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Topics - reanna-mator

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Pony Corral / Dr. Hooves thinks it's time for a party!
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:29:01 AM »
So I picked up the Rainbow ponies mini set today! By the way, this set brings me up to 800 ponies! :O)

On another note, not only am I still loving that "Dr. Hooves" is canon, but the blurb on the package cracks me up: "Dr. Hooves thinks it's time for a party, and DJ Pon-3 can't wait to play everybody's favorite music. Together, the ponies celebrate with special rainbow decorations!"

I got to thinking why Dr. Hooves might feel the need to have a rainbow-themed party. I suppose that depends on whether or not he's the Doctor, a pony version of the Doctor... or just a stallion named Doctor Hooves.

1) He's attempting to expose aliens that are seeking to steal all of Equestria's color.

2) Due to a strange accident involving the Everfree Death Ray, he temporarily has streaks on his body and mane and he's throwing the party to cover it up. Over-elaborate much, Doctor?

3) He is just a stallion named Dr. Hooves and his hourglass symbol means he knows the perfect timing for anything. Hence, he knows exactly when it's time for a party.

Add your own speculations-- or don't. :) I know not everyone is keen on the Doctor Hooves name and I want to see the full range of ideas that include him being or not being a time traveling alien pony. :P Go nuts!

Pony Corral / Poor Posey! (bad dye job)
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:35:36 PM »
So, I just received a LOVELY UK NSS Posey. Well, she seems lovely. At least for the most part her body is perfect, her paint is great, but her hair has an issue: it seems to have been repinked sloppily.

The color, at least, looks natural. It looks how a Posey's hair might look, slightly faded. But the dye seems to have seeped in around the tail, so there are streaks of dark pink at the base of her tail and a ring of pink that looks to be staining around the washer. There's even pink pindot around her eyes and lips!

The listing included this phrase: "There is some dirt on the face (possibly make-up?), a pink pen mark around the base of the tail" and the seller themselves isn't a collector so I couldn't have expected them to know what was going on.

I don't really plan on making a fuss about it as I didn't pay a huge amount for her anyway and I'm not opposed to repinking as long as they're well done. It's just that this restoration was not very well done, but as long as I can fix it okay, no harm done.

The pindot is easy enough to take care of, probably... but the staining around the tail might just require hiding with a ribbon or other accessory. But just in case, any of you have any ideas?

Pony Corral / Oakley on Craigslist in Rockford IL
« on: November 25, 2013, 07:10:31 AM »
I thought I would let everyone know about this... There's a list with mostly fakies and G3 McDs for sale from Rockford IL on Craigslist... but it also contains OAKLEY and the seller is asking only $25.

I desperately wish I could get it myself, but I don't drive so it's out of the question for me. But if there's someone in the area who would be interested who would like to get their hands on it, I just thought they should know about it. :) It's a pretty good opportunity. I'm not sure if I can post the link, but I'd rather she'd go to a collector, not to a thrift store or even worse, thrown out if no one buys.

Pony Corral / My Little Pony storybooks! -- your favorite?
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:38:13 AM »
So, having already amassed a small collection of pony jigsaws, I've also had a passing interest in MLP storybooks, and it's picking up lately. I'd like to start working on a proper collection of G1 books. At the moment, I just have My Little Pony at the County Fair and My Little Pony Makes a Wish... and I just picked up Baby Firefly's Adventure on eBay.

Is there a definitive list of the books that came out? Also, if you have a favorite MLP storybook, which is it and why? The story? The characters featured? The artwork?

I'm also interested in the Annuals. When did they start being published?

Pony Corral / Toy store cuteness!
« on: November 19, 2013, 04:00:53 AM »
So, I headed in to TRU to see how I can take advantage of the BOGO this week, and of course there were plenty of shoppers today, as the holidays are on their way. But one group of shoppers really melted my heart. A mom was pushing her very young daughter in a cart, with her son who looked a bit older toddling ahead of them.

As they decided who they didn't have yet, she gave her daughter the giant Fluttershy plush to cuddle while the boy charged over to the Equestria Girls toys, just as excited as his sister.

