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Topics - ButtercreamDream

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Off Topic / My fosters found their 'Forever Home' today!
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:47:14 PM »
I've got some happy news to share!  *Happy Dance*
 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I'm so happy!  My foster ferrets, Fiona and Oliver, found their forever home today.  I've been fostering for 7 years now, and these are the first ones I've ever had to find a home.  Usually I get the older ones with medical issues, so they stay with me until the end.  These two found a perfect home with a loving, retired vet tech.

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I'm so happy for them (and maybe crying just a little bit).  I'll miss them, but I know they are going to be so happy!  Yay!

Pony Corral / Chief has 2 different hats?
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:25:26 PM »
I'm cleaning up a whole bunch of new ponies for sale, and a bunch of them are boys.  When I took off the new Chief's hat, I realised it's different from my Chief's hat.  One is bigger than the other, and a different shape.  Are they just a first and second release?

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I know it's not the best picture.  It's hard to see, but one is bigger all around than the other, and the ear hole are different.  Any ideas?

Pony Corral / So my mom is at Toys R Us in Taiwan...
« on: November 12, 2012, 08:37:38 PM »
My mom is in Taiwan this week.  She just called me from Toys R Us there, to ask me if I wanted anything.  I'm a little bit in shock, because she is usually of the attitude that I should have outgrown ponies when I was 7, lol.  This is the first time she's suggested anything pony related since I was a kid.

Anyway, she's excited about finding ponies there, and wants to bring me back one with mandrin writing on the box as a souvenier.  The only problem is that I can't navigate the TRU Taiwan site at all, even with translation through chrome.  Does anyone have any idea what ponies are out in Taiwan, or how to find out?

The TRU is right near her hotel.  I wish she could send me a cell phone pic of what they have, but she's not great with technology =)

Pony Corral / TRU Favourites sets in CANADA!!!
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:33:10 PM »
Couldn't find a topic on this, so I'm starting one.  Please feel free to merge threads if this has been posted, and I missed it.  I found the TRU favourites set with Nightmare Moon at TRU Ottawa today!  I'm super excited because a) I LOVE black ponies.  b) She's the first villan MLP getting a store release, I think.  And c)  I wasn't sure that Canada would ever get this set!

 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Can you tell I'm really excited?!  Happy Pony hunting Canucks!

Pony Corral / What to do with broken playsets?
« on: October 24, 2012, 08:41:33 PM »
I got a couple of broken playsets with a lot recently, and I'm not sure what to do with them.  I've got a dream castle, with part of the border over the drawbridge broken and missing, as well as a couple of spots that would need glue.  Is it of use for anyone for parts?  Or a custom playset?  I was about to offer it up for free to anyone who wants it locally, and throw it out if no one does.

I also have Peachy's stable, with no hinges (just 2 walls, the back and the floor), and Cuddles' carriage without umbrella.

Does anyone need anthing from these?  Should I turf them?

Pony Corral / Restoration question! Can she be saved?
« on: October 04, 2012, 09:28:56 AM »
I went to a thrift store yesterday looking for something entirely different, and to my surprise, I found G1 Bright Eyes!  After cleaning her up, she has lovely hair, nice symbols, and even still has loads of coating on her eyes!  She has one big flaw, though.  There's a big black mark on the NDS side of her face.  I didn't get the greatest shot, but to me, it almost looks like newsprint transfer.  It's black, it looks like it's gone right into the plastic, and it's on the highest points (which is why it looks like ink transfer).  I've tried soap and water, and magic eraser, but it looks like it's stained in.  It almost looks like mold in the photo, but there's a really fine pattern that reminds me of print in person.

Here's some shots before I cleaned her;
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and here's the mark
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Any ideas?  Anyone tried to sunfade bright eyes before?  It's heading into winter here, and I've got uv coating on most of my windows, so I'm not even sure if that's an option.  It's a shame, because otherwise she's really nice!  thanks guys!

Customs / Can you uncurl nylon hair?
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:31:26 PM »
Hi custom pony people!  I have this G4 custom.  She's the first G4 I've ever made, and I'm really happy with how she turned out.  Right now, her hair is way to long for her. I want to style it, but this is way out of my territory.  I don't even style my own hair, lol.

