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Topics - Crowning_Glory13

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Currently I am at a point where I can only do sales:( i am also moving and working 3 jobs. Life will be back to normal by Aug 2018.

All knitting commissions will be held until further notice. It takes alot to move yarn

Thanks for looking. I am very easy to work with. I sell on eBay, as well as Facebook, and the Arena. Some say I give way more communication than I need to:) I could not find my post to update, so I started fresh.

I am up for trades or sale. I am easy to negotiate and I am not a picky collector. I am not a huge fan of holes or hair cuts. I have a huge want list,290863.msg114445.html#msg114445

I like G1, G2, G3, G4, E.G. Mini, blind bags, rehairs and dolly mix ponies. I am currently obsessed with pony wear, flutter ponies, and princess ponies. I like accessories/sets too. I have a start to the G1 petit pony merry go round. If you have something to trade and it's not on my list, offer it up:) there is so much out there....I just might over looked them:)

I love making wings they range from $5 on up. Just depending on what goes in on them. Will negotiate with multiple requests. I will also make a design for you.
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6914EE80-BCB3-485F-B321-18CB135B11C6 by s s, on Flickr
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608D9121-8F87-4508-B836-52034E92FD9F by s s, on Flickr

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72D88CBE-26F0-4913-B425-BC14E9A6B4BA by s s, on Flickr

A -$6.00, B-$3.50, C-$6.00, D-$5.50, E -sold, F -$6.00

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E6F30588-5FA2-4F1F-99E4-3242ED8085BD by s s, on Flickr
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C80DD702-945B-4D22-8F06-92814822C4DA by s s, on Flickr
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A037D791-8477-4427-A039-03B82EA5072E by s s, on Flickr

G-$5.00, H-$5.00, I-Sold, J-$5.00, K-$6.00

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5A44146D-A236-4E88-BBDB-37C05490A2A3 by s s, on Flickr
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76C045AA-CF5B-4503-98C1-CCAE7ED306B5 by s s, on Flickr
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BFA6B73D-8DCC-44E3-821D-48152FF62A1F by s s, on Flickr

L-sold, M-Sold, N-$5.50, O-$3.50, P-$8.00

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CD59CBC9-7004-4501-9F71-31B59EBDB296 by s s, on Flickr
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1E493651-3654-4019-A60B-B1F2CD4D941C by s s, on Flickr

Q-$5.50, R-$7.00,

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7D686BE2-42C6-4636-97E1-63F732E8F471 by s s, on Flickr
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E113BE81-AA08-4A74-81A6-21C526F307D3 by s s, on Flickr
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34471F78-8CAA-43A9-B3B4-1B894BF24C48 by s s, on Flickr

S-Sold, T-$5.50, U-$5.00 V-$5.50, W-Sold X-$8.00

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E57AE1C2-3552-493B-ABC0-E6E3AB4B70A2 by s s, on Flickr
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08740CE4-46A0-4278-9F6F-5B84B717EEFD by s s, on Flickr
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0FBF0A12-DF49-4837-8F14-C2624C5813E6 by s s, on Flickr

Z-$5.00, AA-$6.00, BB-$6.00, DD-$6.00

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0E637489-1FBD-4231-8713-18A518A2731D by s s, on Flickr
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5A8AB7CF-63C9-443D-B1F0-85F3B4291B8B by s s, on Flickr
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E774C23A-E8AC-484F-BEF9-74A7D399ACFC by s s, on Flickr
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7CCD9E12-99C6-4F52-81F1-F01F3D025DAB by s s, on Flickr

CC-$6.00, EE-$7.00, FF-$6.00, GG-$6.00 HH-Sold, II-$6.00, JJ-$6.00

More pictures on eBay I am negotiable and most of the time I don’t charge shipping on the wings. Small wings are easier to ship.

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E431B2BF-B509-4123-A189-30431846DB31 by s s, on Flickr

Doll dress starts at $10.00 and changes depending on size of doll. The top can be any color. The skirt can be purple, yellow or lime green. I can also use a mixture of these colors.

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F62C188C-CEFE-4DFD-A81D-216FC130F7BC by s s, on Flickr
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E0DE5ABC-4F06-4180-8E95-6D3736D1F1C4 by s s, on Flickr

This Bride Dress is sold but I can make more. $15.00

Ponies for sale and trade:) Up for negotiations. Will get more pictures if you want.

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FF062D4F-98CF-46C9-A97A-F13B84B05E7E by s s, on Flickr
New MIB G3.5 $10

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A312DE7F-2FE5-4DA2-84C0-87F54C189D30 by s s, on Flickr
New MIB $16.00 or if you have the Cotton Candy:)

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8E5361C9-999C-40E3-9F01-D178B61231A4 by s s, on Flickr
It has been played with, but it has all the pieces. $15.00

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4F428FC0-101A-41A7-8B9A-E000E7783011 by s s, on Flickr
Great condition has some play wear that I have not attempted to take off. Mechanism functions, but does not work on its own. $8.00

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DC1ABB14-9F29-4885-BB7A-1E31D3C84AC7 by s s, on Flickr
Scooter Sprite $5.00 very nice condition

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90501314-D8B1-4410-B751-76FF04B12F03 by s s, on Flickr
Sew sew $5.00 very nice condition

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5094DA7B-8E23-4AAE-8F9E-94FACC87E873 by s s, on Flickr
Great condition has some play wear that I have not attempted to take off. Mechanism functions, but does not work on its own. $8.00

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C78D2E4E-64BF-4453-9F7F-633A0D00BCFD by s s, on Flickr
Played with plush $3.00

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28A7804A-6E59-4BD8-8423-64802ABB23C8 by s s, on Flickr
Soft hair, nice condition just faded symbol a bit. $7.00

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477C410B-1A47-499F-8060-6CD64CF74814 by s s, on Flickr
Hair a bit dry, only a trimmed forelock. Just no time to fix myself. $3.00 each

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BF9A93AA-8573-450A-95EA-578ACAE0CBCD by s s, on Flickr
Bait ponies $4.00 each.