Boy: "It's Principal Celestia! And Principal Luna!"
Mom: "It is! Do you see Trixie?" *actually pointing to Nightmare Moon*
Boy: "Whoooa!" *pushes button on the toy*

By the time the mom and her daughter had finished identifying the Littlest Newborn characters, I was standing there in the back of the aisle with this big silly smile on my face.

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I ended up just getting a couple blind bags I didn't have yet. :) I originally had picked up the last Applejack brushable, but after making small talk with a different mom who was looking for an Applejack for her daughter, I passed it over to her. I'll get a second G4 Applejack one day.
So I got Lily Valley and Apple Stars instead!

Walking up to the checkout made me realize I may be in the store too much. Two employees pointed to me:
"There's our pony girl!"
"She's one of our regular customers who comes in here and buys ponies. She works at Best Buy."


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The whole trip made me feel so warm and fuzzy that I wanted to share it all with you guys.  :lovey: Now it's your turn... I want to hear your happiest, sweetest pony shopping stories!

Pony Corral / G4 accessories at Claires!
« on: November 15, 2013, 10:04:57 AM »
I may be a bit behind the times here, but I was walking through the mall and saw a glint of pony while looking through the windows at Claires. The store isn't usually my kind of thing but I saw that they have the small Aurora plushies there. There's also some of the lip gloss, all sorts of cute necklaces (including two-piece "best friend" necklaces!), earrings and bracelets and such. I think there was also a small locking journal.

I picked up a pair of Princess Twilight Sparkle earrings to go with my fanmade pendant of Twilight's cutie mark. :) Just a heads up if you like adorning yourself with ponies.

Pony Corral / Repairing back of Rock a Bye Bed
« on: October 22, 2013, 05:23:33 AM »
Okay, I need some ideas from you guys. :)

I recently got the Rock a Bye Bed, and most of the accessories, on eBay. The bed itself is in okay shape apart from a large crack in the back. But also, the piece which holds the cute picture disc to the headboard is missing, and I can't figure out how to fasten it on while still being able to turn it. I suppose I could try to fashion some kind of pin but I'd rather not glue anything, as that's pretty hard to reverse.

It could very well be that there's an obvious solution to this that I'm not seeing. Anyone have any ideas? I would really appreciate them. :)

Pony Brag Arena / G1s at Savers, inc Taffy and Satin n Lace! :O
« on: October 18, 2013, 05:40:28 AM »
Apparently I did something to please the pony gods lately. I walked into Savers and the doll section looked rather picked over. I didn't have much hope.

But as I neared it, ON THE FLOOR was a bag full of G1s (and a couple fakies)! And I couldn't believe what was inside. I actually feel a little bad for only paying $5 for all these:

CC Cotton Candy
Taffy! She's in really nice shape, just a little dirty with crazy hair.
Satin n Lace! Her hair is still fairly pink
Lavender Lace, with a bit of scent left
Tassels-- finally, I have another MGR pony. She has factory curls but they're wild
Truly, in even better shape than Taffy.
Twisty Tail, sadly with a couple mold spots and crimped mane. But her mechanism works!

I was so happy I felt like dancing to and from the grocery store afterward! So don't give up hope of finding G1s at thrift stores, guys! They're still out there, needing caring pony mommies!

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I'll be putting Cotton Candy, Twisty Tail and Truly up for sale, so I'll be working on getting my sales page up again too. :)

Pony Corral / One sided cutie marks on a G1?
« on: October 01, 2013, 05:34:37 AM »
... or symbols, butt marks, whatever you want to call them. :P

I just got Dibbles, and she is really, ridiculously cute. And I got her for a pretty good price, I think, because she's missing her symbol on one side. Now that I've seen it in person, it really is missing. It doesn't look rubbed off; there's no remnants or smears of paint anywhere on her right side.

All the rest of her paint is perfect. Her other symbol and eyes are perfect. Is this a factory error that happens every now and then? If so, can I see more half-blank flanks?

Pony Brag Arena / Completed Rainbow Curl and Sunshine sets! Yay!
« on: September 25, 2013, 09:31:34 AM »
I did it!

Well, I've had these ponies around for a couple weeks but they've been waiting patiently for a light spa treatment while I finished my color swap package. I finally got them all together for a group picture and to bask in the sun on our newly-painted deck. And they look so lovely standing all together that I couldn't help but share!

