 3 1/2 hour drive one way), but it's long for me. I get car sick easily and become very tired and have to take lots of breaks while driving to wake up. After I got my divorce from my ex wife I tried dating locally, but I just liked her better than the other people. She is just amazing and to me worth the travel. Distance is hard for us though and seeing each other on weekends makes it possible to be ok. We went a long period only seeing each other a few times a month because of my work schedule and she has car issues and it was horrible!

Anyway this isn't a problem for the WYP forum I don't think. I was just explaining and would like to hear about other's long distance
De relationship experiences.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Hmm who else can I make with these colors?
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:24:24 PM »
Hancock's fabrics is going out of business and is the only fabric store near me honestly. I haven't bought a ton because even with the sales everything is still high, but I've bought some material. I'm tryign to think of what other ponies I could make that match some of the fabric choices I bought.

I got material the color of Nightlight and I have the Minty green for Minty. I also have a soft pink I picked up for Peachy and a darker pink for Firefly. I'm thinking about picking up the yellow they have as well which isn't a soft yellow or dark but inbetween. Suggestions?

Arts & Crafts Corral / What size beads would you use?
« on: May 15, 2016, 06:02:47 PM »
I'm working on making some pony wear, and I thought I would make little accessories such as necklaces and such for the ponies. The problem is I've never worked with beads much, and I don't know a ton about sizes. Is cheaper to buy them online in bulk for what I want, but just looking online and seeing things like 8mm ect don't put t in perspective for my brain, and I'm terrible at estimating things. What size if any do you guys use when you make stuff for your ponies?

Wanted! / Wanted: Paradise Estate accessories
« on: May 13, 2016, 01:34:56 PM »
Woo! I got a PE at the Texas meet, but it's all the main items and missing the accessories. I'm now hunting them to complete it. Im not in a hurry and will update and have a list going as I get pieces.  I would prefer to not pay EBay prices, and if you have more than one piece to sell and. An bundle that would be awesome!

Customs / Does anyone sell the color changing hair anymore?
« on: May 08, 2016, 08:05:50 PM »
I remember several years ago one of the other hair sellers (not dolly hair) sold the heat changing colored hair and the hair that was multicolored. I could dye some hair I suppose to get multicolored hair, but I was curious is there anywhere that the color changing hair sells anymore?

MLP Nirvana / Pc for Nightlight's tail?
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:01:51 PM »
This is probably the weirdest price check ever. Lol

Years ago I bought a Nightlight with a frizzy tail and like no mane. I've never attempted to flat iron the tail after frying a different Nirvana's tail I've been a little spooky of the idea. I couldn't find hair matches I liked so eventually just took the tail out (since they are so easy to replace) and then put new hair in her. I've had the tail though for years and about I ever put it back in. Would the tail be worth anything to sell or about the price of an average tail? It may not have a washer or tail clamp. I think it was rusty and I had to take those off, not sure would have to pull it out: :lol:

The Dollhouse / Ooak custom by Donna Anne
« on: April 28, 2016, 08:48:11 PM »

Pretty sure I have about $130 in her including the dress. Open to purchase outside of eBay if she has no bids.

Pony Corral / Let's talk Sweetheart and Teddy
« on: April 27, 2016, 08:41:14 PM »
I've made this post before bu after re-watching Pony Tales their relationship confuses me.

In the episode with Bon Bon'a diary teddy wants to take Bon Bon to the dance and seems to like her. It's one of the later episodes towards the end. The thing is it's consistently out Sweetheart and Teddy together the entire show. I know some have said before that they are just good friends but when the ponies talk about their secrets Sweetheart mentions she likes Teddy. In the episode that Sweetheart and Teddy visit his cousin he even tells his cousin she is his girlfriend and to back off. I would say it's more than just friends wanting there.

In Pony Tales they all seem pretty consistent on crushes except that one threw me. Thoughts?

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Halloween Breyers price check help?
« on: April 25, 2016, 06:33:31 PM »
Lol figured I would post here and yep have a thread on Blab too. I'm selling my Halloween horses and all are good condition deboxed and then put in my China cabinet. None are mint though as I'm not picky so subject to factory errors. I have

Merry Widow
Night mare
Mischief night
Jack and kasper

Any help would be appreciated as eBay prices seem everywhere

The Dollhouse / Customization lot on ebay
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:19:51 PM »

Tons of items in this one lot and open to offers outside of Enay if I. Have no bids on it.

Price Check Archives / 7 Tales pony price check
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:35:28 PM »
I sold all my girls in the middle of my "I'm getting s divorce I hate everything spree" but I really miss them. It would be a slow process for me getting them again, but I had mine so long I realized I don't even know their prices. How much do they go for? Good condition and ones not on good condition? I'm not picky and most of mine had flaws. Lol

Arts & Crafts Corral / Experience making pony wear?
« on: April 17, 2016, 12:01:31 AM »
I have this overwhelming urge to make patterns for pony wear this summer and little accessories for them. It might be because I'm always making such things for Nevada. Has anyone had some successful patterns and such? Share!

MLP Nirvana / Show me your lovely Nightlights
« on: April 16, 2016, 11:59:44 PM »
My army is packed up at the moment preparing for some summer house re decorating and it's been a sad night. Show me those lovely Nightlights if you have them!

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