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Trader & Shipping Support / Advice for an eBay newbie?
« on: June 02, 2014, 03:01:10 PM »
My boyfriend's mom is going to be starting an eBay account soon (non-pony, but I'm not sure exactly what she'll be selling). I'll be helping her out as much as I can with photos, descriptions, packing, etc since I've done plenty of online sales, but neither of us have ever used eBay for selling. Tracking & insurance will be required on everything (I believe she mostly has nicer things to sell), but beyond that we're not really sure what eBay requires/we should keep in mind/etc.

I remember hearing a lot about eBay holding new sellers' funds. How long do they hold it for? How are we supposed to cover shipping?

We probably won't offer international shipping since its such a pain, but in case we do for something I know the Global Shipping Program is rubbish. Is there anything else?

Also, should she make a few purchases before starting to sell since this will most likely be a brand new account? Or would it be better if we used my eBay account? Its a few years old with a handful of positive feedback spread out (I think it has 10ish and is about 3 years old).

The Dollhouse / Disney Store Mulan & Pocahontas For Sale
« on: June 02, 2014, 01:19:59 AM »
I can take better photos tomorrow, these are just ones I had on my camera from when I got them. I received them in late December of last year and they don't appear to have jointed knees (Pocahontas for sure does not). However I do have a jointed knee Mulan I might be willing to part with (deboxed but almost immediately put in a box away from dust/light and never touched again).

$10 each. I'm happy to debox for shipping.
I'll also accept a complete Scaris Skelita (no errors, wonky paint, etc) in a trade for both of them, but you'll need to cover all shipping.

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IMG_0083 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_0079 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

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IMG_0082 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_0080 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

Pony Corral / G3 Storage Advice
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:25:16 PM »
It just dawned on me yesterday that my cardboard box full of G3 ponies and accessories probably isn't the best way to store the poor things, and now I'm worried about them getting marks from being all piled on top of each other. They're not wrapped in paper etc, just sitting on top of each other the same way they were shipped to me. If it matters (color etc), these are the ponies and accessories (the page has photos and names). There's a good chunk of white ponies in there.

But the issue is I don't really have anywhere else to put them. :/ There's no room to put them on display anywhere. My G1s are in wooden drawers with a separate tissue on each one, but I'm all out of wooden drawers. I might be able to clear space in a plastic drawer and put them there, but would they be okay there? I could swear I've heard something about keeping them in plastic, which is why my G1s are in wooden drawers.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Can you paint over Sculpey glaze?
« on: March 22, 2014, 05:08:34 PM »
My Google searches aren't pulling up anything even remotely helpful. :/

Long story short I have a few pieces that were finished and glazed (Sculpey Gloss glaze) and now need to be changed. I don't want to waste even more clay on this stuff and would rather just buy some paint, but I've never painted clay at all so I don't know what kind(s), if any, would even work over glaze.

Pony Corral / Giving a G1 to a child
« on: January 12, 2014, 02:04:59 PM »
I'm sort of looking for opinions and advice here.

I've always been very against giving G1s to young kids, but less so about baity ones (the baity-er they are, the more okay with it I am). But back in November I met my boyfriend's little sister for the first time. She's four years old and just the cutest thing. She was absolutely terrified of me until she saw me finger combing the hair of Baby Firefly, my travel pony, to relax. After that she adored me. I spent so much time with her balanced on my knees while she looked through the photos of my ponies on my site over and over and over again. I even let her play with Firefly for a bit, while being carefully supervised of course.

Her favorite ponies of mine were Baby Firefly and my "Eagle pony" (a custom I sold a while back). I'd really love to get her a baity baby Firefly of her own; I'm sure she'd love it (and I'm positive her mom would be fine with it). I'm really particular about how I want the Firefly to be - very short mane and tail so it can't get messed up, no bite marks or missing limbs, paint rubs/scratched preferred, marks are preferred (but no written names), scratches/scrapes on the body are okay, no trace of mold/pindot/smooze is okay and I need photos of the inside of the pony to be sure. And on top of that I of course plan to clean the Firefly better than I've ever cleaned a pony before, and probably multiple times just to be sure. I'm not even sure she'll still like MLP by the time I have money and find a Baby Firefly I approve of, but if I get the chance I'd really like to do this for her. But, as a collector, I'm still kind of torn about it. :/

