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Topics - BlackCurtains

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Pony Corral / Arena Interview - TheClassCalico!
« on: October 01, 2023, 10:12:44 AM »
Welcome to another interview! This time with TheClassCalico! Thanks so much :)


Where did you get your user name?
I’ve always had a cat-themed username, but at some point or another, I switched to TheClassCalico. If memory serves, it was as simple as me liking how it looked, rather than any special meaning.

How old are you?
I am 23.

Do you go to school or work?
Currently, no.

What are your hobbies?
Needle felting, drawing, collecting (natural history items, Furbies and My Little Ponies), gaming, and sometimes researching topics of interest, usually pertaining to animals.

Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have a leopard gecko named Choy, two rats named Sugar and Honey, a cat named Pebbles and a dog named Tyson. Ironically, he’s a chihuahua.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I’m not quite sure, maybe Canada or Denmark.

Do you collect anything other than ponies?
As previously mentioned, natural history items (bones, pelts, wet specimens, etc.) and Furbies.


How long have you been collecting ponies?
Since I was a small child, but I've been more actively collecting since 2013 or so.

Why did you start collecting ponies?
I simply like them. I’ve always liked fantasy and a lot of the ponies have nice designs. I also think that there's a certain degree of nostalgia there influencing my interest.

Who is your favorite pony and why?
Wind Whistler. Blame My Little Pony & Friends.

Who is your favorite pony from another country?

Who is your favorite fakie?
I think it’d a tie between the concerned pony and Princess Rinse ‘N’ Spit.

What pony did you get recently?
My most recent purchases were Flowerburst and Dainty. I like to think that they are a couple.

What is your favorite generation?

What is your favorite part about collecting?
I suppose that collecting itself just makes me happy, it’s satisfying. Getting a new pony is always such a nice feeling.

How big is your collection?
Relatively small, but not tiny.

What do your friends and family think about your collection?
They don’t mind. My mother buys me some ponies from time to time.

Do you still play with your ponies?
I sometimes like to stick my G3s to the fridge just to be silly. :P Other than that, no.

What rare or popular pony makes you ask why!?
Rapunzel’s price makes me want to cry.

If you had to have a pony symbol tattooed on your butt, which would you pick and why?
G1 Moondancer’s. It looks like it would make for a nice tattoo.

If you could have any pony remade in a different generation, who would you choose and why?
I’d love a G1 Lady Rainbow. She’s lovely and I feel as though she’d fit into G1 nicely.

What has been the worst part about collecting?
The expense can get a bit much sometimes. I’ve yet to start getting anything super expensive, but I know I’ll get there and looking at some of the prices alone stings a little.

What is your ultimate collecting goal?
Perhaps to acquire a genuine Takara pony.

What is your biggest collecting regret?
I got my first G1, Skydancer, and proceeded to customise her…poorly. Oops!

Who is your grail pony and why?
I don’t really have a single grail, but to name one, Ami Ami.
Do you have it?
Ha! I wish.

Do you prefer loose or MIP ponies?
I prefer ponies loose.

Quick! Close your eyes and grab a pony! Who did you get?
G3.5 Cheerilee

Are you a customizer?
Nope! Although I dabbled in it when I was younger.

Would you ever be?
Potentially! I’d like to get into it someday.

What do you think of custom ponies?
They’re great! There are some gorgeous pieces of art made by the community.

What are acceptable and unacceptable pony flaws, in your opinion?
Really anything acceptable is something that can be cleaned or is very minimal, such as a minor paint smudge.  If it’s something that cannot easily be cleaned and is very noticeable, I will probably skip on the pony.

Would you rather have a bait pony or a fakie?
A bait.

Do you watch pony shows/movies?
Which ones?

I watch/have watched all of them!

Do you read pony comics?
Which ones?

I’ve read some of the G4 and G2 comics, but I couldn’t name specifics.

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a pony?
As mentioned previously, I customised poor Skydancer. She’s now missing a lot of paint and is overall a mess.

Fill in the blank!

"I wish Hasbro would add more character variety to more recent generations"

"When I was new to ponies I didn't know that Nirvanas existed"

"I think the most underappreciated pony is Copper Glow because she has such a nice design"

"I think more ponies should have 3D symbols"

"I don't like Pony Life because of the random humour"

"I love G1 because of the variety in ponies and because they look a little bit like Shetland ponies"

Arts & Crafts Corral / Catober!
« on: October 01, 2023, 07:30:35 AM »
This year I'm participating in Catober, a kitty filled alternative to Inktober. Here are the prompts if someone wants to follow along!

