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Topics - Loona

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I would love to find a Monster High Swim Class Rochelle. she's not available here, so if someone who is in the US could pick one up for me I'd be really happy ^^

I'd be also looking for two 25 cm obitsu bodies, or even natural-skin Pullip bodies for my two Kurhn girls. I adore their faces but hate their posability, or the lack thereof.

I am happy to trade as well. I don't have much pony stuff to trade for right now:
Flutters Lily and Forget Me Not (some pics of Forget Me Not can be seen here)
but I do have some Care Bears and other non-MLP things for trade in case you'd like to trade instead. you can see them here
and I also have some non-pony stuff (mostly anime) here ^^


Babydoll's Bubbles and bridal outfit arrived, and I love them! now I only need to order some new hair for Bubbles ^^

(Looking for baity/haircut Bubbles, UK Confetti's bridal outfit, Pretty Puff

I'm looking for a baity Bubbles regarding symbols and hair. I'm going to rehair her and give her a new symbol, but I'm not going to repaint her body, so I'd like that (and her eye paint) to be in good condition, symbols and hair can be bad/missing.

I'm also looking for UK Confetti's bridal outfit (or the second version of the Something Old - Something New set, if they really are the same), not necessarily complete, if the ring and/or one or two shoes are missing that's OK.)

I would like to sell or trade the below Care Bears plushies and Snugglebumms I have.
Prices are in USD - but I also accept payments in EUR or GBP, so I'm happy to recalculate them into these currencies if that's easier for you. They are also negotiable ;)

I'll post anywhere, but I'd prefer to do it registered, especially with vintage ones. shipping fees aren't included in the prices given below.

I am open to trades as well, please see my wantlist at the bottom of this post.

Large size (around 13 inches) Cheer Bear plush from 1984
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Nice condition, $10

Large size (around 13 inches) Grumpy Bear plush from 1983
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Nice condition, but the heart is missing most of the text, $12

Large size (around 13 inches) Funshine Bear plush from the 1980s, she  was made in Morocco, I don't know if that makes a difference or not ^^
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Heart is missing some text, tag is not in too good condition, fur needs a brushing, $10

Large size (a little below 13 inches) Hugs Bear plush from the 1980s
[pictures coming soon!]
Good condition, but the eyes might be a little yellowed (honestly, I don't remember if they ever were white, but the bottom part is now definitely not white), the text on the tag has mostly disappeared, and the heart has some paint rub, 10$

Large size (around 13 inches) Wish Bear plush from 1984
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poor condition :( He had a haircut, tag looks quite bad, parts of the text is missing from the heart, and the poor furball had a coffee spill I tried and failed washing out of his fur :( See pictures for details, feel free to ask for more pictures. $2 or free with any other above Care Bears purchase.


Small (around 7,5 inches + 2,5 inches bunny ears) new-wave Cheer Bear with bunny ears (no year on tag, but she's from the 2000s)
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nice condition, would be minty, but there's writing on the tag and a dark scrub patch on nose. $5

you can find more pictures of all of them here:
if you'd like to know further details about any of them, or you'd like to see better pictures, feel free to PM me, I'm happy to answer and help! ^^


Snugglebumms Mama and Papa Brightly. They used to light up, but unfortunately I don't have fitting battieries and can't try out if they still do. Papa has some yellow marks, and seems to have had a haircut. Mama is $15, Papa is $10, $22 for both.
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- Pinkie Cooper dolls: Pepper Parson, Pinkie in Paris, fashion packs
- Moxie Teenz Bijou doll, some Moxie Teenz wigs&clothes
- Bratzillaz Midnight Beach dolls (can be nude and baity)
- Monster High Lorna McNessie, Swim Class Rochelle
- LIV dolls or bodies
- natural colour Pullip bodies or similar-sized Obitsu bodies (x2)
- a new Furby (2012-type, all white or blue with wave pattern)
Please PM me if you have any of these for sale (or if you could buy them), we might just work something out! ^^

SOLD UK Exclusive small (around 6 inches) Trueheart Bear from 1986
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OK condition, but has pale freckles, glitter is partly gone from eyes and heart, tag is a little washed-out, possible partial haircut. $45

SOLD Lady Lovely Locks Bouncy Curl dragon - nice condition, comes with original ribbon but unfortunately without any other accessories. Her hair has been fixed up since these photos were taken, I'll try to post new, better pics soon $8
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SOLD Lady Lovely Locks Silky Pup with collar, but without any other accessories. $8
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SOLD Two poseables (~3 inches) from 1983, Friend and Cheer
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They both have some paint wear on nose, and some "play wear" (darker scrubs) on tails. Friend seems to have some chew marks on left foot and right ear. $3.50 each, $6 for both

SOLD Five miniatures, some have paint rubs, Funshine has a blue ink spot. $5 each.
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The Dollhouse / For sale: Takara Licca doll - SOLD
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:16:24 PM »
I would like to find a new home for this Takara Licca doll I received in a lot. she seems to be the pregnant Licca released in 2001, but with her belly detached.

update: she has arrived in her new home :)

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she doesn't have any clothes or accessories unfortunately, but otherwise she's in good shape I think. she does have some marks on her legs though (a few tiny spots I couldn't scrub off - but they seem to be on the surface - and a few small "needle-holes" - or so they seem).