The up-dos are really nice, but a little too mature and elegant for this mischivious, playful pony.  I'm thinking straw curls, but I'm worried I'll mess it up, or just hate it.

So, if I do straw curls, and I don't like it, is there a way to fix it?  Can it be uncurled?

Pony Corral / I can't believe my husband just said that!!
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:43:34 AM »
So, my husband and I were sitting there, reminiscing about something that happened last year.  I found a garage sale where someone was selling all kinds of professional tools for cheap.  There were great deals, but I had no idea what I was looking at, so I called my husband.  I know the names of some of them, but I didn't know what was a good brand, and what to look at for conditions.  He came right over after his soccer game, but someone was leaving with the tool he wanted most, just as he got there (it was around $400-$600 new, and it sold for $60!)

Over the last year, he got the tools he was looking for, the last one being last weekend.  It was in rough shape, but it was good quality.  He put 2 hours into it, and it's good as new now.

He doesn't hold it against me at all, but I still feel disappointed about the sale.  We were talking about it, and I compared it to him finding a garage sale with tons of ponies, and not knowing the difference between a thousand dollar pony, and a fakie....

..... and my 30 year old husband, who doesn't collect anything that's not useful, and had a really hard time with my pony collecting, gave me the most indignant look, and said "Oh, I could spot a fakie!"  :lmao:

Just the fact that he used the word "fakie" in that dead serious tone... I can't believe he even knows what a fakie is.  We laughed so hard we actually cried.  I'm sure he knows more about ponies now than he ever wanted to =P  I've corrupted him good, Muhahahahaha!

How have you guys corrupted the people around you with your love of ponies?

Customs / Show me hairstyles using nylon!
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:08:05 PM »
Well, I finally completed my first custom pony in years.  I've been working on her late at night, after the baby's in bed, and paying for it in the mornings, lol.  It's a surprise for someone, so I can't show her off yet.  I'm loving how she turned out, but I have one little problem.

I'm using nylon hair from Custompony (bought before things blew up over there).  Right now, I've got a G4, with a whole lot of hair.  I kept the holes for the mane that were there, enlarged the tail whole a bit, but the length is pretty long right now, about 9-10".  I've mostley used saran up until now, which is pretty different to work with.  I could cut it, but I was thinking of doing something other than a straight "do".  I was thinking of trying straw curls or some sort of up-do.

I need some inspiration.  May I please see you hairstyles, especially using nylon on G4s?

Off Topic / Anyone collecting Care Bear plushies?
« on: September 06, 2012, 08:44:26 PM »
I'm downsizing my carebear plushie collection.  I've been saving them for my future kid's room, but now that I actually have a kid, I don't have room to really appriciate them.  My son likes them, but I'm keeping the new ones for him, and I'm hoping to pass on the vintage ones to a collector.  I was trying to sell the lot of them, but the size makes them hard to ship, and I haven't had too much luck online.  Is anyone looking for them?  Any advice?  I've been asking $25 for all 5.

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Trader & Shipping Support / reshipping help from the UK?
« on: August 27, 2012, 09:23:48 AM »
I'm trying to get something from the UK for a friend for x-mas.  I've contacted the seller, and they won't ship to canada, but they will ship to a different address in the UK, if I can get someone to reship to me.  I would very gratefully pay all the costs via paypal (I'll pay the seller directly for the item, and initial shipping, and then the re-shipper to ship it to me, if anyone would be so kind).


Pony Corral / Damn these plastic prisons!
« on: August 23, 2012, 11:58:34 AM »
I haven't removed many ponies and playsets from their packaging since the 80s, except for the odd set here and there, and the first wave of G3s.  I love the packaging of the MIB ponies, and it keeps them somewhat safe from damage and dust.  Plus the few G4s that I released all had some flaws that couldn't be seen in the packaging, with the exception of the Fashion Style ponies, who have all been great.

As you can imagine, that takes up a lot of room, and since I don't have room to display more than a handfull of G1s anyway, they are all in bins stacked to the ceiling. 