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I love these girls SO MUCH. I think my adoration for their adorable poses, colors and designs might equal my love of the Candy Cane set!

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Sunshine ponies! Sand Digger was the last to acquire, and I think she might be my favorite.
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They looked so cute standing together that I had to get a close up!

On to the next set! I'm thinking the second set of princesses... I don't have any of those yet!

[stickied 26/9/13 - kiwimlp :) ]
unstickied 28/9/13

Pony Corral / Sea Breeze's new ears!
« on: September 24, 2013, 09:45:15 AM »
So, a little while back I received Tropical Sea Breeze (I'm working on completing the set, just need Tootie Tails now!), and she's nearly PERFECT except for one glaring flaw: her ears have been chewed off! Her hair is super silky and smooth and her paint is nearly immaculate. And I decided it would be fun taking on the task of making her some new ears! So, if you don't mind, tell me what you think before I break out the glue and paint:

Here's the original listing, with her ear-free look.

Yesterday I finally got down to it and sculpted new ones out of model magic, because the stuff air dries and is super light.

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Does the shape look okay? I've never replaced broken off parts of a pony before, apart from create a small "prosthetic" for a chewed off Blossom lip. :P Any advice you guys can give would be super appreciated.

Pony Corral / I think I have food poisoning! Can I see TLC pics?
« on: September 23, 2013, 01:39:34 PM »
I know, right? I was just fine a little while ago... then I ate lunch. Owwww. I'm somewhat stable now; I don't feel like I'm about to die but my stomach feels like it's twisted in a knot and I'm recuperating from being violently ill. I'm going to not eat anything and watch cartoons on the couch. :(

In the meantime, if it's all right with you all, I want to see your best before and after pics of ponies that were in need of serious TLC, all gens! :)

It's not much, but to start us off, here's my work on Glory.

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Pony Corral / Deliberate army omissions! :O
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:56:34 AM »
So, um... I'd like to ask your opinion on something. I've got a pretty sizeable Fluttershy army:

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I want to get them allllll, but I have a problem. I really don't care for the Funko Pop figures. Those blank eyes, and her mouth just looks like a sarcastic grimace instead of a smile to me. XD I like the box art of what the figure is meant to look like so much more than the actual figure. Oddly enough, I LOVE the cupcake figures and snagged the Fluttershy one as soon as I saw her.

And so I can't justify a $10 price tag just to keep my army current. Have you ever done this, leaving out something from an army or character collection because you just didn't care for it. Obviously it's OKAY to not buy something if you don't want it, but have any of you ever looked at something and gone "meh," but still kind of felt like you should have it? XD

Pony Brag Arena / My dad came through at a garage sale again!
« on: September 23, 2013, 07:28:57 AM »
Pardon my absence. >.< My husband and I's first anniversary was beautiful, fun and enjoyable chaos. But I received a lovely surprise upon arriving at my parents' house!

When I expressed my love of ponies to my parents a couple years back, they actually got interested, and now when I return home there are usually a couple ponies waiting for me that my dad found at garage sales. It's all been G3/3.5 and fakies, though once he managed to find a McDonald's G2 Sundance. :P

This time, though, I went into me and my husband's guest room to be greeted by Quackers! :D She's in really well-loved condition-- lots of spots and marks, some symbol rub, tail cut and her eyes are quite bashed up. Also, she doesn't stand properly and her plastic is quite hard. But I think she's cleaning up nicely, so later today I'll post my before and after pics!

I just want to give a shoutout to my awesome pony finding dad! Quackers is on the table right now with freshly cleaned hair and a small bottle between her legs in the hopes that it'll be adjusted close to her original pose.

[moving to Brags ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Pony Corral / G1 ponies in MLP Micro Series #8!
« on: September 11, 2013, 05:17:06 PM »
... I had to zoom over here to let you know. I couldn't even finish the comic because I was so excited!

First, Gusty appeared using her magic with Princess Celestia.

Now, in a flashback scene, we've seen baby Glory, Surprise, Firefly, bow Tie, Seashell and Bubbles! I'm so giddy at seeing G1s in the FiM comic! X3

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