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Day 1 - Fall

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Day 2 - Pillow

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Off Topic / Happy Fall!
« on: September 22, 2023, 08:04:06 PM »
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Happy Fall for everyone in the Northern hemisphere! :hearts:

Autumn Fires
By Robert Louis Stevenson

In the other gardens
   And all up in the vale,
From the autumn bonfires
   See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over,
   And all the summer flowers,
The red fire blazes,
   The grey smoke towers.

Sing a song of seasons!
   Something bright in all!
Flowers in the summer,
   Fires in the fall!

This is my, and many others, favorite season! Where I live, I don't get to experience the leaves changing, but it does get cooler and many birds migrate here from colder areas. Of course the biggest thing that happens where I live is the influx of tourists :P Prices have already been set high for their arrival and bathing suits can be seen for sale along side coats for the locals.

My fridge is stocked with pumpkin spice, I have washed my fuzzy socks, my fall candles are displayed and soon I can open the windows to let in the fresh autumn air :coffee:

What is your favorite thing about this season? :)

Pony Corral / Arena Interview - SunbeamV!
« on: September 22, 2023, 07:46:01 AM »
This week we have a lovely interview from SunbeamV! Thanks so much!

Personal Interview-

Where did you get your user name?
I used to use Sunny Daze as my pony name of choice but then Sunny just turned into my regular real life name. so now that I'm older I joke that it's actually short for Sunbeam  :lol:

How old are you?

Do you go to school or work?
yes.....I work at a school. I teach highschool Japanese

What are your hobbies?
I listen to a ton of music, and I cook a lot. also videogames and ttrpgs. and tea, I'm definitely into tea the same way a lot of folks are "into" wine or coffee

Do you have any pets?
I have 3 birds! two cockatiels and a sun conure. (they like ponies too)

What do you like/dislike about yourself?
I like that I'm a very passionate person, and I have no trouble standing up for myself or others. I don't let people talk down to me because self respect is a huge priority to me. I also find myself incredibly resourceful and good at research and problem solving, and I'm a great cook. I dislike........well, my health sucks, but that's not really something I can control, so I try not to work myself up about it.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Osaka or Berlin always really called to me, but I could probably be pretty content in one of the countryside towns in Sumatra or Georgia (the country) where my family is from.

Do you collect anything other than ponies?
I have a couple BJDs, but they're pretty prohibitively expensive compared to ponies. I also love mugs and tacky keychains from places I've been, and I'm a dice goblin when it comes to tabletop.


How long have you been collecting ponies?
this year marks my 20th year. yeah, I started when I was 7. I was so serious about collecting and keeping them in nice condition, even as a wee lad...and for why? XD

Why did you start collecting ponies?
bro I just liked them. g3 razzaroo looked at me with such adorable big wet pathetic eyes that i couldn't just go home without her and every single friend of hers i could find  :cry:

Who is your favorite pony and why?
i was a minty stan before it was cool. "which generation?" yes. all of them. never met a minty i didnt like. she just like me fr

Who is your least favorite pony and why?
the g1 drink'n'wets always make me cringe a little internally because one time I restored one and pulled a pinkie finger-length slug of black mould out of that peepee tube  :drunk:

Who is your favorite pony from another country?
g1 UK Playtime! she was one of the first g1s I was able to get, so she definitely always makes me smile

Who is your favorite fakie?
I love those alicorn fakies with the pink/yellow/blue hair and white horn? I'm not sure what brand/name they are but they came in dark purple and light pink!

Who was your first pony?
toys r us was having a "buy a celebration pack and get a regular pony half off" deal so my dad told me to get both celebration sets and then pick two more ponies. so my "first pony" was a team of g3 Razzaroo, Moondancer, Sunny Daze, and Rainbow Dash.

What pony did you get recently?
40th anniversary Snuzzle is my most recent, but I have two celestial ponies on the way now!

What is your favorite generation?
g3 will always hold a special place in my heart but I think g2 are objectively the best quality

What is your favorite part about collecting?
new pony spa days. there's something genuinely so soothing about getting them all nice and clean and pretty for display

How big is your collection?
just passed 420 (lol)

What do your friends and family think about your collection?
my parents were just relieved because I could've had way worse hobbies into my teen and young adult years. most of my friends think it's pretty cool and impressive, especially when I show them before and after photos of restore projects

Do you still play with your ponies?
oh definitely. I was already pretty gentle with them as a kid so not much has changed but I've been having a ton of fun with my g5s.