Well, I'm running out of room, with all the baby stuff we've got.  I haven't had too much luck selling MIB G3s, partially because shipping is so high from Canada, and I've had no luck at all locally.  I'm already trying to sell them for less than I paid, but it's not worth it to go much I've decided to start de-boxing some sets.  I started last night with the G3 mermaid ponyville stuff, and a few G4 playsets, and holy heck!  These plastic prisons they come in are insane!  It's actually tiring, and I haven't even gotten to the separating of cardboard from plastic for recycling yet!  It took me over an hour to free 6 sets!  And I had to employ scissors!  I guess I've just been spoiled by G1 stuff.  On a different note, the mermaid castle is awesome!

I know this is all probably old news to the non-MiB collectors, but my how the packaging has changed.  If I didn't have scissors and a box cutter, I'd still be at it  :P

Off Topic / Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:50:23 PM »
I've had a tough month.  I stopped adopting ferrets, and started fostering when I knew I was planning on having kids soon.  Then, I stopped taking foster pets when I had my baby, 9 months ago.  Since then, there have been TONS of people surrendering their pets, and no new adoption candidates.  The other foster houses are dropping out for even better reasons than mine (serious illness, or they just had their 3rd kid in 3 years).  I keep getting desperate calls, like "I don't want to pressure you, but there's no other place", so I'm back in.

The difference is that I used to pick up from the main shelter home, and I would keep them until they were adopted (which has never actually happened, since I always took the old/or and sick ones ) or they die.  I would pet-sit as well, for shelter donations, and that's when you meet some very caring pet owners.

Lately however, the main shelter shut down, so now people bring me their pets for surrendering directly.  I can't keep them all, but I've been doing the intake and assessing them.  Other members have been good enough to take in the really bad ones that need lots of rehab, or serious medical conditions, since I have a baby at home.  The things I've seen in the last month have made me  :enraged:.  I wanted to punch some people.  Like, seriously...  I wish they had to go through what they did to their pets.  I can't even share the stories, because I'm pretty sure it violates the "no animal abuse" policy.

Anyway... This is where you come in!  I need my faith in people back!

Please tell me about (and show me, if you can) your rescued and/or just plain pampered pets.  I want to see the ones that are well taken care of!  Tell me what makes them special, and why you love them  :lovey:


ETA some of my own guys!--------------------------------------------------------------------

This is Sadie.  Her mom was dropped off while pregnant at the humane society, so I had her since she was a puppy, until summer 2 years ago, when she died from cancer.  She was a little like 'Marley', until I discovered the dog whisperer, and realised that I was the problem, not her!  FYI, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, lol.  She was a super loving lady, who lead a pampered life.

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Here is Moose.  He's the only ferret who is actually mine right now.  He was a lab testing animal, and I adopted him and covered his vet bills for getting him fixed. He's almost 4lbs of ferret!  He's super calm (for a ferret), and he's taken a lot of rehab to turn him from a cage-only animal, to a regular pet.  I've had him 2 years, and I only JUST got him to try a treat for the first time this week!  He had no idea how to play, or even explore when I first got him.  He's so sweet, and a perfect starter ferret for my kid to be around.

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This is curly, passed out after a good day of playing.  He was one of my foster ferrets until recently.  This poor guy had the worst broken tail my vet had ever seen, broken in five places (he guessed that Curly had been swung around by his tail).  He wound up having to have part of it amputated.  He was abandonned without food or water, with 2 other ferrets, in an apparetment for TWO WEEKS!  All 3 were close to kidney failure when the land lord found them.  Curly probably will have a shorter life because of it, but he's got a posh life now.  He's a complete sweetheart, and you would never know what he's gone through.

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Here's Pixie in the tunnel.  She's super fast and tiny.  Her owner was really good, but she got cancer, and couldn't care for her anymore.

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And here's Moose, trying to snuggle with Clyde, Bubbles and Pixie (on top).  He wasn't full grown in this shot, but he was still twice the size of the next biggest ferret.

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This is Nova.  He was my baby.  He was never fully healthy, so he spent so much time being separated from other ferrets as a baby, and being taken care of by people, that he craved human attention and snuggles.  The pet store he was at was supposed to send him back to the breeder to be put down, because they couldn't give a health guarentee with him, but I convinced the manager to let me buy him (I worked there, and had become very attatched).  He only lived to be 4, but he had a good life, and I'm so glad that I was in the right place at the right time to save him.

