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Topics - Rachel-Eyes

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Pony Corral / Fakie baby?
« on: July 24, 2012, 02:58:44 PM »
Does anyone recognize this fakie baby? She's definitely a CPK knockoff and something about her screams early '90s to me.

She also has little horseshoes on the bottoms of her hooves, but my camera was blurring it.

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Thanks all who can help.

ETA: Hey! This is my 1000th post! :frolic:

Pony Corral / Cleaning one of those vintage CP plushies?
« on: July 19, 2012, 05:20:12 PM »
I picked up a Firefly plushie today at a thrift store and her body is nice, but good lord that hair! It's full of something white and fuzzy- my first thought is dryer lint, but it's still really gross! Plus her tail is braided, so I know I'm looking at a big mess.

How can I clean it? Is it just like a regular pony, or is there a process I should follow?

Off Topic / Anyone here do Zumba?
« on: July 13, 2012, 02:08:31 PM »
This summer has sort of been about health and weight loss for me... so far, I haven't lost any pounds but I have lost inches so I'm pretty happy.  :accomplished: I've also become a vegetarian and will have kept it up for 3 weeks as of tomorrow!

I was just wondering about starting a Zumba thread. I just started a while ago and have only been to 4 classes so far, but just in that amount of time I feel like I'm picking it up and I feel like it's helping me in my journey. It's just too much fun! The place where I do it has black lights and disco balls and lots of colored light, so it feels like one big party.

I can't say I'm always a fan of the music they play though. I like the Latin stuff but most pop music just makes my ears bleed and shows up on the annoying songs thread.  :P But yesterday, we did do Proud Mary and it made my day.

Who else here does Zumba? Do you do it for weight loss, or just for fun? Do you think it's helped?

Pony Corral / Can I please see some video of your collection?
« on: July 06, 2012, 04:05:59 PM »
I love watching videos of people showing off their collection, so for my "one year pony-versary" I am in the middle of making one myself.

Can I see yours?

I just love hearing people talk about their collections and seeing how proud they are of them.  :sunny:

MLP Nirvana / Question about Spanish Dancing Butterflies
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:36:11 PM »
I usually stay away from Nirvanas because they are often so out of my price range, and for the longest time I wouldn't even let myself look at them because I knew I would be tempted. Of course, I caved and looked through a few pictures just to see what kind of variety they had.

I told myself I wouldn't do it, but I fell in love with Spanish Dancing Butterflies. Seeing her in the Surprise pose just stole my heart away.

At this time, I have no plans to buy her, but my curiosity is whetted.

About how much does she cost? Is she one of the super rare ones? As of yet I really don't have any intention of buying her, but I still really want to know because if she does turn out to be affordable, I might look into her... might.

Also, it's my understanding that she's almost exactly the same as the Brazillian Dancing Butterflies, just without the butterfly on the forehead? Is that one generally more or less?

Pony Brag Arena / Couple of brags, some of them late brags
« on: June 17, 2012, 11:18:46 AM »
Hey all. I haven't exactly been around the Arena lately. (I've been trying to be more active and lose weight, so I've been spending less time on the internet. It's mostly just Tumblr activity these days.) But I'm still collecting ponies and yesterday I got pretty lucky!

I went to a wedding yesterday across the state, and the girl who drove wanted to stop in a few stores we don't have back home on our way back.

GPS started freaking out at one point and it led us in a circle. We joked that it was because it knew about a yard sale and sure enough... we found a yard sale.

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She was actually MIB, but I ripped her open because the box was pretty damaged and I was alright with just having a minty G3. Plus I got all of her accessories! I just can't get over her sweet little bonnet!

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Also, not pony-related, but I picked this up at this awesome store called Meijers that I've never heard of because we're lame and don't have one.

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I squealed with so much delight when I found her! I'm still relatively new to Monster High and I'm so glad that I'm not only able to finally have a basic, but also a doll that isn't exactly common.

Also, my birthday was last month and my wonderful friend cakfortwo made me this gorgeous custom, Dawnstar. I'm going to go ahead and just link the picture on her Deviantart for the sake of ease.
Cakefortwo usually customizes Monster High dolls, so I'm super grateful that she was nice enough to make me a pony simply because she knows I love ponies. She's such a sweetheart. :heart:

Aaaaaand as if it couldn't get any better than that, I have some even more good news!

After a year of collecting, of constantly refreshing sites like eBay for good deals, of pining and drooling, of doodling her picture in the margins of my class notes, I finally have her.

I finally have my grail.