More coming

Pony Corral / Cheer me up (show me princess)
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:25:52 AM »
I won't go into detail, but life is just plain hard sometimes. I know at some point there will be a rainbow.....but for now I need to make one.

So please post pictures of your princesses ponies:) All ponies are princesses, so feel free to post your jewel of your herd. I love rehair and rags to riches, so show me anything to make this princess dream again:)

Pony Corral / Memory issues when it comes to ponies?
« on: April 07, 2018, 07:44:48 AM »
Many of us have childhood ponies, many of us have tragic losses to those ponies, or as a kid you remember things differently. In short do you remember things about ponies that's you are not seeing today?

1. I could have sworn my childhood Flutter Pony Lily was more purple. I keep coming across Lily has more of a pink/red purple body.  But I remember her with a more cool/blue purple body an hair.

2. I totally remember Parasol having more of a tan body, but I re found her with a pink body?!

3. I even remember there was a barbie that ate ponies and turned them into baby ponies with long hair....ok that was a fib told by a child hood friend, but that did not stop my childhood self from searching the barbie isle for that particular toy.

4. I never saw G4 tempest except online from over seas. I just assumed it was from a China Company not Hasbro, in short I would never own a brushable tempest as she doesn't exist....i found her at Target yesterday!

Any previous notions that you remember, but now are different?

Pony Brag Arena / Projects finished!!
« on: April 01, 2018, 12:57:05 PM »
With three jobs, and being in a theatric play, my time has been limited. I finally got s9me time today and I finished these two projects!!!

Bride Pony Wear!!

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[/url]F62C188C-CEFE-4DFD-A81D-216FC130F7BC by s s, on Flickr

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[/url]ABC4A46F-C7B8-4DC6-980F-9DB04F0CD7F0 by s s, on Flickr

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[/url]470E305C-0D75-450E-895C-4707D0174920 by s s, on Flickr

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[/url]E0DE5ABC-4F06-4180-8E95-6D3736D1F1C4 by s s, on Flickr

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[/url]97CB3CE0-5280-4CFE-98B8-C8143A97FA75 by s s, on Flickr

Monster High Dress

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[/url]E431B2BF-B509-4123-A189-30431846DB31 by s s, on Flickr

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[/url]2343CBB4-6426-41BF-82AC-017725D8CD2D by s s, on Flickr

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[/url]8C985EAC-3A7C-4441-9B2D-B3FF9A7635D9 by s s, on Flickr

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8C30BBB3-F5D6-4B73-991B-21C2B04404B5 by s s, on Flickr

I asked many pony peeps to give me some great ideas. If you were interviewing a pony what would you ask them? I got some great questions that will be appearing in a future project. Since there was a great turn out of awesome questions, I thought I would do a give away.

It’s now your job to pick the best interview question could ask a pony. I will use the top scoring interview questions in my future project. The question with the highest score will get a special surprise for me:) (USA only international has an option of negotiating:) I will keep the voting going till Sunday of next week:) some questions have been adjusted to fit my future project.

I would also love answers to these questions? If you were the pony how would you answer these questions?

1. Are you aware you are a popular toy?
2. What was your first owner like?
3. When have your magical abilities come in handy?
4.  Have you ever been ridden?
5.  Tell us a story from your past.
6. Have you lost a friend?
7. What was a traumatic experience for you?
8. Did your symbol change as you grew up?
9. What do clouds feel like?
10. Tell me about the games you play.
11. How were you found/discovered?
12. Do flutters get fandom limb, when they loose their wings?
13. Do you ever feel like you are a clone, or have a clone walking around?
14. If you met a pony that looked just like you, how would you react?
15. How did you get damaged?
16. What is your happiest memory?
17. Why do so many evil villains bent on distruction  live in Pony Land? And why do you choose to live there?

Pick your favorite question:)

Pony Brag Arena / Picture Story Brag Act 1
« on: March 18, 2018, 09:46:20 AM »
Snow Dancer: Hey check that out...over there
PinkieB: Just the CG Land Events Board....nothing new is going on.
Snow Dancer: No there is something new let’s check it out”
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[/url]5BEE5C99-F5D6-41A7-B7BD-09E9DE301A72 by s s, on Flickr

PinkieB: Miss Pony Land USA...they do that every year. You want to enter?
Snow Dancer: Heavens NO! You Should!
PinkieB: HahahHa you cant be serious?!
Snow Dancer: I am serious. You are the kindest most caring pony I know. This is your chance to show CG Land that you fit right in.
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[/url]58225D56-03E7-4383-AA67-87D94230F438 by s s, on Flickr

PinkieB: you do realize I am a giant freak
Snow Dancer: giant yes, freak no. I think others would see how awesome you are if you did this Pageant.
PinkieB: There is no way I would win, and it would give everyone something new to laugh at.
Snow Dancer: There is no pony as awesome as you!
PinkieB: right, so....
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[/url]30899A0B-AFE9-43F3-B2B2-5562580E29A9 by s s, on Flickr

PinkieB: So Pusey Pink or Cherry Pie is no awesome for all the hair magic they can’t do? They gave Pinkie Pie Rapunzel’s purple but looks amazing, and she climbs it.
Snow Dancer: yeah main magic is really hard, but that’s not all to winning a Pageant.
PinkieB: They are super nice too. They never charge Rarity for all the times Trixie turns her hair green. And the Coloratura Twins just love her!
Snow Dancer: Coloratura Twins?
PinkiEB: in CG Land, they are twins.
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05684F10-86E8-4E70-AD91-DB4E3F7CDC05 by s s, on Flickr

Snow Drancer: who’s idea was it to hose me down in glitter glue to fix my nearly chewed off wing?
PinkieB: I just wanted to if it would work, but you can’t fly:(
Snow Dancer: The chew holds prevented me from flying not the glitter glue. But you made my wings super sparkly:) *flutter flutter* that glue worked great to mend my leg when it was nearly torn off!
PinkieB: I only spilled the glue on your leg...a simple accident.
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[/url]F12E2553-C2B0-4657-BC6C-6FE9A7DF5ABA by s s, on Flickr