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This is Sid.  He was my first adopted ferret. 
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He won my roomates and I over with the most adorable poses.  When we went to pick out a ferret from the rescue for the first time, he got up on the couch to get our attention, and then went into a gift bag, and looked at us with those puppy dog eyes.

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That's only a few of my adopted and fostered pets, but that's all I've got on hand.  When it comes to rescues, I've had everything from baby ducks to a horse.  I've loved them all, and I hope I gave them a better life.   :lovey:

Hey gang!  I need some help from someone in the US, if anyone is willing.  Basically, I bought a product for my husband (a countertop compost keeper), and the first time he used it, the handle fell off and it smashed.  It was over $50, so I'm pretty bummed about it.  The company is possibly offering me a replacement, but they will only ship to the US... so...  I'm looking for someone to whom I can have it shipped, who can then ship it to me in Canada.  I'll gladly pay postage and paypal fees if someone would be willing to help me out.

Thanks so much!


Thanks so much for offering to help, everyone!  I got a hold of my customer service person, and told them the plan, but after talking to her boss, they decided to break the rules and ship to me directly. I just have to send payment to them directly to cover shipping.  Thanks for all the offers of help.  You guys are the best!

Wanted! / Want list for Advent Calendar Swap
« on: August 15, 2012, 09:37:15 PM »
This is my want list for the Advent Calendar Swap.  I've tried to add a bunch to make it easier;

Baby Sea Pony Sea Shimmer
Newborn Tumbleweed (all 4 feet on ground)
SS fifi
TE Speedy
TE Sweet Pop
Pearly BSP Ripple (pony only, I have her float)
Pearly BSP Sunshower (pony only, I have her float)
BB 4-Speed
BB Barnacle
TAF Love Melody
Princess Pristina
Princess Taffeta
Blueberry Baskets
TAF Yum Yum
MGR Sparkler
PBB Waddles
Sparkle Napper M/O or regular
WW Moon Jumper
WW Starry Wings
Rainbow Curl Ringlet
Any Glow N Show Ponies
Baby Sea Princess
Collector Pose Applejack
Newborn Stargaze
Any Surprise Newborns
Baby Hopscotch

Upgrade Ponies (Minty);
Blueberry Baskets

Pony Pets;
Duck Soup
Cartoon eyed (MO) spike

Rainbow flash
Lily Blossom

ETA a few more  :blush:  I didn't add some of these in the first place because I figured they may be over budget, but just in case my partner finds a good deal

SS Crumpet
Baby Crumpet
MGR Diamond Dreams

I also discovered Blind Bag ponies.  We only have wave 4 in Canada, plus the Friendship Celebration Collection.  I'm looking for;

Wave 1
-#9 Minty

Wave 2
-#11 Tea Love
-#17 Dewdrop Dazzle

Wave 3
-#3 Bitta Luck
-#9 Sprinkle Stripe*****
-#10 Sea Swirl
-#14 Apple Dazzle
-#23 Noteworthy
-#24 Lucky Dreams *****

Answers to aditional questions;

1. Name Your Top Ten Food Treats.
Chocolate and caramel combo (turtles, rolo etc.), fruit flavoured hard candies, pistachios, macadamia nuts, chocolate covered almonds, coke bottle gummies, Mars bars, toffiffee, truffles and more chocolate =P  ..  I like healthy stuff too, you just can't send most of it in the mail

2. Do you want something from China?
Sure.  This must be a question from xeevee, lol.

3. Will you be celebrating a birthday during the 25 days of the swap?
Nope, mine is in April

4. Is your birthday during the 25 days of gifts?

5. Do you have any pets?
Yes!  A 2 year old, medium golden doodle named Maggie, freshwater fish, and 1 ferret (Moose) who I've adopted.  I currently have another foster ferret named Fiona who may or may not get adopted by the present openeing time, and I will be ferret sitting a third ferret named Poncho for a year during this 3 ferrets, give or take.  Ferret rescue will probably sucker me into taking another foster by then, lol.

6. Are you in other swaps?
Nope.  I'll be keeping an eye out for the next set completer swap =)

7. Do you like scented stuff like candles for example, and if so what scents do you prefer?

No thank you =(  They make me sneezy.  I prefer unscented, or very very mild stuff.

