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Topics - Zapper

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I'm in love with everything creepy and everything pastel as well as statement jewelry and so I came to adore all the great Pastel Goth stuff people make and sell. I'd love to make some myself or find affordable online shops. With affordable I'm talking shipping fees. Most shops I found only deliver to the States or have enourmous shipping fees that surpass the price of the jewelry :(
Any shops you can recommend?

And another related question:
Where do people get the pastel plastic chains from we can see so often on selfmade PG stuff? I tried to google it but I got no proper results. Is there a way to order a bunch of just those chains from somewhere?

Pony Corral / All the G3 Love
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:45:20 AM »
As of late I'm on a G3 trip, I don't even know why. I never wanted any G3s except for Minty, but then I suddenly fell in love with Autumn Skye when I saw her on ebay. Now I'm all over them! My little collection contains four Minties, Autumn Skye, Desert Rose and both versions of Merriweather - more additions to the herd are planned.

Despite the lack of unicorns and pegasi I really enjoy the variation. Some of the poses are so endearing and horsey, their bodies are round and strong. I have the feeling only G1 and G3 were able to pull off the "pony" in My Little Pony, that's why I look at G3 as little sisters to the G1s. They have so many similarities to G1 without being copies.

Let this be a thread full of love for G3. Share your G3 collection, tell me what your favorites are and why (photos welcome!) My current favorite is still Autumn Skye. I have a thing for nature symbols and her colors make me think of sunny afternoons in early fall (my favorite time of the year) <3

Pony Corral / Show me pony hairstyles!
« on: March 05, 2014, 03:06:20 AM »
After going through my collection I realised I wanted to have a few ponies with more unique hairstyles. My G1s all have either curls or straight manes and I like them that way, but I would love to pretty-fy my G3s and G4s a bit.
I have already seen some tutorials on how to make G4 character specific hairstyles but I'm looking for something more creative. Please show me your ponies (preferably G3 and G4, no super long hair plz) with unique hairstyles so I can find inspiration :)
I'm really bad at doing hair on a small scale so any kind of tutorials that go with your ponies are welcome as well!

Customs / De-sparkle-ing G3 Sparkle Ponies?
« on: March 01, 2014, 11:26:47 PM »
Hey ponies!

The title says it all. Is there a way to remove the glitter from the G3 Sparkle ponies' foreheads and symbols? I have a Desert Rose sitting here that I would love to de-sparkle but the stuff that seals the glitter is rock-hard. Is there any solution or should I just give up? :lol:

Customs / Customizing G4 Minty - good idea or bad idea?
« on: February 06, 2014, 07:20:42 AM »
So thanks to one amazing Arena member I finally have my G4 Minty. But I dislike that her symbol has the black outlines. I think the prototype Minty was superior in every way and I have this amazing character trait that small things tend to bug me so much that they become unbearable and I have to do something about them.
Such is the case with G4 Minty.

I'd love to remove/paint over the black outlines and maybe give her some white hair.
But most of all the black outlines need to go.
Can you reommend a technique or certain paint that will allow removal of the colored outlines but not the symbol itself if I wanted to resell her sometime in the dark future?

Thanks in advance!

Wanted! / G4 Minty or whole set? (got one! thank you!)
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:37:58 PM »
So, I haven't been very active around here (or in the entire fandom) as of late and have no clue if the Midnight at Canterlot set is still available in stores.
As far as I know there is no way I can purchase it here in Germany and so I need a friendly individual who can aquire one for me (or wants to part with theirs).
I'm only looking for MINTY, though. So if you have one loose I won't mind. I also do not intend to keep the packaging or anything. I just want Minty :biggrin:

Could anyone help me out?

Off Topic / Punjammies!
« on: June 01, 2013, 06:17:09 AM »
Hey folks!

So, Punjammies - a great project I want to support, but I live outside their shipping area.
I know I could just donate some money, but I also really want some of their products. Check them out, they're beautiful and made out of good material and they're supporting fair-trade :)

So I wanted to make this thread to gauge interest in a possible group order.
I can't be the only one who loves pajama pants *g*

What are your thoughts? Would anyone want to order from them and then just send me my part? (Of course I'd pay separately for that)

The Dollhouse / Jasmine dolls (help a Disney n00b out, plz)
« on: May 31, 2013, 04:35:49 PM »
Hey guys!

I've been wondering... is there any website/list/guide to the Disney (Princess) dolls?
I'm interested in learning more about them, especially Jasmine. I have seen that there are plenty of incarnations, some with great costumes but lack of articulation and some with articulation but odd costumes. My goal is to find an articulated Jasmine with an outfit close to her movie counterpart :)

Any advice?
Thanks in advance! ^^

Wanted! / Gusty and Glory sweater? (solved! thx!)
« on: May 21, 2013, 10:33:45 AM »
Solved! ^^

So... I recently stumbled over this on tumblr: and freaked out a little.
Two of my favorite G1ers wearing sunglasses - I gotta have it!