Trader & Shipping Support / Can't remove bank account from Paypal
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:09:34 AM »
The only bank account I have connect to Paypal is being closed soon so I've been trying to remove it, but Paypal just won't let me. It keeps saying "You may not remove your funding source while an authorization is still pending." I'm not entirely sure what that even means, since nothing is pending. If it matters, the account has absolutely no money in it (I transfer it all to the bank account immediately because I don't like letting it sit in Paypal). This is what it shows when I ask for my history back to October:
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All of my payments went through fine and I already received the items and the transfer was to the bank account (which went through fine). All I can think is that maybe the payment I received is holding it up, but I already shipped the pony and we're just waiting for it to arrive (its going to Australia), or that its just Paypal being dumb.

Do I need to change the bank account to a different one to get this one removed or something?

The Dollhouse / Removing an Ai doll's faceup?
« on: November 12, 2013, 11:21:53 AM »
Has anyone removed an Ai doll's (Jun Planning) faceup? My girl arrived at a faceup artist's today, but they haven't been able to remove her faceup using any of their normal methods. They do have acetone that they haven't tried yet, but neither of us is sure how an Ai doll would react to that (they're made of plastic, I think ABS but I'm not positive) so we wanted to see if anyone had wiped an Ai before.

The Dollhouse / Tulagirl is amazing!!! [Brag thread]
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:11:55 PM »
On the 6th, Tulagirl PMed me and asked if she could send me something. I was totally surprised, and I've been eagerly waiting ever since! Today my package arrived and oh my gosh, its amazing!!!

After getting it open, the first thing I did was read the letter. The envelope is so cute! The letter talked about sewing and clothes and snaps and Cutie Pops. I couldn't believe it. Had she really?
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

SHE HAD!!! My very own custom Cutie Pops outfit, complete with super adorable 'pops'!!!
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

I pulled out my favorite girl and quickly got her changed. It fits her wonderfully and it matches these adorable boots pretty well!
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

Tula even customized matching hair bows!!! I love how much the snaps on the bows stick out compared to official pops, that connect directly into the bow.
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

Here's everything all together!
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

I can't get enough of this purse!!! Its so cute!!!
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

I had to slip the necklace on over her body (I'm no good at tying bows), but its so worth having to entirely undress her to get it on! I love the sound the beads make when it moves.
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

I can't wait until my friend gets here next week. We're going to be doing lots of stuff and taking lots of photos. Chiffon's gonna be coming along for everything in her cute new outfit! :D
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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Summer So Snappy by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

I still can't believe it!!! This is hands down the best and most personal gift I've ever gotten!!! Thank you again Tula, from me and Chiffon! <3

The Dollhouse / "It's a small world" dolls!!!!
« on: October 07, 2013, 02:32:08 PM »
Oh my gosh I'm so excited!!! I was browsing the Disney Store site for some Frozen stuff and came across these dolls. I saw Hawaii first so I thought it was maybe some kind of Lilo doll, but nope! I've always hated the ride but I can't get enough of these dolls.

I absolutely need Kenya and India, but France and Japan are so cute! And so is Hawaii! And England is a redhead! Augh I want them all. x.x

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The Dollhouse / Freya is home! :D
« on: August 31, 2013, 08:26:07 PM »
She's been home for a few days but I'm terrible and haven't posted yet.

For Christmas last year I got enough money to order Freya, my first BJD! (What I did not know at the time was that I already owned a BJD, but that's not important.) She arrived on December 31st and I was so smitten. . .until I had to put her eyes in. In case you aren't aware, Freyas have HORRIBLE heads. They need pegs sanded off to even close. It was just a mess. I absolutely hated her, she sat in pieces because I could not physically close her head. I was very very close to just listing her for sale, but I also didn't want to do that because I'd wanted her so much.