8. Do you have pierced ears?
I don't have any piercings at all

9. Do you have children?
I have a little boy.  He'll be 1 year old in November, and his name is Colton, or Cole for short.

10 Do you wear any kind of jewellery?
I wear necklaces and bracelets, (and my wedding ring of course) but mostley when I'm going out, because my baby tries to eat it, lol.  I love stuff that's made with natural materials, like stone or wood, but anything is nice.  I have very little jewelery.

11. Fave animals?
Horses and otters, but I really like all animals.

12. Does anyone still want Dolly Mix
I don't have any, but I'd prefer blind bags to dolly mix.

13. Do you have a wishlist for your other collections?
Nothing in particular, other than what was already listed above.

14. Do you collect merchandise?
G1 stuff, but only if it's smallish.  I don't have room for anything bigger than a mug or small poster/artwork.

15. What generations of ponies do you collect, are your preference?
G1 is my fav, followed by G4, and G3.  I don't collect G2 or 3.5 at all.

16. Do you have any armies?
Not on purpose.  I usually sell my double, or customize them.

17. Fave Ponies?
How can you ask me to choose? :cry:  Gingerbread, Firefly, Parasol...  I don't know, I love them all!  I especially love years 2-6 of G1

18. Do you have a ref sheet for your ponysona?
 :ninja:  I don't have a ponysona.  If I did, it would be a rainbowy TAF pony full of cupcakes and ferrets and completely chaotic.  I'm too indecisive so I've never made one.

19. I know that this swap is generally for loose ponies, but would you prefer MOC?
MOC is cool, but I wouldn't want my partner to blow the budget.  As for G1s, I tend to avoid MOC ponies that I don't already have, since I'd be tempted to take them out and play with them.  MIB Meagan and Sundance and Gingerbread are all grails of mine, though.  I could go either way, I guess.

20. Would you rather get lots of lower-value ponies or a few big value ones?
I'm really happy either way.  Surprise me!

21. Would you like to receive pony accessories or pony wear as extras? If so, anything in particular you are wanting?
I love accessories!  I have a partial accessory want list on my general want list.  I won't be buying any G1 ponies (unless I get lucky at a garage sale) between now and Christmas, so anything on my main list is valid.  I'd love an intact stroller from the newborns, but I've never ever seen one since the 80s, so that's far fetched.  Really, anything is good.

22. I have a really important question in regards to extras/handmade items.  Do you like homemade items that are cute and girly, all adult with no cute element, or less girly?

Hmmm, I would say not super girly, but I do love cute..and cupcakes and rainbows.  So, yes to cute, but maybe not too pink or lace.

23. Also along these same lines for homemade ideas can you list a few ponies or pony types (any generation) that you like represented in handmade items?For example are you a unicorn fan?
G1s for sure.  I love mom and baby, or family ponies.  Other than that, I also love Twinkle eyed ponies, and sea ponies.

24. Also, what types of books do you read and shows do you love on tv?
I love to read!  I read fiction and non fiction, depending on my mood.  I love classic books, adventure, fantasy, as well as non-fiction interesting reads about pretty much anything.  The hitchiker's guide, and Harry Potter are some of my favs (though I own them all), and I'm currently reading the Song of Ice and Fire series (aka Game of Thrones).  I've also enjoyed Malcom Gladwell, and Micheal Pollan books lately.  I'm gathering books to read with my kid as he gets older as well.  He's into board books now, but I've got some Dr. Suess, Robert Munsch, and just general good kids books for him too.  I collect MLP books too.

As for TV, I am watching True Blood, the Newsroom and breaking bad right now.  I also like Game of Thrones, the Tudors, Star Trek, Firefly and arrested development.

25. What's your Chinese zodiac?
Mine is the year of the Rooster, I believe

26. Items from the US?
Sure.  There's nothing in particular that I can think of right now.

27. Do you like puzzles, coloring books/activity books?
I love logic puzzles, and mlp colouring books are very cute.

28. Would you like lotions, soaps, make up, nail polish?
I'm very specific when it comes to soaps and scents, but I do like nail polish, especially bright funky colours, and shimmery ones.  I almost never wear makeup outside of lipgloss and mascara, but those I do like.

