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Topics - maycrestmom

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For Trade / Ribbons and Hearts G3 for a Giant Blank?
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:32:12 AM »
I know I know... impossible to find this G3 but I figured I'd toss it out in the just in case and I have been debating about parting with my giant G3 as she is not getting the love and attention as a shelf focal point = thinking she deserves better

would so love a trade but can just buy that cancer pony of course

I also have greek starshine, Italy brown peachy, dutch microphone pony, French bowtie, peru medley and that's just what I can think off the top of my head... obviously would be multiple ponies to one for value set off

also I'm looking for a prototype G4minty = the one that doesn't have the lines on the mints

hmmm... anyhow, its a new year so before I just get going with sales, figured I would start a trade thread I can change up throughout 2015

Wanted! / MCM G3 wishlist here SWAPPING
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:51:59 AM »
as always feel free to go with your gut over my guide here as the point is just have fun for this swap and I am all about having a fun surprise in a swap box :-)

G3 trade list

I am fine to have only one or two if they are MIB


brights brightly, whistle wishes and rarity MIB would be my top want three-group - I love gathering up based on 3 (two daughters = pink and yellow favorite colors and a son = blue)

oh and I know this request is a bit odd, but if you(partner) could alter/fix a lily lightly so she's sans cape and just has her lovely cutie mark I would be in heaven ... I haven't figured out yet how to remove that cape thing-y and it takes up shelf space so I've been toying with the idea of one MIP and one sans cape with the unicorn herd on display

for breezies I am down to hunting for that international zipzee = again strawberryreef is a super ref I have no idea if this package is even possible to find (might be some super impossible like worth hundreds so ignore) MIP so just the little breezie would be fantastic
Lastly any of the "smelly" G3's :-) from 2005 called sunny scents and then they also have a bunch from 2007

here's the site links

faves would be thistle whistle and citrus sweetheart, party cake, pretty pop and chocolate chipper

oh you can add MIB for the "wing wishes" three set as well as I only have them loose

and now that I think about it for more G3 options (been stalking for my partner and I'm like = oh yah, I would like that...) sister set "Tea Set"  and that pick-a-lilly and salsa pair

other g3's that have g1 compares

cotton candy
is there a blossom equivalent (?) go with petal blossom
dunno who would be for bluebelle... hmmm - go with misty blue (she'll be bluebelle in my book = done)
and peachy pie can be peachy stand-in

guess only one out is snuzzle (unless you wanna be creative = you tell me = who would you pick for grey/pink combo

so that's my rainbow (since I have minty already)

boy, that could be my 2015 goal - g3 set of CP style MLP

I am so sorry to my amazing partner to have completely forgotten I love all things green and for G1 ponies = rehair and refab a bait for me and I will gladly find 'em a shelf friend

actually for this swap re-hair some old baity G3's if ya do that sorta thing (yarn poofy, ribbons, or other alternative threads/dreds/beads whatever is fine, doesn't have to be with dollyhair) and I would love to add 'em alongside my customs :-) love peacock colors = aqua, blue, green, purple, gold = course being an 80's girl ya can never get enough neon so fine to be wild instead of cool (colors)

Ok = hope these added thoughts help

most of all  :-) just have fun as that is the whole reason you hang here

Trader & Shipping Support / toys r shipping help to the US please
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:39:48 AM »
hey have we (arenafolk) already set up to help get fashion-size applejack - rainbow variety - from UK to US?

I'd be happy to send over paypal and of course for extra/second shipping = also happy to work a trade I have nirvana (dutch, macau, Italy etc) harder to get US etc. I'd be happy to send over to you also or if there's US merch you want but cannot get

so at any rate shoot me a PM if you can be my UK shipping destination unless it's a known that this pony's gonna make a US appearance??  All I've seen is the rarity glowing thing here at our local TRU

thanks in advance :-)

Seller will not ship to the US unfortunately and I will be happy to pay for post twice.  I am hoping this will be pretty straightforward where I can advance you the euros through paypal etc. and cover whatever other (customs etc)costs

muchas muchas gracias por ayudarme (ayudame...dang fuzzy memory)!

MLP Nirvana / How many Peru White Moonstones?
« on: December 24, 2013, 08:15:54 PM »
So I am guessing that ebay peru was snagged after the listing was pulled = I've bought from that seller before and asked about if they sold it or were relisting and never heard back... sucks that probably means it's another "disappeared" pony

Anyone know how many have been found? 3-4 maybe? I was hoping to have been able to bid but such was not to be (wonder if they only sold her for that $350 price which I think is a steal given her rarity)

this one, case anyone else was curious

oh, and can ya tell given the hour I've just finished setting up the presents under the tree and have a wee bit of time before the santa reveal;-)?  merry Christmas every pony (hope you all were good and santa found what you've been hoping for!)

[link removed ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

On the one hand I got a chuckle... gotta hand it to whoever is so innovative.