What rare or popular pony makes you ask why!?
I don't really "get" when people go crazy for ponies from other countries that look the exact same as their "standard" counterparts

If you had to have a pony symbol tattooed on your butt, which would you pick and why?
g3 Sunny Daze on one side (obvious, I got my whole identity from her) and g3 Sparkleworks on the other because she's my mum's favourite and I think she'd find it funny and then it'd remind me of her (yes I've legitimately thought about this)

If you could have any pony remade in a different generation, who would you choose and why?
I'm absolutely dying for them to make g5 dreamlands versions of g1 minty, bluebell & snuzzle. please. that's gonna be such a wasted opportunity if they don't

What has been the worst part about collecting?

What is your ultimate collecting goal?
there's a toy museum in my area so I'd really like to collect at least one of every major type or set, and I'm hoping that someday I can open a display there with maybe some informative and interactive tidbits about the history of the brand and toyline.

What is your biggest collecting accomplishment?
my childhood collection is still in great shape! I'm definitely pretty proud of that.

What is your biggest collecting regret?
I don't think I really have any!

Who is your grail pony and why?
Do you have it?

g1 Mimic and g3 Caribbean Delight - need those parrot ponies! no luck yet though

Do you prefer loose or MIP ponies?
loose 100%. toys are meant to be played with!  ^.^

Quick! Close your eyes and grab a pony! Who did you get?
g1 honeysuckle and g2 cupcake. shoutout to my big fumbling hands lmao

Are you a customizer?
Would you ever be?

I've thought about it & I totally would but I can never decide what to make! I definitely enjoy the process of rehairing though so it's not like it's out of the question

What do you think of custom ponies?
I adore them! they tend to be way out of budget for me but I love the artistry

What are acceptable and unacceptable pony flaws, in your opinion?
I'm not really comfortable fully repainting symbols/eyes, or replacing missing pieces like 3d symbols. otherwise I'll take on just about anything

Would you rather have a bait pony or a fakie?
I'll take the bait pony! restoration is the name of the game for me

Do you watch pony shows/movies?
Which ones?

I've seen all of the g3, g4, and g5 stuff. I'm working my way through g1 and Tales but it's proving pretty difficult to find, even online lol

Do you read pony comics?
Which ones?

not usually, but a friend send me the Transformers/g4 crossover books and I do love them  :lol:

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a pony?
uh... maybe trimmed some stray hair a little too short?

Fill in the blank!

"I wish Hasbro would... prioritize brushable hair again. That really was kind of the whole point of the line."

"When I was new to ponies I didn't know... anything! I was 7! lol"

"I think the most underappreciated pony... is all of g3.5 honestly, because they're incredible well made!"

"I think more ponies should have... BRUSHABLE HAIR!!!! PLEASE LOL"

"I don't like... the brony/g4-only fan community, because I found their behavior and attitude towards keeping nsfw content away from children to be absolutely appalling. I was only 14 when it started happening, so still solidly a minor, and it was a huge letdown and source of pain to have my safety/comfort as a child myself ignored and walked all over in favour of grown men's sexual fantasies."

"I love the Arena because... I've been lurking here basically since it went up in late 2003, and I've always felt incredibly safe amongst everyone here, even as an extremely young child when unlimited internet access was a very new phenomenon. It's genuinely been very healing after the issues I mentioned in the previous question to still be kicking around here as a big strong grownup who has a voice and can help prevent that from happening to other kids like myself in the future by keeping our community clean and ensuring the needs of children (the target audience of MLP) are always a priority."

Customs / Neon Party!!! - Birthday Swap custom for Minty_Magic
« on: September 19, 2023, 01:04:45 AM »
I should have named this pony Murphy's Law because everything that could go wrong, did. I'll spare all the details, but imagine this being redesigned about 5 times including being completely stripped twice :faint:

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Minty_Magic had 80s aesthetic listed in her likes along with skating rinks from then. My original plan was to make a skating pony. I found out I cannot sculpt skates. Either on the feet or as a 3D symbol. I tried... like a billion times. I found these neon clays I had, and got a different idea and started making shapes. Again, originally my idea was more subtle with other birthday items added, but that didn't work out either. Then I tried the larger shapes and wanted to add balloons - but yeah - that didn't work out!

In the end, she turned out way simpler than I'd wanted, but I think it's neat that she glows under a blacklight. MM says she likes her, so that's all that matters.

Her body is black with gold shifting paint over it. I tried painting eyes but they looked too weird so I left them blank. Her hair is a blend of 6 colors from Shimmerlocks including metallic black.

Pony Corral / Arena Interview - Nessa16!
« on: September 14, 2023, 07:31:48 AM »
It's been a minute! I've been very unwell but am on the mend! This week I interviewed nessa16! Thanks so much!

Personal Interview-

Where did you get your user name? my nickname and my favorite number

How old are you? 35

Do you go to school or work? work as an OBGYN RN phone nurse

What are your hobbies? collecting vintage toys, reading, watching movies. I would love to get back into horses, scrapbooking and small animals again.

