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Topics - Eviecorn

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Off Topic / **The Official Arena Q&A Thread, V. 1**
« on: April 29, 2012, 10:04:04 PM »
Welcome to the official Arena Off Topic Q & A Thread!

The rules are simple:  first person asks a question, the next person answers said question.  That person also gets to ask a question, which the next person will answer and leave a question, and so on and so forth.

Please keep it friendly, let everyone have a turn, and most importantly have fun.

I'll start with a question:

What kind of tree are you?

Off Topic / Answer a question with a question?
« on: April 13, 2012, 08:24:56 AM »
(The rules are in the title, is that not obvious?)
Are you up for the challenge of keeping this thread going?

Customs / Sweet Breezes (Mash Up Swap for Summer-blade)
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:20:39 PM »
Here's the Mash Up Swap pony I made for Summer-blade!  Her ponies included High Flier, Windy and Sherbet.  I chose Twilight Twinkle for her base because of her color and pose (close to Sherbet's).  The symbols are an amalgamation of Windy and High Flier's, complete with glittery wind.  The hair was inspired by High Flier, but with rainbow pony streaks throughout (thanks again cookhuman and Whoa1234 for the hair :heart:)

I tried curling for the first time here.  I was going for ringlets, but ... that didn't work out!  Her hair is also scented though - as a nod to Sherbet.  :)

Without much further ado, the pics!

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I think she's one of my best to date.  I'm so glad you like her, summer-blade!  :hug:  It was a pleasure!

Customs / Shout Block Rules and Etiquette (Please Read!)
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:37:12 PM »

Hello friends!

Recently we regained our exciting Shoutbox.  This tool may be new to some of our more recently joined members, and as so, we need to take a minute to introduce those members (and remind others) to proper etiquette in the Shoutbox.

We make the Shoutbox available for fun, light-hearted quick comments between members and the community.  We have, however, noticed that some conversation recently that steers away from the lightness, and some members are also being a little eager to post repeatedly.  We understand that it's fun and tempting, but here are some important guidelines for proper Shoutbox use:

-Do keep the conversation fun!  A quick grumble is acceptable, but for longer, drawn-out complaints, please post in the appropriate forum (What's Your Problem, for example) or PM a moderator.

-Do let others have an opportunity to speak.  Please do not "flood" the Shoutbox (ie. post more than 3 times in a row, or post excessively long comments.)

-Do make sure your comments fit within the community content and language guidelines; the PG-13 rule applies in the Shoutbox just as much as it does anywhere else on this site.

-Do be respectful to other members.  If there is an issue of rudeness in the Shoutbox that a mod or admin does not catch, contact us.  Mini-modding is not tolerated in the Shoutbox as well as on the forum.

If you cannot use the Shoutbox in a way that fits within our guidelines, your Shoutbox privileges can be removed.  Repeated violations of Shoutbox etiquette will result in a Shoutbox suspension.

Thank you all for your time!  :lovey:

-Your friendly mod and admin team at MLP Arena

(x-posted to PC, OT, Customs, and Dollhouse)

The Dollhouse / Shout Block Rules and Etiquette (Please Read!)
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:36:51 PM »

Hello friends!

Recently we regained our exciting Shoutbox.  This tool may be new to some of our more recently joined members, and as so, we need to take a minute to introduce those members (and remind others) to proper etiquette in the Shoutbox.

We make the Shoutbox available for fun, light-hearted quick comments between members and the community.  We have, however, noticed that some conversation recently that steers away from the lightness, and some members are also being a little eager to post repeatedly.  We understand that it's fun and tempting, but here are some important guidelines for proper Shoutbox use:

-Do keep the conversation fun!  A quick grumble is acceptable, but for longer, drawn-out complaints, please post in the appropriate forum (What's Your Problem, for example) or PM a moderator.

-Do let others have an opportunity to speak.  Please do not "flood" the Shoutbox (ie. post more than 3 times in a row, or post excessively long comments.)

-Do make sure your comments fit within the community content and language guidelines; the PG-13 rule applies in the Shoutbox just as much as it does anywhere else on this site.

-Do be respectful to other members.  If there is an issue of rudeness in the Shoutbox that a mod or admin does not catch, contact us.  Mini-modding is not tolerated in the Shoutbox as well as on the forum.

