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Introductions / Hey all
« on: June 06, 2012, 03:52:02 AM »
Hello everyone.
As you may have figured I'm new to the MLPArena but definitly not new to the world of My Little Ponies :P But lets start from the beginning.
My name is Erica. I'm a 25, well almost 26 year old woman and yes I'm having a younger midlife crisis because of this hehe. Wasn't it yesterday I was a 5year old girl playing with my ponies in my room? :P
Anyway, I'm from the southern part of Sweden, Malmö to be more exact if anyone knows where that might be ;) About a year ago my mother met a guy she was gonna move in with and was gonna sell her old flat, but decided to let me take it instead. So I've been working hard with renovating my old childhood home, and my old room (which still has the Care Bears wallpaper I never had the heart to remove) is gonna be my brand new, shiny My Little Pony room :D With Care Bear wallpaper yes hehe.
As for work I haven't worked in about a year. Last May I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder and I've been home from work ever since trying to battle it out.
Now onto the fun part. The MLP collecting :P I've basicly collected ponies my entire life. I grew up during the G1 era and I had a bunch of MLP's as I child that I loved to play with. They're still in my collection and in surprisingly minty condition. Never cared much for the G2's. I was about 11 when they were first released and was utterly disapointed when I saw that they looked nothing like my old ponies. When internet came around in the late 90's the first thing I did was search for My Little Pony sites. And when I discoverd how many ponies there actually were I decided I wanted them all :P I became a member of the My Little Pony Trading Post where I've been a member ever since and throughout the years I've bought ponies whenever I got a chance.
The G3's came out when I was in my mid teens, but I was still a dedicated collector and never really cared what other teenage girls were supposed to do hehe. I loved the G3's since they looked so much like the originals and got as many as I could of them. By the time I hit 20 I had more ponies than I dare to count of all generations >.<
But that's also when I stopped beeing an active part of the MLP community. There were alot going on in my life and collecting had to be put aside. I did pick up a few ponies in the stores every now and then but that was about it.
This ment I had no idea about the G4's and so when I saw them in the store one day about a year and a half ago I couldn't help but just staring at them at first thinking: "Really? That's My Little Ponies? There has got to be a misstake. They look like fakes!" I did some quick reserch though and discoverd that yes, they were indeed real My Little Ponies and so I had to pick up two just because they're ponies :P But that was about it.
It wasn't untill very recently, when I started planning out my MLP room, that it re-sparked my interest in pony collecting. I headed back to the MLPTP, started watching the new FIM show which I must admit I did really enjoy and due to that I started buying more of the G4's. I think I even might be getting a small Pinkie Pie addiction since I just love her on the show :P
My main focus is still the G1's since they're my first pony love ;) However, untill I get my pony room in order and finally can go through the tons and tons of ponies I have stashed away everywhere I wont buy any G1's since I can't really remember which ones I'm missing XD I'm still picking up the G4's in the stores whenever I can afford it though :)
So yes, that's my introduction. I'm sorry for the wall of text hehe. But I hope I can get more involved in the pony community again and in the near future maybe even shop abit from the people around :)
Take care all!

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