Do you have any pets? Anubis, 14 year old black shorthair cat, Neelix, 6 year old silver tabby cat, and soon we will be getting a female Golden Retriever puppy. She’s only 3 weeks old!

What do you like/dislike about yourself? I like that I am loyal, intelligent, considerate, witty, and unique. I dislike my depression and anxiety. They keep me from doing things.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? rural midwest but on a farmstead. Maybe a little further south to have more mild winters lol. Or maybe Disney World

Do you collect anything other than ponies? may be easier to list what I don’t lol. Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, 80s/90s Barbies, Star Wars stufff, Care Bears, G1 Kenner Littlest Pet Shops, Baby Buddies, Lady Lovely Locks, vintage Little People (shhhh don’t tell my husband lol), Fisher Price, Step 2, and Little Tikes pretend food and large playsets- vanity, tool bench, kitchens, etc; 80s/90s/00s dollhouses (Loving Family, Dream House, Playskool Victorian, Little Tikes), Fairy Winkles, Lady Lovely Locks, Monster High, Ever After High, American Girl dolls, Disney, and any number of other nostalgic toys from my childhood.


How long have you been collecting ponies? since I was little, though I took a break in junior high and most of high school. I started up again in college when G4 came out.

Why did you start collecting ponies? they were a favorite childhood toy and I just couldn’t give them up. Then I started realizing all the ones I didn’t even know about thanks to the rabbit hole that is the internet.

Who is your favorite pony and why? Sugarberry-she’s in my favorite pose, and I love her coloring and symbols

Who is your least favorite pony and why? just on principle and not understanding the popularity-Rapunzel. Oh and she’s in my least favorite pose and has too much hair. She’s also way too expensive IMHO

Who is your favorite pony from another country? hmmm that’s tough. Maybe yellow and pink Venny AJ. She was my segue into nirvanas.

Who is your favorite fakie? no such thing, I strongly dislike them

Who was your first pony? not 100% sure, but the first I remember getting was TE Locket at a flea market from my mom.

What pony did you get recently? Celestial Aurora

What is your favorite generation? G1, G2, G3/G4, G3.5 newborns, and G5 in that order.

What is your favorite part about collecting? the excitement and joy of organizing in my pony room or when finding a good deal, etc

How big is your collection? I would say at least a couple 1,000 or so. Maybe 3,000?

What do your friends and family think about your collection? Some think it’s quirky and I think my mom used to think it was a phase. Her and my husband are very supportive and most everyone else thinks it’s neat when they see my pony room. Usually, they’re in awe lol.

Do you still play with your ponies? not play per se, organize and display, yes

What rare or popular pony makes you ask why!? See above-Rapunzel

If you had to have a pony symbol tattooed on your butt, which would you pick and why? Honeycombs because it’s cute. Do they make glittery tattoo ink?!!

If you could have any pony remade in a different generation, who would you choose and why?
Sugarberry-G2. Then I wouldn’t need to commission one lol

What has been the worst part about collecting?bullies or rude people in the community, drama that comes with them

What is your ultimate collecting goal? simply, just to get all the ponies I want

What is your biggest collecting accomplishment? getting a pony room if that counts. Otherwise, a full set of Sugarberry variants-Spanish,Brazilian, Argie, regular, MOC, and both versions of Baby Sugarberry. Not to mention the customs.

What is your biggest collecting regret? missing out on good deals

Who is your grail pony and why? Takara Milky. I love the color combination and the uniqueness.

Do you have it? not yet but slowly saving

Do you prefer loose or MIP ponies? definitely loose

Quick! Close your eyes and grab a pony! Who did you get? um, no ponies in bed with me lol

Are you a customizer? no, unfortunately, not creative or patient enough though I have a bunch of ideas

Would you ever be? probably not

What do you think of custom ponies? I like some. Usually, not the over the top ones

What are acceptable and unacceptable pony flaws, in your opinion? head/body mismatches, cancer spots and regrind drive me nuts along with chopped up hair. A few marks gere and there, messy hair are typically fine

Would you rather have a bait pony or a fakie? bait

Do you watch pony shows/movies? I love Friendship is Magic and Pony Tales
Which ones?

Do you read pony comics? the vintage UK ones and some G4
Which ones?

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a pony? accidentally rubbed part of a symbol with a Magic Eraser

Fill in the blank!