If you cannot use the Shoutbox in a way that fits within our guidelines, your Shoutbox privileges can be removed.  Repeated violations of Shoutbox etiquette will result in a Shoutbox suspension.

Thank you all for your time!  :lovey:

-Your friendly mod and admin team at MLP Arena

(x-posted to PC, OT, Customs, and Dollhouse)

Hello friends!

Recently we regained our exciting Shoutbox.  This tool may be new to some of our more recently joined members, and as so, we need to take a minute to introduce those members (and remind others) to proper etiquette in the Shoutbox.

We make the Shoutbox available for fun, light-hearted quick comments between members and the community.  We have, however, noticed that some conversation recently that steers away from the lightness, and some members are also being a little eager to post repeatedly.  We understand that it's fun and tempting, but here are some important guidelines for proper Shoutbox use:

-Do keep the conversation fun!  A quick grumble is acceptable, but for longer, drawn-out complaints, please post in the appropriate forum (What's Your Problem, for example) or PM a moderator.

-Do let others have an opportunity to speak.  Please do not "flood" the Shoutbox (ie. post more than 2 times in a row, or post excessively long comments.) [changed from 3 posts to 2 posts as of February 08, 2013.]

-Do make sure your comments fit within the community content and language guidelines; the PG-13 rule applies in the Shoutbox just as much as it does anywhere else on this site.

-Do be respectful to other members.  If there is an issue of rudeness in the Shoutbox that a mod or admin does not catch, contact us.  Mini-modding is not tolerated in the Shoutbox as well as on the forum.

If you cannot use the Shoutbox in a way that fits within our guidelines, your Shoutbox privileges can be removed.   Repeated violations of Shoutbox etiquette will result in a Shoutbox suspension.

Thank you all for your time!  :lovey:

-Your friendly mod and admin team at MLP Arena

(x-posted to PC, OT, Customs, and Dollhouse)

Off Topic / Shout Block Rules and Etiquette (Please Read!)
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:35:50 PM »
Hello friends!

Recently we regained our exciting Shoutbox.  This tool may be new to some of our more recently joined members, and as so, we need to take a minute to introduce those members (and remind others) to proper etiquette in the Shoutbox.

We make the Shoutbox available for fun, light-hearted quick comments between members and the community.  We have, however, noticed that some conversation recently that steers away from the lightness, and some members are also being a little eager to post repeatedly.  We understand that it's fun and tempting, but here are some important guidelines for proper Shoutbox use:

-Do keep the conversation fun!  A quick grumble is acceptable, but for longer, drawn-out complaints, please post in the appropriate forum (What's Your Problem, for example) or PM a moderator.

-Do let others have an opportunity to speak.  Please do not "flood" the Shoutbox (ie. post more than 2 times in a row, or post excessively long comments.) (Rule amended 2/8/13)

-Do make sure your comments fit within the community content and language guidelines; the PG-13 rule applies in the Shoutbox just as much as it does anywhere else on this site.

-Do be respectful to other members.  If there is an issue of rudeness in the Shoutbox that a mod or admin does not catch, contact us.  Mini-modding is not tolerated in the Shoutbox as well as on the forum.

If you cannot use the Shoutbox in a way that fits within our guidelines, your Shoutbox privileges can be removed.  Repeated violations of Shoutbox etiquette will result in a Shoutbox suspension.

Thank you all for your time!  :lovey:

-Your friendly mod and admin team at MLP Arena

(x-posted to PC, OT, Customs, and Dollhouse)

Off Topic / The Storytelling Game Thread!
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:09:09 AM »
I thought we could play a little game to liven things up in here!  The game is exactly how it sounds - it's all about story telling.  You've probably played this in some form or fashion before.

Base Rules:
1. Keep the storyline going!  Don't backpedal.  No flashbacks.  Keep it moving forward.
2. On your turn, you must write at least 3 sentences, but no more than 5.  Don't be a story hog.  Try to leave the end of your turn pretty open-ended so that the next person has something to work with.
3.  Don't change character names!  Otherwise, anything else goes!  Make it as ridiculous as you want.
4. Of course, keep it Arena appropriate. ;)
I'll start!
*clears throat*
One day, on an ideal summer afternoon, a puppy poked his head out from underneath the cool porch.  A peculiar scent entered his nostrils and filled him with curiosity.  He studied the front yard, sniffing fervently; suddenly, something called his eyes to the house across the street.