But then MacabreDarling posted a thread offering free BJD faceups! I bought a custom from her before and I love her sugar skull MH dolls, so I was very excited when she accepted my request. In February Freya was sent off to be transformed into a Priestess of Cosma. The shapes of her stars comes from her home, Ruta Asuncion and the shape of her clouds comes from An Autumn Day (my favorite place in the game). Her skirt is also An Autumn Day and was made by Vertefae. Her butler was made by me and is glow in the dark. I'm so happy to have her home and I can't wait until Christmas, when I'll be commissioning lots of food/toys/accessories from the game for her.

She is absolutely perfect and the most wonderful tribute to Glitch. <3

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IMG_6782 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6784 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6762 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6780 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6765 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6787 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6792 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

I never got any help with this. If you think this is okay, keep it to yourself because I don't care. I'm here to get help reporting this person.

From the 17th:
I'm so angry right now. I bought a brand new set of stickers from a seller on the 11th and paid on the 12th. They have 824 feedback and its 100% positive. Given that the stickers are old and rare, I assumed they were sending them in a bubble mailer with tracking (which is exactly what I wanted). The stickers were originally released in November 2001, and were re-released in November 2006 so they're hard to find. They know the stickers are rare and have a TON of rare old stationary type items for sale, all with a similar shipping price.

This is what the listing says about shipping, nowhere are normal white envelopes mentioned. The seller's description doesn't actually mention shipping at all, aside from saying that they will ship internationally and combine shipping.

Today my boyfriend checked the mail and handed me a normal white envelope. I'm expecting multiple packages, no envelopes, so I was pretty confused. But as soon as I opened it I realized what it was. The stickers were placed in cardboard and mailed in an envelope with two stamps on it. It was not sent internationally or even from that far away (I'm in Idaho, the seller is in Oklahoma).
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Thankfully the stickers are okay, but I'm pissed. If I remember correctly, eBay does not enforce things related to overcharged shipping? But I'm still contacting the seller and hoping they're give a partial refund to save themselves a bad star rating/feedback, since they obviously seem to care about their feedback (or at least used to). But I don't know how to word it. :/ Does anyone have any advice?

Yesterday, I got a response:
The seller refunded me $1 (so they still pocketed $2) and said its 'shipping and handling' and basically told me they overcharge on shipping to make up for fees. Isn't that not allowed, admitting to adding extra to shipping to cover fees? And implying they overcharged me to get gas money too? Should I report them, and if yes how?
"The purchase price paid for the stickers is $6.99 - on my end there are listing fees, final value fees from ebay, and yet another fee from paypal to receive money from each buyer every time I sell an item."
"I work 6 days a week 8-10 hours a day and still take the time to make sure purchased items are mailed the next day after payment, driving out of my way to the post office (gas is quite expensive these days) rather than leaving things in my mailbox to be mailed so I am sure they get sent out."

How do I proceed?

Multiple people/posts have said I can report this person for multiple reasons, how do I do that? Should I try responding to their message and telling them that when someone pays for a certain type of shipping, you ship it that way (they completely ignored that concern and just wrote it off as 'oh I have ~handling~ fees therefore this is okay to do')? Should I make no contact/leave no feedback until I hear from eBay? Will I have to call eBay about this or is there any way I can report this person online?

I'm so angry right now. I bought a brand new set of stickers from a seller on the 11th and paid on the 12th. They have 824 feedback and its 100% positive. Given that the stickers are old and rare, I assumed they were sending them in a bubble mailer with tracking (which is exactly what I wanted). The stickers were originally released in November 2001, and were re-released in November 2006 so they're hard to find. They know the stickers are rare and have a TON of rare old stationary type items for sale, all with a similar shipping price.

This is what the listing says about shipping, nowhere are normal white envelopes mentioned. The seller's description doesn't actually mention shipping at all, aside from saying that they will ship internationally and combine shipping.

Today my boyfriend checked the mail and handed me a normal white envelope. I'm expecting multiple packages, no envelopes, so I was pretty confused. But as soon as I opened it I realized what it was. The stickers were placed in cardboard and mailed in an envelope with two stamps on it. It was not sent internationally or even from that far away (I'm in Idaho, the seller is in Oklahoma).
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Thankfully the stickers are okay, but I'm pissed. If I remember correctly, eBay does not enforce things related to overcharged shipping? But I'm still contacting the seller and hoping they're give a partial refund to save themselves a bad star rating/feedback, since they obviously seem to care about their feedback (or at least used to). But I don't know how to word it. :/ Does anyone have any advice?

