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Topics - Koudoawaia

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Off Topic / Things Pets Do to Make You Smile
« on: June 18, 2012, 09:42:30 AM »
We have a thread for the weird things our pets do which definitely can make us smile and shake our heads. Now here's one for the endearing things they do. This can apply for pets no longer with us if you want too.

Right now my cat Nightfury is batting her new ball around and it makes me smile to hear the jingle of the bell inside because I'm happy she enjoys her new toy so much. I also love how affectionate she is. Even after I've given her a  hard time, she'll usually still rub against me. I especially love when her rubs have a little hop to them now that I know what that means from a cat.  I also love it when I'm petting Nightfury and she closes her eyes with a blissful kitty grin on her face.

Pony Corral / Ponies You Want Except For That One Hang Up
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:37:32 PM »
Have there been ponies that you want but haven't gotten because of one thing you don't like enough to keep you from buying it? For me, it's Snowcatcher. For me she is such a lovely pony and I am tempted but I can't get over the fact that her 'talent' is catching snowflakes on her tongue. In my opinion that's.....a rather lame special talent because anybody can catch snowflakes on their tongue. =p So that keeps me from buying it.

Another one is Lulu Luck. Again, she's a pretty pony, I like the pet she comes with but her name is too much like a brand of dog clothes and I'm not a fan of dog clothes so I'll probably never get her either for that reason.

Lastly, Luna. I really really wanted Princess Luna when she first came out but she's purple. She's supposed to be blue. Just this week I saw her again and was tempted but I can't get over the purple and not blue thing. She doesn't look anything like the Luna I love in the toy version.

Pony Brag Arena / Birthday Haul
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:09:56 AM »
Went shopping with my mother in law yesterday so I could spend the birthday money she gave me and look at all the awesome stuff I got^^ Got the weird looking yet lovable anyway Twilight plush from Target, the last two Redwall books I haven't read yet including the one Brian Jacques wrote before he died last year, a little tuxedo cat plush because I have a tuxedo cat, an FiM activity pad that I actually got a few days ago and the last piece of goodness from yesterday, a small guinea pig keychain that looks just about like my deceased guinea pig Vixen to replace the Vixen keychain I'd bought while she was still alive that I lost. That little keychain was the cheapest thing I bought yesterday but it means the most because I have my girl with me again. Also, for any who'd like to look for it themselves, the activity pad came from Big Lots and had a sheet of stickers inside. I also forgot to mention the fact that I got a Rarity cake on my birthday. My husband had asked his sister to make it for me and she did a great job^^

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Pony Icon Commission
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:28:53 PM »
A pony icon commission I just finished for my friend Kryptid of his pony persona, Eureka, making an amazing discovery. If you want one like this, they're $15.

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So I got two items of pony goodness today. The first was a G3 Pinkie Pie at Good Will. First time I've found a pony there in a long time and when I got home, my husband was sitting there with the welovefine Fluttershy shirt he'd gotten me for my birthday in his lap. Apparently it got there while I was gone and he insisted I put it on right away so I'm wearing it right now :D . This is the one he got me and I love it:

Such an awesome birthday present. I love my husband^^

Arts & Crafts Corral / Overheated Cavy
« on: May 27, 2012, 10:20:21 AM »
Cavy sweating and panting from extreme heat. Inspired by how heat drained and sore I still feel from yesterday. With the high being 94 today I don't see it changing either. x.x Gosh I hate hot weather.

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Pony Corral / New FiM card at Walmart
« on: May 13, 2012, 06:49:18 PM »
While I was at Walmart tonight, I saw an FiM birthday card for nieces that had Fluttershy on the front and a sheet of  FiM stickers inside.^^ Didn't get it myself since I didn't see a price on it but might very well in the future and thought the rest of you might like to see if it's at your Walmarts.