"I wish Hasbro would bring back G1 with undone ponies like the current retros and Celestials)

"When I was new to ponies I didn't knowthere were so many"

"I think the most under-appreciated pony is Snuzzle because gray isn’t popular "

Customs / Blending Hair tutorial
« on: September 11, 2023, 08:05:18 AM »
I bought a blending comb from Shimmerlocks but didn't know how to use it properly. I found this informative video from Doll Planet. Thought I would share :)

Wanted! / G3 bait lot
« on: September 09, 2023, 05:28:58 PM »
Looking for a bunch of G3s. I would like to pay $3-4 per pony.

If you have any for sale, let me know :)

For me, it will always be Kenner Littlest Pet Shop. I have quite a collection including some rare sets, all complete. I'd love to continue collecting them and having a place to display them would be nice.

My best friend as a kid and I had almost all the sets between the two of us. We'd set up and play in her basement and they'd take up about half the room. We're still friends and talk about LPS sometimes :) She still has all of hers too.

My first one was the Dalmatian with the carry case. I named him Sparky. He shows his age and how loved he was, he's missing some spots that were rubbed off over time.

The last time I looked them up on eBay, the price had come down a lot from when I was buying them. I should consider starting up again. Really I'm only missing a few, but they are very HTF. My grail is the alternate Happy Pups that was sold later in the line.

What about you and your fav toys? :)

Off Topic / What is your favorite scent?
« on: August 23, 2023, 05:25:32 AM »
With Autumn on the horizon for most of us, I can't help but think of all the lovely fragrances that will come out in candles and oil warmers, room sprays, etc.  ^.^

I've always loved woodsy and spicy scents. I also love what they've done with the concept of flannel as a scent. So cozy!

I'm a candle person and I also use the Febreze plug-ins. I just bought a variety three pack of the oil. All deep musky, slightly spicy. They're called Mountain, Ocean and Amber. I'm a big fan of the Wood scent too, I have it in a room spray.

I also like beach, night and clean fresh air scents.

Goose Creek, my candle dealer, has one named Storm Front that's always sold out. I'm dying to get one.

With the exception of vanilla, I tend to stay away from food themed scents. I'm not a huge fan of florals either but jasmine, lavender, ylang-ylang and rose in small quantities or mixed with other scents are nice. I have these in essential oils, but I haven't used my oil diffuser in a while.

What are favorite seasonal scents? Or just in general? You can add natural scents if you like too :) I love the scents of burning leaves, diesel, cigars and freshly brewed coffee.

Off Topic / Who do you follow on social media?
« on: August 22, 2023, 11:06:08 PM »
I've been watching more YouTube recently and found some new people to follow :)

I love silly animal videos and this dude Rockstar does voice overs for dogs. The videos themselves are funny, but his voiceovers make it even funnier :lol:

I have never been fashion conscious ever. But for some reason YouTube put a video by Andrea's fashion galaxy in my recommended. I watched it and I love her :lol: She's funny and really has the knowledge about what to wear for different circumstances.

Emiology is a rat expert. I started watching her when I decided I wanted pet rats. She also has mice and has a lot of info on them too.

For Sims4 fans, I found The Mossy Sim, who makes extremely beautiful builds based around nature. Her videos are very calming with nice music and she puts her creations up in The Gallery.

Another great Sims4 player is lilsimsie. She's made several official lots for expansion packs. She has a lot of great building tutorials. She also live streams playing the game, and she's pretty funny too.

Sartes makes amazing things out of cardboard. She mainly does fancy boxes or hidden book nooks but there is other stuff as well.

JustKnate is a guy who goes around helping the homeless. He must be a millionaire and that's what he's chosen to do with his money. Lots of heartwarming stuff.

I don't do tik-tok really. In fact I only ever see the videos on YouTube as posted by someone else. My Instagram is all about ponies. A lot of them are customizers.

Blazenheartcustoms does incredible things with an airbrush. Her customs are amazing.

lachlana.vintage makes the most gorgeous ponies with lots of bling.

canadianmlpcustoms also does amazing things with an airbrush.

I'm not on Twitter "X" anymore and haven't been for a long time. I'm not sure what else there is? I can't think :lol:

Anyway, please share who you follow :) (but make sure they are Arena appropriate!)

Pony Corral / Arena Interview - MJNSEIFER
« on: August 18, 2023, 04:41:24 PM »
This week I interviewed MJNSEIFER who gave very thoughtful answers. Thanks so much!

Personal Interview-

Where did you get your user name?

I chose it when I logged on to my first forum (a video game discussion forum called "GameTalk") and didn't want to use my real name. It was actually supposed to be "MAJIN SEIFER", which would have combined my two main online interests at the time; Dragon Ball and Final Fantasy, but I basically mistyped "MAJIN" as "MJN" and it stuck

How old are you?


Do you go to school or work?