Snow Drop: I was so depressed after the accident.
PinkieB: I did warn you about Black cats can be tricky
Snow Drop: Yes and CG Land has two of them...who knew
* CG cats are not the real culprits of the destruction of Snow Dancer*
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[/url]CBE9DE69-1239-4D6C-9E28-21EA4E3E585E by s s, on Flickr

Snow Dancer: who’s idea was it to go to Peachy’s Flocking service?
PinkieB: Oh Peachy is so super nice. She always helps the tragic feel better. She got her hooves chewed off, so I knew her heart and skills would make you feel better. OH!!! Peachy should be in the Pageant!
Snow Dancer: You are Missing the point. I would not have gone to her if you didn’t talk me into it. And you coined my new name Snow Dancer.
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[/url]7AE0C2C8-E9DB-4317-9122-7D5D07FCB5DC by s s, on Flickr

PinkieB: You know Ivy should really enter. The Dance teacher for tiny tots, she would be amazing.
Snow Dancer: You are missing my point.
PinkieB: I only got to do her dance class one day, then I grew into a giant monstrosity.
Snow Dancer: You are not a monster, no one thinks that!
PinkieB: Those tiny tots do.
Snow Dancer: Well those tots are smaller than me, and you almost tapped danced on top of them. They will get over it...after therapy. But you help those tots all the time when they get kites caught in trees, or fall in the river, I can’t count how many times ponies, owe their life to you!
PinkieB: CG Land has more special ponies that deserve the crown.

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[/url]C41E7517-9EA6-4400-B154-245E6C1A8D84 by s s, on Flickr
PinkieB: look at Bride Pony, she is gorgeous. She plans the most fantastic weddings, and has yet to be an actual bride herself. She models, all the boys love her, and little ponies want to be her...I WANT to be her!
Snow Dancer: She also has minions that do 90% of the work...I don’t s even know if she pays them either.
PinkieB: The boys think she is beautiful, no judge would pick me over her, nor any boy pony.
Snow Dancer: Well those boys will no be judging, and you are pretty too! You always help others and that is more important than beauty!

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[/url]3FEE256E-3883-4CF1-94A7-8437613469DC by s s, on Flickr
PinkieB: How could anyone forget Forget Me Not! She brings such beautiful wings to poor flutter ponies who lost theirs in the battle of the smooze. Her work is amazing. And after she trained her assistant Tropical breeze after her horrible face marking and hair loosing accident, there is no pony with a heart as big as Forget Me Not
Snow Dancer: you do have a point, but I have one too. All the good you see in others, is all the good you see in yourself!

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[/url]4E6798B5-4019-4074-A05F-B505B4A24991 by s s, on Flickr
Snow Dancer: That’s it! You are never going to see how awesome you are until CG Land puts a crown on your head!
PinkieB: Don’t do that. It would just be a joke to everyone.
Snow Dancer: Too LATE. I put down your name!
PinkieB: I just won’t show up!
Snow Dancer: Right, like you ever not show up for a commitment.

* Will PinkieB compete in the Pageant? Do you think she can win? Is there more to this story? Stay tuned for Act 2*

I wanted to show off a few things. It has been a bit, so I do forget some of the people who gained this for me. I have done 2 attempts in flocking, super excited about it:) Found the giant pinkie pie for $1 at a thrift store. I love making wings, and they are in my trades if interested:) I got my first international from Tula Girl!!! Can you name her. My tiny tiny pony set is complete! Twist was much sought after:) Sunshine did the Coloratura it, and tropical breezes. And a G3 castle was given to me!!!

Thanks for reading stay tuned!

Off Topic / Healthy Pony Motivation Round Sign Up
« on: March 18, 2018, 07:19:02 AM »
It’s time for another round of Healthy Pony!!!

This round is all about motivation. I see a consistent trend on healthy pony rounds. Posting goes by the way side when it gets closer to the end, and at times we throw in the towel. So we are going to work on keeping the gusto going for 3 MONTHS!! how are we going to do that? By having prizes at the end!!!

I will be donating custom Wings and small knitted items for prizes. If I come across other extras for prizes, I will add them too. There could be multiple winners, but it all depends on how well you keep your gusto going! If you want to donate a prize you sure can:) it will be your responsibility to ship.

You will rate your day from 0-5. 0 being you did nothing towards your goals. 5 is going above and beyond your goals for the day. It is your responsibility to calculate your numbers each day. It’s a great idea to post daily your number to help you keep track. Pony peeps here are awesome, so I know you will be fair and honest with your scoring, just don’t  be too hard on yourself.

You can sign up at anytime!

Sign Up
What are your goals for 2018?
What do you want to accomplish in the Motivation Round of Healthy Pony?
What Does a 0 day look to you?
What does 5 day look to you?
What can you do or use for motivation?
Tell us your dream:)

CG Sign up
What are your goals for 2018?
I want to make an income with Music lessons and knitting. I also want to participate in a Holiday Swap. I would also like to loose some weight that I gained from my depression. I would also like to start writing a book, and finish my knitted temperature blanket.

What do you want to accomplish in the Motivation Round of Healthy Pony?
1. Get into a work out routine. 5 days a week is ideal, but 3 days would be a good progress.
2. Get 3 months of my temperature blanket knitted.
3. Have completed knitted items ready to sell.
4. Play piano ideally 5 days a week, but 3 would be good progress.
5. Save money. Some needs to go to a pony fund, and more needs to go to a safety net when life goes wrong.
6. Take a moment to post a positive comment daily on this forum.

It looks a lot, but tiny steps with all good habits :)

What Does a 0 day look to you?
I do absolutely nothing. I veg out and not even attempt a goal. This only applies if I have the ability to do something. If I am traveling or injured, super sick then I will not be so hard on myself, but if I have the time I should at least try, and if I don’t well then it is a 0 day.