Also, does anyone know if we're allowed to PM Trader Support mods with questions? I have a question I'd rather not post (its about a recent transaction on the Arena).

Pony Brag Arena / Big box of ponies! [pic heavy]
« on: July 23, 2013, 04:37:52 PM »
A few months back a close friend of mine decided to offer a lot of stuff she owns up for trade/sale, as she'll be going to college soon and needed to downsize. She got in contact with someone who had a LOT of G3s (ponies, accessories, and playsets). My friend doesn't have any interest in ponies so she asked me if I was interested in anything they had. I spent an hour or two IDing every pony they had (2-3 times as many as I ended up getting), making a list, and deciding which ones I liked the most. After a while I stopped hearing about it, so I figured the trade fell through and shrugged it off. Either way my friend just trying was super sweet of her.

But then one day, completely out of the blue, she sent me this picture. She also told me that this was just the ponies, not the rest of the stuff. A little while later she called me on Skype and showed me every individual pony and accessory. I managed to remember a grand total of like five names! Go me. :D
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1045244_504835309588942_1929492634_n by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

Not long after she received the ponies, she left for a trip to the UK. I don't know exactly how long she's staying, but its already been a while. I was a little bummed she hadn't been able to send the ponies before she left but it wasn't a big deal. Her mom ended up being willing to drop the fully packed box off at the post office, so today I woke up this big box waiting for me!
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IMG_6039 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

So many ponies!!! My friend is such a sweetheart that she re-ID'd every single pony, wrote their name on a slip of paper, and attached it to them with a rubber band. She also secured their hair to their legs (and removed hairstyles). She was just thrilled she could help me! <3
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IMG_6041 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6043 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

But wait, there's more!
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IMG_6044 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6045 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6046 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

Here are the ponies that were grails of mine! (However lots of the ponies were on my wishlist!)
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IMG_6081 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6069 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6082 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6083 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6060 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr
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IMG_6078 by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

But I won't leave any curious eyes hanging! Here are all the individual shots! No one has taken a trip to the pony spa yet because bending down on the floor taking all these photos did not please my back. xD Can you spot a trend in ponies I like? Its called "white bodies" and they are beautiful, hahaha.

Ponies part 1

Ponies part 2


And for the extra curious, the Neopets plushies she also included!

I'm so grateful to have such a sweet friend! <3 Before this package I had around 5 G3s and wasn't a huge fan of them. In general they're really gorgeous and I love their detailed symbols, but G1 and G2 are my favorites so I've never even bought a G3. But this huge box of ponies really helped change my mind! I've always liked G3s, but now I might start specifically looking for them too. Luckily I don't have any spending money! xD

Although this may not have worked out for my friend completely. She kept one or two ponies for herself and really started taking a liking to them. Uh oh. xD

Stickied for Minty Grailness 7/25 by Diamond]
unstickied 7/29

Trader & Shipping Support / Which kitchen scales are accurate?
« on: July 04, 2013, 08:46:08 PM »
I'm finally opening an Etsy store, but I'm a little stumped. Etsy's seller's handbook is HUGE and somewhat overwhelming. I'm still stuck on naming so it'll be a while before I open.

Edit: New question! Does anyone know which kitchen scales would be the best for calculating shipping costs? I'm not too worried about the price unless its over $40, since an accurate scale would be such a huge benefit.

The Dollhouse / Simba Steffi Love vs Mattel Barbie Newborns
« on: June 22, 2013, 08:26:09 PM »
I'm not sure how interested anyone else is in these little babies, but I figured I might as well give a heads up that I just uploaded some comparison photos to Flickr of the two types. If anyone wants to see any of the babies with a certain type of doll (the "collection" link in my sig lists every doll I own) or see anything else specific, just let me know!

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Mattel vs Simba Newborn Skintone Comparison by AsaziAsazi, on Flickr

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