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Off Topic / Could anyone ID this horsie for me please?
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:03:11 PM »
I have already seen several successful ID threads here, you pony people rock! now I would also like to ask for your ID-help. I found this little cutie at a thrift store, and even though I'd love to know, I unfortunately have no clue who she is...

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she's just a little more than 4 cms long. many thanks for the help in advance! :hug:

Trader & Shipping Support / Quick help needed regarding eBay cases
« on: December 13, 2012, 11:37:52 AM »
I would like to ask for help regarding two cases opened against me on eBay. I feel I am not treated in a fair way, I fear they might have unfair consequences, and I don't know what to do :(

I bought several items from China in late October, two of them (non-ponies) never showed up. as they were on their way for almost 45 days I had to take action and contacted the sellers. one of them told me to wait more, which I couldn't do (as over 45 days I can't take action and won't be able to claim my money back), so I told them I can't (explaining I won't be able to take action by then), and I would like a refund. I also told them that if the items still turn up I'll be happy to pay again. the seller then opened a "Buyer wants to cancel purchase" case against me. the same happened with the other seller, except that the latter didn't advice me to wait more, just opened a case straight away.
my problem is: this thing looks like I am the one who wants a cancellation. the real situation is that I'd be more than happy to have the items instead, and I don't want to cancel anything, it's just that I don't want to be out of money and items, and it seems I'm already out of the latter, and I have to take action not to be out of both (first contact the seller, then open an "Item not received" case. I never had the chance to do the latter). and now I'm afraid if I cancel I will get some kind of warning or strike - for something I don't really feel guilty about.

I contacted eBay Customer Support right ahead (sometime last weekend, either Saturday or Sunday), describing the situation, but they never got back to me :mad: both sellers refunded me already, but I didn't yet react to the cases. one of them expires tomorrow... I wish I asked it here earlier, but I never thought eBay will never send me an answer, by now I only had positive experiences with their Customer Support.

could you please give me an advice on what should I do? should I just go and cancel the cases? if I do, will my reputation suffer because of it? if so, how could I avoid this?

many thanks in advance for your help! :hug:

The Dollhouse / Some doll fakies (MH and Moxie Girls - with pics!)
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:44:12 PM »
I am searching for some possible doll clothes I could use for my Moxie Teenz Tristen (whom I got nude and bald :( ), and for this reason I picked up the habit of looking at doll auctions on a local auction site. I noticed these girls among the recommended auctions, and I thought I'd just share some photos ^^

"Monster Club" dolls :P

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sadly, none of them seems articulated :/ I am wondering about the quality (just look at the thighs)...
(they go for around $10-15, depending on doll and seller)
do all the blue-boxed ones really have the same name? XD


"Maxie Girlz" :P

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what's with the fixed-tangled hair? I can only hope it can be tamed. the laptop is pretty much an odd accessory, but maybe that's only me... and where are those "tons of accessories" they promise on the box?
still, I kind of like this second Maxie doll, I'm playing with the thought of getting one (they go for a little less than $10, assuming it's a fakie it distracts me for now, maybe after the holidays).

have you seen these girls yet? what do you think of them? feel encouraged to share other doll fakies' pics as well! :)

back in my university years I used to volunteer for the Natural History Museum of our university, and I loved to work there. whenever there was a related event we went out and offered some fun things for people of all ages. I was the one responsible for the things paleontology-related, and I spent lovely days playing fun fossil games with children, or simply telling strange and/or fun facts about the fossils we took and had on display. that was - and still is - my dream job! not to mention, all the people I worked there with were lovely as well. they loved me too, and everything I did, and was the current situation here different (politically, economically, etc), I think I could have stayed there after I graduated. but here museums have a really hard time nowadays, and they can't even pay their current workers, let alone offering job for others... oh well, I still won't give up on my dream job! maybe someday ^^

two weeks ago there was a huge Earth Sciences day in out National Institute of Geology and Geophysics, and I offered help for the old days' sake. I would have gone to see the event anyways, but it was even more lovely to work there again! everyone and everything was simply lovely there, it really recharged me and also stickied a smile on my face for days.
this Monday the head museum pedagogist called me and told me she got some presents - 3 minerals - from the organiser of a previous event, and she wanted to give them to the best 3 volunteers she had, with me being one of them.  :blink: :blush: so yesterday I visited them after work, and I came home with this:

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Baby Yoyo: oh wow! what's this huge block of glass?
me: it's not glass, it's a mineral.
BY: a mineral? *.*
me: yes. an Iceland spar, to be more specific. it's a transparent variety of calcite, and it can show double refraction.
BY: double what? O.O
me: well, it's... huh, I'd better show than try to explain it  ^^; here you go! your eyes got doubled. see?

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BY: weee! that's funny! (...) Baby Yoyo has an idea! ^^

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BY: *scribes* look! it will finish my name!

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me: it indeed did, lol! :lol:

the Iceland spar now stays on my desk to make me smile and remember those good times, and also to remind me never to give up hope on my dream job :)

Pony Brag Arena / Last week's family reunions
« on: November 27, 2012, 05:56:35 AM »
I bought a pony lot about two weeks ago, and it arrived sometime last week. I was rather excited about it, as it included some ponies I wanted to have for so long, it was such a lucky selection ^^

one pony in the lot was Tender Families Sunsparkle, who I was especially excited and happy about because I already had a Baby Sunbeam who loked so alone and afraid... but now she finally has her Mommy back  :heart:

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thanks to this lot, another family reunion could take place, but here I was missing the baby.
once upon a time there was a Mommy and Daddy Sweet Celebrations who arrived to me from the same seller, babyless :( they seemed to miss their child, and were happy to adopt my BBE Baby Cuddles (I see they tend to do this at others too ^^ ), and later some other little ponies too, even a newborn unicorn ^^

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last week someone special arrived in a box:

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baby girl Sweet Celebrations! :hearts: the parents were so happy to see their daughter ^^
here's the family together ^^

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she arrived with Mommy Apple Delight as a foster mom, which means another family that will have to be completed - I love families, but I didn't have any other ponies from these sets before, so I don't yet have any other members of the AD family either.

and another family brag: not from the above lot, but last week I got a baby Cotton Candy, and my CC was happy to see her :)

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there was a G3 in the lot too: Precious Gem, who is my very first "casual" G3! by now I only had two non-usual G3s (Twinkle Twirl III and Glitter Glide), but I have been wanting this girl for so long - those curls are stunning! and I also love her colours very much. I was happy to see her curls are in pretty nice condition, but her tail is a little strange, it's only one (compared to her mass of hair) thin line of curls. I have yet to figure out how to clean and/or brush her to save her curls :lookround:

The Dollhouse / Help me identify and PC this Steffi Love doll, please!
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:25:02 AM »
I got this doll in a lot, but I don't collect dolls, so I plan to re-sell her, and for a possible better sale I would like to know who she exactly is, and what she is worth.

she came in a diver outfit obviously not hers (it says Barbie :P ), and as she has no date on her (she only has "Made in China" written on her back and "Simba-Toys Steffi Love on the back of her head), so the main identifying point might be her strangely bending waist: if you turn her at the waist she's not staying in axis, because the line is... how should I say this... diagonal? I hope the photos speak better :P
she had her hair up like this, with this exact pink rubber band (don't know if it's her original, might be), and she also had it braided and than tied again at the bottom - this latter wasn't like this originally I suppose).
here are some pictures of her and the outfit she came in (sorry for the bad quality, I will try to borrow my boyfriend's phone to take better ones if necessary):

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she is overall in good condition. her hair is a little dry at the ends, she has bruises on her right arm, and she has some small dark surface dirt here and there that might come off.

does anyone know who she is, when she was produced and how much she's worth? I would love to know the same regarding the outfit too (it has some pulled lines on the back side because the velcro got into them :/ otherwise good condition ).
also, if anyone here is interested in her (with or without outfit, or possibly even just the latter), I am more than happy to offer her for sale or trade here!