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I actually cried a little when I took her out of the package and got to hold her in my palms. I finally have my very own Munchy. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her and spent the year paranoid that I would end up spending about $65 for her because I knew she was valued from 40-60, but I really was lucky in that I paid only around $40 for her. It was the most money I've spent on a pony so far, but I don't care. She was my grail. And she's super minty too! No fading, all of the paint is practically perfect, and her hair is quite silky. The description said she was played with briefly but then put away for 20 years and I'm so happy to have found one in such wow shape.

I love her. I love all of these so much. Never have I felt more blessed than I have this past month.


[stickied 18/6/12 - kiwimlp :) ]
unstickied 21/6/12

Sorry that I haven't really been around the Arena lately... I've been spending most of my time on Tumblr. But when I have a seller issue, I can't think of a better place to turn. I have no idea what I should do. I've never had a problem before.

May 13th, two days after my birthday, I signed up for Etsy and bought some sea ponies and a Darlin' Dino with a bit of my birthday money. Sea ponies came in a flash. The description on the DD mentioned that the seller had a full-time job and it often took her up to a week to get her items shipped. I understand things like life, so I let it slide.

9 days go by. I bought the item on a Sunday and I messaged her Tuesday asking when she could ship. She said "thanks for reminding me" and that she was shipping the item "now"... at 11:00 at night. The item was not marked as shipped until Friday.

It's Thursday now, over a week since I've messaged her, and I still don't have my Dino.

I hate to be horrible because I understand being busy and this person has perfect feedback, but I bought it fair and square and it still isn't here.

Should I open a case? I have at least another week to do so. I just hate that it has to come to this because I've never had a buyer or seller issue before. Plus, she would be my second feedback on Etsy and if she negs me, it would bring my feedback to 50%! I have otherwise perfect feedback on eBay and I was hoping everything would be the same on Etsy. With that neg, I would be terrified to buy there.

I just don't know what to do. Should I contact the seller again, or open a case? Or both? My dad is egging me to do both, but I'm wondering if I should wait until tomorrow since it was marked as shipped on a Friday and that would make a week. (Plus with Memorial weekend and everything too...)

It's coming from Utah to Indiana which I understand is a bit of a distance, but still I don't think it should take this long.


What do more experienced people think I should do? I just don't want to be in this position.  :cry:

Customs / Custom Sea Ponies?
« on: May 10, 2012, 12:51:10 PM »
Is there anyone out there who makes them or has made them?

I had a dream about a really cool, but nonexistent gimmicky Sea Pony and I want to make them for real. I'm thinking about sculpting them from scratch though, so I doubt they would still constitute as a "custom," but whatever. I just really want to make them happen!

Can I see some of your Sea Pony customs to get me in the Sea Pony mood?

Off Topic / Darlin' Dinos?
« on: May 09, 2012, 12:26:02 PM »
Does anyone here collect them?

I would love to formally, but I've seen them get expensive on eBay. I did have these figures from childhood though. Even as a kid I always wondered where they came from.
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And I also have this one that I'm cleaning right now. She needed a bit of TLC. I got her from a thrift store for only a nickel and I initially pulled her out of the box because I thought at first that she was a Charmander! I can't figure out what release this would have been though. An ID would be great, if anyone knows anything about them.
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I just think they were such a cute idea for a toy, and it's a shame they didn't last any longer than what they did. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if they were made now, with the whole Monster High thing being so popular and everything, that they probably would have been a little more successful.

Of course, that's more speculation than anything.  :biggrin: The fact that someone made dinosaur dolls at one point just makes me so happy. Not like full-on plastic dinosaurs, but actual dolls. Does anyone else out there like them?

Off Topic / Remco Baby Laugh-A-Lot?
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:19:27 PM »
So today I'm at the antique store when suddenly, wild Baby-Laugh-A-Lot appears!

This doll is just so freakish and oddly cute that I've been watching out for her for quite a while now. I really don't know anything about them except that they came from the '70s, they creepily giggle, and they scare the living crap out of nearly everyone they come in contact with.

I love everything about them.

The one in the store was $25, looked a bit scuffed up from play, and did not appear to still giggle. I'm just wondering if you guys would say that $25 is a good price, considering that I have no idea how much they're really worth. Should I grab it, try to barter, or leave it alone? For $25 I'd rather have a pony or two, but I am considering it if the more experienced people here think it's a good buy.  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / My beloved ponies and me...
« on: April 25, 2012, 04:26:44 PM »
I made a post on Tumblr today, and I thought all of you would be the types to get a kick out of it. :happy:

I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Eels song "My Beloved Monster." It was in the first Shrek movie, so you may have heard it without realizing it. I put it on a mix tape in my car and a while ago, I started singing "my beloved ponies" along with it. It gave me an incredible happiness, and I just had to do this. Here's the original song if you need it to follow along.