What does 5 day look to you?
When I am supper happy with my day. I could get through all of my goals, or I could reach a 3-5 day week with my goals like piano and work out! If I feel super excited to tell you all I had a great day, it is a 5 to me:)

What can you do or use for motivation ?
The 35th Anniversary ponies are in my stores right now...I want them all:) hehe. I am going to record my numbers as points and have a number of points to get the opportunity to purchase one. It will be a challenge, as I did a bit of a spree earlier this year. If I sell a lot of items I will also get bonus points:) I used to wear a two piece Swim suit and I loved how I used to look in it. So I am going to picture myself to hope keep me motivated:)

Tell us your dream
I want to make a living income on music lessons, and knitting. It is possible, just need to keep working at it:)


All you have to do is fill out the sign up form and post it here:) From time to time I will ask for you to post your total scores, just to keep them in mind for prizes. You can sign up at anytime, but adding scores will not count until April 1st...and that’s no fooling:P heheh I tend to make lame jokes:)

Since I allow anytime starters, the points towards a prize from me will vary. I will announce the point goals towards the middle of the round. A way to get motivated again.

This round will start April 1st and end June 30th.  Let’s be the best ponies we can be:)

*as you move along your goals and rating can change. That is a large part of the healthy pony process, is learning what works, and what directions and paths you need to go on:)*

Arts & Crafts Corral / Arts and crafts swap
« on: March 09, 2018, 08:25:08 AM »
I did a post in the swap area, but I thought maybe more eyes will see it here.

I was thinking of hosting an art and craft swap. I was just gauging interest, and some things to consider. I am open to ideas, and all opinions are welcome:)

Pony Corral / And it’s Racer #....By A Wing!!!!
« on: March 04, 2018, 03:00:20 PM »
Before I announce our winner, I would like to say thank to all our voters and participants. I love doing this, and it gives me such here we go

Winner was chosen from the final lap votes, votes from the other racers, and our coming to the end votes......

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[/url]IMG_3070 by s s, on Flickr

Here our racers coming around the bend, it’s racer #4, now racer # 7, look out folks we got a lead with race #1, .....or wait it’s racer #.2...each racer is nose to nose, wing to wing, each takes a quick step and takes the lead, here they come to the finish Line!!!!!! It’s a PHOTO FINISH

Hehe pun intended

And it’s Racer #2 by a Wing tip!!!!

Racer #2
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[/url]55A37C2D-D149-44D9-B2DA-409B2950F3E8 by s s, on Flickr

1st place winner will recive a wing of their choice. I can also make a special pair for them as well:) AND a knitted item of their choice. Check out trades for pictures.,381689.msg1576786.html#msg1576786

Racer #7
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[/url]D5046D6F-0386-45CA-94AF-1FADE3D4D5CB by s s, on Flickr


Racer #4
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583E1506-5167-4667-BC49-E5BFC0DF597F by s s, on Flickr

Came in by a nose

2nd and 3rd runner winners will get to choose a custom wing that is already pictured, or a custom knitted project of their choosing. Or only shipping cost on specially made wing design.

Very close behind racer # 1
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[/url]86C5A72D-7606-4114-9624-CF4D3FE78DA0 by s s, on Flickr

All Contestants receive a huge discount on any items they see in my sales/trade. So if they want a $10 wing and participate it might be a $5 wing. Then they can trade for the wing with a $5 value or less
This has been a lot of fun. I enjoy these contests, and this simple joy means the world to me. My life is so hectic, it’s nice to just have some positive fun.

Please give me feedback on the prizes:) I really do appreciate opinions

Thank you all

Pony Corral / Price check on Dolly mix
« on: February 26, 2018, 07:14:07 AM »
What is the price for dolly mix ponies?

Pony Corral / Flimsy Wings Final Lap
« on: February 18, 2018, 01:35:26 PM »
We are reaching the end of the race. I can see the finish line now. Let’s hear it for these amazing racers!!! And you heard that right folks. This is our finally lap!!!!

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[/url]IMG_2620 by s s, on Flickr
1st place winner will recive a wing of their choice. I can also make a special pair for them as well:) AND a knitted item of their choice. Check out trades for pictures.,381689.msg1576786.html#msg1576786

2nd and 3rd runner winners will get to choose a custom wing that is already pictured, or a custom knitted project of their choosing. Or only shipping cost on specially made wing design.

All Contestants receive a huge discount on any items they see in my sales/trade. So if they want a $10 wing and participate it might be a $5 wing. Then they can trade for the wing with a $5 value or less.

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[/url]IMG_2625 by s s, on Flickr

We loss some racers and have come to the top 5 :shocked:

Congrats to PonyFan for making the wild card spot.

Here comes our racerser in the final lap!

Theme 6 Making Mischief. Maybe a fun prank is being played on your flimsy wing, maybe they are creating mischief in their pony world. Catch them 8n the action. Solo or group shot any and all props can be used:)
Photo due Feb 17. Voting starts Feb 18.  Voting ends the 22.

Racer # 1
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]63D62731-18BB-4949-9DF2-7CD12B94DB04 by s s, on Flickr
Whirly had just gotten all the leaves on the ground into a nice pile to be taken away later in the day. She was shocked to come back later and find the ground completely covered again! Turns out Glow just couldn't resist the temptation of jumping in such a perfect pile of leaves

Racer #2
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
07A0E409-6E87-434F-8520-DA98DEE5C680 by s s, on Flickr
High Flyer decided to play the old "dollar bill on a string trick" where you keep something on a string and tempt your victim with it! Little Flitter fell for the donut on the string, but High Flyer let her eat it afterwards so Little Flitter wasn't so mad!

Racer #3
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[/url]C7F6D866-F1D3-47BA-9DB6-20D27D08FDCB by s s, on Flickr
It's no secret that Powder loves snow, so she loves to prance through the fiberfill and pretend that she's in a wintry field. Sun Glider asked if anyone knew how much Powder loved getting pounds of fiberfill dumped on her so she can pretend she's in a blizzard. Sky Dancer tried to talk her out of it. Sky Dancer can't talk anyone out of anything, though.

