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Topics - WeepingPiano

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Customs / Monochrome swap pony for ButterflyButtons
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:20:47 AM »
I had a wee bit of trouble with this one.

As soon as I saw her list I knew I had to pick white and butterflies, but I was so worried about her being too plain.

For the hair, I used Snowflake and Starlight
and on the body I used white, antique white, and metallic pearl while.

Then I was inspired to pull up her hair in white pearl pins and and white crystals.

I am so glad you like her BB!

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Customs / Sekhmet mythology swap pony for Jwalraven
« on: June 21, 2012, 01:40:19 PM »
When I read through Jwalraven's choices and looked up pictures, Sekhmet really jumped out at me.

At first, I had no idea what to do with the sundisk, because I felt it would make her topheavy and fragile, but then it hit me, 3D flank symbol! And since she was originally a bait with a 3D symbol, it help me a lot.

Then I had a little incident with a melting pony and a toaster oven and I didn't even want to look at her anymore.

But I bucked up and finished.

Once I gave her eyes she really came to life.

I am so glad you like her Jwalraven!

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The Dollhouse / I think I've been Soomed!
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:58:49 PM »
I love alot of their sculpts, much to the dismay of my pocket book.
Care to show me your Soom lovelys?

The Dollhouse / BJD issues, would like some advice
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:34:16 PM »
My friend recently expressed interest in the hobby, so I offered to help her buy her first (and probably only) BJD. So I ordered him along with some other dolls for myself and told her she could pay me back on a layaway type program.
Earlier today she texted me and seems to be doubting her decision. She asked what she should do and I told her she could always sell him if she didn't like him. Now, I though she meant down the road, but she texted me back immediately and said that if I took a loss on him that she would pay me the difference.
So, do you think I should encourage her to wait until she has him in his hands before she decides to sell him?
(I know that when I ordered my Luts Annette that I freaked out and regretted it, but once she was in my hands I adored her and I am very glad I bought her)
Or should I go ahead and tell her not to worry and I will take care of it and try to sell him now?
Or should I give it to her for her birthday instead of the other item I was planning to give her?
What do y'all think?
Also, I posted a want ad at DoA expressing interest in a Soom Zinc. Then, while I was at work, I regretted it and resolved to delete it when I got home. Then I thought, "Why bother? No one will offer to sell him to me being all limited edition and awesome and stuff" so I didn't and now someone has offered to sell him to me >.>
He is really awesome. Should I go ahead and get him? Or should I politely decline and tell them I thought better of it?

The Dollhouse / A faun's arrival *pic heavy*
« on: June 09, 2012, 01:39:10 PM »
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Hey, Lillian, would you like to come over here and help me welcome my newest arrival?
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No, not quite yet. This is a more... magical arrival.
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Mhhm! Come take a look.
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It was needed precaution for him to get here safely. They did the same to you, don't you remember?
Here, give me a minute...
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Be more social Lillian, he won't bite. He is a vegitarian ^_^
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D'aww ^.^
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Where are you going?
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But the antlers are so cuuuuuute!
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Thanks for sharing my box opening with me =^.^=

The Dollhouse / Considering buying a RS Mei
« on: June 07, 2012, 02:04:17 PM »
Any pictures you lucky owners wish to share?
I would love to see a good profile shot as well as a nice picture of her hands, if possible.
Also, I have heard that the wig size they suggest on the website is a little large, can you confirm\deny?

The Dollhouse / putting out some fealers
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:20:54 PM »
I don't suppose anyone has a pair of hooved bjd legs for sale? Preferably for a smaller body

The Dollhouse / Odd head size *wig question*
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:13:07 PM »
If a head breaks down to 7.99 inches, should I go for a 7/8 wig or a 8/9 wig? Or could I go for either?

Pony Corral / Baby Moondancer\'s eyes? *edit*
« on: May 22, 2012, 02:20:57 PM »
What color are they suppose to be?
I have two different Baby Moondancers and one has bright pink eyes and the other has purple-y eyes. Both say Hong Kong on the feet.
Is one faded? Is this just a normal variation?
*edit* Yeah... I know I said purple, but I meant blue. My other Baby Moondancer has light blue eyes.
>.> I was in a hurry getting ready for work when I posted that. Sorry.

Post Merge: May 23, 2012, 10:04:42 AM


The Dollhouse / Waiting ~a bjd photo story~
« on: May 14, 2012, 12:33:02 PM »
I pulled Lillian out of her box and decided she should play with some of her traveling companions things before he gets here ^w^
Hmm...? Oh! Good morning :)
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*sigh* I wonder how much longer before Isaac arrives...
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Maybe one of these potions will take my mind off of it >.>
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Maybe I'll try my hand at fortune telling!
Oh no! I dropped them... Wait a second...
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~to be continued~
*epic foreshadowing :D*
(though it would help if you knew the background of the characters, lets just say that she is a lovely young lady that, due to unfortunate circumstances, has lived alone for quite some time and he is a very nice looking young man who is skilled in "the old ways" (i.e. magic) )

Here is the giant box she came in. I had no idea it would be quite so huge.
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Now we are getting to the good stuff
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Free from the bubble wrap, my Senior Delf Annette
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I was going for a Lady Godiva feel, but the wig was defying me. I think I might hate this wig...
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Then I tried to make her decent and put her in the undies I purchased
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This was when I discovered that the only look this wig wants to give me is sexy bed hair
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aaaaand, one last look at her lovely faceup and the random blue eyes she came with
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I am commisioning clothes for her and buying grey eyes. When she is done, she will be my character Lillian.
Thanks for looking ^w^

The Dollhouse / BJD confusion
« on: May 07, 2012, 10:57:17 AM »
Have you ever wanted to buy a certain sculpt, but had no plans for it? You just loved the face?
For example, I really really want a Doll Love Xueying. She is gorgeous (IMO) but I have no idea what to do with her. No plans for hair or eyes or anything. My other dolls are based off of pre-existing characters, so I had the look planned out, and then went after the doll to match.
What should I do?

The Dollhouse / Naming your dolls
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:14:16 AM »
How do you decide what to name a doll if it is not representing a pre-existing character?
I mean, for example, my first two BJDs (Luts Annette and DollZone Edward) Are named Lillian and Isaac because I bought them to dress and style as two characters I am writting about. Also, my Doll Love Youyou is going to be chibi!Dahlia because she is an itty bitty stylized version of one of my characters.
Now I just bought a Doll Zone Moon because I totally fell for that sculpt. I have no dragon creature characters (well, that look like that) so he is not based on anyone.
Ultimately, I have no idea what to name him. Preferably something chinese or japanese. Would it be horribly lame to just call him by his sculpt name? E.x. "This is my DZMoon, Moon"
I think this applies to pullips, bjd, etc.
Do y'all have any suggestions for me or stories you would like to share on how you named your dolls?

The Dollhouse / LUTS wolffy
« on: May 04, 2012, 11:40:11 PM »
I dispise falling for sold out bjd...
Does anyone have one of these lovelies for sale?
Or even just pictures for me?

The Dollhouse / DN figure PC please
« on: May 04, 2012, 11:16:24 AM »
When Death Note was released on DVD, the special edition versions came with a figure from the show. I have the whole set and the boxes, and I was wondering, are they worth anything?
Should I try to sell them here or ebay?
and should I part it out or sell it as a whole? (which way is more profitable?)

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