This topic has been moved to Pony Corral.,288530.0.html

Customs / Hearty Clay
« on: February 24, 2012, 07:32:14 AM »
Does anyone use Hearty Clay for sculpting on ponies?  It's soft texture appeals to me, and as a general rule I don't use clays I have to bake, so the air drying aspect goes along with what I use (I currently use Magic Sculpt).

I'm thinking about ordering some and trying it regardless.  Any input?

Off Topic / Who's the Baddest of the Bad Disney Villains?
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:10:24 AM »
This was a conversation brewing in the chat box which seemed to deserve its own poll.

Disney villains seem to fall into several categories.  Some are motivated by a goal, some exemplify something negative about human nature which causes them to antagonize or harm someone else, and some are just pure polar evil through and through.

So people, who's your pick for the Baddest of the Bad?  Of course, if your choice isn't listed, or if you can't pick just one, comment below!

Off Topic / MOVED: Loss of a Beloved Pet
« on: February 10, 2012, 09:01:42 PM »

Off Topic / Ideas for School Fundraiser
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:59:45 AM »
Hey clever pony people!  That's right.  I'm calling you clever.  I want some of your ideas.
I'm the yearbook advisor at my school and, long story short, we have a large past-due balance on our account.  Sales of books and ads just aren't picking up, so we need to think outside the box for ideas.

We've been doing bake sales, paid group candids, etc. but it's not drumming up a terribly huge amount of funds.  We need something new, interesting, big, but not expensive to put on.  Do you guys have any exciting and profitable fundraisers you remember from school/work/volunteering that would be easy to do with high school students?

Thanks in advance!  :lovey:

Wanted! / Eviecorn's Big-Boy Wantlist!
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:13:38 PM »
I'm sure this will be updated several times.

If you have these for sale, feel free to PM me. I can't buy ponies willy-nilly, but when I do have disposable income I can purchase a few. I will also trade artwork and customs!

I'm not a stickler on accessories or extreme minty quality unless mentioned, but I'd like to get ponies with no serious issues (like mold, cancer, regrind, or chews.) Hair loss is okay if the body is excellent.

:whoa:  First: Surprise Army!  :whoa:

I will NEVER turn down a Surprise.  NEVER.  Give them ALL to me.  I want a giant army of chartreuse-haired ponies.

MINT or NEAR-MINT So Soft (I need a nicer one)
All 3 Argie Variants
Italian Surprise
Pearized Baby Surprise
Mexican Baby Surprise

Boy Pony Harem (accessories would be a plus, but not required) ... really, any boy ponies are welcome to my herd.
Ribbs wanted very badly!
ANY of the MBs, especially Lightning and Tornado! - as of 6/8, I am actively looking to buy these for serious.

Other G1s
ALL Glow N' Show Ponies. I have none, and I want to collect the whole lot of 'em.
Sea Flower
Sea Breeze
Rain Curl
Flower Dream SHS
Baby Lucky Leaf and Baby Leafy oh squeal!
Gusty - a nice SS or otherwise.  I'll never turn down a Gusty!
Baby Splash
Honeycomb and Baby Honeycomb wanted VERY badly.
Rollerskates Ponies - Jazzie, Hip-Hop and Melodie
SS Truly
TAF Night Glider
TAF Munchy
Baby Applejack
NBBE Baby Ribbon wanted VERY badly!
font=verdana]All Rainbow Babies and Playtime Brothers

Argie Pequitas
Argie Gusty
Argie North Star
Argie Truly
Brazil Milky Way
White Colombian Applejack

HM Great Romance
HM Star
Wing Song (with accessories)
Globe Trotter (WITH ACCESSORIES)- I REALLY, REALLY want this bad boy.
Hip Holly
Copper Glow
Diamond Glow
Golden Glow

G3's (mint/near mint please)
Sunny Salsa
Sunshine Blossom
Tropical Surprise (not clone pose)
Morning Glory
Morning Monarch
Velvet Bow
... and any G3 that you may know of with bright green/chartreuse hair!
I also really love Sunrise Song, customs of her, etc.  I have two of her but I certainly won't turn more down!