I'm between jobs at the moment.

What are your hobbies?

I love writing; I am currently writing several different projects, including a My Little Pony Fanseries. I also have a YouTube channel where I (among other things) have an Animation Review Show.

Do you have any pets?

Not anymore, but I had a hamster and several fish when I was a kid.

What do you like/dislike about yourself?

I like that I am nostalgic about all decades that I have experienced, including the one I am currently experiencing, and I like that there is no music that I dislike, despite acknowledging that this is a weird opinion. I also like that I am pretty feminine, hence my love for things like My Little Pony. ^_^

I dislike that I am not always good at stating my opinion verbally – I am respectful of other people's opinions, but it doesn't translate well all the time in real life, and can sound like I'm forcing my own opinion as correct (online it's easier, as it's either typed [though even that can be worded badly and/or in a rush] or edited into a silly video.) I also dislike that I am not very articulate during a verbal argument, and fail to... well, argue my actual point, and just end up saying a load of nonsense.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

To be honest, I'm perfectly happy where I am, but would love the ability to visit anywhere I liked at any time, regardless of real life rules such as distance, travelling and time.

Do you collect anything other than ponies?

Ornamental Cats, though it's been a while since I added to this collection (and probably have enough, unless I see some I really like.) I also used to do some rock collecting when I was younger.


How long have you been collecting ponies?

Since 2013, if plushies count.

Why did you start collecting ponies?

For plushies, I saw a G4 Rarity in Blackpool and just had to have her! ^_^  Plus, I would have wanted the Mane Six at some point, anyway. For the actual toys, I mainly had them given to me (mostly G4s, but some fakies as well), but would love to collect the previous generations too (as much as I love the G4 cartoon and my plushies, I prefer the design of the G1 and G3 toys.)

Who is your favorite pony and why?

G4 Fluttershy! ^_^ She's so adorable and kind-hearted, and just gives off that vibe that makes me want to look after her... she also cares about animals, which is a definite plus in my book. It really is hard to narrow down why I love her... I just love her. ^_^

Who is your least favorite pony and why?

Zephyr Breeze. I don't like his design (I actually hate the designs of the entire “Shy” family, except, you know, Fluttershy), I found his personality irritating, his storyline makes no sense (if he doesn't know his purpose, then how come he has a cutie mark!?) and his “crush” on Rainbow Dash wasn't funny or cute, at all IMO – it just made him look like he couldn't take the hint, or that he didn't want to (I get that unwanted admirers is a trope, but it's usually done better.)

Also... this will sound strange, but he was too much of a “dude” to fit in with My Little Pony for me – there's nothing wrong with being a male character in a show aimed at girls, or even being a masculine male character in a show aimed at girls (both canon and fanon have shown this can work perfectly), but Zeph just didn't fit in for me, he was out of place IMO.

Who is your favorite pony from another country?

Haven't researched these as much as I should have, but the first I think of is Nachtlicht (“Night Light”) in G1, and I love her design and color scheme.

Who is your favorite fakie?

I don't know who/what she is specifically, but out of what I've got, I'd say it's the earth pony I got an arcade; she's a white pony with a pink mane and tail and her cutie mark (or symbol, if you prefer) is two sets of seven green dots (both sets being six dots in a kind of circle with the seventh dot in the center) and a green sun.

Who was your first pony?

That I owned, G4 Rarity. That I liked, G1 Firefly.

What pony did you get recently?

Princess Luna.

What is your favorite generation?

Generation 3! ^_^

What is your favorite part about collecting?

Weird answer, but... it's kind of a nostalgia thing, like the idea of something that reminds me of childhood, despite not really having MLP as part of my childhood, really, but it has that vibe to it – though that would be more the case if I had some G1s, as they give me that vibe toyline wise (G4 gives me that vibe cartoon wise.)

How big is your collection?

Not very... I have seven G4 plushies, 17 G4 toys, four smaller G4 soft toys (like beanie babies and/or the like) and three fakies.

What do your friends and family think about your collection?

They're cool with it. :) My dad used to joke about it and call them donkeys, but he was just goofing, and that seems to have faded out now. My mother also looks after my Rarity plushie's mane whenever she visits, which IMO is adorable. ^_^

Do you still play with your ponies?

Does hugging and kissing my plushies count? ^_^

What rare or popular pony makes you ask why!?

I don't really know that much about how rare or popular the ponies are in the toyline (aside from the cliché thing about Mimic being rare, which I think I heard was exaggerated.) In the cartoon, I'm surprised that Maud Pie seems/seemed to be somewhat popular, at least to bronies (unless I got that wrong) – I respect those who like her, but she seems like a dull pony to me (I get that's likely part of the joke, but...)