Racer #4
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]26220B74-9990-4F60-9B26-6056B51D28A3 by s s, on Flickr
Skydancer doesn't like to stay on the ground too long but she stopped for a short nap on a large flower. When she awoke she found Baby Sea Poppy and Lilly Drop trying to turn her in to a kite.

Racer #7
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[/url]05D54BB1-FA2B-4D87-A406-F50DA3FBCE5B by s s, on Flickr
Cool Breeze was helping High Flyer make sweet treats for a party. Poor High Flyer had no idea what was going on; by the time she had turned around, it was too late! Instead of helping make cookies, Cool Breeze was Baking a huge mess!

Vote for your favorite picture:D

My whole intent on rounds was to make a top 5 with the added wild card...well we reached that a bit quicker, so here is the final theme to gage who will be our winner.

Winner Circle. What does winning look for your flimsy wing pony? Is it a phot finish or feat of amazing speed, only your picture can tell:)
I would like pictures due by Sunday February 25th, but With the adbrupt change I will allow for extensions, just keep me posted.

So how do we choose a winner? So our Mischievous theme votes will be what? They will be added to the finale theme, winner circle. That is not all. Our contestants will be asked to give each racer a place. Each racer will tell me through pm on who they think should win first, second, third, fourth and fifth. Each placement has a point value. All these will be added together
I will explain more in my pm:)

If anyone wants to be involved in the final round can post a picture in this forum. You do not have to be involved with this contest in the beginning, just adding fun. All extra participants get 5 votes just for posting a picture. If I pm them and they put races in a placement(following a pm) will get another 5 votes. So they have a chance to compete with our racers.

Let’s have fun everyone:)

Pony Corral / Flimsy Wings Derby! (Photo Contest) 2nd Mile stretch
« on: February 11, 2018, 07:07:42 PM »
These little wingers have heart, let me tell you. They are on the second mile stretch and they are going for the gusto!

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CC130520-4401-45F6-A41E-42CE98E37103 by s s, on Flickr

1st place winner will recive a wing of their choice. I can also make a special pair for them as well:) AND a knitted item of their choice. Check out trades for pictures.,381689.msg1576786.html#msg1576786

2nd and 3rd runner winners will get to choose a custom wing that is already pictured, or a custom knitted project of their choosing. Or only shipping cost on specially made wing design.

All Contestants receive a huge discount on any items they see in my sales/trade. So if they want a $10 wing and participate it might be a $5 wing. Then they can trade for the wing with a $5 value or less.

4. New to this is contest is the wild card. I love pictures, so even if you are not entered you can be asked to enter the last round! You can be a great cheerleader for our contestants, or post pictures right along with us. Even if you were dropped out of the race you can come back in for the last round!

Theme 5 Love. It’s the heart shape time of year, so show some loved. Maybe dancing in candy hearts, star crossed lovers...anything that show loves is your photo. Can be group or solo shot.

Here are the racers in the second mile

Racer #6 has taken the lead with a smooch, does she have what it takes to keep the lead?
Racer #6
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]0A1CC620-F9A9-4EF3-B413-A4AB6CA5EA61 by s s, on Flickr
Anyone want a smooch

Racer #1
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]0DB98CEE-8A6B-411A-BCFF-ECA8C491CC96 by s s, on Flickr
Glow's hometown tradition for Valentine's Day isn't so much about celebrating just romantic love, it's always been all about celebrating love for everyone! Here Glow has gathered some of her close friends, and friends she hasn't seen in a while to honor their close bonds and lasting friendships. Each pony brings a chocolate heart to share with one another to symbolize just how sweet it is to be together celebrating this day!

Racer #2
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]0885E3FF-D52B-4ADD-94F4-AB3122C81069 by s s, on Flickr
High Flyer and Little Flitter spotted this fluffy cloud up in the sky and decided to have a fun picnic on it! The picnic blanket even matched the roses around them!

Racer #3
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]426D76A0-EE51-4AE3-AFCA-1955D6D54FDF by s s, on Flickr
Sun Glider enlisted White Valentines Twin to help her make cards but Baby Nibbles wanted to help, too! The glitter wasn't meant to be carried by baby ponies, though...

Racer #5
Has slipped behind, perhaps a wild card race

Racer #7
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]0D7ED336-1F89-41D7-A73D-B50BC9D1988C by s s, on Flickr

This flimsy wing racer sure has the heart to win. Maybe behind in the race, but she still has a chance:)
Racer #4
She is back in the race, with the loss of a racer, she was able to bring herself back into the race.
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]B1F370AE-BDC0-451F-89C8-9666841D1B4D by s s, on Flickr
Sky Dancer loves to surprise her friends. Will they get a shiny heart, a pink sapphire, a diamond or something even more amazing than that? Sky Dancer loves to use her wings to send her special surprises all over Ponyland.

It can happen folks. You loose a racer you gain a racer. Keep your hearts soaring as these flimsy wingers keep racing:) vote for your favorite picture.

Theme 6 Making Mischief. Maybe a fun prank is being played on your flimsy wing, maybe they are creating mischief in their pony world. Catch them 8n the action. Solo or group shot any and all props can be used:)
Photo due Feb 17. Voting starts Feb 18.  Voting ends the 22.

Theme 7 In the Air. Winger fly or wingless dreamers wish to touch the clouds. The air moving in their mains, air is your friend. This is a solo shot involving the sky or air. Sunsets, sunrises, anything that shows sky’s or air.
Photo Due Feb 24. Voting start Feb 25. Voting ends March 1.

Theme 8 The Odd Couple. Who is your winger’s odd friend? Is it the cat, the dog, or maybe that random cactus that just won’t grow. Show us their odd friend they love.
Photo Due March 10. Voting starts March 11. Voting ends March 15.