And of course I have pony-spa'd, rehaired, repaired and customized these toys so I get the sometimes funny position I've been in to explain why there is "pony soup" on the stove (boiling water and oxy-clean bath to get rid of mold) let alone some of the "in progress" state of some of the customs I've done ("they have to be broken first before they can be beautiful").

But on the other hand, I just... I dunno - really = selling just heads and tails?? Separately?

Is it just me, or does anyone else wonder what those toys are screaming as they have their pictures taken?

I love love love making costumes

so my oldest wanted to be a centaur so thankfully the engineering hubby built the puppetry scaffolding and chicken-wire/paper mache frame covered in fur later became

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horse butt :-)

so here's hubby doing the attachment fixes (behind the scenes shot before the glam pics)

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and here's my lovely centaur daughter

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here's the moving link (hopefully can click on to view)
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whew! I have no idea how I am going to top that idea of hers come next year

My lovely middle daughter wanted to be a gryphon with tooney style eyes (yes I was hanging out at furaffinity and youtube and DA for ideas)
so this is the result (yes she can flap those wings)

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and my favorite pose
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so boy was I glad my son wanted to make his own (after last year he was geodude, I thought for sure I was going to be making another pokemon outfit) so he just pulled stuff out of the dress up box and viola~!

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so thank goodness it was just a drizzling rain for all the candy-begging

Trader & Shipping Support / HUGE thank you to folks for patience!!
« on: September 28, 2013, 07:43:01 AM »
Just wanted to post publicly I really thank folks for their patience = I am only every day more amazed at how folks can keep up on top of things when I don't feel like I am managing at all at the moment ( just getting smacked about by life here ... getting stronger as the saying goes so I will get better)

please feel free to ping me here if I am dropping something as I am just finding out some of my memory problems of late are related to newly being treated for hypothyroidism (in my family so not too surprising... still sucks to feel so slow some days!)

and hah - will probably post in off topic to pick up any helpful tips how to cope as I cannot see  my life slowing down any while my body seems to want to just sleep all the time

 = so again = a huge thank you for folks dealing with me and please please please feel free to bug as a way to help me stay on top of sales and stuff as I have more frequently of late made PMs and not sent them and I just really don't want to get any more mixed  up than I am so usually I know folks here are so super patient, but in my case = don't give me more than a few days as my memory is still adjusting to new meds etc.

I finally set up my default settings to forward to my home email so I can hopefully stay better connected - just I am not on a smartphone - just a desktop and I know we just dealt with that going dark for a bit from a bad storm... so I have an office connection as backup but work from home except for meetings with also juggling kids etc. so that does sometimes take me  a bit of time  BUT no excuses - I am fine for you all to bug me

thanks again for understanding!!

Ok so once again I am trying to really figure out who stays and who goes... and since I am not likely to want to spend another $500 on Miss Brazil as cool as it is that Milkyway has all those different poses to have "the whole set", I am willing to part with the cousin from Spain and just keep the trio of german US and baby TAF

SHE HAS VISIBLE STARS... and she has had her mane and tail cut - not butchered short, but some kid did take out I'd say a half inch to an inch all way round

anyhow here's last years' thread so I'm asking - is she holding this price?  I would be fine with 400 euros,306305.msg362014.html#msg362014

MLP Nirvana / PC for sale Brazil Ribbon
« on: May 15, 2013, 05:46:19 PM »
 whoa = ok = is this a fluke?

I would be happy for $250 if that is the case...

but not sure so lemme run it by you all as I am paring down on my doubles, triples this year seeing how the herd has grown (oh my)

I'll upload pics in a bit, but mine is in likewise great shape... and if anyone is curious check out what the sugarberry fetched (!)  just all around wowza = so are brazilians making a comeback ?

thanks in advance

MLP Nirvana / PC italian brown snuzzle/peachy for sale
« on: May 14, 2013, 06:28:01 AM »
heya pony peeps :-)

so Ive gone and made a big nirvana purchase so trying to balance my account better this year with sales so...
I've a double of an italian brown snuzzle (originally two italians and a jenny for my three kids but I just got the OK that the set can be broken up as there are plenty of ponies to go round ;-)  ... yah well, that's how the herd happens)

Seems italian prices are all over the map = anybody have any idea on prices?
Looking at the nirvana page = both are the 4 stamp - that was the chance I took as there was no picture for the 2-stamper

so main difference is the one with pink-er hearts has shorter hair which I am now going to say is cut if all browns were supposed to have long macau-like hair

the other has white hearts (faded?) and long hair

I'll get pics up in uno momento

so thanks for the feedback on if these price-wise as I am planning on selling -  oh - if anyone has a two stamper to compare with pics that would be super as well :-)


Customs / enduring friendship themed custom :-)
« on: May 02, 2013, 01:49:15 PM »
so we had to come up with a way to express "enduring friendship"

first pic :-)

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this is my take on that theme ...

