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Topics - InkyMilk

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Pony Corral / If you could write your own episode?
« on: January 31, 2013, 06:18:54 PM »
So I know I'll probably get primarily FiM responses, but you can choose from an gen! I'm curious, if you could write your own episode from any of the pony shows, what would it be based around? Which ponies would you use? Would they learn any type of lesson?

I'm curious! Chat away!

Pony Corral / Embroidered ponies! Show me yours!
« on: January 25, 2013, 12:29:49 PM »
So today I got my first lesson on embroidery and now I'm a pro! Haha, okay not really, but I AM really excited to get to work on more projects! So I started thinking, how many folks here like to embroider? And most importantly, have you have embroidered ponies on anything? If so I'd love to see pictures! But if not, what types of things do you think would be cute to embroider ponies on? :)

So, I've transformed two of my favorite OCs into ponies and I love everything about them...except their cutie marks! I have a terrible time thinking up these symbols and would absolutely love and appreciate any help! Their names are Off Chance and Only Coal, and I'll give you a bit of description on them if it'd help.

Off Chance-A light pink pegasus with blonde hair and green eyes. He is very energetic, happy, adventurous and always looks on the bright side of life. He loves to try to cheer other ponies up and he has a strong sense of wanting to take care of other ponies that are sad or scared. He always seems to stumble into predicaments by 'chance', so although he doesn't go looking for adventure he somehow always winds up in them. He takes them in stride however and always tries to make the best of it.

Only Coal- A dark gray earth pony with blue air and black twinkle eyes. Ignored by his family he hasn't had very many interactions with other ponies and was mostly raised in the forest by a lone, rogue unicorn. He craves attention and will do just about anything to get it and he doesn't seem to understand the difference between right and wrong. In his heart he isn't a bad pony, but he does often make wrong choices as he's been dubbed worth no more than a lump of coal.  Although he can be suspicious of other ponies, his inherent desire to be accepted always takes over and he can become deeply attached very easily to others.

I don't really have a preference for simple or extravagant marks so long as they fit the pony. My sister suggested actual coal as Only Coal's symbol, but that feels almost too simple. I'd love any ideas! <3

Pony Corral / Bookworm unicorns!
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:51:35 AM »
So my memory of the G1 pony show is rather rusty, and I never actually watched G3, so I'm hoping ya'll can help me out. I'm sure most of us are aware of just how studious Twilight Sparkle is in G4, and it made me curious, how many other unicorns are there out there just as dedicated to books and learning as she is? Outside the cartoons you can point out any other unicorns that may have book or learning themed cutie marks too  ^.^

Pony Corral / Is goof-off okay to use to remove marks?
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:52:49 AM »
I'm sorry if my google-fu is really lacking today, but the only things I really managed to find was using goof-off to erase cutie marks or to deflock a pony. I have a new pony that has a rather unfortunate black mark right on her nose that magic eraser won't take off. My dad suggested Goof Off since he has some, but I'm afraid it would strip her of her color (she's pink).  Or is there maybe something else I could use?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Not feeling motivated at ALL :(
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:14:52 AM »
So, you know how artists say they look up to great artists to motivate themselves to do better? Well, I've tried to do that, I REALLY have. I admire their work, try to study what I can from their work and apply it to my own, etc. But honestly, more and more lately, when I see their work and I look at my own, it just doesn't motivate me at all. Quite the opposite, I feel like I should just give it all up entirely.

I know it's going to sound stupid, but I have been drawing since I was in preschool, it has always been one of my greatest sources of joy and passion and I've loved trying to get better. But looking at my work and where I am now, it's extremely embarrassing to say that as my work reflects someone who has only picked up a pencil maybe in the last year or so. I have been more and more determined lately to try new things, perspectives, digitally coloring and shading, backgrounds, because I know the only way to get better is to really push myself, but when I turn around and see a 13 year old pull off a masterpiece in Photoshop that I'm sitting here struggling to pull off in months on Sai, it sort of makes me sit back and wonder, why do I bother? Maybe if I never wanted to share my work it wouldn't be a problem, but I DO. Not because I want heaps of praise or mountains of fans, but because I love drawing for my fandoms and I like connecting with others with similar interests.

Sometimes I wonder if I'd have been happier going for an art degree like I had always wanted instead of switching to english. I know there are tons of self taught artists out there who are amazing, but maybe I just was never meant to be one of them and I need to face facts already. Do you guys think it would be less painful to just never share my work again?

Pony Corral / Is it acceptable to do this to BBEs?
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:28:35 AM »
Maybe "acceptable" isn't the right word, but I wasn't exactly sure how to ask this. After recently acquiring a few BBE ponies, I've found I really love them! I'd love to collect more, though as I'm sure we all know, they often have a problem with eye rust. Now, I'm not good at fixing ponies up at ALL outside a simple bath and hair conditioning, so I don't even want to begin trying to get in their little eyes to fix them up. So I was wondering, is it considered blasphemous if I were to take a tiny bit of krazy glue and just...glued their eyelids so they always stayed open? I personally don't care if my BBEs 'work', I just like seeing their pretty little eyes!

Pony Corral / Any way to fix broken elastic on pony wear?
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:06:03 PM »
So, my mom surprised me yesterday with a pony! G3 Winter Wishes! She's so adorable and comes with all her accessories, including her little antlers <3 Unfortunately, the elastic on the antlers snapped off pretty much the moment I took her out of her box, and unlike other pony hats, she can't really wear the antlers without some kind of elastic holding them on place. Does anyone had any ideas? My sister suggested I glue the antlers straight onto her head, or maybe onto a teeny tiny clip to clip into her hair, but I'm not sure if that will work and I'm afraid of ruining her. Any ideas?