* ending theme will be announced later in the rounds*
* Any theme pictures can be early, just pm them to me with the theme title. *
* Voting dates are different on the post, than the voting area. I close the votes, the day after the due date to compensate different time zones*

Pictures of the theme are posted in the voting forum. So you will post theme 4 pictures here:) if you want me future theme pictures, pm them to me:)

Wild card position has yet to be determined. However, a racer has not submitted a photo. Since the previous racer who fell behind, has posted a picture for this theme, they are able to stay in the race.

Pony Corral / Flimsy Wings Derby! (Photo Contest) First Mile Stretch
« on: February 04, 2018, 04:37:11 PM »
Welcome back to the Flimsy Wing Derby!!! We are into the first mile stretch and boy do these racers have a lot of heart.

url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]IMG_3070 by s s, on Flickr

1st place winner will recive a wing of their choice. I can also make a special pair for them as well:) AND a knitted item of their choice. Check out trades for pictures.,381689.msg1576786.html#msg1576786

2nd and 3rd runner winners will get to choose a custom wing that is already pictured, or a custom knitted project of their choosing. Or only shipping cost on specially made wing design.

All Contestants receive a huge discount on any items they see in my sales/trade. So if they want a $10 wing and participate it might be a $5 wing. Then they can trade for the wing with a $5 value or less.

Shorten rules of the Derby.
1. One flimsy wing pony per contestant. And the contestant has to use the same flimsy wing pony for all photos.

2. Each round hase a theme. After a round, we loose 1 flimsy wing from the derby. (This used to be 2, but with low entries we go down one.)

3. Votes are only important to the round. So once round one is over, all remaining flimsy wing contestants will start the next round with 0. The last round has a surprise element that will be described at the end.

4. New to this is contest is the wild card. I love pictures, so even if you are not entered you can be asked to enter the last round! You can be a great cheerleader for our contestants, or post pictures right along with us. Even if you were dropped out of the race you can come back in for the last round!

Theme 4 Scene It. Recreate a scene from a movie, a musicical, a play, tv show, or make up your own show. This is a group shot.
Photo due Feb 3. Voting starts Feb 4. Voting ends Feb 8.

And here comes our racers!!!
Racer #7 has taken the lead in this stretch, can she hold It?

Racer #7
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]0C0CBD88-4C2A-456E-A965-39F3672B8515 by s s, on Flickr
You’re watching breeze news with Cool Breeze and High Flyer. Our top story today is one of a local pony who sadly suffered a hamster attack. However, we are pleased to say that Sweetberry is recovering in hospital as we speak.
Racer #1
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]1977D13D-2832-40F3-8D44-C58B605012D4 by s s, on Flickr
Glow never considered herself much of an actress, but after learning that she was participating in the Flimsy Wings Derby the Ponyland Theater Group insisted she play a part in their next play! Here she is starring as Tinkerbell in Peter Pan with Goldilocks as Wendy and Paws as Peter Pan flying over Big Ben to Neverland!

Racer #2
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]AF141ACE-8130-4455-B718-71AC596B2DB4 by s s, on Flickr
The Evil Queen disguised as the old Wicked Witch wearing her signature black cloak decided to pay Snow White a visit to give her the poison apple! Soon she will become the fairest in all the land... or will Snow White prevail? (Little Flitter is the Wicked Witch and High Flyer is the beautiful Snow White :))

Racer #3
Hakuna Matata!
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]7F078391-6599-4CD2-B8AE-62067EC0EF58 by s s, on Flickr
What a wonderful phrase

Racer #5
Morning Glory comes to rescue her pony friends from the Smooze!
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]42607A15-6526-44DC-B5C9-DA4387218FD6 by s s, on Flickr

Racer #6
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]9D56A8B2-9354-4ED2-AF71-D4F4600FC2CA by s s, on Flickr
Here's my re-imagining of flutter valley (with wingers!)

Oh no Racer #4 has fallen behind, she can still win this race!!!

Racer #4
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]93037293-8BA9-4717-89C2-7B02CA25560D by s s, on Flickr
From The Last Unicorn
Schmendrick attempts to free the unicorn. DazzleGlow plays Schmendrick. Sky Dancer plays the unicorn and the Breezie is the harpy. do we have here? It’s the racer that could folks, more heart then all the rest. She might be hind, but this one could be our miracle worker,

Racer #9
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]63E4F09B-A290-4C94-9858-F236F9AF4F83 by s s, on Flickr
re-enactment of Fluttershy bowling Twilight Sparkle over to say hi to Spike, with Rosedust as Fluttershy.

Theme 5 Love. It’s the heart shape time of year, so show some loved. Maybe dancing in candy hearts, star crossed lovers...anything that show loves is your photo. Can be group or solo shot.
Photo due Feb 10. Voting starts Feb 11. Voting ends Feb 15.

Theme 6 Making Mischief. Maybe a fun prank is being played on your flimsy wing, maybe they are creating mischief in their pony world. Catch them 8n the action. Solo or group shot any and all props can be used:)
Photo due Feb 17. Voting starts Feb 18.  Voting ends the 22.

Theme 7 In the Air. Winger fly or wingless dreamers wish to touch the clouds. The air moving in their mains, air is your friend. This is a solo shot involving the sky or air. Sunsets, sunrises, anything that shows sky’s or air.
Photo Due Feb 24. Voting start Feb 25. Voting ends March 1.

Theme 8 The Odd Couple. Who is your winger’s odd friend? Is it the cat, the dog, or maybe that random cactus that just won’t grow. Show us their odd friend they love.
Photo Due March 10. Voting starts March 11. Voting ends March 15.

* ending theme will be announced later in the rounds*
* Any theme pictures can be early, just pm them to me with the theme title. *
* Voting dates are different on the post, than the voting area. I close the votes, the day after the due date to compensate different time zones*

Pictures of the theme are posted in the voting forum. So you will post theme 4 pictures here:) if you want me future theme pictures, pm them to me:)

Good luck to you all.