My beloved ponies
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and me
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we go everywhere together.
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Wearing a raincoat that has four sleeves
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Gets us through all kinds of weather.
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They will always be the only thing
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that comes between me and the awful sting
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that comes from living in a world that's so d*mning.
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My beloved ponies are tough.
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If they want, they will destroy you.
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But if you lay them down for a kiss
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their little hearts could explode.
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They will always be the only thing
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that comes between me and the awful sting
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that comes from living in a world that's so d*mn-
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And with that, I pose a question to you lovely Arena members.

Are there any songs or certain types of music that remind you of ponies and why collecting them makes you happy? Has anyone else done something like this before?

Pony Corral / Restoring Twinkle Eyes?
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:32:15 PM »
So last night, my package came in the mail. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Whoop whoop!

They are primarily TEs and I know nothing about them, since they are the first ponies I've ever had with that characteristic. They need a bit of some TLC, so I just wanted to check with more experienced peoples about what would be safest.

First of all, would it by chance harm their eyes if I were to wash the pony with soap and water? I open up all of my ponies, especially G1, and some of them are showing signs of rust. I wanted to make sure that they aren't all icky inside, but I don't know how the eyes are secured. Would it hurt the eyes if I lightly scrubbed inside (or outside) the head gently with a toothbrush? Would toothpaste, Dawn dishsoap, or hair conditioner hurt the eyes at all?

Also, I have a Sky Rocket who's eyes have lost their twinkle. Is there a way that I could possibly restore the tarnish? They look pretty scratched up.

Aaaaand sunfading. Would I have to cover the eyes with foil? Is there any risk to leaving them out? Because Gingerbread has turned sort of a musty color and I know I can make her white again with a little effort. =p I'm going to try lightening Sweet Stuff too since her head has discolored.

Pony Corral / What is this G1 cartoon?
« on: April 11, 2012, 11:07:20 PM »
I did not grow up during G1, as I was only born at the tail end of it. Because of this, I don't ever remember watching the cartoon at all, except for a movie we rented when I was about six. My brother got Space Ghost that night and I remember because my mom walked in the room, saw the highly detailed and frankly quite scary villains, and said "I thought you were watching My Little Pony first?" Brother and I simultaneously say "WE ARE!"

So it starts off in Ponyland and there's some evil person who doesn't like the niceness of all the ponies, so he like, sucks out their energy somehow and turns them into these ugly green things. So a group of ponies go out to find them and battle them in order to get their souls back. I remember half of the group was attacked and turned into the green things. Applejack had a huge part of the story, but I don't remember it... but what I do remember was that it was a poignant moment when she got her soul sucked out. "They. Got. APPLEJACK!" I think what happened was that she stayed behind, but when the others took too long, she went looking for them. The villain had a really creepy voice, I think it was kind of like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget. Again, he was highly detailed, and sort of had an air about him similar to an anime villain. I don't remember what he looked like, but I do remember that he had goons. I think they were pig-faced.

I can't really remember much about it, sadly. I was only five or six when I saw it, so it was at least 17 years ago. I know it's not the Knight Shade one... my friend (with whom I love riffing cheap cartoons) sent it to me when I got into collecting MLP and I riffed it for her. It definitely isn't that one, with all of the shadow stealing.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Is this Firefly's Adventure or whatever?

Pony Corral / Question about cleaning the G3 sitting plushies
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:23:23 AM »
So you know those tiny G3 plushies in a sitting pose, where the head is cocked slightly to the right and the mane and tail are made of colored strands of yarn?

Well, I picked up a ziplock bag of G3s last Saturday at a flea market and didn't open the bag until I got home. These poor girls reek of cigarette and I was just wondering if there's an easy way to clean my new Rainbow Dash plushie. Can I just throw her in the washing machine, or will that mess up the yarn? She has a couple of dirt spots as well that I would like to clean out as best as I can. Otherwise I would just throw her in the dryer for a while with a couple of sheets, like I do with all of my other stinky plushies.

Pony Corral / ID on this cute little hollow thing.
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:15:19 PM »
There was a flea market at a nearby antique store that I went to check out last Saturday and I found some Pokemon stuff and ponies. All of the ponies were in a ziplock bag and among them was this white sunshine girl. At first I thought she was G2 but looking at her again, I think she's either G3 or some kind of weird fakie. I doubt she's a G1.

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She has no markings or anything, but the strangest feature about her is that her legs are molded together and she's hollow!

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Anyone know who she could be?

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