If you had to have a pony symbol tattooed on your butt, which would you pick and why?

If I had to... I'd go with G4 Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, as I always felt it looked cool.

If you could have any pony remade in a different generation, who would you choose and why?

I dunno really, it's kind of cool to see everypony drawn in a different generation style in my opinion, since they all look at least good in their own way, IMO. The only thing I'm not sold on is seeing the G4 Alicorn style in other generation styles, as G4 made them standout by giving them a separate style compared to other G4, while the other generations (as much as I love them) don't have that, so if you do them in, say, G1 style, they just look like other G1s (which on its own is beautiful, but the alicorns don't stand out like they should.)

What has been the worst part about collecting?

That the older generations aren't in stores.

What is your ultimate collecting goal?

I WANT IT ALL! Well, not really, but in a perfect world, I'd at least have all of the G1 and G3 toys – I even have a silly imagination where I have an entire room dedicated to my pony collection (and the door to it is a bookcase, of all things...)

What is your biggest collecting accomplishment?

I don't really have one, since I haven't collected anything from before G4 (unless a “Concept Six” version of Surprise counts, which is obviously a custom G4 Pinkie Pie), so I guess my biggest achievement is getting all of the Mane Six as plushies, as I will always love them. ^_^

What is your biggest collecting regret?

That I didn't collect the G1s as a kid – I'm sure it wouldn't have been like my imagination portrays it (due to reasons all you veteran collectors likely already know) where I'm watching the show (which I also didn't do as a kid) and collecting the toys, regardless of whether they were in the show or not, and just playing with them, be it inspired by the show, or my own “storylines” – there's just something about the G1s that screams out “Childhood Nostalgia” to me, but it just wasn't mine.

Who is your grail pony and why?
Do you have it?

Star Catcher – she's the most beautiful pony from the most beautiful generation, in my opinion. ^_^
No, I don't have her.

Do you prefer loose or MIP ponies?

Loose, I'm not a fan of the whole “don't remove from the box” thing, but I know understand that it is important to some collectors, so I always try to collect loose ponies, so I don't feel guilty about removing them from their packages, as some collectors may prefer them that way.

Quick! Close your eyes and grab a pony! Who did you get?

G4 Rainbow Dash.

Are you a customizer?
Would you ever be?

I am not a customizer, and I don't see myself ever becoming one.

What do you think of custom ponies?

I'm mixed on it, on the one hoof, the people who do it are very talented, but on the other, that's now one less of that pony that exists in the world now.

What are acceptable and unacceptable pony flaws, in your opinion?

I don't know about the toyline (I love and respect it, I'm just not an expert on it outside “That pony looks beautiful”), but in the cartoons, and acceptable flaw would be the pony making mistakes that they can learn from as the show goes on, or by the end of the episode – and even the “jerk” characters are allowed to exist, as that's their purpose – to be jerks. An unacceptable flaw would be to be a pony who doesn't fit into My Little Pony at all (like my mate Zephyr!)

Would you rather have a bait pony or a fakie?

I had to look up what a “bait” pony was, but now that I know... I'd go with a fakie. No offence, but I don't  really want a damaged pony (that sounds so out of character for me – if  a real Little Pony with something wrong with her appeared before me, of course I'd take her in! ^_^) though I will say that this puts custom ponies into perspective, as (according to My Little Wiki, this the fate of bait ponies, which is pretty cool!)

Do you watch pony shows/movies?
Which ones?

As you've probably guessed by now (or from when you've seen me on the forum) I'm actually more knowledgeable about the cartoons that I am the toys – I watch G1, My Little Pony Tales (which is also G1, of course – generation numbers still have meaning, even in the days of the bronies) G3, G3.5, G4 (Friendship is Magic is my favorite show, even though G3, including the cartoons,  is my favorite generation) G4.5 (I love Pony Life!) and G5 (I loved A New Generation, and I love Make Your Mark – I'm mixed on Tell Your Tale, but I don't hate, or even dislike it, it just doesn't always feel like My Little Pony to me.)

Do you read pony comics?
Which ones?

I have looked at some G1 and G3 comics on “Heck Yeah, Pony Scans!” but don't own any myself. I would love to be able to read more pony comics, of all generations that had them, for more inspiration.

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a pony?

There is old home video footage of a younger me (at least pre-teen) at Blackpool Lights insulting My Little Pony, calling it a “Rubbish girly thing” – I'm pretty sure it was the G2s who were being shown, who I love now (I was going through a phase – I was actually intrigued by the first G1 cartoon before this!)

Fill in the blank!