29. Do you collect Moshi Monsters?
What is a Moshi Monster?  I guess that's a no.

30. Disney pins
I don't collect pins

31. Fave movies
Robin Hood
Little Mermaid
The lion king

32.Mcdonald ponies

No more Mcdonald's Ponies!  I can't get rid of the ones I have, lol.

33. if you were to receive a colored drawing of a pony, which one would you like to get? You can list more than one pony if you like
Anyone from G1 would be awesome.  Gusty and baby, Firefly and baby, Parasol, lofty and baby, cupcake, lil cupcake and gingerbread are a few of my favs.  I really like them all =)

34. Do you have a fav Christmas album?

No.  I don't really like any christmas music.  I heard way too much of it when I used to work in retail, lol.

35. What's your favorite hot drink?
Espresso and hot chocolate

36. Would you like socks?

Sure, but I have big feet (size 10 or 11).  Most one-size fits all socks fit, though.

37. Do you like sock monkeys?
I don't collect them or anything, but I'm sure my son would play with it =)

48. How do you wear your hair? Long, short? Do you like hair clips, barrettes, ...?

My hair is shoulder length, and I use those tiny clips to pin back the sides when needed.  My hair is fine, so the clips with big gaps when closed don't work for me.  I like hair bands too.

49. Let's say your wish list has G1, G3, G4 on it. Which do you prefer to get?
G1 is my fav generation, and G3 and 4 are tied.

50. Hello Kitty
I think Hello Kitty is super cute.  I prefer things that are useful or edible as opposed to trinkets, though.

51. Monster high cutesy stuff (notebooks, stickers, pens, etc): yes or no?
No thanks.  I'm not into MH or dolls at all.

52. Do you like Gingerbread??
I love it, but I'm gluten sensitive, so I can't eat wheat/flour.  I usually make it myself at Christmas.

53. Pony Playsets??
I like them, but I only collect the G1 sets.  I've got the dream castle, dance studio, nursery, BMB boutique, Satin Slipper shop, and Peachy's pretty parlour (but it's in rough shape).  I've been looking for the waterfall set forever.

54. Do you want any G1 Plushies?
Sure.  I have Lofty and Baby, Blossom, Parasol, Starshine, CJ, Glory and Mommy Lickety Split already.

55. How do you feel about getting homemade jams/jellies/baked goods?

I love them, but nothing made with wheat flour please.

56. We covered children already, but is there anyone else you live with that we might buy for?
My husband.  He loves Lego, white chocolate and video games.

57. I have a question now- do you like spicy things? Jalepenos, Habeneros? Do you cook with spicy?
No, not really.  I'm lame when it come to super spicy.

58. Any winter-related smallish apparel or trinkets that you like?
A scarf would be nice.  I've got tons of hats already.

It seems I missed some questions...

A question for the pet owners here. Are there any toys your pets like to play with?
My ferrets play with cat toys, as long as they don't have small parts that break off, or that they can swallow.  They LOVE coloured ping pong balls.  My dog like anything she can fetch....over and over and over, lol.

T-Shirt Size:
S or M

If you have previously stated that you're ok with fixable problems (minor symbol damage, haircuts, whatever), do you want that left alone so you can fix it or leave it as you see fit, or would you like repairs made before you receive a pony? I'm thinking specifically of rehairing, but I'm leaving it open in case anyone else had this question.
That's fine by me.  I have several colours of hair, but I don't have a rehairing tool.  I can do it myself as well.

Does anyone have a favourite pony (from your wantlist, or one you'd be getting a double of) you'd like to be surprised with if your partner gave him/her an alternate rehair, as an extra? They can be super fun and beautiful, but I'd hate to make someone cry if they hated the idea!
I'd love to have a double of any pony as an alternate rehair

For those of you who like accessories, do you mind getting duplicates? I know some people don't mind that.
What kind of accessories do you like? Brushes/combs, pony wear, etc?

I don't mind doubles at all.  My favourites are the newborn twins accessories, but I love them all.  I have quite a bit of pony wear already, but I'm open to more.

Do you like Pokemon?

I love the games, but I'd rather not have any figures or plushies.  I'm trying to cut down on the non-pony clutter right now.

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