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Topics - cyberunicorn

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Pony Corral / Please can I see....
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:08:25 PM »
Not had a good end to my day today.... found out that one of the people I used to look after the ponies of was killed in a car crash this morning  -_-.

 I could really do with some cheering up because on monday I am going to have to sit through 20 questions by some of people that work in my building as they try to pick up the gossip of what happened.

Please can you guys show me anything and everything pony that makes you feel better. who makes you smile on a bad day?

Pony Brag Arena / i am so excited about these two girls
« on: June 01, 2013, 01:33:18 PM »
So I have had these for a week or so but I just could not wait to share.

First I found a new way of displaying one of my older ponies I think she just feels right at home.
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then I got my first (and possibly to be only) glimmer wing pony. To be honest they do not really appeal to me normally but I think that she can pull of the wings just fine.

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then finally how does the song go save the best for last. I don't think she needs any introduction. I cannot believe how intricate the paint work is on her even now definitely one of the best buys for my collection yet.

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I commissioned her of the fantastic Pandabear_chan right here on the arena. I cannot wait to commision her again in the near future. she stands next to her new friend in the picture I would not be able to tell she was a custom from a far until I did a closer inspection and see the artist mark on her foot. there is not a brush stroke mark on her entire body that is visible to the naked eye. I think she looks factory made therefor perfect in my eyes

Off Topic / opps... I think I missed a spot
« on: June 01, 2013, 01:09:25 PM »
I got abit carried away today as you can see. but he loved all of the attention

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anyone else done anything daft to their "pets" or am I just really strange I only set out to whiten his back foot

Off Topic / Yey I did my first ridden show in a while and survived
« on: May 28, 2013, 11:54:27 PM »
And we had amazing riding weather to top it all off as well.  :blink:

So I put up a while back that I was going to go showing for the first time in a while. And I actually got to go. Though some how I originally entered 3 classes and ended up in 6.

Started off on equitation did rubbish he would not listen to me and was a pest. so we only got 4th in that one. but never mind everyone is slow starting in the morning.  >_<

he improved much better later on comming first in the riding club horse class.

After lunch we entered open showing for fun. and got a special. then on to the real reason we entered the show Showjumping.

So I went in to the clear round to get to know the course (they were only set at 20cm and below) so the little kids could have a go to. he totally demolished the course  :shocked: how a 16.2hh horse can knock down what he can step over is beyond me. 

so on to the 75cm jumps and he did better but we did not get in to the jump off sadly.

Then some how I get roped in to doing the 95 + class. even after the performance. and I find out that there is a up and coming show jumper entered.  Both of us were knackered so I said that I would enter but I was not going to push him round.

three of us get in to the jump  off and they put the jumps up. (I have never gone that high before) but in the end we came second and even placed above the show jumper. first was a pony that could spin on its hocks so we had no chance of beating him it was like he was on drugs or something (but fantastic to watch)

in total an amazing day and not bad for a riding school horse. especially since when I got off my friend came over and said everyone round her was saying "Why is she taking walter in to that class.... He does not jump"

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"He can jump with me"  :biggrin:

I had everyone out the other day to make sure that no one was getting any funny conditions whilst spending a bit of time in storage until I can get some more room for them.

I had a bit of a shock as it had grown a little since I last had them all out together. So if anyone wants to have a nosey there are pictures below.

funny looking pony  :blink:

ok on to the actual collection

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Completed Princess Set  :biggrin:
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Flutter ponies
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mish mash of random ponies
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baby ponies and mini ponies
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magic message ponies and complete year 5? friend set  :biggrin:
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I don't know how I got 2 copies of baby count down???
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Complete baby sparkle ponies  :biggrin:
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Mountain boys
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I think this is all of the big brothers  :biggrin:
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what I class as Nirvana (adults only)
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Nirvana and shs
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Customs - a few are mine but the rest are by others. (I know who did them and have tried to group them together as best I can but cannot find the spreadsheet that says who they are by. I am really bad with names so please do not be offended if you did them and I have not listed you as the artist with out going back to reference)
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New army only small at the moment but watch this space.

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and what collection would not be complete with out a few fakies
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G3.5 as you can see I have hundreds of them
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Enchanted Kingdom
Not MLP but I still count them and do not have the heart to call them fakies (i know that the green one is wearing sundances bridle)
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So if there is anyone left still reading after all those pictures Thanks for looking I hope you liked my collection as much as I do


Customs / Please can I get a quick colour match :-)
« on: April 25, 2013, 02:35:43 AM »
Please can someone help with a hair colour match for these girls.  For the fading pink could someone recommend one that will not fade at all/as much

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Thanks in advance.

Pony Corral / So Who's Missing???
« on: April 19, 2013, 01:56:05 PM »
I am starting to make a proper list of my collection at last starting with my G4s, But it has made me wonder who I actually have not got.(then I can start an actual wish list)  I know that for generations 1 - 3 my list would be more or less endless but there could still be hope for my g4s. I have tried going through straberryreef and got all mixed up in the process.  :blush:. so I thought someone with a more experienced g4 head could help I have only really noticed them since November and only just recently started buying more.

So Below are some pictures of who I have. I have tried my best to group them up hopefully to make things easier.

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I am only interested in official releases, I am not bothered about prototypes and non official ponies just yet.
So have at it. Cookies for anyone who can manage to help. 