Are there any UK people who could help me out and aquire this in L for me?
I can't live without a cozy, oversized Gusty/Glory pyjama top anymore :lol:

The Dollhouse / Your personal Top 10 MH dolls
« on: May 07, 2013, 05:11:02 PM »
I figured we should have such a thread, yes? My apoogies if it already existed somewhere but the search function is acting funny for me atm ^^#

This doesn't have to be a list of dolls you have, you can choose any doll that already had or is going to have a release!

Here's my personal Top Ten (for now):

#10 - Gil
#9 - Scary Tales Clawdeen
#8 - Sig Howleen
#7 - Scaris Cleo
#6 - Sig Frankie
#5 - Swim Lagoona
#4 - Sig Rochelle
#3 - Sig Venus
#2 - GNO Spectra
#1 - Twyla

The Dollhouse / Lotsa Liv questions - can someone help me out? ^^
« on: April 16, 2013, 09:18:38 AM »
Hi there!

Sooo... I'm new to this entire Liv business, but I really love how close they come to a BJD with their many points of articulation and eyes that aren't painted on.
I also love the fact that they use wigs instead of rooted hair, so customizing is more easy.

I think you can already guess what I have in mind: I'd love to get one or two Liv dollies for customizing purposes.
So here are my questions:

How difficult is it to swap body parts, or is it possible at all?
I've noticed that the Dance dolls have a split torso that allows for more upper body motion, but the regular dolls have jointed knees instead. I'd like to have both torso and knee articulation, so would a Frankenstein Liv be possible? Has anyone tried it yet?

Is there some sort of doll/fashion pack/wig database, listing or similar?
It would be cool to be able to see all products at once. I have found a site called shoplivdolls. Is there something even better for pictures of the sets?

How big are their eyes once removed from the head? Is there a regular doll eye size that can be used as a possible replacement?

Last but not least: Should I decide to buy certain Liv products, would anyone of you be so kind and help me get them?
As far as I know my country doesn't have them and online shops are always rather costly. Having a personal doll hunter would be great! :3

I need a bit of help!

After weeks of contemplating I have finally decided a.) to get Gigi Grant once she comes out and b.) how to customize her to make her look less white-washed and more like an actual djinn.
I want to recolor her body and head and replace her hands, lower arms and lower legs with translucent/glittery ones.
But I want to keep the mold Mattel used for her since I love her scorpion plating and long claws.

So here's a couple of questions:
-Has anyone of you tried to make resin limbs yet? I know a few of you have done shoes already ^^
-What material/brand can you suggest? It should be translucent and firm enough.
-Have you tried coloring the translucent material yet? Can it be done with normal acrylic paint?

Thanks in advance ;)

The Dollhouse / MH Confessions Thread - Reloaded!
« on: April 06, 2013, 07:27:53 AM »
Can I please revive this thread here? I stumbled upon it by accident and had a really good laugh :)

Maybe I should start with something really juicy, eh?
-More than once I have contemplated to steal a really expensive doll just because I'm so angry at the high European prices. I'm usually incredibly moral, but somehow when it comes to stealing overpriced toys, the little devil on my shoulder is so much more vocal than the little angel. I'm only super scared of getting caught (cameras everywhere), that's why I will never do it, lol!

More funny stuff:
-I consider it a sport to introduce my friends to MH. When they become addicted I feel pride and shame at the same time (because of their poor wallets)
-I mostly dislike the werecats because I have a massive cat allergy and their - no pun intended -catty behaviour in the webisodes and specials doesn't help. I even intend to customize my Catrine into a unicorn because of that. Werecats - forever tainted! :lol:
-I think the girl dolls (and Gil) are really sexy. That's why I can't see them as teens. They do not look like they're 15 or 16. I just can't force my brain to accept that they're still going to a High School

Just wanted to share the news that adorable and show-accurate plushies can now be found on this website.
Each character comes in two sizes (small: 15 cm, big: 25 cm) and the quality seems to be great.

Due to interest from the good people on TPS Insider the shop has now offered shipping to countries outside the EU.
The brand is a minor German one, so the plushies are probably not making it to the US (this is just me guessing, please don't take my word for granted).

How do you like them? I think Pepper, Sunil, Russell and Minka look very cute and cuddly. Zoe's plush looks a bit odd in the photo, but her mini size looked better. Vinny has a weird dark green color mixed in, so I'm not that particularly fond of him.
If I had any money right now I'd totally go for a "life-sized" Pepper ^.^

Nothing to see here! ^^

Hey ponies!

I want to create a duckling trio for my Dewdrop Dazzle and I already have two.
So I'd like to trade for another duck-billed bird - this lovely swan here:

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I don't care if the duckling is the yellow or white version, although the yellow version is preferred ^^

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