"I wish Hasbro would _______"

Release the final seasons of FiM, all of Pony Life, and all of G5 on DVD/Blu-ray – My Little Pony is meant to be something you can watch as physical media, IMO (it has that nostalgic vibe of being a collectable toy, and it should have that nostalgic vibe of collecting the physical media too! I love that nostalgic feeling of looking at a video/DVD/Blu-ray and thinking “Yeah, I own that.”)

"When I was new to ponies I didn't know ______"

That My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was a real cartoon! Seriously, for all my praise towards it, and despite how I insist now that it is a beautifully drawn and animated show – I actually thought it was a fan made thing when I first saw it, likely because I didn't realize how awesome MLP has always been at the time, so I just thought it was some fun fanmade thing that someone did, because I saw my first episode on YouTube, but I did some digging and found it was a real show.

"I think the most underappreciated pony is _______ because ______"

G3 Cotton Candy, because she has a beautiful design and is adorable in the cartoon, but hardly ever seems to get any fanart – she's not “Cotton Candy”, she's “Forgotten Candy”.  :sad:

"I don't like _______ because _______"

I don't like how the brony fandom and the rest of the MLP fandom ended up with such a divide between them - as a brony, I know it was ultimately the bronies (though not all of them) who caused things to go like this, but it would have been awesome if the brony fandom had been better at meeting the MLP fandom half-way and actually acting like part of it (for the record, I do feel like the brony fandom is part of the MLP fandom, even if it goes its own way.)

The divide may not be as bad as it was now (though I've spent more time with this side of the fandom now, than I have with other bronies, so I don't know), but even if the brony fandom had to be its own sub-section, or even a separate fandom, it could have done better at co-existing.

"I love ______ because _

I love Pony Life because it is adorable and fun, and shows that you can write a fun and silly show that can still be loving and nostalgic, and that you can still write a serialized show, even when you're focusing on comedy (and that it basically took  the things that I felt was ruining FiM, despite me still loving that show, and actually made them work, IMO!)

I love all the MLP generations, but I had to show my love for Pony Life, as it seems kind of overlooked, IMO.

Pony Brag Arena / Moondancer plush!
« on: August 17, 2023, 08:24:33 AM »
I really don't collect plushies but when I saw the 40th anniversary Moondancer plush I fell in love. At first, she was very expensive on Amazon. After a while the price came down, but then she was out of stock. I kept checking and waiting. Finally a few days ago she was back in stock at the price $14.99. I bought one immediately. She arrived today :cheer:

She came in a nice bag but I didn't get a pic.

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For some reason I thought she was bigger than this, but she's the perfect size. Her mane and tail are a bit stiff so I think I'll give them a shampoo and condition. I don't know where I'm going to put her... maybe I'll put her on my bed.

Anyway, I love her :lovey:

Update. Immediately after I posted this I figured out how to cancel. Phew!


I got a winning bid of 8 bucks for a pony on eBay. The person didn't pay. I waited a few days and sent the invoice again. When I went to see how to report the buyer I somehow clicked "mark as paid" or whatever it says. Now eBay wants me to print a shipping label. I can't figure out how to cancel. I got two messages from the person saying they didn't bid and want me to explain what is going on (eyeroll).

How can I cancel this so I can get rid of the "buyer" and relist the pony?

Customs / An extremely late pair of ponies
« on: August 14, 2023, 11:20:56 AM »
Last year for the Halloween Swap, Kaelynn was my partner. During the swap, hurricane Ian came through and it became impossible to get supplies and food afterward (they are actually *still* cleaning up after it to this day). Anyway, some other stuff happened... I think that was when my mom fell and broke her leg and my dad started getting sick too. There was a lot to deal with!

The Halloween custom I ended up making, I didn't think was very good. I couldn't get my head in the right place. I was also super late shipping out, so I promised I would make a make-up pony. Well, then THAT took forever too. My cat died, my dad died. All sorts of bad things continued to happen.

I only had to dip dye the hair on the make-up custom for the longest time. I finally got around to doing that and was ready to send out the package... almost a year later!

These are those ponies.

Anauth, the Halloween pony.

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The blue on her legs and head is color shifting into purple. I had to resculpt her wings three times because I didn't like them. Ugh, I still think I could have done better.

Then the make-up pony, Sakura. Kaelynn said she liked black and pink and loved cherry blossoms.

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I only took one pic... why did I do that? Anyway, the branch actually sticks into a hold in her side (left from the 3D symbol) and the crown loosely sits on her head. I sculpted each flower by hand. They are textured. I regret making the middle of the blossoms so big... but I think she turned out okay.

Thankfully, Kaelynn likes them :) I hope you do too!

Thanks for looking :heart:

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