Pony Corral / Flimsy Wings Derby! (Photo Contest) Around the first turn.
« on: January 28, 2018, 02:40:43 PM »
Each flimsy wing racer is neck to neck in this exciting derby!!! Racer #8 is still a bit behind, but she can still be a miracle waiting to the last moment. Racer #2 really shot out from the gate, can she keep here lead as they fly through the first turn.

url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]CBE127DA-E6CF-45E8-B238-D558B1FFBE41 by s s, on Flickr

1st place winner will recive a wing of their choice. I can also make a special pair for them as well:) AND a knitted item of their choice. Check out trades for pictures.,381689.msg1576786.html#msg1576786

2nd and 3rd runner winners will get to choose a custom wing that is already pictured, or a custom knitted project of their choosing. Or only shipping cost on specially made wing design.

All Contestants receive a huge discount on any items they see in my sales/trade. So if they want a $10 wing and participate it might be a $5 wing. Then they can trade for the wing with a $5 value or less.

Shorten rules of the Derby.
1. One flimsy wing pony per contestant. And the contestant has to use the same flimsy wing pony for all photos.

2. Each round hase a theme. After a round, we loose 1 flimsy wing from the derby. (This used to be 2, but with low entries we go down one.)

3. Votes are only important to the round. So once round one is over, all remaining flimsy wing contestants will start the next round with 0. The last round has a surprise element that will be described at the end.

4. New to this is contest is the wild card. I love pictures, so even if you are not entered you can be asked to enter the last round! You can be a great cheerleader for our contestants, or post pictures right along with us. Even if you were dropped out of the race you can come back in for the last round!

Theme 3 Twinkle/Sparkle. Anything that shines, gives your pony sparkly, even the stars in the sky. Make you pony sparkle. This is a solo shot.
Photo due Jan 27. Voting starts Jan 28. Voting ends Feb 1
They are in the first turn, it could be any ones lead.

We have not one, not two, but 3 flimsy wing racers take the lead by the nose!!!!

url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]429D2F64-623E-41C9-9692-70511155DCF2 by s s, on Flickr
Glow was out for a flight at her favorite time of night when suddenly among the starlit clouds she stumbled upon a perfectly captured piece of the sky to bring down and show her friends! She feels it shows perfectly why she loves to stay up and fly among the stars every night.

Racer #6
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[/url]3FCFFE98-F7BE-4A2D-AD90-6AAFA9CB7C1D by s s, on Flickr
Rosedust showing off her sparkly new wings and necklace

Racer #7
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6B4A032E-23A1-4D80-8F7B-09CA74EE385C by s s, on Flickr
After several hours of fluttering around the crystal caves, Cool Breeze found the beautiful treasure she was looking for: a glittering chest filled with dazzling gems!

Racers are still chasing their tails!!

Racer #2
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9EC92A60-3468-467A-9441-071E10964EE1 by s s, on Flickr
High Flyer looked out her window and saw the northern lights outside, so she decided to take a midnight stroll through her glittery rose garden twinkling with the glow from the sky.

Racer #3
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]82D63758-99C0-4866-92A5-62DAA8D7E6E6 by s s, on Flickr
Although there isn't any snow left, there is still plenty of ice. Sun Glider inspected the bottom of a slab that was coated in blue glitter, trying to see who had left it. Did this have to do with the blue pony in her dream? No, it couldn't be...

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C53A2B24-C4A5-4887-809D-2AB03117EBCB by s s, on Flickr
Sky Dancer loves sparkling things and was so excited to show off some of her collection. Her favorite things to collect are beautiful crowns and she has a secret pool full of sapphires where she sometimes finds her new crowns. She also loves to sculpt bears out of the colorful shimmering sands by the waterfall. She even has a sparkling castle.

Racer #5
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201C56CF-DC23-4CD8-A5C8-ECC10CB798D0 by s s, on Flickr
Morning Glory was on an adventure to find how her wings have been mysteriously brought back to her after so many years. Turns out she finally found this gem and glitter filled place, which might be a big hint for her quest. She stayed for a while, admiring the rainbow shift happening inside some of those unique flasks.

Oh no Racer #9 has fallen behind!!! Racer #9 and #8 can still take the prize!!! They may be the.mirucle winger that comes from behind!

Racer #9
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]DB7AFF88-B892-44C6-865F-E521580430BD by s s, on Flickr
Rosedust , with her glitter-adorned wings, sitting in a train car full of "gold".

Vote for your favorite picture!!!!

Theme 4 Scene It. Recreate a scene from a movie, a musicical, a play, tv show, or make up your own show. This is a group shot.
Photo due Feb 3. Voting starts Feb 4. Voting ends Feb 8.

Theme 5 Love. It’s the heart shape time of year, so show some loved. Maybe dancing in candy hearts, star crossed lovers...anything that show loves is your photo. Can be group or solo shot.
Photo due Feb 10. Voting starts Feb 11. Voting ends Feb 15.

Theme 6 Making Mischief. Maybe a fun prank is being played on your flimsy wing, maybe they are creating mischief in their pony world. Catch them 8n the action. Solo or group shot any and all props can be used:)
Photo due Feb 17. Voting starts Feb 18.  Voting ends the 22.

Theme 7 In the Air. Winger fly or wingless dreamers wish to touch the clouds. The air moving in their mains, air is your friend. This is a solo shot involving the sky or air. Sunsets, sunrises, anything that shows sky’s or air.
Photo Due Feb 24. Voting start Feb 25. Voting ends March 1.

Theme 8 The Odd Couple. Who is your winger’s odd friend? Is it the cat, the dog, or maybe that random cactus that just won’t grow. Show us their odd friend they love.
Photo Due March 10. Voting starts March 11. Voting ends March 15.

* ending theme will be announced later in the rounds*
* Any theme pictures can be early, just pm them to me with the theme title. *
* Voting dates are different on the post, than the voting area. I close the votes, the day after the due date to compensate different time zones*

Pictures of the theme are posted in the voting forum. So you will post theme 4 pictures here:) if you want me future theme pictures, pm them to me:)

Good luck to you all.