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Off Topic / weird animals?????? anyone
« on: April 17, 2013, 01:23:21 PM »
So recently I have come to realise that the animals in my life are all currently going round the twist..... And they are not afraid to show it in public. For example this is Caddy he is my friends welsh pony... I mean I might be wrong but after 20 years around horses I find that this behaviour is definitely NOT covered in the BHS manual

Then we have my dog megan.. abuot as far from normal as you can get

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Finally random creatures I have "regular" contact with

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I mean really. Please somebody out there tell me they have the same problem  :freak:

Customs / My First G4 custom.........
« on: April 16, 2013, 11:42:18 AM »
..... and only really my second full custom. I have done a bit of restoration here and there but nothing major So please be nice  :blush: (unless it really does look that bad then please let me know)

I have tried to make a prince blue blood. His colours are not exactly what you would call an exact copy but I think he turned out ok. I need to clean up the front of him some how I managed to get paper attached to him but you can not see it unless you really look.

so in my herd he is Luna's brother (I have totally changed the royal family structure in equestria in my house) and Cadance's rebel cousin (don't ask where I get it from)

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with his family and girl friend.

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thanks  for looking I apologize for the strain on your eyes

Customs / Prince Blueblood
« on: April 09, 2013, 12:22:18 PM »
I am going to try my hand at customizing a g4. I have managed to get my hands on a shining armor to be the victim. so it is only going to be a re-hair and cutie mark repaint.

Though I have a couple of questions.

1. has anyone ever taken off that troll hair he has. if so how and what is under it.
2. how do you get a g4s head off I have tried with a pinkie pie with no joy  :huh:

Off Topic / wahoo lifes looking up
« on: March 28, 2013, 08:05:17 AM »
At last things are starting to look up.  :biggrin:

I have a job interview on the 9th april.....  :frolic: ......... And where I ride is having a "summer show" and I hopefully I am being allowed to use one of the working liveries for the showjumping and possibly working hunter classes in may.  :silly:

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the jumps will be higher in the class well over  (and my position better I for some reason do not jump very well small jumps) but he is a sexy cannibal  beast.

I know nothing is actually set in stone on either front but hopefully this is the start of getting back to normality.  :biggrin:

Pony Brag Arena / Private Swap with Pixieponies (pic heavy)
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:14:43 AM »
So when you get a box that looks like this from your post man you know it can only contain something special right.........

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And I was right full of pony goodness.......  :newpony:

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First up out of the box is Sunblossom, such a sweet girl, with star themed symbols to go with my others  :lovey:

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Closely followed by two fabulous G3 ponies I don't have many of them in my collection (ok four to be exact as I tend to be very picky on the ones that I keep) But I certainly think that Tropical blossom and Royal Bouquet will fit in just fine. their spring symbols take my mind of that horrid white stuff going on out side at the moment.

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And if that was not enough one last little pony had snuck in there as well, I defiantly recognize this girl as I think it could be one I nearly bought myself????? (well I think she is the same one). So it must be destiny that she arrived here. she has a couple of marks that should sun fade so in June will make the journey to Spain with me and spend a couple of weeks on the sun tersest.

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I only collect the Thailand made Fancy pants ponies which I cannot remember if I mentioned to her or not but either way good call she's so sweet I would just love to know what she had been up to to get all that on her.

There were also two bracelets one with dice and the other made of "lovehearts" which look good enough to eat.

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Both will becoming on holiday with me in June (Spain) and August  (Disneyland) speaking of Disney

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Sparkly Disney stickers and  :choc: which have already gone to a good home  :P

Group Shot

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Well alright minus two items there where also some presents for Megan my Springer Spaniel I did not even get to the box on time to get them out but I have managed to get some of her with them.

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 :tackleglomp: I love everything so much. It really has put mine to shame....  :huh: So I will need to rectify that in the very near future......  :P ............  watch your letter box  :mail:

Trader & Shipping Support / flippin Ebay messing up again
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:20:15 AM »
ahhh Ebay is doing my head in, today it has let someone bid on my items from a country that I don't even ship to. Why would it do that after all this time(i know they are set up correctly)  . I only know this because they have just contacted me asking why it will not let them bid on another. So I have had to message them back telling them that I do not ship to their location. this makes me look stupid as a seller. As well as that I have had to cancel their bids as well. Luckly I got a rarity on ebay a bidder that was understanding as to why I had to cancel their bids. For that I am more than thankful to them.

I mean what if I had found out after the item finished. I am really confused as to what has gone wrong.

sometimes I think what is the point of the website if it does not even work right.........  :mad:

Pony Corral / G4 kids play advice
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:24:27 AM »
So it looks like I am going to be baby sitting soon.... well ok they are not babies they are 5 and 9 (I think). And I know that the  elder one is on to ponies in general so I was going to put my G4s in to a bucket and let them go wild. (with in reason) They are good kids so I know that they will not damage them. But anyone with kids knows that accidents do happen. I have put a list below of my current g4s and was wondering if there are any that go in the catagory of "put on high shelf out of sight"

Shining armor
Princess candance
Pinkie pie
Flutter shy
Rainbow dash
Holly blue
Trixie lunamoon
Sweetie belle
Lilly blossom
Lemony Gem
Lyra Heart Strings
Sunny Rays
Star Dreams
princess celestia (white version)
dimond rose
cherry lee
Princess Luna
Princess Celestia (pink version)
Starbeam Twinkle
Sunset Shimmer

Pony Corral / Pony fuzzy felt at asda direct
« on: March 19, 2013, 07:35:12 AM »
this actually made me laugh a little bit.

it is not something I personally would buy, but fuzzy felt was my favorate as a kid

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