Pony Brag Arena / Ponies Galore from Antlercat!
« on: May 07, 2012, 02:52:06 PM »
So antlercat and I are involved in another art for ponies trade (still working on my end of it) and I got her package again! Look at how much awesomeness is here. It makes my day so much. She even included a couple extras: a little retro Minty and that simply adorable cub Simba. So very happy to have the gorgeous Butterscotch and adorable Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Spike. Spike is living with blind bag Big Mac on my husband's desk and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are looking all adorable with their big sisters. Antlercat is such an awesome friend and I'm so happy she did another trade with me.^^ Now for the photo:

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Pony Brag Arena / FiM Jumbo Coloring Book!
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:47:43 PM »
My husband and I stopped by Dollar General just to get soda which turned into wandering the whole store getting snacks and seeing what all was there. Well we got to the coloring books and at first all I saw were a couple of G3.5 coloring books and then behind a few other coloring books, I found this awesome Jumbo FiM coloring book and got to bring it home^^ Between this and getting Twinkleshine on Saturday, this has turned into a nice pony weekend (weekend still for us cuz we're off on Sundays and Mondays). Just hope you guys aren't sick of hearing from me in this part of the forum. But anyway, picture time yay.

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Pony Brag Arena / Twinkleshine
« on: April 28, 2012, 08:31:34 PM »
Got me a pony today at work. Took a little bit to decide but I decided upon Twinkleshine. She's only my second unicorn not counting the blind bag ones. I'm glad I chose her. The pink is a nice soft not blinding pink and her being kind of glamorous and the blue stars for her mark remind me of my good friend antlercat since she's used blue stars a lot in her artwork and is kinda glamorous herself. Also, Twinkleshine hair looks /great/ out of box. It's so nice and soft with a nice curl. Her little koala is so cute too. I recommend this pony highly. Now for the photo which isn't the greatest.

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Pony Sketches
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:55:01 AM »
These are the two pony sketches I drew for antlercat in order to get that lovely Minty I got recently^^ First up is Bowtie frolicking about and having a generally good time:

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and here is Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres where Rarity is excitedly telling them about a fashion opportunity she just got. Rarity is supposed to represent antlercat and the other two, her best friends. Had to look at a ref for Rarity's mane and tail style since it never ceases to confuse me but the rest is from memory.

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Pony Brag Arena / Minty Minty Minty!
« on: April 19, 2012, 06:43:27 PM »
Recently did a ponies for art trade with antlercat and when I came home from work today, this beautiful G3 Minty was in the mail waiting for me. :D So happy. She was on my want list and now can be crossed off. I love her glittery hair that has green tinsel in it throughout and her pose with the open muzzle. Going to give my cat a chance on leaving Minty alone despite the tinsel and put her on the shelf that Rainbow Flash and the Sweet Celebrations are on. >> Thought it'd be fun to take a photo of her with my McDonald's and blind bag Mintys.

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Sad Fluttershy
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:46:15 PM »
A sad Fluttershy I drew on break while having a rough day at work. Brought my pencils today so even got to color it.

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Pony Brag Arena / Belated Newest Ponies Brag
« on: April 15, 2012, 12:48:05 PM »
Finally got good batteries for the camera again so here is a belated brag of my latest ponies. A couple of months ago now, I won second place in a drawing held by SwordPony and was sent a gorgeous Peppermint Crunch, my very first G1 pegasus and surrounding her in the photo are all my blind bag ponies...except Big Mac because he's on my husband's desk^^

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Off Topic / Friday the 13th
« on: April 13, 2012, 10:17:46 AM »
I don't really put much stock into Friday the 13th especially since every Friday feels like one to me now but have you had any coincidental mishaps go on today? For me so far, I was holding my mostly black tuxedo cat and was going to put her back on her spot on the comforter on the couch. When I was about to get up to do so, I accidentally kicked the book on the coffeetable and she freaked the heck out at the sound it made. Her eyes went really wide, she thrashed and I have a lovely cut on my hand and the side of my throat feels bruised as a result from where she hit me in her panic attack. Talk about black cats crossing your path though I don't take stock in that superstition either. =p

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