Welcome back to the amazing flimsy wing derby. All racers shot out of the gate at amazing speeds. Here they come to the first turn.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
B0149359-7593-4C56-AB12-E95E122D13B4 by s s, on Flickr

1st place winner will recive a wing of their choice. I can also make a special pair for them as well:) AND a knitted item of their choice. Check out trades for pictures.,381689.msg1576786.html#msg1576786

2nd and 3rd runner winners will get to choose a custom wing that is already pictured, or a custom knitted project of their choosing. Or only shipping cost on specially made wing design.

All Contestants receive a huge discount on any items they see in my sales/trade. So if they want a $10 wing and participate it might be a $5 wing. Then they can trade for the wing with a $5 value or less.

Shorten rules of the Derby.
1. One flimsy wing pony per contestant. And the contestant has to use the same flimsy wing pony for all photos.

2. Each round hase a theme. After a round, we loose 1 flimsy wing from the derby. (This used to be 2, but with low entries we go down one.)

3. Votes are only important to the round. So once round one is over, all remaining flimsy wing contestants will start the next round with 0. The last round has a surprise element that will be described at the end.

4. New to this is contest is the wild card. I love pictures, so even if you are not entered you can be asked to enter the last round! You can be a great cheerleader for our contestants, or post pictures right along with us. Even if you were dropped out of the race you can come back in for the last round!

Here they come, approaching the first turn, they are neck and neck, wing and wing, who will take stride in this first turn

Theme 2 Rianbow. This can be a group or solo picture. This picture can have all the colors, focus on one color, or a few colors at a time. As long as we look at the picture and say that is a picture representing color/rainbow.
Photo due Jan 20. Voting starts Jan 21. Voting ends Jan 25.

And we are to the first turn and #2 is in the lead!!!!

Racer #2
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BBC9171C-DE89-4AC2-8F7E-12767B9AAE42 by s s, on Flickr
Moonstone and Starflower decided to show High Flyer and Little Flitter a rainbow slide among  the clouds with some butterflies fluttering about :)

Racer #1
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
597E29B0-7677-448F-B7AB-F80A81C9F535 by s s, on Flickr
Glow didn't feel like flying 2 hours out of the city for our road trip, so instead so took an early morning flight to meet up with her seapony friends. They gifted her with beautiful rainbow gems from the sea!

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FA288966-5566-4AD1-941B-AAD6CB5B0846 by s s, on Flickr
Sun Glider feels a bit of a connection to a rainbow-maned pony she saw in a dream...

Racer #4
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85C2F11C-78C6-4035-9E11-56C431C8CE72 by s s, on Flickr
In the caves that are hidden behind the waterfall there is one that is Sky Dancer's favortie. This cave has 3 magic pillars that can become any color Sky Dancer desires, and nothing gives her greater happiness then touching  the rainbow stone that activates the pillars and watching them change colors. Sky Dancer loves all the colors of the rainbow and often makes each pillar a different color just for fun.

Racer #5
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C5648198-338B-4906-B232-ACD99FDECF15 by s s, on Flickr

Racer #6
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
8E0425D8-E3CE-4220-8229-042898488507 by s s, on Flickr

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
249C393E-9C62-4A7B-8EC0-842506C654E2 by s s, on Flickr
Cool Breeze was fluttering around in the clouds when she discovered a beautiful rainbow! She decided to pose with it for her photo

Racer #9
url=]visitors can't see pics , please register or login
[/url]F252AF9C-CF02-4247-B4B0-F67220BB2406 by s s, on Flickr
 Six Flutter Ponies (one for each proper color of the rainbow), stacked in something of an arch.
Hollywood is red (or close enough), Cloud Puff is orange (again, close enough), Rosedust is yellow, Morning Glory is green, Tropical Breeze is blue, and Forget-Me-Not purple.

Oh no racer #8 Just couldn't pick up speed. Keep trying you just might have the stamina to make it to the last round.

Racer #8
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527E3B62-FB14-4FD9-92B5-694F9B74B2D0 by s s, on Flickr
High Flyer decided to lead a pony ode to purple instead.

Keep playing and you can still have the wild card spot:)

*we will loose one racer after this round, but they can still participate *

Theme 3 Twinkle/Sparkle. Anything that shines, gives your pony sparkly, even the stars in the sky. Make you pony sparkle. This is a solo shot.
Photo due Jan 27. Voting starts Jan 28. Voting ends Feb 1

Theme 4 Scene It. Recreate a scene from a movie, a musicical, a play, tv show, or make up your own show. This is a group shot.
Photo due Feb 3. Voting starts Feb 4. Voting ends Feb 8.

Theme 5 Love. It’s the heart shape time of year, so show some loved. Maybe dancing in candy hearts, star crossed lovers...anything that show loves is your photo. Can be group or solo shot.
Photo due Feb 10. Voting starts Feb 11. Voting ends Feb 15.

Theme 6 Making Mischief. Maybe a fun prank is being played on your flimsy wing, maybe they are creating mischief in their pony world. Catch them 8n the action. Solo or group shot any and all props can be used:)
Photo due Feb 17. Voting starts Feb 18.  Voting ends the 22.

Theme 7 In the Air. Winger fly or wingless dreamers wish to touch the clouds. The air moving in their mains, air is your friend. This is a solo shot involving the sky or air. Sunsets, sunrises, anything that shows sky’s or air.
Photo Due Feb 24. Voting start Feb 25. Voting ends March 1.

Theme 8 The Odd Couple. Who is your winger’s odd friend? Is it the cat, the dog, or maybe that random cactus that just won’t grow. Show us their odd friend they love.
Photo Due March 10. Voting starts March 11. Voting ends March 15.

* ending theme will be announced later in the rounds*
* Any theme pictures can be early, just pm them to me with the theme title. *
* Voting dates are different on the post, than the voting area. I close the votes, the day after the due date to compensate different time zones*

Pictures of the theme are posted in the voting forum. So you will post theme 2 pictures here:) if you want me future theme pictures, pm them to me:)

Good luck to you all.

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