Inspired by the episode where young apple rose and young granny are in that race and they fall down... that's what in the picture album.  They get together on the old blanket and have a picnic birthday celebration... and reminisce like old friends do :-)

I'll upload some more, but wanted to share these two obviously hasbro inspired with ya'll =  how I spent my winter weekends

oh - and this is the reason for my shout out for sitting pose bodies (  -_- I now have a franken bait hearthrob and parasol if any have a need for those pose bodies)

hmmm... so I will start by my admitting that I do tend to agree that there is a possibility that sellers in Argentina are taking ponies - from what has been seen all CP - and changing up the symbols

here's my "snarkler" from before
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I wrote about her before if someone wants to tag the thread on that = great :-)

and I then bought from a different seller a bluebelle "sparkler" and the maybe-interesting difference (well to me) is that unlike snuzzle, the bluebelle's stencils are different on each side.

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Unfortunately, when I asked the seller who claimed to be selling the inevitable "girlfriends' toys" , there was no answer other than she had no more at the moment to sell... the person is also a member over at the TP so Ive messaged to try to find out more about the "how did the girlfriend get the toy?"  Did she know someone at the factory?  Did she just get it as a childhood gift??   I just want to know about the pony = were these like "pound shop put-togethers"??  Or another company coming in with old stock that is not selling and being enterprising?? But I have not gotten any answer from my PMs. In that person's defense I will say that they are not seeming to be active participants and english is presumably a second language... still

I will just finish with I don't like it when ebay sellers who register on pony boards to post their auctions seem to then get evasive and offer up silence to some simple straightforward curiosity based questions.

So this is where I jump to the venezuela ponies

So my understanding (correct me from here if I am wrong please!) is we have discovery of a warehouse and the boxed pony phenomenon begins...

followed now it seems by what has been termed  "squeaky butts"  (gotta love how we come up with such technical terms to describe pony toys ;-) right?)

so here is my suspicion that I don't want to be a downer about the new country discovery and all that, but in an age when the local folks can talk and pretty quickly discover what the gringitas en the rest of the world - predominantly in the US, but also throughout Europe of course - will spend on these "toys", I can imagine it would raise the temptation bar a bit to makeover some fakies etc. right quick...

So do we have any pony peeps that may know if Venezuela is still selling MLP/ well the mold of that is / today?  Like the Argie frankenponies?? 

I'm also recalling that thank goodness we had a local explain how Estrella put out a promotional "susie" I think it was now two Easters ago - so while it is a hasbro mold - she's a fakie.  Same as the coloring kiddies fakies :-) and while I like the baby ponies colors and molds so I will put that out there that I'm fine with thinking $20US for cute fakie - OK it's just my opinion on what I value something - I think it good information for folks to know that there are hasbro mold fakies and these are not necessarily the same as the 80's MLP.

So again, on the one hand if folks want to spend hundreds on ponies = be my guest - the items are worth what folks are willing to spend on them ... but at the same time

now that "OOAK" vennes with hair are popping up = and this from a seller who claimed to be "out of MLP from her childhood yadda yadda..." I am once again suspicious about the origins

So I would appreciate not have a down-the-rabbit-hole conspiracy discussion, but an honest - so what do you all think?  Am I nuts to be connecting dots this way?  Maybe there aren't even dots = so tell me your thoughts

we are all trying to enjoy the phenomenon of new ponies being discovered while I would assume at the same time avoid being scammed... sorry for the harsh words, but admittedly, that is my fear if we are not educated about what is being offered

so there is my two cents = thanks for being able to get through this "novel" and I look forward to the insights offered

MLP Nirvana / PC on a princess put-together = tabby
« on: March 26, 2013, 08:40:02 AM »
move if she's not technically nirvana to the corral = I was searching but didn't seem to find any information about pricing on her - is she in the same $40-$60US (what is that 30 to 40GBP I think?) range as most of the others?  less?  more? 

Mine's condition is ok, her main flaws are a faint looks like pen mark on her rump, looks like her tail is trimmed = although full by pics of others I've seen.  Tinsel is somewhat crinkly.  Blue tinsel tail - is that the more common version?  I've seen multicolor on some so I liked that she matched her mane.  Oh and there's a lot of glue residue at her neck, although being a combo of primrose and tabby I kinda thought that was related to her head/body mismatch - I pulled it apart some to try to clean a bit... oh and her cheek blush is really rubbed/almost non-existant

so here's pics

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and thanks in advance for any comment on pricing

Customs / bait swap= hopefully = looking for sitting G1
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:08:47 PM »
really baity = bald, cancer etc is fine as the plan is FBR

NEED a total of TWO (well I can bait the bubbles I have but she's in real good shape so hoping not too...)

so seashell and bubbles can be in generally bad shape = in fact, I really just need their bodies as I am doing a frankenpony pose... so if you have such decapitated dears in your box send me a PM

I have plenty of G1, G3, McD, fakies etc. = tell me what you are looking for :-) I probably have it

I am also fine to send along a perfectly fine pony = something up to $5 in trade value I'm thinking

thanks in advance for reading :-)

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