Cheerilee with bangs
Male blind bag ponies
Any Rarity!  I really love her.

Monster High Wants
I'll take any wave, any version, with or without box:

Create a Monster Kits (Cat, Gargoyle parts preferred)
Any and all clothes and shoes! I am in DESPERATE WANT of MH shoes/clothes.

Swap Extras

As far as candy goes, please note that I am a strict vegetarian and I have an egg allergy.  Please don't include anything that contains gelatin or eggs.  I like most types of candy, though, except marshmallowy things.

I also collect shot glasses, charms, funky jewelry, anything with an otter on it, any other unicorns, Munnies and Dunnies (pretty much any Kid Robot figure), kitschy cute things in general, art nouveau posters and postcards, and classic video game things.

I always like art supplies.  I'm always in need of bait ponies, airbrush paints, Dollyhair, and twist ties/zip ties.

Customs / Ponies on Vacation Swap! **All shipped!**
« on: January 30, 2012, 01:14:03 PM »
**Shipping date has passed.  If you have not contacted me,  you need to do so immediately!**
Okay, so it's just about February, and it's most likely dreary where you are (unless you're in Aussie/NZ of course, haha.)  Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing, guys!  I'm here, depressed and gloomy, wishing I was on vacation.

Well, even if we can't go on vacation right now, who says our ponies can't?  :cool:

Ponies on Vacation Swap!
This would either be a persona-based or favorite Hasbro pony-based swap, whatever you prefer.  You'd need to list two ponies that your partner could choose from (either two personas, one persona and one Hasbro, or two Hasbro.)  G3 is the default generation, but due to popular demand, you can also sign up to receive a G4 if your partner is willing to make one!

The whole point is to depict the custom pony as if it's on vacation.  This can mean many different things.   Do you wish you were on the beach, perfecting your tan and sipping daiquiris?  Or do you want to be scuba diving off the coast of Tahiti?  Or are you a Paris lover and want to be soaking up some culture in the City of Lights?  How about a safari?  A cruise around Alaska?  Whatever floats your boat - your pony is going to be doing it!

Sign-ups: February 20-March 13
Partners Assigned and Notified: March 14th
Check-in 1: April 1st by 11:00 PM EST
Check-in 2 (Photo Check-in): April 15th by 11:00 PM EST
Shipping Deadline:May 4th (you must send in a photo and get approval before you ship!)
Absolute shipping deadline is May 7th.


1. You must be 16 years or older, according to Arena rules.
2. You must be an active member.  I need to not have a problem getting a response from you via PM.  This swap is open to members who have been here at least 3 months and have at least 50 posts.
3. You must be able to prove that you are reliable.  You should be able to provide at least 3 feedbacks, and your total feedback should be positive.  At least one feedback needs to involve some sort of swap or trade.  Feedback should come from the Arena or the TP; Ebay only works if you're stuck for a third feedback.
4. You must have knowledge of customizing.  Please be able to show me at least two examples of finished customs. 
5. You MUST ship on time.  I understand that real life problems come up, but it is your responsibility to contact me so that I'm aware of the problem and so I can make arrangements.
5a. Proper shipping is your responsibility.  Please package your customs very well.  No colored tissue paper/newsprint which could rub off on the custom.
6. Keep your partner a secret!  Don't tell anyone and risk spoiling the surprise.  You don't know who talks to who, so please don't tell anyone, even your bff.
7. If you do not check in, you cannot send or receive a pony.
8. Extras are not mandatory, but as this is a swap, you're definitely allowed to include them.  Just remember that the pony should be the centerpiece.

This swap is a G3 swap, unless you specify that you want to receive a G4 (or don't care either way.)


1. Eviecorn (completed, shipped, pony received!),296231.0.html
2. pantherchild (completed, shipped, pony received!),297359.0.html
3. xSexyWafflesx (completed, shipped)
4. KiwiSquirtBottle (completed, shipped)
5. Ellis1342 (completed, shipped, pony received!),
6. Saja (completed, shipped, pony received!),295409.0.html
7. Salli (completed, shipped, pony received!),295439.0.html
8. red_velvet_rose (completed, shipped, pony received!),297107.0.html

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