Pony Corral / Misleading pony auctions - what are your thoughts on them?
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:54:54 AM »
yesterday I was browsing an auction site searching for ponies, and I came across an auction that left me a little annoyed. it never said it's MLP, the brand name itself can't be found in the title, nor in the description, but it does say
"Pony family, 3 ponies, original, not Chinese"
in the title, and it punctuates this in the description as well, like the main information that the seller can give on the ponies is that they are originals, and of course they aren't Chinese. which is at the same time funny and annoying, because, one: originals (well, most of them) are indeed Chinese, and two: these are the ponies:

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originals, huh? :whoa: well, ok, they must be original somethings :P

first I was about to write to the seller, stating these two things I mentioned here (of course not in a scolding way, just offering help), but in the end I didn't. maybe they didn't do it on purpose, who am I to judge, but still, they mislead potential buyers, and I hate that. they can't mislead me here, it's not what annoys me, but I'm sure there are many who can easily be mislead when it comes to ponies. and the fact that they may not only cause annoyance and anger, but possibly disappointment and sadness (to children for instance, for whom the buyer buys the "thought to be original" ponies). and I notice this (again, on purpose or not) misleading is really common when it comes to pony auctions.

what are your thoughts on such pony auctions? do they annoy you, or do they just give you a good laugh? do you contact the seller if you see something like this? or do you just report the auction?

I have got this game from a friend who knows I love frogs, she got it second hand in a shop. I'm sure it's a nice game, but dang, the instrucions are missing :huh: problem though, it's 2012, the internet rules the world, it must be online somewhere - at least that's what I thought, but boy, was I wrong! it's nowhere to be found, I can't even find info on the game in general, let alone the instructions :( I even tried to look up the manufacturer to get some contact info where I could possibly ask for official help, but they aren't spread over the web either, and I couldn't find any way to contact them... (even though there may be some possibly more accurate places for asking info on board games) I thought I would like to ask fellow Arena members for help first ^.^ do you happen to know or even have this game? if you do, could you tell me how to play it? I would love to try it out, but from what is written on the back side of the box I just couldn't figure out the rules :huh:

here is some info on the game for those who might know or have played it but don't remember it by the name:
- Croaker Poker - The Frantic Game of Gribbit and Grabbit
- 3-6 Players
- Age 8 - Adult
- manufactured by Paul Lamond Games
- it comes in a green-blue box just a little smaller in size than an A4 sheet of paper, it has the artwork of 3 frogs playing poker
- it includes the following: a plastic toy frog; a water lily leaf; a dice with only one spot on each side, but they are of different colours; little small discs, one of each of the colours on the dice; loads of little paper sheets, each having the drawing of a frog in one of the aforementioned colours; a pack of cards with either the picture of frogs and a number, just one black and white frog, or instructions such as "Give a Disc", "Steal a Disc" or "Ribbit".

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is there anyone to whom this game sounds familiar? many thanks in advance for any little bit of info or help! :hug:

Off Topic / Happy Birthday hyenacub! ^^
« on: October 30, 2012, 01:00:26 PM »
wishing you a Happy Birthday, cubbie! I hope you have a day full of ponies and other things you love!
:party: :tort: :party:

[Birthday Sticky - kaoskat 10-30-2012]

Pony Corral / Rehairing Beachcomber - hair colour advice needed
« on: October 07, 2012, 02:33:10 PM »
I am planning to rehair my Beachcomber (the rasta girl, if someone remembers her :P I have been planning to rehair her for awhile but never actually got there...) and I would like to get her new hair from Dollyhair, but I realised I don't know what her exact hair colour is... I don't think doing a comparison to my other blue-haired girls would work, as I doubt her more-than-worn hair still has its original colour. could someone please help me in identifying the colour I should use?

many thanks in advance!

Pony Brag Arena / Early September brags, posted a little late
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:17:31 AM »
hi there!

I wanted to show you my new girls for ages, but never managed to... I got them all in early September.
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the two G2s and the newborn unicorn (no clue whether she's Jebber or Jabber >_< sadly the seller didn't own her twin) came together. the 2 Princesses came together too.
Fluttershy is my very first G4. I guess she grew on me. she was less than a dollar, I just couldn't leave here there. she seems to have found her place on my boyfriend's keyboards (currently used by me, as my piano is still at my father's house as we don't have enough place for it here :( ) :biggrin:

I'm the happiest about the two babies :) I can't stop smiling at them  :lovey:

Pony Corral / GBA game The Runaway Rainbow - would you recommend it?
« on: September 26, 2012, 02:44:31 PM »
hi there,

I have been thinking about this game for awhile. I have known about its existence for some time, have even watched some youtube videos on its gameplay, but so far I couldn't really decide if I want to try it out or not. the pros are I like RPGs for GameBoy, and I might just like a pony-based one even more, but cons are I'm not a big fan of G3, even less of its cartoon style. now I think if I stumble upon a good deal on it I will give it a go, but having these bipolar feelings that should be a real bargain... maybe if I knew it's something worth buying it would be easier.
is there anyone who tried it, played with it, loved it, hated it, etc? could you please share your thoughts and experience? they might help me decide ^^

many thanks,

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