Pony Corral / Show me your SWEETEST ponies :(
« on: December 02, 2012, 06:11:36 PM »
This forum is so sweet, seriously. Even when I disagree with someone I never feel like it's some kind of personal attack. I can't say the same for other forums I visit and it honestly makes me want to just give up on my other hobbies and fandoms because apparently their members are just a bunch of rude, uptight, antagonistic children. I'm really upset so I think I'm just going to stick around here for awhile and look at adorable ponies...willing to share with me pictures of your sweetest pony? Ponies that cheer you up or keep you company when your sad?

Pony Corral / Does Hasbro really listen?
« on: December 02, 2012, 02:01:14 PM »
I didn't want to hijack another thread, but I was very curious about the mentioning I've seen about contacting Hasbro in regard to what collectors are hoping to see for future toy releases. I haven't been around the MLP community long enough to really know so I'm very curious, does Hasbri have a record of actually listening to its fans when it comes to what type of merchandise they are willing to put out? Did emails from collectors ever have any sway in the G3 or even G1 line?

It seems we all have our own ideas as to what we'd really like to see, many of which it seems are agreeing on the same things (Minty, Seaponies, more villains, boy pony brushables, etc.), and I wonder if telling the company our hopes is really going to make any difference for such a large brand and how they run their business? Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just honestly very curious!

Off Topic / Milk & Cookies Christmas Ideas? :)
« on: December 01, 2012, 08:14:36 PM »
Otay! So for this year's Christmas gifts for my best friends I asked them what they wanted and one of them flat out told me-Cookies! I asked her if that was it...and she said with milk  :lol: So...I really am determined to get her something based all around milk and cookies! But I don't want to get her straight up, literal milk and cookies, something sort of surprising or with a twist. But I can't think of anything!

Any ideas? I've been looking up on etsy for some unique ideas, but I loved all your guys' input on how to gift wrap ponies for my niece when I was having trouble a couple weeks back, so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask :)

Pony Corral / Question about G1 Baby Ballerinas
« on: November 27, 2012, 11:39:35 AM »
So, I was looking through a MLP wiki at the G1 Baby Ballerinas as I hope to complete my set of them soon, and I was confused when I came across this:

Baby Soft Steps, here she is shown with a yellow leotard, but if you look down on the right in the catalog photo, she is wearing a dark blue leotard. I really like the way she looks in blue better, since in yellow she looks a lot like Baby Sweet Steps, but I don't know if that was just a mistake? Or was Baby Soft Steps actually released with a blue leotard at one point? I'd love to hunt her down!

Off Topic / Need major help from all your crafty/sewing folk!
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:16:24 PM »
Otay, so I have three very beautiful skirts with border prints on them. They're a bit higher end boutique items so I paid a pretty penny for them and the fabric is really nice ( two are cotton and one is like a type of chiffon...I don't know much about fabric!). Problem is, they don't fit me as comfortably as I would like, and honestly I'm getting really sick of spending money to get them altered all the time. And while I could resell them...I REALLY love the prints on them and don't want to get rid of them. But it seems like such a waste to have these gorgeous skirts sitting around and never having the chance to wear them.

So, for all you crafty folk, I wonder, do you have any idea of what I can do with them?? The only think I can of is turn them into pillows...but honestly, it just seems kind of like a waste, turning a $200 skirt into a pillow, doesn't it? I've been trying to find examples of more detailed and creative pillows, but haven't found anything. But I sew everything by hand and can only do basic stuff so my options are limited.

I'm really at a loss here. I'm sad every time I see them in my closet, un-worn, but it makes me sad to think of selling them too, especially since one was a gift from my mom a year ago. I would really love to transform them into something else, some type of decoration, but I'm at a blank!

Pony Corral / there not a terrible way to do this?
« on: November 17, 2012, 12:14:59 AM »
Okay, so I never used to be a completist before. But lately I've been collecting the box-art on all my ponies, and it's really starting to annoy me that I missed collecting the art on a couple of my first ponies as I hadn't started collecting them yet. Even though ponies aren't very expensive, I really don't want to just buy doubles when I don't need them, especially since they're really common ponies and won't sell.

So...I was thinking of buying the ponies as a Christmas gift for my niece, and since she doesn't care about the box-art just keeping it for myself. Only problem is, I would have to open the ponies before giving them to her as I don't know if I'll be seeing her in person this year. So, I would just be sending her already opened ponies! I feel like that's just a terrible thing to do, it? I mean, I guess she's only 5 and wouldn't care that much, but do ya'll think maybe there's some cute way to wrap them or present them so it doesn't seem so totally obvious that I opened them beforehand?

Off Topic / Is anyone interested in Grand Champion horses?
« on: November 11, 2012, 01:01:33 PM »
Okay, so my friend has a pretty huge collection of GC horses that she really wants to clear out, and as payment for her giving me all her MLPs a few weeks back, I told her I would help her out. She's not interested in selling them, just making sure they go to good homes, so she said I can either trade them or give them away for free.

I know nothing about Grand Champions and since they take up a lot of space I'm more interested in getting them out as quickly as possible. Do many folks here collect GCs? Would it be even worth it to try to trade them for ponies? I'm sure there are forums dedicated to Grand Champion collectors as well, but I don't know which would be the best to join or if any of those collectors would care to trade for ponies either. Should I just try to give them away here for the cost of shipping? I don't know if any of them are rare or anything, I doubt it since she just collected them through her childhood, the main goal is just to get them to homes where they'll be appreciated and not collecting dust and ignored as they are now.

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